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Role of Religion in Indian Politics Religion and Theology Article
16 pages (4149 words) , Download 5 , Article
India is an Asian nation that has the second-largest population in the world.  It is estimated to have more than one billion people, and it is estimated that there is one Indian in every six people in the world. Interestingly, more than 450 million Indian citizens earn less than 1 dollar and live below the international poverty line.
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Servant Leadership: the Promotion of a Sense of Community Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1574 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This philosophy of servant-leadership asserts that the existence of work is due to the existence of the person and the person exists for the sake of the work. It is very challenging for organizations to think about the relationships that are found in organizations, people, and the whole society. This theory encourages perspective.
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The Position of Religion in Politics Religion and Theology Coursework
7 pages (2119 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
People consider religion and politics differently and there are varying policies adopted by different governments across the world. As a result, there have been arguments across the United States that religion and politics are different sides of the same coin that cannot be isolated to exist in solitary.
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Jesus Christ as a Jewish Wisdom Teacher Religion and Theology Literature review
6 pages (1664 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Jesus Christ can be seen as the Savior of all mankind, as the greatest healer, as well as a teacher of wisdom and ethics. The Bible provides all these images in unity as Jesus Christ embodies not only divine but also human nature. Christ is the son of God, and in this respect, He has the ability to perform various miracles.
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European Medieval Period Is an Age of Faith Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1541 words) , Download 1 , Essay
There are numerous proofs of unclear dominance of any faith since Arthur searches for the Holy Grail, the Cup from which Jesus drank during Last Supper (the manifestation of Christianity’s presence in people’s life), while after his death his body is put in a boat and sent down the river (clear evidence of pagans’ rituals) (Troyes).
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Exegesis of Luke 7:36-50 Religion and Theology Essay
7 pages (1971 words) , Download 1 , Essay
However, this story depicts the son of God as one that accepts worship from even the sinful people could be another contributing factor to its widespread popularity. Even though Mathew, Mark and John also record this incident, Luke's account is very distinctive. The first main difference with Luke's account is that he has placed it very early in the gospel, thereby detaching the story from Christ's passion.
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Opinions about God and Religion Religion and Theology Case Study
7 pages (1955 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Philosophers try to look beyond the familiar, to consider God and religion more deeply and carefully. This paper will consider three opinions about God and Religion: the opinions of Bertrand Russell, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, and my own opinion. Bertrand Russell and the Dalai Lama are well-respected philosophers and teachers.
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Buddhism by Sue Penney Religion and Theology Book Report/Review
6 pages (1661 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The questions left in my mind though are what religion did the Buddha’s people practice? Is there any living proof of reincarnation? And who controls Samsara or the cycle of life? If I were to do more research on the subject, I would work in the times before the Buddha’s awakening so I could find out the different religions that influenced him and his awakening.
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Five Orixas in African Religion Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1724 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The first Orixa is Oggun who is the god of iron, labor, and war. Obbatala is the father of all humanity while Shango is the ruler of lightning and thunder. As for Yemaya, he rules over the lakes and seas. It is evident that the Yoruba religion was a composition of diverse traditions and that is why it stood out in Africa.
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Relationship between Slave Trade and Religion Religion and Theology Essay
6 pages (1647 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Globalization has been said to be a modern-day aspect, however, some scholars are of the opinion that it is a very old aspect dated to the European age of discovery- the age during the voyage to the new world. The term globalization has been a source of major debate among the ages, with numerous definitions cropping up.
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Controversial Issues of the Bible Religion and Theology Assignment
7 pages (1928 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Jesus lived the life of a simple human being, yet he was faced with many hardships and have to undergo them in order to emerge as an example for all of mankind. Realistically, he was a more grounded, tolerant person than one can hope to become today, and he lived a simple life without complaining. 
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Islam and Violence in Syria Religion and Theology Essay
12 pages (3157 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Syria, officially known as the Syrian Arab Republic is geographically located in the west of Asia. The country border the Mediterranean Sea and Lebanon to the west while to its East is Iraq and Turkey to the North. Additionally, Syria borders Israel to the South West. The modern State of Syria was established after World War II and gained independence in 1945.
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Comparative Analysis of Two World Religions: Buddhism and Islam Religion and Theology Report
15 pages (4539 words) , Download 2 , Report
There is no prohibition in Buddhism regarding the moral dress code but individuals are expected to choose and distinguish between the right and the unacceptable forms of clothing based on the teachings of the Buddha. Islam on the other hand has a strict dress code that compels both men and women to dress a certain way.
