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Qualification of Pastors - Term Paper Example

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The author discusses the qualifications of a pastor. In doing so he finds out first the duties and responsibilities of one so we could accurately define the qualifications for the task. The first and foremost basis for the paper would be the Bible as this is the foundation of a pastor’s life …
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Qualification of Pastors
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TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION II. WHO IS A PASTOR? III. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF A PASTOR A. The Pastor as A Shepherd B. The Pastor as An Overseer C. The Pastor As a Model IV. QUALIFICATIONS OF A PASTOR A. Qualifications of A Shepherd B. Qualifications of an Overseer C. Qualifications of a Model INTRODUCTION Being a pastor is one of the most difficult yet least appreciated jobs there is. The difficulty lies in the fact that the pastor affects lives, deals with people, considering a very important part of their being, the soul. People are a difficult task to manage compared to papers and things, they have their own thoughts and feelings which could greatly affect a pastor’s duties and responsibilities. It is more than parenting because a pastor takes care of other people, not his blood thus making him be in a position where decisions could be difficult to be made. It is also more than teaching because it is not only knowledge that he needs to impart to the people but his aim is to affect lives for a better change. And the change that is aimed at is not only on the financial aspect of the people’s lives, but the change of the whole being of a man into the image and likeness of God, who is the very heart of this profession. In this paper, we are going to discuss the qualifications of a pastor. In doing so, we need to find out first the duties and responsibilities of one so we could accurately define the qualifications for the task. Our first and foremost basis for the paper would be the Bible as this is the foundation of a pastor’s life, duties and responsibilities. In addition, we will be using other books of respected people who have walked the paths of a pastor, truly worthy of the job. Separately, we will discuss the qualifications of a pastor as a shepherd, overseer and model. CHAPTER I WHO IS A PASTOR? Searching the qualifications of a pastor could be very broad and can branch out to many topics regarding the pastor. Thus, we will hit our target by asking the question, ‘Who is a pastor?’ We would first try to answer this for us to be able to understand and limit our discussions regarding the qualifications of a pastor. Pastor is from the Latin word, pastorem meaning, shepherd,1 known to be a keeper of sheep. The Hebrew word Ra’ ah is the verb form from which the word pastor is derived and means to see, as in look; also to see like to perceive; to have vision and furthermore, to look at, regard, look after, learn about, observe, consider, give attention or to distinguish2. The word Ro’eh which is the noun form appeared in the Old Testament referring to the shepherd who looks after the flock of sheep as well as the king or leader of Israel3. King David, probably the most popular king of Israel was out tending the sheep when the prophet Samuel went to their place to anoint him as king. On 2 Samuel 5:2, the Israelites reminded David of what God told him to do, to shepherd them and be their ruler. Thus, we can say that a pastor is one who tends the sheep or one who looks after God’s people; the shepherd being the pastor and the sheep being the members of the congregation. Obviously, we will be discussing the second definition as to his duties and responsibilities as well as his qualifications. __________ 1Harper, Douglas. Online Etymology Dictionary. “Etymology entry for Pastor”. <>. 2 Brown, Driver, Briggs and Gesenius. "Hebrew Lexicon entry for Ra'ah". "The Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon". . 3Ibid. . CHAPTER II DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES In 1 Peter 5:2-3, Peter exhorts the elders on their functions as shepherds of God’s flock or pastors over God’s chosen people, supervising them in their spiritual affairs, not becoming masters of the people but becoming examples to them. From this, we will dissect the three main duties and responsibilities of a pastor as a shepherd, overseer and example. A. The Pastor as a Shepherd The scripture earlier quoted gives us a clear picture of a pastor like that of a shepherd watching over the sheep even during the night, making sure of their safety from wolves and other animals that may endanger them. Looking at Genesis 29:7 where Jacob was talking to the shepherds he saw at the well when he fled to Haran, he mentioned what the shepherds should do. That when the sun is still high, they are to water the sheep and take them back to the pasture then gather them afterwards. In parallel to the responsibilities of a pastor, it is his task to water the sheep. In the New Testament, water is a representation of the Holy Spirit so we can say