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The Psychology of Sexual Offending Psychology Article
9 pages (2458 words) , Download 1 , Article
It seems that it is difficult for researchers to understand exactly where they need to start learning more about sex offenders and their habits. In order to understand them from a psychological viewpoint, it seems that there needs to be less emphasis on what happens to them once inside the criminal justice system.  
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Violent Movies and Children Psychology Essay
6 pages (1742 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Watching movies have been a favorite pastime for most people. It can entertain, educate, and promote socialization. However, violent movies especially when viewed by younger children has no merits at all. It either leads to aggressive behavior or causes emotional distress to its viewers. Although movies have ratings, parents should be more participative in restricting children to watch violent movies.
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Exploring Emotion Psychosocially Psychology Essay
7 pages (2268 words) , Download 1 , Essay
From the above literature, it is evident that social and psychological events are central to emotions and emotional behaviors, thus the need for emotional maturation from the primary caregivers to adolescence. The knowledge of emotion is important as it equips individuals with the understanding of emotions of themselves and others, as well as the power of emotions. Perhaps this will enhance how individuals manage themselves.
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Emotional Intelligence Psychology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Human beings bear the mental capacity and ability to interpret and respond to various emotions. Imagine a world where people do not possess the ability to perceive emotions for others?
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Managing Stress: Emotion and Power at Work Psychology Essay
9 pages (2507 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Stress at work is a global phenomenon and there is hardly a nation that does not battle the challenge of stress at work. The fourth European Working Conditions Survey in 2005 revealed that Greece (55% of the employees experienced stress) had the highest level of stress in the European Union (European Risk Observatory Report, 2009). 
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An Overview of Approaches to Autism Psychology Assignment
12 pages (3484 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
I in this paper described the major theories on the brain and biochemical dysfunctions causing autism. It will be important for future researchers to examine the relationship between these two types of abnormalities. I have also listed out sensory impairments in autism and cognitive deficits as well as particularities in autistic individuals.
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Pleasant Appearance and Recruitment Psychology Research Paper
8 pages (2962 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The researcher aims to select forty respondents for the present study. For this purpose, the researcher will send questionnaires to the selected professionals in order to obtain accurate results related to the topic under analysis. People belonging to both the sexes and different professions and age groups will be the units of analysis for the present study. After the research process, the hypothesis will be tested with statistical formulae.
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Bereavment and Aging Psychology Essay
6 pages (1733 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The researcher has put efforts to identify, explore, and scrutinize some of the noteworthy aspects of ‘Bereavement and Aging’ while analyzing such aspects from the standpoint of the cognitive theory that provided a critical perspective to the paper. In addition, the researcher has endeavored to identify and utilize various researches related to aging and cognitive theory.
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Observing and Assessing Young Children and Families Psychology Case Study
8 pages (2317 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Observing children helps to determine their approach to simple studies and their willingness to be socially responsible. Many models have been proposed about the right ways to do this; however, this paper has utilized the Wahler model of social interaction, Osofsky and Thompson model of educational philosophy, and the Tavistock model of Psychoanalysis.
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A Brief Analysis of Reasons for Depression Psychology Term Paper
7 pages (2313 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
“According to a Mayo Clinic study, even small amounts of moderate exercise are associated with a 30% to 40% lower risk of developing mild cognitive impairment (Harvard Health Letter, p.7). Lack of physical workouts seems to be another reason for depression. The current generation is too much focused on their profession and career which forced them to stay in the office for lengthy hours.
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Human Behavior in Times of Disaster Psychology Essay
7 pages (1803 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In Voltaire’s opinion negative, selfish behavior was prevalent in society. Through Candide, he showed how philosophical and religious discussions and debates prevented people from taking any beneficial or meaningful action. Voltaire had become quite disenchanted with the idea of “Providence” or the goodwill of God, and he had cause to do so.
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Founders Syndrome Issues Psychology Essay
6 pages (1595 words) , Download 1 , Essay
EGO was my organization, I birthed it and it is me who nurtured it to futility all through my life. No human being would ever want to lose his/her belonging that he/she is so devoted to – that is how human nature works. Lucy is no different case. She cannot allow being kicked out of her founder’s seat just to be taken by another amateur.
