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In the 1980s, some states and nations were still practicing racism and slavery. Some political leaders believed practicing such inhuman acts was a way of respecting their religion. They believed that people should never be the same (Murrin 101). This cannot be said to be politics, this was religion controlling the political views of a person.
11 pages (3064 words)
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The Muslim concept of God or Allah is different from the Christian God. The Muslim Allah is different from the Biblical God. He is not a God that has everlasting love and holiness. Muhammad’s concept of Allah is that he is the author of both good and evil and has unconditional love; he loves those whom he chooses. The unbelievers of Islam are called infidels and are persecuted.
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Essentially, Justin was a philosopher and like many others before him practiced the Greek thought and professed it in his practices. However, the turning point of his life and career altogether came from his encounter with Christian doctrine through an introduction by an elderly man who developed his interest in Christian thought.
Buddhism believes in the afterlife as a mode to attain complete liberation from the human pains and sorrows while Christianity lays stress on the deeds of the person in his mortal life. Christianity believes that a person is appointed to live only once and as such there is no rebirth of the soul in a different physical form.
12 pages (3411 words)
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The scripture asked us to transcend the material abundance and to correct greediness; wanting us to prepare for His second coming and for the Kingdom in heaven. The passage was originally addressed in the Israelian context to answer the need for servants not to be led falsely to the mundane concerns but to be more concerned in preparing themselves for the hereafter (Sewell, 2012).
6 pages (1705 words)
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Access to such information will equip the student with all the details required to make a solid argument in this discipline. An individual requires certain ICT tools. These tools enable an individual to access information easily. However, prior to the implementation of digital theology, the education sector should undertake relevant studies.
During the second temple period, Judaism was faced with three main predicaments and their consequences while different groups of Jews reacted to them differently. The period began with the destruction of the Jewish kingdom when the Judeans lost their land, holy city, temple, and monarchy and most of them exiled to Babylon.
6 pages (1938 words)
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Covenant is referred to as an agreement taking place between two people in order to strengthen their relationship with God. The Old Covenant, in this context, was often misnamed as the Old Testament has been dependent upon material blessings for Israel keeping into consideration the law made by God Himself. However, it was noted that Israel failed to comply with the law.
7 pages (2179 words)
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Between 1967 and 1977, the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa inspired a significant and “coherent body of thought”. The Black Consciousness Movement started out as a student initiative and grew into an educational tool for mobilizing “activity” as opposed to “activism”. Steven Biko, an enthusiastic Black leader during the 1960s is credited with founding the Black Consciousness Movement.
7 pages (1899 words)
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Voltaire did not believe in organized religion, as this is the cause of many social evils in the world, with the evil people hiding behind the veils of religiosity. Matteo on the other hand sees that religion is found in people’s cultures, and in order for evangelists to win people, they must identify with their cultures.
Based on the current statistic, Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world. Christianity is available in almost all parts of the world. This was to great extent facilitated by the missionary role and commitment in the spread of Christian ideologies. Outstanding cooperation between missionary, resident, and community elites led to the intensive growth of churches in South Korea.
6 pages (1634 words)
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Therefore, one cannot be truly saved if he continues to lead an immoral life, because the transforming power of true faith is not evident in his actions. Works become the evidence, not the standard or pre-requisite, by which salvation is bestowed as a gift. Salvation is not the wage or reward in exchange for leading a virtuous life.
7 pages (2030 words)
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In relation to King Yayati, after passing through the stages, from a householder where he had met with a curse, the new opportunity of being brought back to his youth taught him about how to deal with life situations. From the story, he realized that indulgence itself cannot quench his desires. King Yayati returned to the forest, after which he spent his time meditating before his death.
7 pages (1907 words)
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According to Xi, TJC right from its starting, TJC has been able to create its special power through opposing a purportedly unique, pure revelation of Chinese directly from Christ to the presumptively corrupt traditions that are associated with a Christian Church which were brought in from the West. He further said the TJC spreads so rapidly throughout China.
7 pages (1917 words)
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Religion is defined as a set of beliefs regarding the cause, purpose, and nature of the universe, especially in matters of creation, devotions, and ritual observance. In addition, it teaches moral codes governing the behaviors and conduct of human affairs. Precisely, it refers to the relation of people to God or any object they term sacred and supernatural.
Morality is the differentiation of decisions, and intentions between the ones that are right or good, and the ones that are wrong or bad. Morality is also defined as conformity to the right conduct rules. Ethics is the philosophy of morality. Morality means rightness or goodness. A moral code refers to a particular system of morality in a certain religion, philosophy, culture among others.