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Catholic Understanding of Schism Religion and Theology Literature review
6 pages (1603 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The major division of the Catholic Church transpired in 1054 when it split into the Eastern and Western churches. Referred to as “schism”, theologians regard the event as a vital part of the Catholic Church’s history. Кeigning pope’s decision to exercise his mandate by altering a creed without regarding others’ opinions on the issue instigated the division.
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Shiism in Pakistan Religion and Theology Case Study
12 pages (3506 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Shiites have played a prominent role in the emergence of the state as well as in the political sphere since the Pakistani state was formed in 1947. When Pakistan gained independence from Britain in 1947, its politics were dominated by Shiites, with the founder of the state, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, being a Shiite.
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Religious Tolerance Religion and Theology Research Paper
11 pages (3133 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Few thinkers consider that a religious war has begun between Islam and other religions. Few consider that it has nothing to do about Islam but it is a war between fundamentalists and moderates irrespective of the religion. World Wars 1&2 and the Cold War were not fought on the basis of religion. Few termed America’s war on Iraq as Crusade or Holy war.
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Fashioning Jewish Identity in Medieval Western Christendom Religion and Theology Literature review
8 pages (2400 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Where the specific interpretation of Daniel 9:24 is clear within the faith of Christians, the interpretations of Daniel 9:25-27 is not as clearly understood. According to Stefanovic, “the key to the interpretation of this whole passage is the phrase “from the issuing of the decree to restore and to build Jerusalem”.[1]    
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Characteristics Evident in Christianity and Islam Religion and Theology Report
9 pages (2438 words) , Download 1 , Report
In regard to worship, Muslims worship in a way that contradicts the Christian way of worship to a great extent and this makes it difficult for them to worship together. Women constitute more than half of the Christian congregations whereas Islamic women are segregated. Islam could require that these women be locked out for them to integrate with the Christian men.
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The Spirit of Islam Religion and Theology Research Paper
8 pages (2286 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Thousands of religious belief systems exist on the face of the mother-earth, which maintains several similarities and differences from one another in nature, scope, and teachings. In the long list of countless beliefs, Abrahamic faiths, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are quite distinguishing ones from the rest and seek inspiration from one and the same light.
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Why Do Good People Suffer Religion and Theology Literature review
12 pages (3282 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
In simple terms, it means that God will not spare someone from suffering simply because one claims to be innocent. This further means that despite one’s goodness and obedience to God and to His laws, bad things may still happen to him. Job himself actually claims innocence when he states that he has not committed sins like lust, lies, idolatry, and adultery.
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History of the Catholic Church on the Death Penalty Religion and Theology Report
8 pages (2122 words) , Download 2 , Report
There should be an effective way to defend society but it should not be taken with a vengeance. In the 1990s Catholic Church has promoted much awareness among American citizens to abolish capital punishment. Catholic leaders promoted catholic teaching that characterizes the death penalty as inappropriate and unacceptable punishment for crimes.
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Comparison between Islam & Buddhism Religion and Theology Report
12 pages (3265 words) , Download 1 , Report
Human lacks perfect knowledge as well as perfect wisdom. No matter how hard we try, we will never attain the perfect way of life by our own thinking and interpretations. This is the reason why Allah, being the Wisest, sent the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) to show us this practical and organized way of life.
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A Theodicy of Hell Religion and Theology Report
9 pages (2479 words) , Download 1 , Report
Though it acknowledges the existence of heaven and the fact that good souls would be sent to heaven, yet it “mathematically destroys heaven since there is only one common judgment: Would there not then also be a serious disproportion between good deeds consciously committed in time and grace consciously experienced throughout eternity.” (Cronfel, 2004. p. 32)
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Islam vs. Christianity and Judaism Religion and Theology Literature review
9 pages (2400 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
It is one of the world’s top popular religions and the dedication to their system of belief to their religion is to be respected and admired the same as other religions like Christianity and Judaism. Understanding of the Islam religion will hopefully lead to acknowledgment of the religion and positive interactions eventually observed.
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Old Testaments Greatest Covenants Religion and Theology Report
10 pages (2623 words) , Download 1 , Report
According to, a covenant is “A binding agreement; a compact “. And most sources indicate that this is an agreement made between men that require action and fidelity from both parties, but in the bible, specifically in the Old Testament, God has allowed himself to be in agreement with the man despite himself being all-knowing and all-powerful, while man being fickle and shaky.
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Christian Biblical Worldview Religion and Theology Literature review
11 pages (2932 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
My worldview is monotheism. I believe in one supreme God, who is both omnipresent and all-knowing. I place no other creature before him, as he is the creator of all things that are in the world. I also believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and I am guided by the rules as stipulated in the bible.
