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Psychotherapy and Substance Abuse
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Substance abuse continues to be one of the most challenging and disturbing problems in the US.... Almost 100 thousand of US citizens die annually as a result of illicit drug and alcohol abuse, and approximately 12 thousand more die of AIDS, which is strongly related to substance abuse.... ... ... ...
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Organizational Behavior: concept and practices of leadership
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Each and every organization requires leadership because all of them are affected by their contexts, philosophies, governance structures, value systems, and the legal ground rules under which they operate.... These are the forces and factors that control their leadership needs.... ... ... ... Over the years, the significance ascribed to the roles, functions, and traits of leaders has led many to ask a common question as to what makes an effective leader and why Many of the social and behavioral scientists have tried to offer answers to this question....
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Non-government Organizations Are the True Heroes of the Changes to the African Human Rights System
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Non-government Organizations Are the True Heroes of the Changes to the African Human Rights Syste" describes that it is imperative that every government design some mechanisms through which human right issues can be articulated upon.... n another dimension, it is imperative that every government design some mechanisms through which human right issues can be articulated upon....
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Legal Perspectives of International Football
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is only logical to define who an agent is in this context before going ahead to state what his roles are.... According to the soccer Governing body FIFA, an agent otherwise called a player's agent is any natural individual who: ... ... ntroduces a soccer player to a club with an intention of either negotiating a new player's employment contract with a new club or renegotiating a contract between a player and club with a view of renewing a contract after its expiry ...
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American Association of Advertising Agencies
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
product design, distribution, packaging, quality or price of the product.... American Association of Advertising Agencies defines the concept of Integrated Marketing Communications as an approach which is used to achieve the desired aims of a marketing campaign through utilization of various promotional methods ....
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The development of corporate governance code in UK since 1992
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The board members of the company should design the process, so that the interest of the stakeholders maintained properly by the operations done by the company management.... This project aims to evaluate the development of corporate governance code in UK since 1992.... The motive behind the study of corporate governance stems from the fact that corporate governance has become an essential part of management of shareholders' interests, both in UK and US....
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International Human Rights law
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Though states are obligated to protect and maintain the rights of common people in accordance with those as defined by the international law of human rights, still every state is free to design and adopt its own modalities for implementing the rights of international law.... The opening of the report consists of the brief information about the international human rights law....
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A Brand Plan report for Cadbury
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Appendix I – Brand Identity Page design elements 1) Target consumer: Age – 14 to 40 years Lifestyle – Outgoing, adventurous, health conscious and willing to experiment with new things Income level – ?... “To be the best and biggest confectionery company across the globe while delivering a superior shareholder return through an efficient process that fosters growth of the company and ensures complete capitalization of the company's core capabilities”....
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Trade Unions and High Performance Working
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Name of student: Topic: Lecturer: Date of Presentation: Introduction Globalization and highly competitive environment requires that companies adopt measures that lead to high performance so as to have a sustainable competitive advantage.... Since employees are the company's assets and the key to gaining competitive advantage, the company needs to manage its workforce effectively so as achieve improved performance....
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Guerrilla Marketing An alternative to classical marketing instruments
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Classical marketing instruments include very traditional efforts such as delivering direct mailing with incentives, such as cash off coupon mailings, in.... ... ... Other promotional tools which fit the classical category include public relations press releases, personal in-store selling, or even the development of a rather complicated positioning strategy which involves an inclusive The difficulty with these traditional tools for marketing lies in areas of cost, as these are often expensive campaigns which require the efforts of internal and external expertise in order to make these campaigns bring a positive return on investment....
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Written Discourse
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Justification for the selected activities used in the unit design will be provided along with reflection and evaluation of the trialed lessons.... Recently I attended a TESOL conference in Seoul, Korea, where I attended a number of presentations that mostly focused on the teaching of reading; the approach in hot discussion was the notion of students reading individually at their own level but the teacher not discussing any....
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Marketing Communications Plan for TESCO
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Product design should match the customer preferences in terms of style, such as packaging, colour and size.... TESCO іs proved to be a leаdіng grocery chаіn іn the Unіted Kіngdom аnd аlso the bіggest grocery of the world.... There аre аbout 2290 stores wіth more then 296000 people employed аll over the world аnd іt hаs аttrаcted consіderаble аttentіon becаuse of іts аmbіtіous overseаs strаtegy аnd іts successful on-lіne home delіvery servіce....
