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The connection between spiritualism and economic activities came into the picture, but with the advent of call of socialism from Russia the entire fantasy tumbled down as if the war is over. It might not be able to improve the social condition with the help of spirituality, but the presence of a Protestant State, which does not see Capitalism as an evil.
Religious pluralism is a modern position born not out of the openness of one religious tradition to another; but rather, out of a philosophical attempt to confront the confluence of cultural boundaries and the growth of relativism. The question that relativism proposes, however, is whether faith is based on the relativity to culture.
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14 pages (3923 words)
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, Research Proposal
Islam is one of the primary great religions of the world and Muslims roughly constitute more than twenty percent of the total population. Even though the Muslim population is more concentrated in the Middle-East, some part of Asia, and Africa, followers are now spread out and found in all parts of the world. The growth is this religion is also great and it is no understatement to say that its influence in social and political spheres is enormous. This great religion has clearly laid out laws and edicts that are based on love, caring, morality and what is right and wrong for a true and devout Muslim.
One of the greatest scholars of this religion Israel Abrahams is of opinion that the Graeco-Jewish literature is perhaps the first socio-historical document that bears the term Judaism during 100 B.C. He has also found that the reference of Judaism as the religion for Jews can be found in the Book II of Maccabees. It also exists in sharp contrast with the Hellenism or the Greek religious discipline.
The manner in which Muslims have been tainted for all the wrong reasons throughout the world is a very worrying fact and one that shall be taken care of by the people who are responsible for upholding its sanctity and image. This is an important aspect as it deserves attention from everyone who calls him/herself a Muslim.
In the choice of the hymn, 'Holy God, We Praise thy Name' the song functions to establish the overarching purpose of the ceremony, namely the praise of God, in effect, this sets the tone of the rest of the service. Another purpose for the incorporation of the hymn in this context seems to be that it immediately involves the audience in the ceremony. While large portions consist of elements where the audience are observers.
Poverty is the root cause of instability, insecurity, and public anger in most of the third world Muslim societies. It instigates intolerance and extremism which has manifested itself in various forms of violence. More often than not, poverty is attributed to mismanagement and misconduct in economic policies.
The influence of the so-called Holy Communion or Eucharist and partaken by the Christians today has its origin from the last supper that Jesus shared with his disciples. The taking of wine and bread elements in a belief that their conversion would take place to the body of Christ and blood on drinking reflects the words of Jesus to his disciples during the last supper session.
Apart from Sharia, there are also hadiths of Prophet Mohammed which are considered as religious doctrines by the Muslims. These Hadiths also have guidelines on how Muslims are to act towards others.
14 pages (3944 words)
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, Research Paper
Showing love by spending time together with family and friends or giving hand-made Christmas cards would suffice. This kind of teaching, if internalized and applied, would definitely be posting a challenge during this time. Thus, this paper investigates the threat of this Christian teaching mentioned in the context of gift-giving.
The theory of knowledge contends that we gain truth through perception, emotion, reason, and language. These ways of knowing are applied to our areas of learning in mathematics, science, and the arts. Though we may fall short of absolute certainty, by evaluating our ways of knowing we can help to become more certain of our beliefs.
Jesus was righteous and wants his followers to be like him and therefore today Christians must be like Jesus in every way whereby they should rejoice when prosecuted because of the Father in Heaven, Anna Wierzbicka states that the prosecuted are those who will experience bad things because of speaking the word of God.
Salvation is about the greatest love of God for His people by sending Jesus to tell the good news for humanity (John 3: 16). God does not want His people to be delivered to hell with Satan that is why He offered salvation and it is free for all. He had chosen people to spread it over the world and not only Jesus.
Applicable to any form of suffering or grief, Psalm 137 and Psalm 22 have been instrumental in helping those individuals dealing with such disasters as the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, and Hurricane Katrina, as well as the innumerable personal losses these events brought about just as they were instrumental in assisting the ancient Israelites in their exile and David and later Jesus in their times of darkness.
Supersessionism is a hotly debated topic amongst scholars, theologians, and devout religious organizations alike, thus it is was the intention of this author not to dismiss Israel's contribution to the development of Christianity, but to offer solid substantiation to adopting modern Christian beliefs as being more central to obtaining the divine designation as that of God's chosen.
Gandhi also emphasized to undertake penance, Tapasya, which enables a person to stay away from criminal and bad activities. According to Gandhi through penance, people can make themselves enlightened like Buddha and can see the light in their hearts. He thought that Buddha moved away from worsened traditions and conventions.
