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, Personal Statement
Americans have moved beyond the old liberal vs. conservative argument on government and so should Congress. We will be getting a smart government with the power to rebuild America if we support the President’s stimulus package.” Mr. Obama viewed that to meet broader economic goals it is utmost necessary to increase government spending necessary to create new jobs.
Margaret Thatcher is one of the prominent world leaders who have influenced world politics a lot during the second half of the twentieth century. Apart from a great administrator, she was a great diplomat as well. The strong desire to succeed was evident even from her early childhood. She was never afraid of the criticisms and never shied away from implementing policies that she was sure of bringing success.
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Absolute deprivation is touched upon in terms of the American definition of poverty, which generally varies from relative to absolute. This essay discusses absolute deprivation and the effects of globalization on this form of poverty. The prospects for the empowerment at the outset of the present century may be less promising than at the outset of the last.
In assessing the Middle East’s place in geopolitics, there are three striking aspects that would need discussion. First is an exploration of the issues that would be at the forefront of the Middle East today and the immediate future. Second is whether the Middle East will be an important part of U.S. policy and whether Europe would be involved in the Middle East?
Esping-Andersen’s classification is limited to income and decommodification and does not account for other factors of states’ performance, e.g. gender relations. Finally, the rapid speed of political, social, and economic globalization changes the meaning of welfare. Today, Esping-Andersen’s vision of welfare states needs to be reviewed, to adjust its political and economic principles to the new conditions of state performance in Europe.
However, China has been noted as being anti-reformist especially due to its continued infringement on human rights whereby citizens are arrested and detained arbitrarily for unjustifiable reasons such as dissidence. The US is a favorable country to invest in owing to its long history of peace, stability, and legal frameworks that promote transparency and predictability.
What is certain, however, is that these individuals often face significant risks to their safety and livelihood and that the United States has an obligation to ensure their security in the years ahead whether it is through increased material support of the Iraqi government or repatriation to the United States. To abandon this sizable refugee population to reprisals and violence is irresponsible and will hurt America in future efforts abroad.
While there are factions amongst both who want to seize power for themselves at the cost of economic and social development, the spirit and patriotism of the rest of the community are hard at work at making sure that they build a safe and successful haven for themselves. There are many setbacks and many hurdles to cross before either Mogadishu or Little Mogadishu reaches the level of self-sufficiency.
Other models that can be used to theorize the changes in the international system include Marxism, the center-periphery theory, and globalization. However, the best explanatory theory is realism. The international system has changed because Americans must remain on guard not only against terrorism but also about the root causes of it.
An understanding of the two scenarios on the basis of the effects of corruption helps one in determining the more serious act of stealing. Thus, according to Rogow and Lass, “a corrupt act violates responsibility toward at least one system of public or civic order and is in fact incompatible with (destructive of) any such system.
NATO, sure of its place and continued utility following the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of state-led communism in Europe and the abrogation of the Warsaw Pact, integrated former Warsaw Pact members into its collective defense and military alliance. On March 12 1999 Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic joined NATO as full members.
The emphasis on the development of an efficient, environment-friendly, clean and efficient bus transport network was driven by the need for sustainable transport policy. Such a policy needed to minimize the use of environment-damaging transport vehicles like cars and lorry, increase the frequency and time of journeys by road by introducing more environmentally friendly modes of travel.
The political and economic system of East Asia is deeply tied to their rich and diverse culture; and the process of assessing such systems should be based on that context. According to the paper by Kim (p. 54), East Asia political systems have two major characteristics and these include the unipolar nature (hardware) of the political power and the paternalistic power relations of its culture (software).
Lifting the embargo then can lead to positive changes in Cuban society. The effects can give the country new chances of improvement even in the socialist form of government. The country will be open to new technologies, thus, a new chance for the progress of the different sectors. The social issues related to the embargo such as human rights problems can be lessened.
Diplomacy is one of the approaches that highly weaponry sophisticated countries try to use to ask others to stop the production, spread, and use of weapons of mass destruction. Through diplomacy, limitations on the production, spread, and use of most destructive weapons are imposed on consenting and collaborating partners. Limitations are normally implemented through agreements and treaties that are internationally recognized and accepted.
In the study of Morris et al. (2009), it is noted that traditionally, the shareholders exercise their influence on the management through their voting right; however, the shareholder activism has resulted to the increase of the power of shareholders to influence the decisions of the top management in regard to key organizational issues.