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Behavior Therapy is an Effective but Not Sufficient Factor in CBT
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper looks into the concepts of cognitive and therapies in depth and the possible and more effective applications of the CBT when the two are combined.... The paper also discusses some other approaches which are finding the application under the umbrella of the CBT.... .... ... ... Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a considered a psychological intervention approach....
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Gloal corporate strategy
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The food retail market has witnessed several changes in the form of joint ventures, acquisitions and mergers to become one of the strongest retail markets across the globe.... With globalisation, some of the leading companies of this industry like Walmart, Carrefour, Tesco, Kroger.... ... ... It has been predicted that the global food retail market would grow at a CAGR of 4....
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The Effect of Management Style on Employee Behavior
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The importance of effective leadership and management with regard to survival and growth is important in any organizational setting whether it is in business, government, non-profit organizations or the society.... One can see many types of leaders and managers going about their.... ... ... If observed closely, many of them can be seen following a particular style or believing in a particular school of thought even though they may not be aware of it....
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Dimensions of interprofessional practice
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The problems of improving and coordinating services have been tackled in many different ways and at all levels of service provision: through joint planning,.... ... ... The current trend towards interdisciplinary team-working and collaboration has been identified as a particular strength of Interprofessional work in this instance refers to people with distinct disciplinary training within the health service working together for a common purpose, as they make different, complementary contributions to patient-focused care (Farrell, 1992)....
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Challenging Current Boundaries & Perceptions of Emergency Care
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Improving Working Lives Document (2000) encourages the trust to involve the staff in the design and development of a better, flexible working practice.... The intention of this proofreading is to critique an article that has been identified and to analyse its potential or actual impact on the emergency care system....
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Hooliganism on and outside of the Football Field
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The second form is carried out with calculated and conscious design by organised gangs {called ‘firms'} of individuals who affiliate themselves to football clubs and use physical violence against ‘firms' of rival clubs either at the venue where their teams are playing a match, or at a future time....
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Stock Market Reaction to Unexpected Growth in Marketing Expenditure
14 pages (4545 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In order to design, develop and implement their strategy for the set business objectives, Atlantic Quench should focus on assessing the probable options available to them.... This essay "Stock Market Reaction to Unexpected Growth in Marketing Expenditure" discusses Atlantic Quench that is an established fruit juice supplier primarily operating in the American fruit juice industry....
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The Mini Nutritional Assessment Tool and Critically Evaluate the Clinimetrics of This Method
14 pages (4190 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the essay "The Mini Nutritional Assessment Tool and Critically Evaluate the Clinimetrics of This Method" the gold standard used to establish malnutrition risk was the assessment of a dietitian.... Harris noted that out of 100 recruited people, ten of which were categorized were at risk for malnutrition....
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To What Extent Did Ivan Vyshnegradsky and Sergei Witte Industrialize 19thcentury Russia
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As finance ministers the two notable individuals performance in the sector led to diverse form development.... The two finance ministers had their strategies pegged on different and at.... ... ... In relation to Ivan Vyshnegradsky who became the finance, minister of Russia from the year 1887-1892, his millions soured after entering the ministry....
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Personal and Interpersonal Skills
17 pages (5024 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The research study was based on a quasi-experimental design that involved pre and post-test measurement.... This essay "Personal and Interpersonal Skills" describes the main important skills.... This paper outlines problem-solving skills, managing and resolving conflict, the balance between passive and aggressive behaviour, maintaining, and initiating relationships....
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Importance of Hand Decontamination
8 pages (4536 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Research design II: Cohort, Cross Sectional, And Case-Control Studies.... This paper "Importance of Hand Decontamination" justifies the importance of handwashing in the clinical setting.... Even apparently clean hands can be contaminated, hence warm soap water wash before and after any patient contact is mandatory per guidelines....
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The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder
15 pages (4408 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Occupation by design : Building Therapeutic Power.... The paper "The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder" states that the key feature in identifying depressive disorders is the two week period that entails an individual to feel depressed or to experience loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities....
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Methods Used in Evidence-Based Practice
15 pages (4448 words) , Download 7 , Essay
For the Berland study, the first line of the Methods section quotes as: “An exploratory qualitative research design”.... The paper "Methods Used in Evidence-Based Practice" explains the basis of evidence-based practices relating to the clinical field pertaining to nursing.... The article employs recommendations in terms of title length in addition to the absence of common conventions such as a dedicated method heading....