that it is the pastor’s duty to teach the people about the Holy Spirit for them to be empowered, vital people of God. Mirroring God as the Shepherd in the most famous psalm of David, the 23rd psalm, He is said to lead man to quiet waters. Likewise, pastors are to lead the people to the presence of the Holy Spirit, the quiet Water where thirst is quenched and the sound of which brings calm to the soul. Secondly, they are to bring the people to the pasture land. Referring back to the 23rd psalm, pastors have the responsibility to look after their congregation’s needs, ensuring their safety, not that they are supposed to provide for their food and shelter but that they are supposed to guide them with the Word of God, making sure they are well grounded with the doctrines of God and protecting them from views that could deviate them from the truth. It is then the responsibility of the pastor to make sure that the people are brought to a spiritual state where they get healthy spiritual food. It is not just feeding the flock though, that should concern the pastor but, especially, feeding them with unadulterated food. The pure Word of God not mixed with man’s understanding and interpretations should be shared to the people and not that only which man wants to hear. Probably the greatest fear of pastors is when people drop church because they do not like what they are hearing. Thus, the greatest challenge to the pastor is to say the things people need to hear for their purging as God has used the prophets of long ago. Pastors, like parents, like their children to be well. They would not like to lead them to places where they can be in danger rather, they assess situations first before they bring their children to a place where they are sure they can be free from harm. That is exactly how a pastor acts as a shepherd. A shepherd brings his sheep to green, lush pasture neither to a dry one where they get nothing, nor to where there are wolves or lions that might eat them. He should be experienced in finding just the right pasture to keep them safe and healthy. Lastly, the pastor gathers the sheep. Figuratively speaking, this could refer to the Sabbath day wherein the people are gathered for the ‘rest’. The sheep in the evening are gathered for their safety while they are resting during the night, thus, we can say that the gatherings or fellowships are not only for the pastor to give his eloquent speech but to look after their safety as they ‘rest’. In addition, this calls for the pastor’s duty of evangelizing, sharing the Word of God not only to those who go to church but even to those who are not professing the same faith that he does. Gathering involves calling all to join the ‘rest’ when the people meet to listen to the word of God. B. The Pastor as an Overseer Being an overseer is the second task of the pastor, standing as the leader of the people, looking over their spiritual affairs. Dr. Jack Neumann listed seven principles for managing people which can be very helpful to the pastor, among which is; knowing the condition of the flock4. He said in his conversation with Theodore McBride, ‘a manager can’t manage what he doesn’t know’, referring to an earlier experience, feeding the sheep, checking their fleece and hooves, patting them and making sure they are well taken cared of5. A pastor should not just be content looking at his flock from a distance but needs to mingle with them, talk to them and observe how they are doing. He must be sensitive to their needs and situations and not recklessly leave them at a state of being impertinent. As Mills encourages, leaders should interact not only with the rich, powerful and famous but also to those who are considered small in the community6. Being the person expected to do a lot of talking in church, being heard by many people, the pastor also has to be a listener. Toler says that a good leader is attentive, interested and concerned about the needs of the team members7, not just paying attention to the words they utter but also to the underlying messages of their words. __________ 4 Dr. Kevin Leman and William Pentak, The Way of the Shepherd (Michigan: Zondervan, 2004), 25. 5Ibid. 6 Dag Heward-Mills, The Art of Leadership (United States: Parchment House, 2006), 21. 7 Stan Toler, What Makes a Leader (Colorado Springs, Colorado: Cook Communications Ministries, 2002), 61. As Stephen Covey says, ‘A leader is the one who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the entire situation, and yells, “Wrong Jungle!”’8, even making the pastor’s job extend to the overall situation of the entire church and not just to ten or twenty individuals. C. The Pastor as a Model Pastors are to be examples in words and in deed because as teachers of the laws of God, people look up to them to be doing what they teach and not just tell them what to do. We always here people say that to be a good leader, one has to be a good follower. Thus, a good leader knows that he has become what he is because he had a good leader whom he followed. Therefore, if he wants others to become like him in the future, a good leader, he must live with good examples. It is also emphasized in our verse that the pastor being the leader is