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Peters Special Relationship with Jesus - Term Paper Example

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The paper "Peter’s Special Relationship with Jesus" states although Peter had outstanding traits compared to other disciples, what qualified him to be appointed as the shepherded after Jesus’s death, many people doubt whether the kind of love and attention he received from Jesus was well deserved…
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Peters Special Relationship with Jesus
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PETER’S SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS: A BIOGRAPHICAL STUDY By Peter’s Special Relationship with Jesus: A Biographical Study 1.0 Introduction A close analysis of the accounts described in the gospel books highlights the kinds of relationships that Jesus had with his disciples. Notably, Jesus spent three years with his twelve disciples actively involving them in his ministry. In these three years, Jesus sought to impart them with critical skills and knowledge concerning God’s kingdom, God’s purposes and will. Moreover, He was setting a pattern for them to emulate in the years that were to come. Therefore, when choosing His disciples, Jesus was selective as He wanted disciples who had the willingness to abandon what they were doing and commit themselves fully to the ministry. One of these disciples was Peter who was initially a fisherman, but abandoned his career considered worthwhile and decided to follow Jesus. From the account read in the gospel books, it becomes evident that Peter had a special relationship with Jesus in the three years that they worked closely. His relationship was outstanding, a factor that made Jesus entrust his ‘Little sheep” under the care of Peter (Foster 2007, 5). Without doubt, Jesus had reasons for choosing to give that responsibility to Peter. This paper’s intent is to analyze the outstanding relationship that Peter had with Jesus. Moreover, the paper will offer a critical assessment of whether Peter deserved the privileges that Jesus gave to him. 2.0 Research Methodology In a bid to analyze the kind of relationship that Peter had with Jesus, it is critical to adopt an effective research technique. The accounts that describe Jesus relationship with His disciples are found in the four gospel books. Moreover, several analysts have tried to interpret the different incidences recorded in the Bible and illustrate their meaning. This research will rely on an extensive analysis of bible verses that refer to different accounts when Peter has special experiences with Jesus. In addition, the paper will also consider the interpretations available in different academic articles that have been developed by different authors to explain the special relationship that Jesus had with His disciples (Foster 2007, 6). 3.0 The Relationship between Jesus and his Disciples From the time when Jesus called the different disciples, He established a special relationship with them. Although the disciples called Him “Rabbi” meaning teacher, Jesus was far more considerate to them more than just a teacher. Notably, Jesus was a perfect person who knew their human weaknesses. Being a perfect person, Jesus definitely had different standards from those of the disciples (Shepherd 2010, 777). Moreover, being the son of God, Jesus belonged to a higher rank as the son of the most high. Jesus exhibited love and care for His disciples a factor that was evident from the way He cared for their physical needs. More importantly, Jesus satisfied their spiritual needs by teaching them the will of God and setting a pattern for them to emulate. Although Jesus knew they had personal weaknesses, He sought to correct them with love, and did not look down upon them because of their weaknesses or their little faith. When they exhibited a little understanding of things, Jesus was patient with them, and sought to use syllables to make them understand the different concepts of the God’s kingdom. During other times, the disciples exhibited unwanted ambitions. and even argued amongst themselves about who was the greatest one among them. Although Jesus knew that their perspective was wrong, He understood that they needed time to realize that anyone who wanted to be great in God’s kingdom had to serve others. Although they spent a lot of time with Jesus, He was well aware that they would not adopt the right view of things in such a short time. Although Jesus recognized their intentions and desires as well as their weaknesses, He used them in his ministry (Foster 2007, 4). During the last supper, Jesus decided to set an example for them concerning the value of humility and the significance of serving others. He did by washing their feet an act that showed His love for them and his willingness to serve others. This must have a strong symbol for the disciples because Jesus was, after all, the son of God, but was willing to serve them although they were mare human beings. This move by Jesus was purposed to place emphasis on the importance lessons that He had taught them that whoever wanted to be great in his kingdom had to adopt the attitude of a servant and not the master. A short while before Jesus was arrested, when He was praying with three of the disciples, and the trying hour was approaching, the disciples were unable to pray but rather slept. Jesus was well aware that it was at that critical point that they needed prayer the most. He knew that the days that would follow would be overwhelmingly trying for the disciples when He faced His death. Jesus himself prayed in earnest sincerity to His father at the Mount of Olives. According to the record in Mathew 26, from verses 36, Jesus took along Peter and the two sons of Zebedee to the area where He intended to pray (American Bible Society 2000). He revealed to them that He felt “deeply grieved” and He went further ahead to beg His father on whether the death would “pass away.” However, He preferred God’s will to be done and not His. In John chapters 15-18, Jesus had indicated to them that this final hour