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Comparing and Contrasting Two Specific Characteristics in Two Modern Religious Faiths Religion and Theology Report
10 pages (2604 words) , Download 1 , Report
People living in ancient culture developed their own religious ideologies to provide an explanation of their own creation and the world around them. These principles were often based upon mythology. It was a common practice to create religious beliefs upon polytheism. The mood of an individual God or goddess would be reflected by certain environmental changes such as rain and wind.
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Passion of Apostle Paul Religion and Theology Literature review
9 pages (2477 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Jesus accepted and emulated the example of his father and thus he attained the same stature as God the father. Philippians 2:1-11 is a good guide on how Christians can attain this nature of Christ which is also the nature of God the father. In these verses, Paul shares the heart and mind of Christ with the church so that they could understand how to fellowship with each other.
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Exploring John Calvins Views on the Doctrinal Downfall of Man Religion and Theology Literature review
7 pages (2067 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Calvin rejects monarchy as he deems it as the rule of the tyrants. On the other hand, Calvin heralds democracy as it promoted the dignity and equality among men, which reminds us that even in our fallen condition, we are granted with a remnant of grace as being created in the image of God (Cole 2009).
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Comparison between the Deaths of General Washington, and Alexander Hamilton Religion and Theology Report
9 pages (2339 words) , Download 1 , Report
Preaching within the churches gave the reason for the founding a new nation. For more than two generations, the people of England had teachings about the importance of their rights and had to depend on God. To protect them, they had a right to resist and if necessary modify and eliminate governments and establish new ones using the same concepts.
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Understanding of the Islamic Experience Religion and Theology Report
11 pages (3090 words) , Download 1 , Report
The view is partly true and partly wrong. Various incidences in the history of Islam have called for both peaceful and aggressive measures to be taken based on the prevailing circumstances. Although analysts rush to conclusions, many factors should be put into consideration. It is unjustified to say that all Muslims are violent.
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Jesus Was the Founder of Christianity Religion and Theology Report
9 pages (2278 words) , Download 1 , Report
Jesus is, therefore, the founder of Christianity. In the gospel books, just as discussed in the essay indicate that Jesus came to fulfill His mission on earth that of setting a base for Christianity and ensure that the commandments are followed to the letter. It is validated to argue that, Jesus is the founder of Christianity; other people simply emphasized what He had established. 
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Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life Religion and Theology Report
7 pages (1959 words) , Download 1 , Report
A man transforms his life and becomes a true Christian, not only through the study of dogmatic and moral theology but by taking part in the liturgy and the Eucharist itself. As the Pope concludes: “the Eucharist, which is in an outstanding way the sacrament of the paschal mystery, stands at the center of the Church’s life” (EDE 3).
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Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism Religion and Theology Report
7 pages (1981 words) , Download 1 , Report
Confucianism means school of scholars since it came up from the teachings of Confucius. Most cultures existing in the neighboring countries are influenced by religion, and they include; Taiwan and Japanese. Religion played a core role in Chinese civilization in the year around the twentieth century. The worldview on Confucianism varies on an individual’s comments and way of taking things.
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Morality of Buddhism and Christianity Religion and Theology Report
7 pages (1989 words) , Download 1 , Report
On the example of the afterlife and morality representation in these religions, we could see that an individual in Christianity is a dependent person and Buddhism is focused more on an individual’s freedom and independence from the powerful authority. It is necessary to consider specific characteristics of different religions in order to depict the peculiarities of their natures.
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Western Religious Thought: The Middle Ages Through the Reformation Religion and Theology Report
8 pages (2319 words) , Download 1 , Report
Along with denying the existence of purgatory the attitude toward death and ceremonies was changed. The new emphasis on the relationship between the individual and God partly owes its appearance to the individualism of the Renaissance, and partially - to the New Testament, leaving behind the institutions of the Church.
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Matrimony: Shinto vs Catholic Ceremonies Religion and Theology Report
7 pages (1922 words) , Download 1 , Report
Marriage does not just unify two persons; it is also a unifying factor for people across generations and across the globe. By following time-honored traditions, younger generations are able to commune with their ancestral roots whenever and wherever they may be. And by celebrating the marriage of two people, one culture is unified with the rest of the world who also celebrate such occasions.
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Islam and Buddhism Religion and Theology Report
6 pages (1869 words) , Download 1 , Report
Likewise, the discourse would present the answers to the indicated questions or what relevant comments one believes that the person would have responded to. Finally, one’s personal reflection of this experience in the light of the Christian beliefs and practice would be presented and discussed. The first religion to be explored is Islam followed by Buddhism.