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International Expansion and Outward Investment
16 pages (4469 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In this context, companies that are able to ensure better understanding about the availability of valuable resources and the application of governmental policies can better design their respective business expansion policies at large.... The paper "International Expansion and Outward Investment" tells that with the changing modern-day business context, organisations operating in dissimilar industries tend to adopt effective decisions for staying ahead in competition within the marketplace....
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The Effect of Conflict to the Economy of Afghanistan
15 pages (4214 words) , Download 2 , Essay
During the design stage, the use of multiple cases will be more convenient.... The paper "The Effect of Conflict to the Economy of Afghanistan" states that the demerit associated with this study is that the short period from the end of the conflict to when the study has been conducted limits the researcher from making any inference....
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Women in the Zimbabwean Liberation Struggle
11 pages (5167 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Women in the Zimbabwean Liberation Struggle" discusses that the paradoxical situation obtained in Zimbabwe shows that women have not been really emancipated even to the extent of freedom in their dressing alone.... The same society has allowed them to become magistrates.... ... ... ... The empire was prospering with agriculture besides industries associated with gold, copper, textiles, and iron smelting Until the 15th Century Arab and Swahili merchants had been frequenting the towns of the country for regular trade....
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Financial Crisis Impacts on Progress of Employees
16 pages (4481 words) , Download 2 , Essay
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Introduction Research methodology or design simply refers to an outline on how the study was conducted.... "Financial Crisis Impacts on Progress of Employees" paper reviews the underlying literature developed by various scholars on the financial crisis....
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Risk Management in Medium-Sized Housing Associations
15 pages (4055 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These questionnaires require thoughtful evaluation, format and design (Housing Corporation, 2006).... The paper "Risk Management in Medium-Sized Housing Associations" argues risk assessment and management highlight the fact that the existence of a business entity purely depends upon its ability to foresee and prepare for a change instead of waiting for the change to occur and then responding to it....
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Decision-Making Theories
15 pages (4471 words) , Download 3 , Essay
(2008) Understanding the Dynamics of Decision-Making and Choice: A Scoping Study of Key Psychological Theories to Inform The design and Analysis of the Panel Study.... From the paper "Decision-Making Theories" it is clear that all plausible theories appear to be efficient when combined and used together as they create a comprehensive theoretical framework in the area of consumer psychology and cover various aspects of it....
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Learner-Centered System to Create Favourable Learning Environments in Early Year Setting
17 pages (4733 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the paper "Learner-Centered System to Create Favourable Learning Environments in Early Year Setting" will begin with the statement that a notion of great interest in the general field of education has been the overlapping nature in the concepts of management and leadership.... .... ...
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Current Perceptions of the Role of the Dental Hygienist Within the Medical Team
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Current Perception of the Role of the Dental Hygienist Within the Medical Team (student) (course) (school) (professor) Summary The role of the dental hygienist in the hospital setting has been increased to accommodate a more dynamic role.... ... ... ... Currently, his role of perceived to be that of patient advocate, patient educator, clinician, treatment coordinator, and communication facilitator....
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The Sound Is Used by Humans and Animals for Communication
16 pages (4203 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Essentially, humans need better understanding of how marine sounds affect marine life and design approaches to minimise such impacts. ... The paper "The Sound Is Used by Humans and Animals for Communication" discusses that sound is produced as energy waves by the vibration of objects and is altered by the solid, liquid, or gaseous medium they go through....
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The Influence of Arabic Vowel Signs on the Accuracy and Speed of Reading
17 pages (4385 words) , Download 2 , Essay
set of two measures were subject to design for the purpose of testing accuracy and reading time for isolated words.... The author of the paper "The Influence of Arabic Vowel Signs on the Accuracy and Speed of Reading" will begin with the statement that the type of orthography is an essential aspect that requires investigating with regard to reading acquisition context....
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How Terrorist Threats Have Impacted on the Doctrine of Self-Defence since September 11
16 pages (4014 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"How Terrorist Threats Have Impacted on the Doctrine of Self-Defence since September 11" paper examines the doctrine of self-defense through an examination of the sources of law, customary international law, and the United Nations Charter.... The paper draws from the jurisprudence in the Nicaragua case....
