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John Miltons Concept of God in Paradise Lost Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Depending upon the way in which the reader approaches the story, God is presented as an anti-hero, a loving and forgiving diety or an overly demanding spirit, among several other interpretations.  This ambiguity is somewhat surprising given that Milton himself set out his goal as being to “justifie the wayes of God to men” (Book I).  
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Faith and Works - Comparison of James 2:14 and Romans 4 Religion and Theology Assignment
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Abraham’s faith was sufficient to make him blameless, or virtuous, in the eyes of God, it was only when he proved the existence of this faith through his action and “offered his son Isaac on the altar” (2:21), that his faith was consummated. Notably, it was Abraham’s works which made his faith whole.  
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The Role of Leadership in Attracting Youth to the Church Religion and Theology Thesis
6 pages (1693 words) , Download 2 , Thesis
This project is multi-dimensional and the researcher has tried to pinpoint the poor attendance of youth in churches due to the declining leadership. This project tends to make recommendations to set high goals for the youth with the aim of drawing them towards the church. The first step to be taken in this direction would be to integrate the youth. 
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Ethical Foundation in Buddhism Religion and Theology Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The identity of Buddhism amidst other major religions is that there are no congregation gatherings, preaching, and worship, or existence of any supreme deity. It has more than 346 million followers worldwide. Buddhism has its strong foundations in various countries and specifically, Asian countries. These include Thailand, Tibetan regions, China, India, Mongolia, and Japan among many others.
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The Songs of Hannah and Deborah Religion and Theology Assignment
9 pages (2467 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author of the paper states that Casper Labuschagne views the songs as two of the five hymns in the Deuteronomistic History, functioning as stepping stones towards the ultimate goal of the Exodus: the occupation of the land of Canaan and the establishment of settled nationhood under a chosen king.
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The Extent and Importance of Secular Musical Influence Religion and Theology Assignment
11 pages (3056 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that religion is one of the strongest bonds that not only teaches tolerance and promotes love and peace among the followers but it also defines the cultural values that are embedded onto the social fabric of the society. The various ways and means adopted by the religious clergy promote their individual ideologies and beliefs.
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Sufism in India Religion and Theology Term Paper
9 pages (2377 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The rich heritage of Sufism in India is inseparable with the rise of Islam in the Indian subcontinent.  While there was much opposition to the liberal and sensual elements of the Sufi sect, it has to be remembered that without Sufism’s strong base, the Indian subcontinent would not have seen the growth of Islam as it is today.
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Analysis of Isaiah 61:1-11 Book Religion and Theology Research Proposal
13 pages (2855 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Isaiah 61:1-11 is rich in meaning to both Judaism and Christianity.  Christianity’s understanding of the text is much different than that of Judaism.  Judaism takes the text literally while Christianity interprets the text figuratively.  Christianity’s interpretation of the text is understood as a prediction of what’s to come in the future.
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Is There a Unity in Religions Religion and Theology Article
8 pages (2052 words) , Download 1 , Article
Unity is defined as the state of being one, the state, quality or condition of accord and agreement. This means that for the unity of religions to exist certain pre-existing conditions have to be present. When one looks at Christianity and Islam in the light of these terms, on one hand, some features may be present to assert the fact that there is indeed the unity of religions.
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Judaism and Gospels of the New Testament Religion and Theology Assignment
6 pages (1623 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
All Gospels of the New Testament agree that Jesus died sometime during the Jewish feast of the Passover. But the point to be noted here, before reckoning the time of Jesus’ death is that the Jewish way of reckoning days differs from the one more commonly used today. The official Jewish day begins when it gets dark. The Passover meal is taken at night when according to Jews the day begins.
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Philosophies of Rabbinic Judaism Religion and Theology Assignment
10 pages (2721 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Mark gives a detailed explanation of the encounter of the Jews with Jesus and his disciples and other historical details that Matthew avoids. For example at the beginning, he helps us to see that that the disciples were seen eating with unwashed hands. He also goes ahead to give us a small background of the traditions of the Jews about purification and washing before eating.
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Catholic Church in Sixteenth-Century Europe Religion and Theology Assignment
9 pages (2316 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that the Catholic Church became the most powerful institution in Europe, even more, powerful than the rulers. The activities of the Church in the Dark Ages provided the base for the call for reform in the Church. The reform movement gathered pace prior to the fifteenth century, but the Catholic Church managed to control these fires. 