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Interpersonal Communication Psychology Essay
6 pages (1615 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Effective communication skills entail good listening, non-verbal communication, team culture, consistency, clarity, and preciseness. Careful listening makes the communicator feel respected and appreciated whereas on the other hand careful listening reduces misunderstanding. A good listener shows interest to the information communicated without interrupting inappropriately and must not be judgmental.
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Self Confidence Psychology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
This is the freedom from doubt, the belief in oneself, and all your abilities (as defined in the dictionary).
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Random Acts of Kindness Psychology Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
These are the things we know a stranger can readily make for us at no cost. For example, people can hold an arm of those who fall on the ground or prevent a child from running too far or too quickly on the street with the traffic of the high intensity. These things can truly make our day brighter.
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A Study of Reading Habits Analysis Psychology Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The author, using every stanza of the verse, depicts the life of a “nerdy person” who is the speaker’s “alter ego”.
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Descartes Theory of the Relation Between the Mind and Body Psychology Essay
6 pages (1591 words) , Download 1 , Essay
One of the main roles of Cartesian dualism was is to found metaphysically his physical science, which is the reason Descartes concentrated on dualism.  In the sixth meditation, Descartes denies that the mind is merely present in the body. John Cottingham thinks that Descartes had a trialistic theory, which has more flexibility than dualism.
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Counseling Students with Learning Disabilities Psychology Term Paper
11 pages (3312 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Learning disability leads to major functional impairment and recognizes the need for lifelong support and intervention. The importance of discovering a learning disability at an early age is receiving recognition. It helps in effective counseling for students of all ages. Early intervention leads to easier solutions.   
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The Theory of Jungian Therapy in Practice Psychology Essay
11 pages (3001 words) , Download 1 , Essay
As a student Christian Chaplain, connected with the psychiatric hospital on an eleven-week placement at two hours a time, I found myself to be the sole chaplain for the entire ward. At the end of each week, I had to report to the senior chaplain and three other chaplains’ students. This gave me an opportunity to meet various patients with diverse complaints.
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What is Faith All About Psychology Essay
7 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Essay
A crucial question for faith today is whether or not it can reflect innovations to the challenge of individual choice, and adapt its life to the demands for change that they place upon it. “The very choice of such individuals symbolizes the intricacy of the interrelationship between individual and communal faith” (Dennett 2006, 45).
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A Discussion Of Two Trait Theories And Their Contribution In Our Understanding Of Personality Psychology Essay
6 pages (2067 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Trait theories have been used to develop various psychometric devices providing an easy framework of a continuum in understanding the interaction of an individual’s personality, interaction with the world and with self, as well as beliefs about the outer world and inner world in general. A good deal of understanding helps to compare between individuals and to identify the appropriate environmental setting of an individual in question.
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Creating Stress Management Programs For Firefighters Psychology Essay
6 pages (1832 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Organizational factors contributing to stress in firefighters are linked to their job demands and may include factors such as workload, stressful events, time pressure, and a physically demanding working environment.  From an occupational perspective, those working in stressful situations such as firefighters, are categorized as “first responders” and they constitute an occupation-at-risk group.
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Social Cognition Theory Psychology Essay
6 pages (1758 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Bandura has made some interesting contributions in the field of self-development through his social cognition and self-efficacy theories. Ultimately for him, what we observe and how we perceive ourselves will strongly influence our personalities. Therefore his theory of Social Cognition makes an important contribution to the field of children’s learning and moral development.
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Questions and Problems Related to the Study of Consciousness Psychology Essay
11 pages (3478 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Will we ever solve the questions and problems related to the study of consciousness? Or will we evolve to a higher level where the concept of the problem itself dissolves in one big, bubbling pot of non-dual stew? Who knows? In any event, consciousness remains, at least for the moment, a fascinating field with much room for development. And that development may be toward an ever deeper.
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Is Crime a Psychological Defect Psychology Term Paper
17 pages (4503 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Crime comes from the Latin word crimen, meaning guilt or accusation. Crime is an act that is either committed or omitted which results in the violation of rules or laws of a governing authority. This governing authority, such as a country or a state, is also responsible for determining punishment for specific crimes.