Religion has been used by the heads of the nation or by the religious heads to influence the minds of the people as in the case of suicide terrorists who are promised eternal heaven. Nations identify themselves as a Christian nation or a Muslim nation. There are many like Osma Bin Laden who wants to unite the entire Muslim world under one banner.
Viewed from this perspective, brainwashing oneself to believe in God is thus seen as an exercise in responsibility to try to change one’s perspective and thus gain a clearer view of what is truly important leading to a natural and fully emotional religious conviction. This conviction is then necessary to sustain these changes to reap the benefits of this labor.
The question of whether or not Christianity is a religion for women requires answers that are given on at least two levels. From a sociological and anthropological point of view, the society of the Christian religion has sufficient male domination to not be considered an ideal environment for women. Throughout history, women have been persecuted by those who would persecute Christians and by Christian men.
The earliest manuscripts of the Greek New Testament have for the heading simply “To the Hebrews.” That is the accurate title. Actually the book is anonymous. When it was written? The answer to this question is not quite as completely uncertain as that relating to authorship. There is also uncertainty as to the exact date of the writing of Hebrews.
“There has probably never been a French president who defended his country’s Catholic heritage so vigorously,” wrote the French Catholic daily La Croix as quoted by Reuters (2007). Given France’s long history of laicite, which since 1905 has affirmed the country’s political status as the most secular state in Europe, the remark seemed out of context.
Students watch a short video clip of the Temptation of Jesus until when He begins his work in Galilee. Class discusses the importance of temptation story and relate it to their personal lives by answering questions through journal writing. Students watch a short video clip and analyze how Jesus taught and what impact this made on his credibility.
I must say that I am proud of my heritage. I hail from the Andean region of South America. The Ecuadorian culture is the perfect depiction of my traditions and beliefs deeply enshrined in the music and gastronomical roots. Another aspect that has massively influenced my life is the strong religious beliefs of my family.
In the absence of a common magistrate, Locke holds that each individual has the right to defend their property as they see fit within the bounds of God-given reason and justice. It is to avoid these inconveniences of constant vigilance that Locke says men are predisposed to join a society and therefore voluntarily relinquish the powers of self-regulation.
Women in biblical times were generally uneducated and were not allowed by the rabbis to learn law and other teachings. Women had a very minute role to play in social life and were supposed to be within the confinement of the house. They were considered as temptations to sin and did not have any role in spiritual ceremonies and rituals.
It is interesting to note that most people are told of the end of the story before the beginning. Children and adults alike are well versed in what will happen or where they will go when they die. It is this belief or knowledge, that steers their behavior in life. Basically, they know the last chapter and spend all their lives building the rest of the book.
6 pages (1726 words)
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, Book Report/Review
The last in the sequence of his seminal works is “The God Delusion”. In this book, Dawkins strings together powerful arguments in support of a god-free or atheistic way of life. Neat and clever the arguments may be but many merits of the book are overshadowed by the controversies that it attracts.
It was the moment when St. Augustine decided to hold the book of the Bible from the core of his heart, and aimed at conveying the message, described in it, to the masses without discrimination. Tears were flowing from his eyes continuously, and he was begging the pardon of the Lord on the one hand and sought His help and support while entering into new faith on the other.
Judaism is one of the many religions being practiced around the world and along with the other religions in the world, it boasts of a rich and dynamic history that has actually allowed it to stand the test of time. Although it only covers 0.2% of the global population, its influence has been extensive, even more than what the numbers actually reflect (Robinson, 2009).
If Christian doctrine is stable enough, no other source whether influential or powerful would be able to distract a Christian from Christianity. This is the reason that the dangers of prayer expect too much from the ones offering them. This is associated with the fact that how a Christian approaches to the prayers and how actually does he get connected to God.
Dignity is the same among all persons and individuals. Dignity is something man cannot get rid of, because it is given by God. Dignity is something that unites people, turns them into social beings, and emphasizes the role of ethics and communion in human life (Schweder 1999). God creates a man in his likeness.
Jihad is an Arabic word that means striving or expanding effort (Martin, 2011). The word Jihad is commonly translated in the west as “the Holy War." The concept of jihad and its real ideology has been distorted so much lately that now it has become synonymous with a “mania of religion” (Hamzawy, 2010).
