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Creation Stories around the World Religion and Theology Essay
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Energy is considered to have led to the formation of the universe in the big bang theory. The body of Pan-gu formed the universe after he died. This shows that Pan-gu is comparable to the energy that caused the sudden bang in the big bang theory. There are also clear differences that appear in the two theories of the creation of the universe.
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Belief versus Knowledge Religion and Theology Report
5 pages (1596 words) , Download 0 , Report
Authorities on institutions such as religion and the media which feed our beliefs and knowledge may very well evaluate which option to take: maintain a hard-line position on existing sexual dogma and risk the consequence of an ignorant populace or play a significant role in promoting an understanding of sexuality as an expression of equality, respect, and love.
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Islam in Southeast Asia Religion and Theology Essay
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The United States succeeded in implementing a peaceful pacification campaign to force integration among the entire island. This method of appeasement was successful for a period of time until the United States government began promoting the migration of Christian Philippinos from the more crowded mainland to arrive on the island.
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Whoever Wants to Become Great among You Must Be Your Servant, and Whoever Wants First Must Be Your Slave Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1269 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Bible is the perfect source from which we can extract all the necessary qualities to be possessed by a servant- leader. Jesus Christ himself is the best icon who embodies the qualities of servant leadership. In the present era, ordinary leadership skills alone would not suffice the global requirements.
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The Contrasts and Similarities between Superstition and Religion Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1556 words) , Download 0 , Essay
While it is certainly true to say that we live in an increasingly secular world, one way or another Religion and, to a certain extent, superstition still have a degree of influence on our culture. In addition, people from a diversity of religions, as well as non-believers, are living and working side-by-side within society more than ever before.
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Spiritual Life Religion and Theology Movie Review
7 pages (1902 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
This force pushes Luke and any fellow Jedi, or any pursing to be a Jedi, on to be something greater than they originally were, and it usually does so by having them confront and overcome some of their greatest fears and weaknesses. This “force” in a way mimics the “grace” that is defined by Scott Peck in the third and final section of his book, A Road Less Traveled.
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Free Speech and the Westboro Baptist Church Religion and Theology Report
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It cannot be denied that the freedoms we enjoy in America allow them to do so, in spite of their distasteful messages that most reasonable people agree are hateful and deplorable. The WBC may be able to continue, but it is possible to decrease their effectiveness, with legislation passed by local governments and with counter-protests.
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Informative Speech and Persuasive Speech Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1577 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In conclusion, I would like to highlight that childhood obesity is a growing issue which is increasing day by day and is affecting children of the present generation. Although there are certain reasons for childhood obesity, the major ones are simply eating junk / fast food and lack of exercise or work out (Heaner two; Lucas).
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How Religion Relates to the Cultures Religion and Theology Case Study
6 pages (1658 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Conceptually, culture is a complex topic. it is especially hard to define it. Based on this, many academic disciplines have attempted to come up with their own definitions; for instance, sociology, anthropology. Despite the fact that there are many definitions, nobody can claim to have made a successful definition of this.
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Native American Religions: Initial Reconsiderations Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
5 pages (1309 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
These books prompt the reader to look behind superficial and biased stereotypes about Indian religions that have been passed down by white oppressors. They show a surprising amount of congruence between old Indian beliefs and modern inclusive religions, with care for our own heritage through family, for other people, the animals, and the environment all coexisting at the heart of spirituality.
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Learning about Hinduism Religion and Theology Report
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Vedanta religion regards Divinity as not restricted to only idols or sacred quarters like temples but states of its presence everywhere as a Unified whole. Vedanta moves further to regard this ideology as the Universal Truth. Vedanta being the beholder of faith and the background of Hindu religion also gives way to the different festivals and religious occasions in the Hindu system.
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The Eight Signs of Miracle Performed by Jesus Religion and Theology Report
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One of the very close friends of Jesus, Lazarus had died and Jesus went four days after his burial. He comforted his sister Martha and asked her to remove the stone from the coffin which Martha was reluctant to do. People were also angered that why did Jesus not come when his friend was ill and heal him so that he can be prevented from death but he knew better.
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The Relationship between Health, Healing, and Religion Religion and Theology Report
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The spiritual and ritual prayers in most of the religions help in maintaining the metal as well as the physical health of the believers. Different religions utilize different ideas about healing. Some utilize spiritual activities while some utilize the scientific approach and give medicines to heal a sick person.