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Evolutionary Psychology and Attraction Psychology Report
7 pages (2080 words) , Download 1 , Report
Yet, he aims it even more so than the normal, as he becomes anxious, possibly unaware, that his genes are not as high quality now as they were some time ago (Wilson, 1992). To compensate for this, his spouse must have outstanding genetic probability. The means to realize this is to equalize his aging with her youth.
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Interpersonal Conflict Psychology Essay
7 pages (1927 words) , Download 3 , Essay
These situations can manifest themselves in any facet of a person’s life which includes his / her workplace, home life, school, or elsewhere. Interpersonal conflict can be defined as something that exists anytime we would prefer to do something but give in to others and we do something else, or simply avoid confronting others which are also a type of conflict.
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Humanity of Policy Psychology Research Proposal
10 pages (2710 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
There is no denying the fact that almost all the police officers are vulnerable to gross amounts of tension and stress, irrespective of the nature and size of agency for which they work.
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Trust in Relation to the Attachment Levels of Child and Mother Relationship Psychology Research Paper
7 pages (2188 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This research paper tries to investigate the correlation between the trust and the attachment of the child and his mother. For this research paper, the previous research of Paul Harris and Elizabeth Meins will be considered as a major source. In both of their research paper, they have proved that children’s pattern of responding is different and it depends upon the attachment status.
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Diagnostic Assessment of George Costanza Psychology Term Paper
10 pages (2566 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
George displays several contradictory attributes in his personality, amidst them miserliness, egotism, untruthfulness, diffidence, and authoritarian are the most evident. Many of these were just the best ones to describe the pattern of his diverse anxiety and neurosis (Horney, 1942). Probably the only love he could find was in the relationship with Elaine and Kramer.
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Conceptualization and Treatment Plan One Psychology Case Study
8 pages (2173 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This is appropriate to the case because of the resemblance on grounds of the expressive and emotional troubles in adulthood. The possible result of the cure entails the integration of a variety of approaches to transform the awareness of the customer in a way that he is capable and competent to comprehend that their predicament is not enduring.
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Theories Contributed to Health Psychology Psychology Literature review
7 pages (1923 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Behavioral change in people is mostly caused by the growth of a personal sense of control, which makes a person believe that they can be actively involved in solving their own problems. In health matters, people also tend to believe that certain phenomena within them or in their environment are responsible for causing them certain illnesses.
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What Is Group Behavior Psychology Coursework
9 pages (2461 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Group behavior refers to the way people within a group behave with each other while performing group activities. Group behavior includes the ways people interact and perform project activities from the stage of formation to dissolution (Smith 2011). Different people possess different behaviors that they reveal during communication. 
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Correlation between Body and Person's Self Identity Psychology Essay
12 pages (3122 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Body image is the dynamic perception of the body and is often shaped by perceptions that keep on changing and end up determining the identity of any person in the society, and how the society views him. Therefore, the body image is likely to experience highly dynamic perceptions of the body, and is strongly influenced by self-esteem and evaluation by self rather than external evaluation by others in the particular society that one resides.
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Interpersonal Communication Psychology Essay
6 pages (1713 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Everyday the relationships we form have specific behavioral manifestations, i.e. we do not maintain same kind of behavior or attitude with all people like we are obedient to our parents, jovial with our friends and so on, “whenever two people meet and interact, it is the interdependent exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages that constitute the behavioral manifestation of the relationship” (Palmer & Barnett, x).
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Schizophrenia By Jim Stevens Psychology Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Jim Stevens says in the mainline that the house endured excessively. In a genuine sense, he was utilizing symbolism to portray the effects of this disease of a human's mind; however, he operated an origination of the house.
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The Goal of Staying Healthy Psychology Essay
4 pages (1108 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The importance of yoga is to help the children stretch and improve their physiques and hence have healthier blood circulation in their bodies. One major benefit of exercising in the morning is that it helps the children if they are exhausted. I concluded that a day becomes successful if the children are not worn out or sleepy.
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Egoic Consciousness Psychology Essay
9 pages (2778 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Egoic consciousness is reflective in nature. One identifies himself/herself through his/her attitudes, behaviors and characters as reflected from others. Even sensory identifications are also established only in reflective mode. The physical image of a self is reflected in the mirror and is got reinforced or reaffirmed or modified by the comment and suggestions of others.