not to Lord over the people. From this, I deduce that they are equals serving the same Master, the Lord Jesus Christ however; their responsibilities would be different from each other. This is a task which we must consider greatly because power could be a trap for a pastor. __________ 8Ibid., p. 63 CHAPTER III QUALIFICATIONS OF A PASTOR After discussing the important duties and responsibilities of a pastor, we may now define his qualifications based from our previous topic. Similarly, we will go over the qualifications in parallel to the tasks required from a pastor. A. Qualifications of a Shepherd Ness says in his appeal to pastors and church workers that they should not presume that because they have studied in a seminary or Bible school that they are as qualified for the job9 as one is qualified in becoming a doctor or a lawyer. Instead, they should see first that they are qualified before enrolling in a school to be equipped for the job. Education and training may be vital in a pastor’s ministry but more important is the qualification from the Master. So what is the qualification of a pastor then if it is not his scholastic achievement? He must have a personal call10 from the Lord, meaning he must have the qualities already in him that he knows exist and through his experiences have been honed or are still to be polished as he studies and trains. For some, they experience a deep conviction that they are called to pastor because of a nudging from the Holy Spirit. Others receive visions or even hear the audible voice of the Lord, being convinced that it is not just their feelings or personal thoughts that drive them to shepherd a flock. Most importantly, a pastor should not decide to become one because of material value, or the dreams of a parent or friend and not even because he just wants to. __________ 9Dr. A. W. Ness, Dear Pastor and Christian Worker (Ontario, Canada: Agapre Publications, Inc., 1985), 9. 10Ibid. As the shepherd is called to water the sheep,11 he himself must not be thirsty of the Holy Spirit but quite the contrary, being filled of the Holy Spirit for him to be able to give. As they always say, one can not give what he does not have, a pastor can not water the flock if he does not have water. In addition to this, the pastor should lead the flock to green pastures and feed them12. This means that the pastor has a vision, a goal clearly defined13 for his church members which he aims to achieve with the people, to be in the green pasture. And what is this green pasture? It is not only the church but the house, office and school as well. As the pasture is where food for the sheep is found, the pastor’s pasture would be where people feed their minds and beings. Sure the pastor can not follow all his church members and watch over them twenty four hours a day and seven days a week, but what we are saying here is, he has the responsibility of making sure they are well founded in their faith so that wherever they go, they will always chose to glorify God as this is the chief end of man14. Thus he must be a good teacher, able to impact the faith of other people. As the shepherd, the pastor has a time to gather the flock or the church members to observe the Lord’s Day and enjoy the Lord’s rest. It is not mere reminders that he needs to do but to gather them, making sure no one is missing. This may require a lot of work from the pastor, including visitation to houses and checking attendance in church. Though this should not be for the attendance per se but it is a matter of making sure church members are in the right place eating the right things, metaphorically speaking. For this job, the pastor has to be led by the __________ 11Genesis 29:7 New International Version. 12Ibid. 13C. Peter Wagner, Your Church Can Grow (Ventura, California: Regal books, 1984), 32. 14Tedd Trip, Shepherding a Child’s Heart (Walwallopen, PA: Shepherd Press, 1994), 47. Great Shepherd himself so that he will not become the blind leading the blind15. Looking at shepherds, they usually carry a rod and a staff, and these are the qualifications of a pastor in being a shepherd. The rod is associated with correction16 and discipline, requiring the pastor to be able to correct his members regardless of their position, knowing that he is not feeding his ego but the needs of the people. The staff on the other hand is associated with responsibility to direct people,17 thus, he should have the qualifications of a leader. As such, he should have a clear picture of the end of his members’ ends, a know how of achieving the goal and the precautions and limits of his actions. Being a leader, the pastor needs to be strong, taking the lead and knows just what to do when the members are on the edge of a cliff or when they are lost in the dessert. B. Qualifications of an Overseer I mentioned earlier the conversations of McBride and Neumann when the former sat on the older man’s feet to learn his secrets on successful management. The latter took his eager student to his farm and educated him on how to keep a flock of healthy sheep. He mentioned that being a manager, one has to examine the sheep, their food, the pen and the pasture18. In examining the sheep, of course to the pastor, it would be impossible for him to be looking into his members’ rooms, clothing or their bodies to check for parasites or anything that makes them sick. Instead, he is to look out for danger signs in their lifestyle, speech and actions. You may say that that would be way too much, that people might get disappointed and leave the church, but a pastor should be more concerned about the church’s spiritual condition rather than the quantitative _______________ 15Luke 6:39. 