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Religions in Silk Road Changes in the Religious Beliefs of the People of the Silk Road Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
We take the case of religions’ viability in the Silk Road. Firstly, we settle on what we mean by viability.  Lexically, viability is the capacity to grow, develop and germinate normally.  From different perspectives or academic disciplines, the viability of religion is accounted for by myriads of elements. 
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Heresy in Early Christian Church Religion and Theology Report
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 1 , Report
The section introduces the subject matter with a brief explanation for the approach to be taken in response to the subject matter.  Offering a definition of the term heresy the author explains the significance of the term in the context of its most prevalent existence and influence in the history of Christianity.
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Christianity Transition From Superstition to Religio Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2280 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Based on several historical articles concerning the said transition within Christianity, there is no clear event as such since they are merely counterparts of each other. No concrete evidence in the historical claims of the historians shows that there is truly a transition from superstition to religion.
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The Domination of the Papacy Religion and Theology Case Study
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The popes never fully or continuously exercised these wide claims, they were the bases of the following asserted papal rights, rights that the pope exercised with effectiveness in political and civil affairs until the decline of the papacy in the 14 and 15 centuries, though some of the incidents cited took place after the close of the Middle Ages. 
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Funeral Mass Ritual Religion and Theology Literature review
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Understanding the features of a ritual comparatively would best emphasize their logic. Comparing the rituals with the Christian practice similarity is observed in the fact that a religious specialist carries out the ritual. A monk did it and in Christianity, a pastor or bishop would have conducted the requiem mass. 
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Secularization Thesis versus Resurgence of Religiosity Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (1968 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Human beings co-existed with religion since the beginning of time. It provided Christian teachings that governed human society for thousands of years. Classical social thinkers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century postulated that after some time, religion would actually disappear and give rise to the secularization thesis.
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Religion Replacement by Spirituality in a Modern Society Religion and Theology Essay
9 pages (2589 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Haught (Haught, 1990, pp. 2) describes religion as an accumulation of belief and cultural systems that associate humanity with spirituality and moral values. Most of the regions in the world use either a symbol, a narrative, or a slogan which all aim to give meaning to life and to give an in-depth explanation of the origin of the cosmos.
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Tibetian Buddhism - Religious Identity and Rituals of Vajrayana Religion and Theology Literature review
9 pages (2460 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Religion has always played an important role in binding society and defining social relationships. Turner (2006) emphasizes its importance to sociology and refers to religion as the “processes and institutions that render the social world intelligible, and which bind individuals authoritatively into a social order” (p.284).
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The Intertestamental Period Religion and Theology Assignment
11 pages (3015 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that within this time, there had been historical records in the form of extra-biblical literature, such as the scrolls discovered at Qumran, that described the developments that led to and impacted greatly on the religious thought, culture and governance, and events of the first century.
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The Religious Views of the Ancient Civilizations Religion and Theology Term Paper
7 pages (1807 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Islamic law was consequently drawn from the teachings of The Quran and was to provide the foundations of the whole of Islamic society. Islam basically provided the Arab world with the possibility of uniting themselves into a single, coherent movement regulated by a religion that was uniquely theirs.
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Said's Video on Orientalism Religion and Theology Movie Review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
The strengths of the video are Professor Jhally's initial summaries for the video's segments and the wide range of analysis on Orientalism. Jhally provides an introduction to Said's arguments and claims, which defines the audience's expectations. This will help familiarize and prepare people who are unfamiliar with Orientalism and Said's work.
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Analysis of Video about Orientalism Religion and Theology Movie Review
6 pages (1703 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
The video's strengths will notably be more important to the people in the East and other Arab countries. He has dwelt more on fostering the political argument that results in the neglect of literary and rhetorical techniques. The video succeeds in presenting itself as a polemic it fails to function as a corrective medium to a faulty scholarship.
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The Theological Principle of Universalism Religion and Theology Assignment
13 pages (3383 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Universalism is the theological principle that all humanity will be saved. But does this principle express the truth about salvation? Is the principle consistent with the teachings of the Bible, especially biblical teachings on the nature of God, the nature of humanity, and the nature of Jesus Christ and His teachings?