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Anselms Theory of Atonement Religion and Theology Report
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The legal concept of atonement presented by Anselm is rather different from those developed by other scholastics. Its essence is as follows. The original sin is a misdeed against the just order established by God, and therefore it constitutes an affront to God's greatness. The scale of the guilt is determined in accordance with the rank of the offended party, that is, God.
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Exegesis and Theological Meaning of Psalms 72 Religion and Theology Report
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Psalms 72 is a royal psalm with a historical orientation and a prophetic element. The psalms look at several elements that relate to the traits of the Messiah, the nature of his reign in justice and righteousness, and the blessedness and prosperity of the kingdom. The Catholic Church uses these psalms not only in prayer but also in the advocacy for a moral commitment by the government.
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Systematic Synthesis of My Theology Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1395 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Paul feared most, not failing to go to heaven considering he was already a follower of Jesus, but to be put on the list, of persons who failed to follow the will of God. He was afraid of losing his ministry, and the price that Jesus would grant him at the end. One time, while Paul was facing execution, he wrote a letter confirming that his death would be a continuation of the gospel. 
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Viewpoints of Plato and Descartes on a Soul Religion and Theology Essay
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In the Second Meditation, through the thought-experiment of wax, he explains the immortality of the soul. When the wax is brought close to the fire, it loses all its sensible properties like shape, color, hardness, and form, but the wax remains. What is it that is constant in the wax even when the form changes?
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Rules and Regulations Regarding the Burial Rites in Islam Religion and Theology Term Paper
5 pages (1338 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The Prophet Mohammad once said: "Always keep in mind the destroyer of pleasures - Death." This is a very vital subject, given that most definitely every human being will have to experience death, as all the prophets, wealthy, underprivileged, kings, youthful, aged, and nations of the earlier period experienced.
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Witch Doctors of Haiti Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1410 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Vodou is a mixture of African rituals, Indian beliefs, and Roman Catholicism. Just like Christianity has bishops and priests, or Islam has Imams and priests, Vodou has clergy. In Vodou, priests are Houngans and priestesses are Mambos. Calling a Vodou clergy witch doctors would be like calling Christian clergy heretics or Islamic clergy infidels. 
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The Relationship between Feminism and Religion Religion and Theology Term Paper
5 pages (1708 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Feminism is also a part of that intellectual movement. This ideology began to propagate and champion the equal participation of women in different spheres of society. They sought to fight against male domination and subjugation which emerged out of tradition, culture, and religion. The relationship between feminism and religion has been complex.
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Baptism As An Ancient Christian Tradition Religion and Theology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
A lot of writings have been present for the idea of baptism in the Holy Spirit but the Bible is still the basis of all these writings. Different versions of the writings are revealed by various Churches and are believed in a different manner. Being baptized in the Holy Spirit is indeed stated in the writings as an experience of the gift of God.
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The Concept of Biblical Worldview Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Black talks of the supremacy of the court. The judgments of the highest court in any judicial system-state or national-are binding on all other courts when they deal with matters committed to the peculiar jurisdiction of the court making the precedent. This is what Schaeffer fears: too much authority in what might not be responsible hands.
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The Christian Bible - The Old and New Testament Religion and Theology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
One of the most important aspects of both the Testaments is considered to be the will of God. Any moral or ethical decision that is made by a follower must fulfill the morals and wills decided upon by the Lord. This is evident in the New Testament which states “Doing God's will is not merely a matter of words but of concrete acts of obedience.
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Holy Quran as the Major Source of Enlightenment and Guidance for Muslims Religion and Theology Research Proposal
6 pages (1621 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
Islamic literature has documented a huge number of studies and researches related to the Prophetic Traditions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (PBUH), its compilation, and early conflict at the time of Noble Caliphs in Islam. In this regard, the proposed research study will focus on previously carried out researches to acquire concrete evidence on the selected topic.
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Christianity and Islam Religion and Theology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The study is a short yet relevant comparison between Christianity and Islam with proper accounts. The primary section gives a brief comparison of both the faiths followed by a point by point comparison of the religions. A reference section is presented at the end for verification and authenticity.
