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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The story of Sir Gawain and The Green Knight was written in the Middle Ages but looks back to an earlier period in British history.... The period is in the lifetime of the part historical and part mythical King Arthur, and the setting is his famous court in which the knights of the round table gathered to feast together and show their devotion to the king....
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Mexician revolution
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
MEXICIAN REVOLUTION By Course of Learning: Date: MEXICIAN REVOLUTION Introduction Throughout the history of Mexico, many revolutions have been witnessed.... Despite the large number of revolutions, there is one that has never left the mind of many and it is the one that took place from 1910-1920....
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Report on Religious Field Research
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Religion plays an important part in the life of people.... It influences all aspects of human interaction and its broad spectrum of rituals and traditions can be contributed to the diversity of people spread across the geographical boundaries.... Religion can be broadly described as principles and guidelines that provide the basic platform for people to lead a socially compatible life within the predefined parameters of the social compulsions....
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Newspaper article evaluation and Gun control news
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The current articles that have been published were controversial in nature.... From those that were recently found and evaluated, two prominent topics emerged: the resignation of Pope Benedict as Vicar of the Catholic Church and the hype on gun control.... These two topics were written about by different authors from diverse media publications and have used a variety of rhetorical appeal: logos, ethos, and pathos....
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Negotiation and communication skills
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
First and foremost, there were two parts to this discussion.... The first part was basically a meeting called by Chris to solicit inputs, responses and reactions from Mark.... ... ... elative to three issues: (1) his reason for not attending the meeting; (2) his reason for being absent; and (3) his reaction towards the discussion that transpired between him and Frank Edwards, the Financial Director....
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Spiro Agnew and Construction Kickbacks (ethic case study)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This happened on October 10th, 1973.... He faces a fine of $10,000, with no jail term and unsupervised probation.... He is charged for receiving kickbacks and bribes from Matz and Childs, an engineering firm.... ... ... ... Matz financed his campaigns so that it could be awarded contracts once Agnew rose to power....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is because such a system would be highly customized and it would meet their needs directly and would offer a competitive advantage.... The decision criteria to.... ... ... hat is used by a business or an organization to decide on whether to develop an in-house software or to purchase a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software depend on several factors....
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One product of a famous company
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This aspect makes the company an important economic sector in terms of revenue.... Like any other organization, the Mercedes Benz Company has its own creative marketing strategy, which helps in.... ... ... Common demand factors affecting sales and profitability in the Mercedes Benz Company include advertising and marketing, financing options, price of the product (Mercedes Benz), income of the buyers, and increase in affordability....
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The Role of Nursing Theory in Nursing Education, Research, and Clinical Practice
2 pages (684 words) , Download 34 , Essay
The author of the paper "The Role of Nursing Theory in Nursing Education, Research, and Clinical Practice" argues that nursing theory is a structure of propositions and concepts utilized in nursing education.... They are useful in educating nurses by bringing significant issues into perspective.... ...
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Watch video and respond
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They impart a fundamentalist confidence, however just Abe accepts that sex with his wife might be a transgression, because reproduction is not a probability.... This is a horrendous difficulty to.... ... ... In this way, it comes as a blow when Abe endures a stroke at a sperm bank, where he has been spilling his seed for quite some time....
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Amy Kollar Anderson painting
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay explores the painting of Amy Kollar Anderson.... When I first saw this painting, I thought that the point of this work was to show a young girl who was restricted in her movements.... The placement of the trees above the girl's head shows this limitation quite clearly.... ... ... ... the look on the girl's face is one of fear and sadness at not being free to express her feelings....
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History - Launching the New Republic, 1788-1800
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
After the 1789 elections which saw President George Washington take office, the Americans largely came together knowing that they had a new dawn in the country under new leadership.... This did not last long though, the government, through Alexander Hamilton pushed for policies and.... ... ... These policies were against uniting the Americans as argued by many; it favored a few ignoring others....
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Expander in a cryogenic air separation plant
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The liquefaction of gases may happen at elevated temperatures, but it usually occurs at very low temperatures.... Quite a large number of industrial cryogenic processes occur.... ... ... However, some processes even operate at temperatures as low as–269°C.... The expander is one of the features of a typical cryogenic plant and it ensures refrigeration for the cryogenic process Expander in a Cryogenic Air Separation Plant Expander in a Cryogenic Air Separation Plant The separation of gases or gases liquefaction is a major characteristic of a cryogenic plant (Finley 2013)....