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Why Does Religious Affiliation Continue to Be an Important Source Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1755 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A person who believes in religion may also be a husband, a cook, a brother to another person, a chess player, and disabled among others. However, just a few of these responsibilities shape the identity of an individual (Queen 2012). This paper will evaluate whether religious affiliation serves as an essential source of identity among believers in the world.
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Viable Christology Nowadays Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1577 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In saying ‘God was in Christ’ immediately a relationship of Christ with God can be established. “God has put all things under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and has made Christ Head of the Church, which is his body”. Jesus reigns over all things in heaven and earth. Thompson highlights that the New Testament emphasizes that “Jesus is Lord.”.
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Integrating the Christian Faith into the Science of Counseling Religion and Theology Assignment
13 pages (3540 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The author states that since time immemorial, the conflict between religion and science has been fed by brilliant minds unabashed. In the modern period, this disagreement persists without a sign of cessation. Hence, theories and assumptions with respect to counseling prompted both scientific and Christian counselors to defend their stance.
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The Depiction of the Life of Moses in the Old Testament Religion and Theology Term Paper
7 pages (1926 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Moses is a Biblical Prophet who is mentioned in the Old Testament. He is revered and honored by Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Moses was considered to have led the Israelites to a life of freedom from the bondage and slavery of ancient Egypt. The life of Moses is full of inspiration and motivation as he struggles for the liberation of his people.  
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The Depiction of the Life of Abraham in the Old Testament Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Genesis 22 is a narrative about Abraham, who stands at the beginning of Israel’s history. He is the forebear of Israel, specifically the grandfather of Jacob who was given a new name Israel and whose twelve sons are the relative predecessors of the twelve tribes of Israel. He is the one who takes action with respect to the command of Yahweh.  
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Five Pillars of Islam and Their Importance Religion and Theology Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The once a year “Hajj” to the holy place of Makkah is a compulsion once in a life span for Muslims who are bodily and economically capable to complete it. (EGGER, Vernon, 2003) Though the “Makkah” is for all time packed with devotees, the yearly “Hajj” is executed in every twelfth month of the Islamic calendar.
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Core Beliefs of the Church of England Religion and Theology Coursework
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Some of the Church’s judgments have universal authority, such as the ecumenical creeds. There are also judgments of the Church and not just of particular individuals or groups, it is the Church, which “hath authority in controversies of faith” (as the articles say) and must determine how the bible is to be correctly understood.
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How God Has Rejected His People Religion and Theology Coursework
12 pages (3224 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Israel the nation will not be completely rejected by God for salvation but the Jew who refuses to accept Jesus as Messiah will have to eat the bitter fruit of judgment. Paul still believes that God will not totally cast away Israel because of the foreknowledge of God, as he says, “God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew.”
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Speaking in Tongues in Todays Church Religion and Theology Term Paper
8 pages (2322 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
It is very interesting to note the word ‘on’ in reference to what Paul did to them physically. The word is really translated in Strong’s Concordance to mean ‘superimpose.’ The point to make here is that when Paul placed his hands on them they were superimposed with the same Spirit that was on and in Paul. 
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The Religious Perspective of John Hick Religion and Theology Article
9 pages (2496 words) , Download 1 , Article
John Hick introduces the problem of studying world religions as being an issue of multiply divergent belief systems and suggests a more beneficial approach might be to look at the world religions as a means of achieving salvation. “’ Salvation’ is primarily a Christian term, though I shall use it here to include its functional analogs in the other major world traditions”.  
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Analysis of Romans 8:1-17 Religion and Theology Research Proposal
10 pages (2330 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Paul states in the tenth verse that if Christ lives in you your body is dead this suggests the fact that even though Christ lives in you your body will still be dead because of the sins living in it. Christ gave up his life for redeeming us from our sins and yet if sins continue to live within us our bodies are nothing but dead.
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Theology: The Image of God and Human Emotions Religion and Theology Term Paper
11 pages (2893 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Having presented a convincing argument of the many things God does for us, or overlooks for our benefit, the psalmist finishes his psalm confident of the agreement of his audience that God is a good God deserving of plenty of praise and obedience, bringing the psalm back upon himself and reaffirming his own convictions.   