Brazil’s economic developments have enabled it to pursue global political and diplomatic roles that it aspires to. Brazil is the leading country in South America and has initiated regional cooperation movements with mild success. But the economic dependence of its neighbors on Brazil has given it immense clout in the region.
Peace in Sudan is important for the country as well as the international community. Much damage has been done and there is need to find a lasting solution. The efforts to achieve peace have been made difficult by the sour relations between Sudan and other nations and international bodies. Most of the negotiations have characterized by stiff conditions and unwillingness to allow the full implementation of CPA.
The value for money for utilization in distinct countries is determined by the exchange rates. The exchange rates entail the utilization of interconversion figures from a value in one country, for ease of use in another country. Two main types of exchange rates are in existence, whose determinants are the usage terms and regulations.
The member of the executive committee shall first propose his idea regarding any amendment to an existing rule or a new rule in a relevant online discussion forum. All members of the organization are free to express their views through this panel. This ensures that all members are given a chance to participate in the governing process.
In this regard, it is fair to say that the ideas of Immanuel Kant, Jeremy Waldron and John Rawls comprise the origins of this field of inquiry. The growing stature and relevance of the subject to the present times is reflected in the rapidly growing body of literature pertaining to it (Buchanan, 2004).
Apart from introducing immediate changes in the context of national and international policymaking, it also is important that discriminative outlook should be replaced by empathetic observation of the situation. Both leaders of international politics and common people must learn to empathize and adopt a far more tolerant attitude towards people belonging to different cultural domains.
Through his inauguration address, Barack Obama has raised patriotic spirit in his audience. He has mentioned various losses, which the nation has faced and the steps, which they should take to take the country to a more stable and prosperous position. He has talked about equal rights and values, which should be adhered to by the American population.
35 pages (9133 words)
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, Research Paper
This study is important primarily because it addresses a very crucial contemporary issue – understanding the relation of private contractors with the government. This becomes urgent considering the big amount of taxpayers’ money being used to pay for the services of the contractors whose number and role continue to increase in the government, especially in the Military.
In the recent past, the numbers of countries that supported democracy were very few. This meant that international relations among countries were not good but currently there are more than 120 countries established that are democratic. The political situations have changed and many countries do not support dictatorial leadership and hence the nature of democracies changing dramatically so as to obtain democratic peace in the countries.
In their enthusiasm to drive home their points, both candidates have resorted to the rhetoric that does not essentially allow us to categorize their stance within the limits of theories such as realism, liberalism, Marxism, constructivism, feminism, etc.
The most prominent outcome of industrial revolution will be the two isms that divided the world into two poles, which led to the most destructive wars and changed the geopolitical references and the map of the world. Capitalism ruled the world through various means and ways. To challenge capitalism socialism came into existence, which also took different forms like democratic socialism and Marxist socialism.
As one looks at the history of political assassinations, the two aspects of divine right and expediency measure strongly within the phenomenon. An individual or group decides that a person goes against the interests that are relevant to that group or individual, who then act to change the course or nature of the societal policy. Some acts have remained shrouded in mystery, while others were publicly accredited to the group responsible.
64 pages (10399 words)
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, Research Paper
It will argue that Iran’s nuclear program has been shrouded in secrecy and that the United States, along with its allies, is doing all it can to deter Iran from pursuing a uranium-enrichment program that will lead to the production of a nuclear weapon. It will also argue that Iran has some reasons which can be considered logical for pursuing a nuclear program.
A big proportion of this informal labor market has employed immigrant workers who work under very poor conditions hence affecting the rate of deterioration of the working conditions in the formal sector. Since most of the workers are underpaid, their standards of living are very low in addition to the increased rates of unemployment thus the class has been labeled as “the working poor”.
Like all other policies pursued by the progressives, this has divided the political parties in a bitter partisan way and it remains to be seen how well this piece of legislation progresses in the House and Senate. The progressive agenda is built around the concept of a society that welcomes immigrants and also safeguards the country against illegal immigration.
Democracy is a leadership system associated with a majority rule. A liberal democracy can be defined as a form of democracy where there is real democracy and a competitive political process. There are different kinds of democracy used worldwide and an example is the liberal democracy.
African influenced greatly the fullness and richness of American culture through their contributions that have not been recognized. Cultural contribution includes dairy industry development in America, artificial insemination zero-grazing, cure of snake bites, and coming up with viable vaccines in the treatment of smallpox.