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Juvenile Delinquency and Child Maltreatment
3 pages (1003 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Juvenile Delinquency and Child Maltreatment" discusses the relationship between child maltreatment and ensuing delinquency and violence.... Widom and colleagues have reported on other upshots for which abused and neglected children are at increased risk.... ... ... ... Some of the effects include mental health problems, for instance, posttraumatic stress disorder, suicide attempts, and alcohol troubles in women; social and behavioural problems, including running away, prostitution, and inferior rates of employment; intellectual performance, including inferior reading ability and IQ scores in young adulthood....
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The Philosophical Foundations of Historical Inquiry
3 pages (876 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Philosophical Foundations of Historical Inquiry" paper argues that the concept of history derives less meaning to many who have no concern for its importance.... Many think that history has no significance to their human life either communally or individually.... ... ... ... In conclusion, there is a need to emphasize teaching and studying history especially in schools where there is a young developing nation....
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A Great Leader and Entrepreneur Donald Trump
3 pages (882 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "A Great Leader and Entrepreneur Donald Trump" states that Trump exemplified a person of great self-confidence he never doubted himself in all his decisions.... I hope to continue to use him as a model for all of my decisions and hope to one day achieve the success Trump has.... .... ... ...
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Sarah Shiver: A Polymer Clay Master
3 pages (964 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Sarah Shiver: A Polymer Clay Master" focuses on the critical analysis of the life and work of Sarah Shiver: a polymer clay master.... She has been creating jewelry for over 20 years and has built her reputation as a creative and successful master.... ... ... ... Sarah makes author jewelry and teaches people from all over the world the art of using the millefiori, or caning process....
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Analyzing the Impact of Roman Civilization
2 pages (885 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Analyzing the Impact of Roman Civilization" discusses that slaves were mostly used to grind mills but they were not efficient.... When water power started being used, there was less need for slaves and many were able to buy their freedom to become freedmen.... ... ... ... Slaves brought their cultural aspects into Roman society....
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Cubism or Fauvism
3 pages (855 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The researcher of this essay "Cubism or Fauvism" compares two art movements.... Fauvism, pioneered by Henri Matisse in collaboration with other French painters, was characterized by its heavy use of the expressive roles of color.... ... ... ... This part will define and compare Cubism and Fauvism....
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Indian Folk Dances
2 pages (825 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This essay "Indian Folk Dances" explores the origin, significance, and unique features of two notable folk dances of India; Bhangra and Padayani.... One of the important features of all Indian folk dances is their simplicity.... Dancers normally wear colorful costumes having creative designs and symbols....
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Principal Leadership Development
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Introduction The term leadership can be defined as the quality of an individual to communicate with his group in such a way that his words are able to motivate every member of the group so that they are able to achieve the goals which they might not have believed previously to be accomplished (Kaplan, and Kaiser, 2003)....
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Australia in the Asia Pacific
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to the Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, "Australia's foreign and trade policy aims to advance the security of the Australian nation and the prosperity and well-being of the Australian people.... In response to the dynamic and challenging international environment, Australia is pursuing a wide range of bilateral, regional and multilateral strategies to achieve this aim....
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Depiction of women in the advertisements from 1950 to 2005
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Revolutionary changes in communications and technology, the huge success of the Women's Liberation Movement, relative peace and breakthrough advances in conceptions of gender and equality have made transformations in this period.... Revolutionary changes in communications and technology, the huge success of the Women's Liberation Movement, relative peace and stability in governments as well as breakthrough advances in conceptions of gender and equality have made transformations in this period that are too many in number and too much in its impact to be even briefly hinted at within the scope of this paper....
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Occupational stress in Nursing
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
*Occupational stress can be considered as a force that pushes a psychological or physical factor beyond its range of ability, thus inducing stress within the individual (Arnold, Cooper and Robinson 1995). ... ... he occupational stress studies bring to knowledge the amount of stress experienced by the workers in the working place....
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Financial Performance Between Similar Businesses
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From this paper, it is clear that strategic management has been proved the most appropriate tool for the improvement of organizational performance through the appropriate customization of the practices applied to the various organizational departments.... ... ... ... This discussion talks that in order to understand the exact role of strategic management in a firm's financial performance – apart from their interaction in general as presented above – it is necessary to present the various aspects and characteristics of strategic management as part of the daily organizational activities....