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The Theology of Tao Te Ching along with Taoism and Buddhism Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1656 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In its simplicity of delivery in telling us that the harder we try to control things, the harder we make things for ourselves. In the Christian tradition, this idea is summed up as ‘let go and let God’, but the Tao Te Ching explicitly explores these ideas as an essential element of living within the Way.
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The Buddhist Conceptions of Subject and Object and Their Moral Implications Religion and Theology Report
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The cardinal points in these subjects are that there is no cosmic potentate to whom human beings should revere and who can address the human problem. Rather, he laid more stress on personal effort and moral integrity, and individual responsibility in solving matters pertaining to human problems saying that human beings can attain the highest enlightenment should they make a personal effort.
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Gaudium et Spes Religion and Theology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The author states that it is no surprise then that Gaudium et Spes provided the Church’s understanding of the most important aspects of individual’s and world community’s life, namely problems of human and his dignity, the role of the church in the word, importance of marriage and family, culture sustainability, economic development.
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Religion, Culture, and Identity Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (1781 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For others, it is a way of looking at life, explaining that one final event in our lives that we all think of with dread and mystery, death. Atheists look at religion as a drug, the opium of the soul, to believe Karl Marx who coined that phrase. Haught (1990) describes religion as a combination of four attributes: symbolic, mystical, silent, and active.
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The Classroom Religion Program Religion and Theology Essay
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The Eucharist forms a huge area to study and teach and it needs to be offered a significant emphasis in Catholic schools. Most importantly is for the children to be made aware of the various attributes that it has in respect to its tradition and meaning. Some areas are worth introducing at an early age.
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Sectarians' Opinion on the Dinosaurs' Origin Religion and Theology Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Christian sects believe dinosaur bones were placed on earth by Satan because their conceptualization of creation is based on the accounts of the Bible.  They point out that the Bible does not make mention of dinosaurs; therefore whatever proof there may be that dinosaurs exist is merely the work of Satan and a test of our faith in God.  
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How Is the Buddha's Birthday Celebrated Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1569 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was a royal prince, wealthy and powerful who grew up in the luxury and comfort of the royal palace. But despite the comforts of the royal courts and the fulfilling marriage, he had with his lovely wife, Buddha left his wife and son to seek enlightenment at the age of 29 and found it at the age of 35.  
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The Gods within the World's Sacred Beliefs Religion and Theology Essay
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Around twenty years after the final remnants of Paganism were defeated with immense severity by the ruler, "Theodosius Alaric seized me and Romec during 410" (Higginbotham & Higginbotham, p. 39). This gave rise to rumors the Gods of Paganism had provided better protection to the region as Christian God.
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The Treatment of Women in the Old Testament Religion and Theology Essay
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In the first couple of books of Genesis, we read that Eve was created and thus was the first woman to exist. The Lord decided that Adam needed a helper because he could not do everything on his own. So, the Lord put Adam into a deep sleep and took one of his ribs, which He used to form the first woman, Eve.
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Religion and Violence Religion and Theology Report
5 pages (1242 words) , Download 1 , Report
To counteract violence, all individuals need to go beyond religious idealism, as well as narrow political, national or economic objectives. Only intensive and concrete planning, prevention and interventions can help to reduce violence caused by religious extremism and misinterpretation of holy doctrines in negative ways.  
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Islam as Unfamiliar Religious Tradition Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1448 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Special religious education programs should be organized on national and community levels. The government should call eminent religious scholars from all religions on board and strive for a peaceful co-existence. Our universities, colleges, and schools can work most effectively for reducing religious intolerance among the younger generation.
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The Development and Growth of the Christian Faith Religion and Theology Research Paper
5 pages (1427 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
In a stroke of irony, the formation of the canon by orthodox standards owes its motivation to a heresy. The publication of Marcion’s version of the canon of sacred texts catalyzed for the Church Fathers to make an official list of the canon of sacred texts. It is a declaration of what constitutes the true collection of divinely-inspired writings.
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The Historical Changes in the Religion of Satanism Religion and Theology Research Paper
5 pages (1333 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Satanism is a religion that one should not associate with in any way, shape, or form—if humanly possible. The only references that should be made to this religion are ways in which Satanism can be defeated. Such a controversial subject does not come without problems. Many people have reported a certain discomfort with discussing this religion.