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Business Opportunities the European Union Provides
12 pages (2929 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The essay "Business Opportunities the European Union Provides" talks about the driving forces behind globalization are the need to enhance efficiency and reduce costs.... ... ... ... Even though the creation of the European Union and its subsequent expansion has been based on certain objectives and policies that have been largely successful in its implementation, reports suggest that there are many barriers to UK-based firms that may be interested to set up shop in the region....
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Digital Business Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This study looks into e-business as transformation of some key business through the use of the web and internet technologies.... Business model is architecture for the products and services and of the information flow which also includes the description of the business partners along with their roles....
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Is WTO a Necessasity for Global Trade
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The researcher of this paper will attempt to examine the functions of the WTO (World Trade Organisation) and its achievements and gauge them against the criticism presented by those opposed to its operations to help in giving a comprehensive conclusion regarding.... .... ... ... In conclusion, this paper agrees that the WTO is a necessity to the modern day global trade, which has become too competitive in different aspects....
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Self Evaluation in Business law
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper answers all question exhaustively in an organized manner.... Knowledge gained in class has been used as well as works of extensive research.... The language used in this assignment report is clear and coherent.... The maximum number of word count has been observed and other instruction followed....
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The Treaty of Westphalia present new diplomacy in Europe
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Introduction Peace of Westphalia was reached in the year 1648 marking the end of thirty year old war.... Parties to the treaty included the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III, German princes, Spain, France, Sweden and Dutch delegation (Guthrie, 2003).... ... ... ... The treaty marked the beginning of a new era and every state was given sovereignty to choose its religious denomination....
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Foreign Policy Analysis And Random Actor Model
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the paper “Foreign Policy Analysis And Random Actor Model” the author analyzes the procedure of Foreign policy analysis.... It entails thorough study and analysis of other countries political environment, decision making procedure and intergovernmental organizations.... ... ... ... The author states that foreign policy analysis focuses on the effects as well as causes of decision making on foreign policies and is conducted either in comparison or in specific case study....
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Developing Strategic Management and Leadership Skills
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper intends to discuss the significance of leadership and strategic management in the life and progress of an organization.... Before going into the niceties of strategic management and leadership skills, let's first get to understand what these concepts actually are.... ... ... ... As the report, Developing Strategic Management and Leadership Skills, declares leadership is the supremacy to stimulate people by words, actions and deeds using vision, faith and honesty....
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Piano Concerto No 17 in G Major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
11 pages (2825 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Piano Concerto No 17 in G Major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" states that the beauty in a piece of art is the fluttering of the butterflies it has in the emotions it brings over the mind to conduct the human factor inside the body of ideas which are inserted into the heart through feelings....
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Jews in Early Modern Venice
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper focuses on the Jews and their life in early modern Venice.... The influx of Jews soared high after the fourteenth century.... They were considered as potential economy boosters and allowed to live across Venice to help revamp trade.... Jewish merchants were proficient traders in silk, linen etc and the Venetians banked on their proficiency....
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International Marketing Mix
14 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The aim of the paper 'International Marketing Mix' is the development of an international strategy for the marketing of the crystal produced by Tutbury – a British manufacturing company.... Tutbury is a family owned business that churns out the highest quality of cut glass and allied products....
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Demonstration of the Value of Health, Safety and Environmental Programs in Corporate Settings
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Occupational Safety and Health Programs are an important component of organizations.... Occupational hazards are numerous and expensive to the organizations.... There are laws that safeguard the employee's physical and emotional well-being.... As per Herzberg's theory, working condition which assures safety is a factor of motivation in organizations. ...
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History of Air Cargo
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Introduction: The first successful flight made by the Wright Brothers in 1903 gradually developed into a vast industry including three prime segments of aviation - military, commercial and general.... Initially aircrafts which were used primarily for recreational purposes became a necessity in covering long distances in a lesser period of time, for cargo and for military purposes. ...
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The Homeless Policy in New York City
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The homeless policy of New York has long been a critical talking point within the context of the city's social and economic development.... The current level of homelessness and the steps taken to alleviate the problem provide an accurate and succinct gauge of the city's overall well-being.... ... ...
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Why Does Locke Believe That Slavery Violates Natural Law
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper gives information that Locke believes that the law of nature is a divine command.... In the state of nature, the rights of people are protected by natural laws; divine commands.... In a state of nature, each body has an equal status.... ... ... ... The main focus of the paper is on speech recognition, which is one of the modern technological achievements of the 20th century....
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