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Theoretical Perspectives For Direct Social Work Practice
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Social work practitioners often do not make time for reflection and evaluation of one's practice.... The paper "Theoretical Perspectives For Direct Social Work Practice" discusses the process of creating a personal portfolio as the first step in nurturing the reflective practice in the profession....
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Principles of the Effective Marketing Services in the US
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
lobal leaders in medical equipment technology such as Philips, GE have all evolved from a smaller level.... Strengths of the Medi-stim is its high quality products with ergonomic design, existing large customer base in the US, the marketing research analysis tries to concrete the strengths and get more out of it....
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The Role of Nurses in the Prevention, Care, and Management of Suicide
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 7 , Essay
Life is a precious gift from God.... It should not be taken for granted, wasted or destroyed.... It should be spent wisely and productively to help nourish other lives and inspire other people to live.... The promotion of a healthy life is one of the responsibilities of nurses.... ... ... ... In promoting life, nurses emphasise to their patients the right attitudes and practices to maintain a healthy living....
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The Likelihood of Success That Halliburton Can Achieve
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Halliburton's technology innovation strategy includes acquisitions, partnerships.... The root cause of the problem was traced to Halliburton because despite having stability issues in the laboratory tests it had passed the cementing design to British Petroleum.... The report discusses the case of Halliburton an American based multinational company and discusses the issues faced by the company and the ways in which it has been able to cope with the issues....
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Entrepreneurship and New Enterprise Creation
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
All these aspects need professional help and the entrepreneur must enlist the aid of his able accountant and Information technology expert to tackle the finance, software and hardware aspects of the firm.... ome of the problems that have emerged in recent discussions relate to the pilferage of materials and spare parts, late deliveries of orders and a manufacturing fault in the design of a mass produced beach chair for vacations and use in summer residences....
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Walthers Social Information Processing Theory (SIPT)
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Since the beginning of CMC, a number of communication scholars already offered their perspectives on how technology impacts human relationship development.... Their mixed-design experiment included 37 university students in the U.... The paper 'Walther's Social Information Processing Theory (SIPT)' aims to describe and analyze SIPT's theoretical aspects and implications for communication....
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Multinational Electronic Gadget Producing Companies
14 pages (4151 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Handbook of technology Management: Supply Chain Management, Marketing and Advertising, and Global Management.... The store design, quality of in-store service and available product diversity in the retailing outlets of Apple Inc.... This paper ''Multinational Electronic Gadget Producing Companies'' tells us that the commercial success of giant multinational companies such as Apple and Samsung create significant spill over effects in the international economic system....
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How to Stop Sexual Violence against Refugee Women
15 pages (4874 words) , Download 3 , Essay
UN agencies, NGOs, and other related organizations advocate for better cooking technology to reduce sexual violence.... In the case of the location of refugee camps, the design and location should enhance the security of women refugees.... The paper "How to Stop Sexual Violence against Refugee Women" claims putting an end to violence against refugee women and girls requires efforts from the victims, NGOs, host governments, donors, and humanitarian actors....
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Real Estate Development: Development Finance and Funding
20 pages (5309 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The evolution of information technology has made this need more extensive.... The design shall therefore incorporate all facilities which must be available in an actually school environment to make sure that in the future the facilities can be used for any learning activity of choice depending on the need (Nokes, 2000)....
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Pupils of Learning Difficulties
19 pages (5077 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A study of the Swedish Office of Health Care technology, for example, found that three-quarter of 40,000 women pronounced as positive for breast cancer were falsely diagnosed.... This information will then help them design and implement a suitable teaching and learning program that would not leave out the affected children....
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The Learning Situation and Learning Environment
16 pages (4248 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It will be thus very important for the students to understand English language since this will be the major language of technology and for this unit to excel the students will be required to have some English language for their future professional objectives.... In this assignment, the tutor will be required to design a unit of work which will be introduced to a class of 2nd year secondary school students....
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Atlantic Quench Cranberries Ltd
14 pages (4936 words) , Download 2 , Essay
European Food Research and technology, 219(2), pp.... This will help AQC to design its future advertisements and promotional activities in an efficient manner. ... This essay "Atlantic Quench Cranberries Ltd" presents a Mexican market that will not only hike the company's overall revenue but also it will increase brand awareness in the international market....
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Thorntons Strategic Choices
19 pages (5312 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Thornton's Strategic Choices" argues Thornton should use a mix of Market Penetration and Market Development.... It could change the customer perceptions about chocolates to 'deseasonalize' the demand and explore options of entering into new markets, specifically South Asian markets.... ...