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The Condition of the Church or the Christians: the Purpose of the Epistle Religion and Theology Research Paper
7 pages (1764 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The lesson learned from the letter is every man ought to practice what he teaches. Just like what James has written that listening and doing go together because anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
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The Nature of Christ Among Many Theologians and Religious Religion and Theology Research Paper
6 pages (1715 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Characteristics of Adam before the fall constitute sinless nature, purity, and connectedness to God. Adam was the favor of God and his actions regarded pure, who became representative of God on earth. Jesus is seen to possess this Adam state of pre-fall and is regarded as second Adam. He is beloved of one of God, pure, holy, connected to God.
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The Major Health Benefits Concerning Fasting Religion and Theology Research Paper
5 pages (1188 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Fasting is an extremely spiritual exercise that requires immense mental stamina for the fast doer to go through. It is the real test of the individual where God tests the person on his mental toughness to go through a strict regime of life without food for a while. This is God’s way of testing and identifying the character of the man.
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The Miracles of Jesus Through Understanding the Context of the Narrative Religion and Theology Research Paper
6 pages (1842 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The miracles of Jesus are defined by their meaning as much as their result. In understanding the miracles that are signed, it is clearly established that Jesus was the Messiah and that his works prove him to be so. When he made water into wine, the story does not end at the event extends into the historical record of what was expected of a Messiah.
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Chinua Achebes Dead Mens Path Religion and Theology Literature review
5 pages (1419 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Evaluating the options for compromise is a two-way and win-win process of achieving successful agreements. These options should be discussed with the concern of each party involved put into mind and addressing the ‘ricochet’ effects each undergoing may potentially cause. This also involves a great deal of negotiation, not just mere pacification
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Coexistence of Religion in Egypt Religion and Theology Report
8 pages (2162 words) , Download 0 , Report
Egyptian religion has enraptured many with its ancient and rich symbolism and craft. In the 21st century, religion in Egypt has changed to include two new classes: Christians and Muslims. Although Egypt is a diverse nation, a highly concentrated Muslim following has divided the population with 91% Islam, Coptic Christian 9%, Other Christian 1%.
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Aztec Religion Religion and Theology Literature review
5 pages (1500 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Their beliefs were based upon their perception of nature, time, cycles, and space. Since they were too concerned with the destructive aspect of nature and their economy was agriculture-based therefore all their rituals are based upon pleasing their gods in order to avoid any destruction. They worshiped different gods who they believed ruled their activities and the course of nature.
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How Does the Bhagavad-Gita Reveal Fundamental Teachings of Hinduism Religion and Theology Essay
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In Bhagavad-Gita, the essence of the fundamental teachings of Hinduism like yoga, karma/ dharma, and action is revealed by Lord Krishna, and this revelation can be generalized to the wider context of day to day life. In short, Bhagavad-Gita can be considered as an innovative medium that reveals the fundamental teachings of Hinduism expressed in lyrical format.
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The Gospel of Thomas Religion and Theology Report
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A counter-argument can be made that this interpretation is far from what the author intended, that in the real sense, the implication of the texts was that the Kingdom of Heaven was characterized by steadfastly obeying and following the teachings of Jesus to the letter. Verses in the Gospel point towards the path to the attainment of the Kingdom as being characterized by solitude (Leloup, p 143).
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The Relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Foundation of Christianity Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1629 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Even the magician himself was converted and baptized. The ability to perform wonders not only made the Apostles be “held in high esteem” but also to convince very many people that Christianity was the best religion and its god the most supreme. Therefore, there was a great increase in the number of churches and Christian believers (Acts 7:12-55; Acts 8:12-13; Acts 9:1-32).
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The Nature of God in Relation to Missions Religion and Theology Term Paper
6 pages (1612 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
It is Jesus himself who promised that “the gospel must be preached to all nations for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come” (Mt 24:14). The clear nature of God, our father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and their defining theologies give a substantial and credential growth of the missionaries all over the world.
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Frigges Ideas on the First Five Books of the Old Testament Religion and Theology Essay
5 pages (1255 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Chapter 5 gives an account of the first 5 books of the Bible’s Old Testament commonly termed as the Torah/Pentateuch. These books date much later to the pre-exilic period, a period of the Jewish history before the Babylonian Exile-conventionally between 587-539 BC, that is, from Abraham’s time to the time of Babylonian exile that ended in the 539 B.C. 
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