Pope Paul VI (Optatam Totius,1965) made a declaration that priestly training should conform to the needs of the locality and region without compromising on the universal laws. It is a divine vocation and priests are the messengers of God. The need, the nature and the importance of priestly vocation should be made clear to the priests.
On the threshold of the third millennium, humanity starts summing up all achievements, setting new objectives, and reconsidering universal values. The changes also concern the religious aspect of life. According to the needs of the modern individual religion should provide moral support and insure spiritual inspiration.
The businessmen and others who were predestined to be the Elect of God could turn to alienated workers and explain to them that their impoverished economic condition was the result of a spiritual failure ordained by God. Their place in the spiritual system was predestined. This refocused anger away from material demands in the here and now.
In addition to the ninety Tracts written by Newman, there is an additional Tract ninety-one written by William Reed Huntington in 1907, called “The Articles of Religion from an American Point of View.” This tract is connected to the other tracts by the topics it covers, such as a criticism of the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England.
In all the years that Graham has preached, pastured, or evangelized his conduct has been beyond reproach. There have been those that have questioned his acts. Graham was called on his comments with Richard Nixon in 1972. The questionable comment came when speaking to Nixon: Jews have a "stranglehold" on the American media.
As follows, Vivekananda describes the nature of Samadhi as a source of knowledge using three gradations of mental activity: instinctive behavior; reason; and the superconscious state of mind (Rambachan, 1990). Vivekananda presented the Samadhi as a means of knowing oneself, for without knowing oneself, one cannot gain the full realization of spirituality.
8 pages (2386 words)
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, Research Proposal
From a political, social, and economic perspective, the hijackings of 9/11 were unparalleled in scope and sheer devastation. In a fascinating article entitled “Measuring the Effects of the September 11 Attack on New York City”, it was estimated that the direct cost of the attack stood at between $33 billion and $36 billion to the City of New York alone.
The tradition of Sufism continues to spread all around the globe even in countries where it is prohibited. This is because the majority of the people practicing have realized the value and importance that Sufism has in their lives. This is not limited by where they are located or the religious observations in their territories.
Faith and work are two opposites in many aspects. Theology has separated itself from the everyday of people’s lives. It is often hard to determine what guides our actions in the workplace. Faith and work share a great deal of virtues we practice.
Paul is an acknowledged convert to Christianity, and nowhere else in Catholic teaching is Paul considered a founder. So, this line of thinking is quite unfounded. Paul was popular, that is not a thing t be contested. But the reason was obvious: due to the events surrounding his conversion and the aggressive and dedication in propagating early Christianity.
In Islam, Allah is the only God and the believers have faith and follow his principles as said by Prophets. In Christianity, Jesus is said to be the son of God and he works for the wellbeing of his followers. Life after death is almost similar in both religions. The concept of Resurrection is the same in Islam and Christianity.
This paper has discussed the importance of religious rituals in Hindu temples from ancient times. It has been determined, to what extent the Jagannatha Temple at Puri, its layout and buildings relate to the ritual functions performed at the temple on a daily basis as well as those performed less frequently in a year, such as the Rathyatras.
The effects of religion can also not be dismissed. From current religious conflicts in the Middle East to religious conflicts through time, if something is this powerful it must be understood. Some of the most important conflicts in today’s world are all based on the underlying rocks of religious differences.
Enlightenment is the product of eighteenth-century Europe, which serves as a powerful blow to the despotic powers authorized to the so-called kings, emperors, nobility, and clergy of that time. Since it challenged the authority of the traditional views of people who considered the emperors, kings, and rulers as appointed from God.
The long ending shows consistency in terms of the spirituality of Mark which gives importance to the spirituality of seeing, hearing, and learning. In v14 “Jesus showed himself to the Eleven while they were at the table…” while in v15 “Jesus told them”, v19 “…after speaking to them”, these show that the long ending affirms the happy ending.
The response of the Tibetans to occupation by the Chinese is firmly tied to the people’s identity in Vajrayana Buddhism, of which HH the Dalai Lama is the secular and religious leader with the highest regard. The Dalai Lama has organized a resistance movement to Tibetan occupation for over 50 years, on a purely non-violent philosophical basis.
Franciscan spirituality is based upon the notion of adhering to the Gospel. This is because the Gospel testifies to the truth of Jesus Christ. It provides a manual to live an abundant life that is filled with spiritual awakening and consciousness. It provides a path towards salvation by shunning the materialistic possessions of the world.