would be very trying. Therefore, He expected the three disciples to be praying earnestly because of what lay ahead. However, when Jesus finished praying, He went back to them only to realize that they had slept. Although Jesus knew the criticality of the moment, He did not rebuke them for their fleshly weakness, but recognized that their spirit were willing to pray. This happened for three consecutive times and each time He found them sleeping and resting. This must have been one moment when the disciples exhibited their human weakness at a time when utmost spirituality was needed. In Mather 26:41, Jesus had urged them to keep on praying and remain vigilant so that they would not yield into temptations. Although they failed to do this three times, Jesus understood their human weakness. Such understanding illustrates the special love that Jesus had for His disciples. Although He wanted them to be spiritual people, He knew that being human had its limitations. In other instances, Jesus exhibited such understanding towards them. On a different occasion when they had come from preaching the entire day and Jesus was well aware that they were tired, He allowed them to rest. In addition, Jesus prior recorded in John 17 illustrates the kind of love and special regards for all His disciples. Knowing that His time on earth was coming to an end, Jesus said a special prayer to His father concerning the disciples. In this prayer, He acknowledged the special steps that the disciples had taken in accepting that He was the son of God. Moreover, He highlighted that they needed protection now that He was leaving the world and they would remain in the world. From verses 11to 18, Jesus requested His father to safeguard them against the wicked one (American Bible Society 2000). As their master, Jesus was aware of the needs of His disciples and made this special prayer to His father on behalf of the disciples. This shows how concerned He was about them. In the same prayer, He also highlighted that, He was entrusting the preaching work to them. This sincere prayer of Jesus was a clear demonstration that He valued His disciples and cared for their needs. He did not want them to stumble after His death. In John chapter 21, the Bible also gives an additional account of how Jesus regarded His disciples. This was after His resurrection, when seven of His disciples had returned to fishing in the sea of Tiberias (Edmund 2010, 37). However, for an entire night, they had not caught anything. At daybreak, Jesus appeared to them without their recognition. In John chapter 21 verse 5, Jesus asked them a question that reflected His special care and love for them when he asked, “Children, you do not have anything to eat, do you?” in this verse, Jesus was concerned about their physical needs as He knew that they had been trying to fish an entire night but had caught nothing. In order to cater for their needs, He directed them to the place where they would cast their nets and their catch was great. In this instance, Jesus exhibited His kindness and concern for His disciples. The way in which He referred them illustrated that He was a caring shepherd and a master. 3.1 The Special Love for Peter In Mathew chapter 4:18-22, the bible illustrates how Jesus called disciples to become His followers (American Bible Society 2000). Peter and his brother Andrew were fishermen initially. On finding them, Jesus told them that He would make them fishers of men because they were convinced that they had found the Messiah, hey abandoned their fishing tools to follow Jesus. Peter exhibited his commitment to Jesus’s calling from the start because he did not question how Jesus would make them fishers of men. After spending three years with Jesus, Peter had many instances to recall whereby he had interesting conversations with Jesus. In Mathew chapter 16, the bible readers find one of the outstanding instances when Peter stood out among the other disciples. In Verse 13 of the same chapter, Jesus asked them, “Who are men saying the Son of man is?” in response, the disciples highlighted that people thought Jesus was John the Baptist, others though He was Elijah or one of the prophets. On hearing their response, Jesus wanted to know who they thought He was. Peter replied saying, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” After Peter’s response, Jesus continued to bless him because He was aware that only God in the heavens could have revealed such knowledge to Peter. This instance, reveals the beginning of a special relationship that could exist between Jesus and Peter. Afterwards, Jesus made it clear that, Peter would be a significant person in laying the foundation of the church (Ramelli 2008, 345). Although there is a debate on why Jesus chose to bless Peter because of giving an answer thought obvious, it is clear that the other disciples were also in confusion of Jesus’ real identity. Despite such confusion, Peter was able to state clearly that Jesus was the Son of the living God. Jesus was well aware that, it was through His Father’s power that Peter had come to such knowledge. The fact that the living God had revealed that information to Peter was a clear sign that Peter would be a significant person in Jesus ministry. In a different instance recorded in John 6: 68, when Jesus had asked them the disciples on why they were not living Him and returning to their old lives the way other disciples had done, peter made it clear that they were not going to anywhere else since they had the conviction that Jesus was the son of the living God, and that he had “sayings of life.” Such a conviction that Peter exhibited in his response must have impressed Jesus and contributed positively to the relationship He had with Peter (American Bible Society 2000). In a different setting, when Jesus was about to be arrested and highlighted that striking the shepherd (Jesus) would scatter the sheep (Disciples) as had been prophesied. Peter highlighted that he would not stumble. Although his words would be put to test later, Peter exhibited his determination of sticking by Jesus. However, the scriptures had been to be