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The 2nd Vatican Council: The History Religion and Theology Term Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Vatican II was one of the great moments in the history of our Church. It marked a time when the Church took a look at where it was and where the world was – and sought to close the gap. The council wasn’t a sudden event; years of changes in the world and years of study among Church leaders and theologians brought us all to this great moment.
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The Religious Aspects of Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
9 pages (2462 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s finest, Young Goodman Brown critiques Puritan ideology that seeks to repress the desires of man and introduce doubt into every aspect of his mind. In this short story, Hawthorne attempts to create through the character of Goodman Brown, a man who has led the puritan life but goes astray in what seems to be a dream of his and lives his repressed desires through this dream.
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Buddhism in America Religion and Theology Assignment
9 pages (2582 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author of the paper states that objectively, this religion focuses on the attainment of happiness through avoiding ignorance, understanding creation, and eliminating cravings that create wants in the human body. Further, this religion has two core branches that are Theravada and Mahayana.
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Out of Africa, Biological Adam and Eve Religion and Theology Term Paper
8 pages (2198 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Human beings have always thought about where they come from. The existence of the human race and its evolution have always been something of human interest. Many researchers have tried to prove their point of view as correct and logical but there are still some mysteries unsolved – some questions unanswered. 
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Women and Hinduism in Mythology Religion and Theology Coursework
8 pages (2258 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Women are expressed as courageous and symbolize wisdom. They are also more convincing besides vulnerable when it comes to getting favors. When the god of death comes to take the soul of her husband, Savitra confronts him and engages him in a conversation. She then follows the god, Yama, as he takes the soul of her husband (Mackenzie 50).
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The Difference Between Religiousness and Faith in Flannery O`Connor`s Revelation Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
7 pages (1820 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The short story “Revelation” by O`Connor examines one of the most delicate aspects of faith in God – its deep essence and verity. It seems that for most religions adherence to certain rituals and literal following the Scriptures can be enough for considering oneself a true believer but everything is not as simple as it seems.
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Social Justice in Islam Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1645 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that Islam has been portrayed as a religion of violence by both historians and the media. Looking at all religions across the world one cannot single out Islam as the most violent religion than others. Islam religion has only been associated with violence because of circumstances.
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Islamic Perspective of Jesus Religion and Theology Coursework
9 pages (2440 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Muhammad states that his works are in line with the works of other prophets including Abraham, Moses, Job, Jonah, Solomon, David, and Jesus. Conversely, Muslims reject the abilities of the Christian and s Hebrews Holy Bible. They reject the Bible scriptures arguing that it has been corrupted from its initial message diverging from the truth.
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Judaism Evolution in the State of Israel Religion and Theology Essay
8 pages (2027 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Birth, death and marriage are important events in the life of a Jew. Human life is the most important in Judaism. They believe that all have come from a single person and hence taking a single life amounts to destroying the entire world. Euthanasia is not supported. Judaism requires violating the commandments if necessary to save a human life.
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Islam - Is It Misunderstood and Why Religion and Theology Assignment
7 pages (2011 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
For the first step of the research study of the available literature, book, and peer-reviewed materials will be given priority to ensure that intensive research is done before the information was written by the authors. Notably, this is because the literature review will be the foundation of the analysis. 
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Islamic Religious Extremism Religion and Theology Term Paper
7 pages (2243 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Extremist groups are getting both financial as well as moral support from different countries that believe in the Islamic religion. Furthermore, lack of democracy in the Muslim state is another factor that promotes Muslim extremism. The act of extremism in the Muslim faith is spreading very first across the entire world because of the support from the deeply rooted individuals in that particular religion.
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A Comparison of Sins: An Examination of John Miltons Paradise Lost Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
10 pages (2728 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The poem Paradise Lost by John Milton is a study of the nature of man as seen through the metaphorical experience of the myths of Satan and embellished with themes that can be found in pagan myths. This epic poem takes its basic structure from classic Greek writings of the same form and incorporates many classical concepts from the poems of that period.
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The Moravian Church, the Pentecostal Movement and the Methodist Episcopal Church Religion and Theology Coursework
11 pages (2852 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Different religious organizations such as the Methodists, the Moravians, the Salvation Army and the Pentecostal movement propagate the insight that the restoration of Christianity has been an extremely significant movement because of the blemishes in the Christian faith and traditions that were introduced by the Catholic-Orthodox and Protestant Christians.
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