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Strategies for Responsible Business
17 pages (4827 words) , Download 4 , Essay
eing the second largest company in the world, in terms of market capitalization and the most important technology company in the world, Apple Inc.... “Its edgy and sleek; its got buzz all the time; its expensive; it defines modern design; it has cool advertising....
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Organizational Behaviour in Pioneer Technologies Limited
14 pages (5032 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Wanting environments include structural challenges like outdated technology, old buildings which no longer keep up with efficiency and open plan office but a few.... Motivation through the design of work: test of a theory.... This paper ''Organizational Behaviour in Pioneer Technologies Limited'' tells us that Pioneer Technologies Limited has faced several challenges with its staff amidst the success of the company....
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The Models of Corporate Social Responsibility
17 pages (4490 words) , Download 3 , Essay
n keeping with their pursuit on sustainability, their three major joint development projects with their partner Sonatrach and their new partner, Statoil, incorporate the latest technology, innovative management techniques, and world-class safety standards that respect and protect Algeria's fragile environment. ... In particular, with the assistance of design teams, the scores of Algerian artisans - most of whom live in the desert south - craft and build products and then shipped to several high-end UK shops....
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Importance of Marketing of Fishy Food
14 pages (4257 words) , Download 3 , Essay
, (2014) Evaluating sustainability in the UK fast food supply chain : Review of dimensions, awareness and practice, Journal of Manufacturing technology Management, 25 (8), pp.... In order to make a business successful, the company Fishy Foods needs to analyse the competitive forces in the industry and design the strategies accordingly....
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Bank Consolidation and Stability: The Canadian Experience, 1867-1935
16 pages (4454 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Firstly, the efficiency of the company would be improved by installation of latest technology and by providing training programs to the employees.... These policy implications hold great importance as the economists and policymakers need to have a good look at them and follow them in all the policies that design....
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Entrepreneurship and New Enterprise Creation
19 pages (5139 words) , Download 2 , Essay
All these aspects need professional help and the entrepreneur must enlist the aid of his able accountant and Information technology expert to tackle the finance, software and hardware aspects of the firm.... Some of the problems that have emerged in recent discussions relate to the pilferage of materials and spare parts, late deliveries of orders and a manufacturing fault in the design of a mass produced beach chair for vacations and use in summer residences....
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Human Resources Management as a Field of Modern Management
17 pages (4536 words) , Download 4 , Essay
With the advancements in technology and the spread of business on a global scale, it has become important for organizations to concentrate on training their employees to meet global challenges.... Hence, it is very important for the management to design and implement its compensation system with utmost care and tact....
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Latest Moral Issue in Intelligence Operations: How Far Can We Go to Uncover Secrets
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay is a review of the intelligence groups that conduct surveillance operations on behalf of keeping the general public safe from attacks conducted by insiders and those from foreign countries.... ... ... ... Latest Moral Issue in Intelligence Operations: How Far Can We Go to Uncover Secrets?...
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Importance of Management and Interpersonal Skills
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Introduction of modern concepts such as “the self managed work team”, incorporation of Business Process Reengineering (BPR), extensive use of information technology and employment of a variety of communication techniques are some of the visible changes within an organization (Worrall and Copper, 1999, p....
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Critical analysis on potential benefit of using CRM in organization
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The digital era fuelled novel business opportunities and the continuous evolution of online business channels has made multi-channel retailing a reality, with the customer now placed at the forefront of business strategy.... In turn this has reshaped business distribution and.... ... ... This has propagated polarised discussion with regard to the need for businesses to adopt effective CRM and this paper critically evaluates the benefit of grating effective customer relationship management into business strategy, with a contextual focus and comparative analysis of the retail sector and tourism industry....
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Southwest Airlines Case Anaylsis
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The southwest airliner is based in Dallas in Texas State.... It is renowned for various capabilities including, offering low flight fares, treats customers second to the employees, devoid of trendy management programs such as formal documented strategic planning among others.... ... ... ... Southwest Airline Company was founded in 1971 by Rollin King and Herb Kelleher....
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Fashion in France during Renaissance
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay explores fashion in France during the renaissance.... Renaissance was a revolutionary period which saw a lot of change take place in Europe, the revival of learning brought about significant changes in Europe.... This paper also presents the changes at the time of renaissance.... ... ... ...
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