To be specific, the group offers ample scope to serve the community with greater participation in identifying the growth needs and the obstacles witnessed by the common public. Hence, by being associated with the group, I realized myself to be quite benefitted with greater opportunity to serve the community.
Laws on abortion, birth control pills, same-sex marriage, and homosexuality are examples of government contradictions to the teachings of religious beliefs. These are the effects of democracy wherein elected representatives to Congress made logical decisions to alleviate pressing issues like poverty and unemployment that were traced partly due to population growth.
7 pages (1931 words)
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These doctrines further provide a rationale for evaluating man’s supremacy over other creatures and helps in defining criteria for explaining human value. These theological views bear conflicting nature as to whether humans still have a broader or narrow sense of God and what can be the possible purpose of this image of God in humankind.
It is said that since there is no two natures then one other nature in the form of a person of Holy Trinity will have to sacrifice his life to reach salvation. The doctrine of salvation is also incorporated in Christology and we should know that it must be taught in all ages to remove secularism. It basically advocates that the divine side of the personality of Jesus has always been overshadowed.
12 pages (3361 words)
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Sufism is the dimension of Islamic worship in which mysticism is practiced. The definition of mysticism in religion is that it is a “private, unmediated, and ineffable yet universally present in all human religiosity” set of experiences that are part of the unexplainable and incomprehensible parts of religion that create the mystery on which most religion is based.
On June 1272, Saint Thomas accepted to relocate to Naples and establish a theological studies program. On January 1274, Saint Thomas left for Lyon, France. They left on foot and they were intending to go and participate in the second council. However, as fate had it, Saint Thomas never reached his destination.
13 pages (3684 words)
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Paul warns that the day can come at any time and believers are warned that this will be the time when the magnitude of evil will be at its peak. Christians can only stand if they possess the armor pieces that include the belt of truth, the boots of readiness, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit (Ephesians 6: 13-17).
Yemeni Arabs are from North and South Yemen is one such group. With a population of over 24 million people, Yemen only has 15,000 – 25,000 both indigenous Christians and non-native Christians practicing their faith underground with the majority being non-native. These non-native Christians are refugees from neighboring countries (Yemen's Forgotten Christians, 2013).
The concept of having equal number of people who worked closely together with Joseph and Jesus points to precedence by Joseph for the Prefigurement of Jesus Christ1. Joseph had 12 brothers whom he worked closely with during his childhood, looking after his father’s animals, until the brothers betrayed him and sold him to an alien land.
6 pages (1772 words)
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Sikhism is a religion mainly practiced in the Punjab region (Hawley, 91-92.). Its the founder is known as Guru Nanak? The teachings and the scriptures shave continued to grow within the religion and were taught to be other Sikhs. The church has 30million members, which makes it the first largest religion worldwide.
The question is that is progressive Muslim possible in the current environment? To me, it is possible despite the conservative nature of the religion. This is because there have been revolutions in the Muslim world that have overthrown dictatorial regimes. Examples of this are Tunisia and Egypt. It is these dictators that have compelled their people to practice orthodox Islam.
It is for this reason that motivation results in a kind of motivation that others cannot understand. This is because it involves the making of significant sacrifices, crucial decisions and options. It additionally involves the taking of several bold, courageous and unusual steps. At times, the choices may be tough if two vital options are involved.
12 pages (3366 words)
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The restoration of the true spirit of Christianity and religious messages was the core of Smith’s experiences as in the early 19th century, the religious life in America was in bad turmoil. Less than ten percent of people belong to a church so Mormonism as a set of religious ideas offered a new life to Christianity which was vanishing day by day.
The view of present justification according to Piper rests upon Christ’s substitution alone, which people partake of in union with him by faith alone. Future justification is the open confirmation that in Christ Jesus we stand before God without sin, where the final judgment is in accordance with peoples’ works. This is finely distinguished from attributing one’s justification to one’s own works.
Muslims view Christianity as a product of corruption by man, which is mostly motivated by personal and political reasons inspired by Satan whose primary objective is to persuade people to go against God and stray away from his religion. Satan is aware that most human beings deviate when it comes to following him and so all he aims for, is making people follow him indirectly.
10 pages (2780 words)
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According to the website ‘Religion in Japan, ( 1996-2013) for most Japanese people religion is not that important, although they may attend a shrine, whether Buddhist or Shinto, from time to time and take part in some festivals. McQuaid ( 2000-2001) also states that these new religions, especially the very latest ones, are often viewed with suspicion.
These differences and similarities of religious undertone will give us a wider perspective of how people in the world seek to interpret his or her Deity through an organized religion. Christianity as a religion is based on the belief that salvation can be achieved through its central figure who is Jesus Christ.