fulfilled and this is the reason why Jesus promised Peter that He would deny Him three times that night. Although Jesus revealed that Peter would deny Him, it was evident that He had a special fondness for Peter. In an additional account presented in Mathew chapter 14 from verses 22 to 33, Peter exhibited courage and faith traits that must have impressed Jesus (American Bible Society 2000). In that account, the disciples were in a boat, but there was a windstorm that was making their navigation unstable. In verse 25 of the same chapter, it is mentioned that Jesus walked towards them on the sea in the fourth watch of the night. On seeing Him, the disciples thought it was an apparition. However, Jesus reassured them that it was Him. Peter was the first to tell Jesus that if it was Him, He should command him to walk over the waters towards Him. In response, Jesus commanded Peter to go ahead. Therefore, Peter started to walk over the water approaching Jesus. However, his faith began to fade at the sight of the waves brought by the windstorm and he began to sink. Jesus helped him out and asked him why he had given way to doubt. Although Peter’s faith began to fade as he walked over the water and as he became scared of the waves, it is notable that, his attempt to walk over water towards Jesus was a brave move. This is something that other disciples did not try and it made him closer to Jesus as he experienced Jesus power over nature for some time before he gave way to doubt. 3.2 Testing Peter’s Love and Faith in Jesus Although it was evident that Peter loved Jesus, he went through several tests of his loyalty, love and faith in Jesus. For example, on the evening before the arrest of Jesus, Peter highlighted that he would never leave Jesus. Many biblical critics have highlighted that Peter exhibited arrogance when he gave that statement (Ramelli 2008, 340). The same evening, Peter underwent a critical test of his loyalty to Jesus when he was identified as one of Jesus disciples. During that critical time, Peter denied Jesus. Although Peter denied Jesus, he wept over such a denial sincerely a factor that showed that he really loved Jesus, although sometimes he was overwhelmed by human weakness. In Mathew chapter 14 described above when he attempted to walk over water, he allowed doubt to overwhelm him and he began to sink. Although Jesus highlighted that he sank because of his little faith, Jesus was well aware that Peter’s courage was outstanding because for some minutes, he was able to walk steadily on water. This instance is highlighted as one of the tests of Peter’s faith in Jesus. In the last episode recorded in John chapter 21, the climax of Jesus’s relationship with Peter is revealed (Shepherd 2010, 777). As highlighted above, it was a time when Peter had decided to go back to fishing after Jesus resurrection and six other disciples followed him to the sea of Tiberias. After fishing for an entire night without catching anything, Jesus would later appear to them and direct them on where to cast their nets. After a heavy catch, Jesus shared breakfast with them. After having breakfast, a significant conversation took place between Jesus and Peter. For three times, Jesus asked Peter whether he loved Him more than anything else (Edmund 2010, 39). In response, Peter highlighted that he did love Jesus. After his confirmation, he was given a critical responsibility of feeding and shepherding Jesus’s little sheep. This meant that, Peter had a spiritual responsibility that involved ensuring Jesus’s other followers were spiritually fed. This meant that Peter was appointed to lead the others, ensuring that their spiritual welfare was safeguarded (Ramelli 2008, 337). In the initial setting in earlier chapters, Peter had been called by Jesus and told that he would become a fisher of men and not fish. In the three years that Jesus had been with Peter, He had prepared him for the critical responsibility of feeding His little lamb after Jesus ascended to heaven. However, Peter exhibited human weaknesses that Jesus often corrected him and remained understanding that despite his weakness, he had the potential for such a weighty responsibility. 4.0 Conclusion According to many bible analysts, Peter was Jesus’s favorite disciple because of the relationship the two had during the three years of Jesus’s ministry. Although Peter had outstanding traits compared to other disciples, a factor that qualified him to be appointed as the shepherded after Jesus’s death, many people doubt whether the kind of love and attention he received from Jesus was well deserved. Such opinions stem from the fact that there were times when Peter stumbled especially when he denied Jesus and when he sank while walking on water. However, it is critical to note that, Peter was only human and Jesus was well aware of that fact. Although Jesus was perfect, He did not expect Peter to be perfect, but understood his human weaknesses. The fact that Jesus gave Peter the responsibility of shepherding His sheep is a clear illustration that Jesus knew Peter’s level of love and faith towards Him. Human judgment that Peter did not have enough faith proves invalid considering that Jesus was the Son of God and knew all things as Peter highlighted in John chapter 21. References American Bible Society. The Holy Bible: Contemporary English Version. New York: American Bible Society, 2000. Edmund, Little. Peter and the beloved disciple: unfinished business in John 21. The New Zealand Journal of Christian Thought & Practice 18(2010): 36-43. Foster, L. Robert. Your, Ours, and Mine: Jesus Use of the Prophetic Possessive in the Gospel of Matthew. Biblical TheologyBulletin 12 (2007): 3-11. Griswold, Charles L., and David Konstan. Ancient Forgiveness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Ramelli, Ilaria. Simon, Son of John, Do You Love Me? Some Reflections on John 21:15. Novum Testamentum 50 (2008) : 332-350. Shepherd, David. "Do You Love Me?" A Narrative-Critical Reappraisal of αγαπαω and φιλεω in John 21:15-17. Journal of Biblical 129(2010) :p777. Read More
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