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Cognitive Psychology in Understanding Advertisement Psychology Essay
12 pages (3362 words) , Download 1 , Essay
With limited space to work on magazines, companies use the study of consumer psychology to be able to maximize the effectiveness of print advertisements. This paper will look into the underlying principles behind consumer psychology and how it could make advertisements
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Effectivness of Cycling Interventions Psychology Case Study
16 pages (3854 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The normative beliefs that Ajzen discusses in his book have been enlarged on by other writers on the subject with a wider focus on what the society at large would succeed in imposing on the subject (PAHO, 2005, p.88). These theoretical paradigms have produced a whole gamut of literature on the Theory of Planned Behaviour.
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How Does Attachment Theory Help Psychotherapists in Their Practice Psychology Dissertation
57 pages (9430 words) , Download 6 , Dissertation
The therapist’s role has been likened to that of a mother who provides a secure base from which to explore. This means, first and foremost, that the therapist accepts and respects his patient as a fellow human being in trouble and that his overriding concern is to promote his patient’s welfare by all means at his disposal.
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The Development of Children's Phobias Psychology Essay
7 pages (2337 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The importance of understanding the development of phobias and fears in childhood cannot be understated because most phobias begin during childhood, and can cause social, psychological and psychiatric adult problems if left untreated. The identification of the key etiological elements will lead to the design of treatments and interventions that can alleviate the effects of the phobias, and the betterment of the adulthood of phobic children.
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The Convergence of Knowing and Understanding Psychology Essay
6 pages (1689 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Knowledge is all the game of how the human brains see things. Isn’t it a fact that if I saw an orange and illustrated it to be an orange that is bitter but juicy, and if you see the same orange and consented with my comprehension that the orange is bitter but juicy, is it not that we are perceiving the same thing? This signifies that no knowledge of reality exists without involvement of human minds.
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Theories of Agression Psychology Essay
6 pages (1644 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Aggression is a manifestation of the central nervous system and is an output that has multiple causes. Generally, behaviors result from external outputs, internal inputs, intermediate inputs or even intrinsic factors. When considered individually, these factors may seem rather harmless but when combined, they can come out as aggression which in turn may lead to the devastating crimes experienced in today’s world.   
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Understanding Children's Behavior Psychology Assignment
8 pages (2389 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Promoting positive behavior is important in human society as this fosters cooperation and peacefulness. Every parent wants their children to be cooperative and well- behaved, but developing positive behavior in children takes time and effort as all children naturally go through different stages of social, emotional, and behavioral development with each stage requiring specific needs.
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Combined Personality Theory Psychology Assignment
6 pages (1509 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The fifth stage is Middle Age this is the most important stage, because almost all physiological needs are satisfied and now individual strives to find meaning in life. So after material development, spiritual development begins to take shape. It is at this stage that the urge to attain self-actualization begins to rise.
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Psychological Contract Psychology Essay
7 pages (2051 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The academic interest in the psychological contract is quite extensive. Numerous studies have been undertaken throughout the years and they properly documented how the subject has developed. For example, Aggarwal and Bhargava (2009) have devoted their study on investigating the relationship between human resource practices in shaping employee psychological contract.
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The Big 5 Factors and My Personality Psychology Assignment
8 pages (5946 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
My being open to change however does not mean that I do not stay with my traditional values. I am a firm believer of my religion and I like sticking to rules. I like adventure and new ideas but only if they do not contradict with my beliefs. For example, I like to have a thrill in my life but I would never break rules to do so. 
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How Mental Health Enforces Stigma and Social Exclusion Psychology Essay
7 pages (1901 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Various mental disorders are known to be chronic and recurrent in nature and require prolonged treatment and acute care, thus requiring a high amount of time and personal involvement on the part of the family members. Studies have shown that certain mental disorders are known to significantly affect parental roles, impairment in decision-making abilities, even leading to marital discord, and disruption in parent-child interaction. 
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The Problem and Main Aspects of Hoarding Psychology Coursework
7 pages (1873 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
People with hoarding disorder face considerable difficulty in abandoning items due to their intrinsic value, perceived future usefulness, and strong emotional attachment with the item (Metcalf, n.pag.). Distress upon the possibility of losing an item is an indicator of possible hoarding disorder, which sets the criterion for undergoing diagnosis. 
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