The main concern is why enlargement is supported by Britain and not deepening. The essay will start by providing succinct definitions of “widening” and “deepening” before providing a link between the two concepts with respect to the EU. Finally, the reason Britain supports the widening of the European Union as opposed to its deepening will be analyzed.
The convergence of governance systems for the corporate sector at the global level can be considered as a hypothetical concept which has become a debatable issue among the researchers dividing them into two separate groups. The essentiality of the governance system can be considered to be important in the context of saving the interest of stakeholders and the consumers.
This assignment also discusses why it has been so difficult for China’s leaders to successfully arrange for stable leadership succession, in what ways the institutional reforms of the Deng era have made effective policy-making difficult, how the leaders have sought to overcome these problems, in what ways state-society relations have changed in the three-plus decades since Mao’s death and what the prospects of a society-led political transition in China are.
The perception held about America as a dictatorial force disguised as a democracy campaigner in the Middle East cross the lines of American interests in natural resources of the region, including oil. Nuclear proliferation among risky hands in the region poses the worst headache for America since the retaliatory thinking still looms in the region.
On the 2nd of May, large groups of children assembled at the Kelly Ingram Park, across the road leading from the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church. The children came one group after another while they sang “We Shall Overcome." Connor also got the police to turn on very powerful hoses of water on the children who refused to give up.
Globalization and terrorism are indeed on both sides of the same coin. That is to say the former aides and exacerbates the latter. Terrorists utilize the technologies of globalization to commit acts motivated by vengeance. They are angered, at least in part, by the influences of other cultures on their own due to the peripheral effects of trade globalization.
The roles and functions of public and private police are very critical in the organization they serve due to the delicate nature of their responsibilities and the accountability accorded to them. In these times of risks and economic crisis, there is the need to be fully aware of the laws governing authority, training, accountability and licensing requirements for both security personnel and officers in various organizations.
Of all the effects of racism known to mankind, none of them are positive. In politics, championing the supremacy of one race at the expense of another has its consequences. For one, there is a lot of mistrust among different people. This mistrust is carried into boardrooms and in the corridors of power.
With the recent enactment of the Equality Act of 2010, it is hoped that clamors regarding the lack of unity of equality legislation in the UK will be addressed. The government will have to ensure that all laws are properly implemented so that individuals will imbibe the government’s sincerity into addressing discrimination problems. The will to change has to come from everyone concerned and should not be left alone for the government to tackle.
Hungtington posited that the chasm was caused by six factors: globalization; economic and social change; western domination and power; traditionally and historically-entrenched differing views that are less mutable to change and less easily resolved than political views; and, finally, increasing economic regionalism that promotes civilization consciousness and cultural genotypes.
It is incumbent upon the Government of a nation to protect its economy from deteriorating due to the practices of other countries, despite growing recognition of free trade and a market economic system, there still exists the need of the public sector to control the economic agents from harming the domestic industries, for the benefit of the citizens of that particular country.
The Bill of Rights 1689 reduced the prerogatives of the Crown to a significant extent. The immunity for liability of the Crown in tort and contract was abolished by the Crown Proceedings Act 1947. In the Amphitrite case, the court ruled that the government of the UK was not bound by the assurance given to the ship owners.
The United Nations’ policy of preventive diplomacy as a part of multilateral diplomacy and its use of non-military actions are considered as valuable in conflict prevention. Sullivan (1999, p.50) supports this view, and adds that “a crisis anywhere may become a crisis everywhere, and a crisis prevented is a calamity avoided”. It is concluded that the United Nations Organisation’s preventive diplomacy.
The invasion of Iraq was also the best way for America to obtain its primary goal of showing of its power to competitors and allies and avoiding the appearance of the post 9/11 decline. America intended to prevent Iraqis potential use of dangerous biological weapons and its vast oil resources to threaten America and its allies.
The assault, especially on the financial underpinnings of terrorism, can be regarded as key to any country’s counterterrorism efforts. This requires effective implementation of measures directed at tracking and disrupting terrorist money flows. This incorporates actions such as assets freezing and monetary sanctions.
I would inform you that I am gratified by your concern and I am proud to tell you that all the information that you have provided, which relates to any current threats by the group, will be taken seriously and handled urgency and confidentiality it requires. At this moment, I would like to ask you to maintain silence regarding this matter.
7 pages (1991 words)
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, Research Proposal
Management of the drug intelligence program of multiple agencies established for accumulating, examining, and sharing of the operational and strategic drug intelligence information for supporting the federal, local, state, and foreign efforts for law enforcement to overcome the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and aliens.