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The Role of the Holy Spirit in Christian Salvation and Its Importance for Pentecostal Evangelism Religion and Theology Report
8 pages (2030 words) , Download 1 , Report
In fact, the studies have shown that salvation can simply not be possible without the Holy Spirit. This is because the Holy Spirit is the personality that brings Grace needed for God to grant a person salvation. So as Christian Ministries continue to make the duty of evangelism a core aspect of their worship, it is important that they make the Holy Spirit an instrumental part of this endeavor.
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Christianity: A Huge Factor in the Story of Western Progress Religion and Theology Literature review
9 pages (2618 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Islam saved Aristotle’s works and set powerful fundamentals in the field of science and medicine and aided the creation of international trade between Europe and the Eastern world through the Islamic world. History did not commence with only the two Greek Icons, namely Augustine or Aquinas. Let us not ignore the role of tradition, that is, the passing on of the work of earlier generations.
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Comparing Religions: Buddhism and Christianity Religion and Theology Report
9 pages (2235 words) , Download 1 , Report
According to a passage in the Book of Galatians chapter 6 verses 7-9, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
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Traditions of Western Religion, Islam Religion and Theology Literature review
8 pages (2096 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Iran has been contesting Saudi leadership in the Islamic world which has caused additional animosity between Iran and Saudi beyond what has existed for centuries. Recently, Saudi King Abdullah urged the U.S. to “cut off the head of the snake” in reference to Iran. To the Saudi’s, Iran and the Shiite enemy having possession of nuclear weapons is unacceptable.
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Arminian and Calvinist Views Religion and Theology Literature review
9 pages (2585 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Members of the society have different ways of explaining the happenings. The explanations may take spiritual, natural, or social perspectives. This paper is interested in the spiritual perspectives of phenomena’s explanations. Spiritual explanations believe in the existence of a supreme supernatural being or a deity who controls the universe.
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Biblical Theme of Justice, Love, Fidelity, Mercy Religion and Theology Literature review
10 pages (2688 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Love as a theme is believed to be the basis of all the positive virtues a Christian should have and practice. Fidelity is seen in some stories of both the testaments. God is esteemed fidelity and anticipates His creation to be faithful to their partners. Mercy has enabled man to get favor from God and live eternally if he keeps His commandments.
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The Life of Christ Religion and Theology Literature review
10 pages (2649 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
There were shepherds keeping watch over their flock at night and the Lord stood upon them and gave them the great joy that a savior will be born in the city of David. The link of the Lord's nativity was described as that one of humble characters and his birthplace was poor and under great struggle. In the verse of evangelist, we are not told that the angelic songs were heard by any other group.
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Growth of Contemporary Christianity Religion and Theology Report
6 pages (1484 words) , Download 1 , Report
According to the Pew Research Center, the total Christian population is estimated to be 2.18 billion, out of 6.9 billion world population. Although faith is considered to be a new advent in comparison with Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Judaism, yet the religion got popularity in all corners within a few centuries of its advent.    
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Womanist Theology Religion and Theology Report
8 pages (2016 words) , Download 1 , Report
The theological task helps in inventing means of healing the negative relations experienced through horizontal encounters. Therefore, it is clear that black theologians such as Cone and Cecil attempt to acquaint the theological task with the view of involving their role in finding the meaning of black religion in the black community.
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Millennial Systems Theory snd Transcendence Religion and Theology Research Paper
13 pages (3233 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
If there is one area that nearly all Christians are in disagreement about, it is the millennium. Disagreements revolve around whether there is or is not a millennium; whether it is literal or symbolic; historical or prophetic; where it falls in the chronology of end-time events, and a number of other details.
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Did Religion Play a Part in Politics in the 1980's Religion and Theology Literature review
7 pages (2126 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
In the 1980s, some states and nations were still practicing racism and slavery. Some political leaders believed practicing such inhuman acts was a way of respecting their religion. They believed that people should never be the same (Murrin 101). This cannot be said to be politics, this was religion controlling the political views of a person.
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Inside Islam: Beliefs and Non-Beliefs Religion and Theology Literature review
11 pages (3064 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The Muslim concept of God or Allah is different from the Christian God. The Muslim Allah is different from the Biblical God. He is not a God that has everlasting love and holiness. Muhammad’s concept of Allah is that he is the author of both good and evil and has unconditional love; he loves those whom he chooses. The unbelievers of Islam are called infidels and are persecuted.
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