16Ibid., p. 107. 17Ibid. 4, at 70. 18Ibid. 4, at 24. health. To keep a healthy congregation, the pastor has to have the guts to care enough that he can not stop until he makes sure his members are doing well. In secular groups, leadership is a position taken with much caution and care, with those taking the seat making great efforts to have them well equipped, learning not only from their experiences but from others as well. Training is also one thing they seek to have, leaving no room for mistakes that can be avoided through right education and training. We might say that with pastors, the same should be true. However, I am convinced that the job of a pastor is far greater than the job of a teacher who teaches secular knowledge to one who can become the greatest professional there is on earth. Thus, I can say with much certainty that a pastor has to have better trainings than the best president because his concerns are not materials, numbers, or any other things. His job is not just people-oriented, it is eternal-life oriented. It is relationship-oriented, a relationship between God and man. C. Qualifications of a Model In 1Timothy 3:2-7, Paul encourages overseers to be of high moral character, and emphasizes that he must be the husband of just one woman, able to manage his own family, arguing about his ability to manage other people when he can not manage a small number, his own family. Becoming a leader is becoming an example. This job calls for a lifestyle that is a message in itself, that whenever a pastor sits, he is saying, ‘Hey, this is the right way of sitting’ sans talking, when he stands, he stands up straight and with confidence, not ashamed of himself, knowing that he is a man worthy to stand because he stands with dignity. When he walks, people will look to him and would just love to follow in his footsteps, because they see him going somewhere else with discipline in his every doing.19 ______________ 19R. Kent Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Man (Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books, 1991), 13. Verse 2 says the pastor must be blameless, a man comparable to Noah and Job who walked with God, feared God and refrained evil20. In our world today where sin is very rampant, this call seems to be impossibility. However, man is not called to do what he is not able to accomplish because the Giver of the task gives the abilities and capabilities for the job to be achieved. It is then the task of a pastor to decide to live a righteous life, devoid of reproach. Furthermore, our text calls for the pastor to be temperate, self-controlled, respectable and hospitable19. In other words, he must be a disciplined man, not easily angered but acts with wisdom, may become angry but not driven to compulsive mockery to the Word he is standing for. The pastor does not demand for respect rather, he commands it with his words and deeds by being an example to everybody. As Paul says, the pastor must not be a drunkard, nor quarrelsome but gentle20 so that everybody will see him living the principles he is teaching. Another qualification of a pastor is for him to be able to manage his own family so that when he is able to do so, his members will respect his leadership skills. They will not question his abilities, compare his family to themselves or even talk about him behind his back because of his incapability when it comes to his own family. Logically speaking, a pastor who is not able to discipline the members of his family which now normally consists of an average of four people, would not be able to manage a group with a minimum number of two people who are not at all related to him by blood. __________ 20Genesis 6:9 and Job 1:1 211Timothy 3:2-7 22Ibid. CONCLUSION Our discussions on the duties and responsibilities as well as the qualifications of a pastor could go on and on with the many aspects this topic involves. It is indeed not enough for us to discuss this in detail for such a short paper however, it would be noteworthy still, to read this short note if we don’t miss to mention the first and foremost qualification of a pastor. That he has to be a convert, a believer in Jesus, firm in his beliefs. One can not bring others to a faith he does not profess. On the contrary, the effective pastor strengthens his trust in God as he deepens his relationship with him, resulting to people drawn to the Word of God.23 Success comes to a pastor who realizes his union with God to make Him work through him.24 __________ 23Mike Bickle, Passion for Jesus (United States: Charisma House, 1996), 136. 24Sidney, N. Bremer, Successful Achievement: Volume 1 (Lexington, Kentucky, 1996), 25. Read More
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