As a function of analysing this particular form of social cohesion and the manner through which it impacts upon society, and all expressions of belief/religion, the following analysis will engage the reader with an interpretation of the mechanisms through which film is able to psychologically impact upon the viewer.
Stewardship is a central aspect of the Christian faith and service, benevolence, and hospitality are crucial aspects of Christian worship of the Lord; Christians are responsible for serving God by taking care of God’s creation by making good use of their material possessions, time, and talents. The Old Testament provides the fundamental principles of giving to the Lord as worship.
From a personal standpoint, God’s choice to allow Nadab, the son of Jeroboam to take the throne, and allowing him to sit on the throne for two years amounted to wronging the Israelites of that time. This is the case because allowing him to sit on the throne for the two years allowed him to manipulate the Israelites against the will of God, just like his father.
As applied in this proposed project, aimed at generating the understanding of international students towards Christians, CIA can certainly assist in providing adequate education and learning services to the target audiences to develop an effective cross-cultural attitude.In this context, there are three principles that are found associated with CIA, which include ‘cultural strategic thinking’, behavioural and motivational.
8 pages (2242 words)
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A particular phrase in the Quran, "Fight for the religion of God against those who fight against you" is deemed to support violence (Sale 34). It has often been argued that this message is interpreted negatively by the people in religion and violence is often conveyed through terrorism in the name of religion.
In a nutshell, the work at hand just presented the important points revealing the beliefs and principles of Buddhism and Christianism relevant to the creation and origin of life. Furthermore, a clear understanding of the basic similarity and difference between their views are also taken into account. There remains a thought to consider more remarkable investigations for these two religions.
It further illustrates how infused virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit help us to achieve supernatural happiness. Supernatural happiness is unattainable unless humanity embraces God’s inner life since sin has already damaged humanity’s natural happiness. These infused virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit reside in, and perfect the faculties of the soul granting, them the capacity to do supernatural acts.
Naturally, every occurrence of faith-building/suffering/grief that is evidenced within the Christian’s life does not ultimately create this reality; however, the goal towards which C. S. Lewis encourages readers to strive; one through which each and every circumstance is viewed through this particular lens.
The mere fact is that simple tongue-speaking or any other miracle does not mean someone has a spiritual gift. In fact, even non-Christians speak in tongues and they possess spiritual gifts like compassion, leadership, and teaching. Thus, one can wind up with the finding that there is a lack of sufficient proof to claim that sign gifts ceased and they are not for today.
In the quest for survival, three distinct Jewish philosophies emerged. The first was the Essenes who had a strict interpretation of the Torah and sought to live in seclusion. The second was the Sadducees who were liberals and cooperated with the Greeks but their observances were tied to the Temple and hence the group disappeared after the temple collapsed.
8 pages (2082 words)
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Religion is the cradle of morality in society. A society without religion is an immoral society. Religion assists the public with an idea of what is right and what is wrong (Berlinerblau, 2012). If society adopts secularism there is an assumption that the conduct of an individual does not affect the rights or freedom of other people.
14 pages (3708 words)
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The first meeting also helped me understand that such sessions do take their toll on pastors as well. Although she seemed to have strong religious roots, seeing her in a sorry state made me feel equally sad. Since it is important that pastors give personal responses to their clients, doing so can make them experience the same trauma which was the case with me as well.
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The interior of buildings also retained Sikh layout for the preservation of sacred spaces and practices; some religious habits were also maintained, such as taking off of shoes before entering sacred rooms (Mann “Making Home” 297). Punjabi remains as the main language also for worship services and content.
The movement which came about due to King’s moral convictions is what led to the destruction of the legal segregation that was prevalent in the South. King can be considered to have been the embodiment of black faith since he propagated the ideas of love, justice, and hope. He combined the American practice of self-determination with the biblical belief of justice.
According to Wu (1993) with the settling down of the Chinese people in the United States of America it brought with it the varied elements and features of the Chinese civilisation – their language, culture, and everything which marks the Chinese civilisation. As the Chinese settled in this part of the world, their lifestyle and the regular lives interacted with that of the natives of the United States of America.
The organization was successful in gathering huge support as it opposed the western and American societies. Soon the organization got politicized and could fulfill the aim of spreading “sharia” in the world. The holy book Quran was chosen as a mode of life but teachings were not implemented in society.
9 pages (2696 words)
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The Catholic Church’s openness to the other religions was initiated by the Second Vatican Council and this development has made the Roman Catholic Church to deal with exclusivists, inclusive characteristics, and opinions that can be considered to be of a pluralistic nature as far as the other religions are concerned.