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The technology is not only used in the flying objects but also in the stability of supercars. The spoilers installed in the back of the care creates a downward force helps keep the car stable even when it is moving at high speeds. Further research in the field is crucial to determine better and more accurate methods of measurement of these parameters.
The impacts of coal production and processing on ecosystems start from the mining stage. The open cast technique applied in coal mining has continuously destroyed the ecosystem that would otherwise be inhibited by plants and animals. Climate change resulting from greenhouse gases produced by coal power stations has diverse effects on ecosystems.
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A typical standard home refrigerator uses the technique of vapor compression. It consists of four main parts: the expansion valve, compressor, condenser, and evaporator. All refrigerators contain a refrigerant, i.e., working fluid.
The paper "Practical Electronics" is a great example of a report on physics. A CRO is a crucial laboratory apparatus that can be used for diverse functions. Being knowledgeable about its operation is, therefore, an important idea. The experiment began with the familiarization of different control mechanisms such as TIME/DIV control and VOLTS/DIV control.
Generally, Data for the critical slope using average n and c are displayed in the appendix. Based on these data and the graph above, it is clear that the manning’s coefficient, Chezy’s C, and Darcy-Weisbach friction factor have different values but they do not vary greatly from the published values.
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, Literature review
A review of literature has revealed that several investigations on the quality or aerodynamic have been conducted in cylindrical bodies. while these investigations have revealed some great insights, the performance of definite conclusions both quantitative and qualitative have not been reached as to regards their improved performance.
Most aircraft come up with manuals both for pilot use and technician maintenance use. These systems include electrical, hydraulics, fuel consumption, oxygen, propulsion, navigation, anti-icing, and deicing protection, flight controls, and cooling systems.
Materials exhibit peculiar stiffness and tensile strength important to the determination of the mechanical property of engineering material. In this experiment, the materials' properties were examined to identify the mechanical properties of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene polymer and undertaking comparison to the compressive test.
Electricity involves the study of charges and their motion. Electric current results once electric charges move in a material. Ohm’s law is a statement summarizing the relationship between the current, voltage, and resistance. Ohm is the name of the person who comes up with this relationship hence the name of the axiom.
The first task revolved around Ohms law for 1kΩ resistor. To ascertain its resistance, a digital multimeter and AVO are employed in measuring voltage and current. The results are then plotted on voltage vs current graph. This graph will give the line of best fit whose gradient represents the resistance of a resistor.
The stability condition of a two-degree-of-freedom system is represented in physical constants terms of the system; the two-degree-of-freedom system discussed is subjected to self-exciting. The solutions of the frequency transfer function might be availed via the substitutions in places of s after obtaining a general transfer function for a system.
The function of an expander is totally the reverse of the one related to the compressor. The expander further enhances the loudness of the loud signals, proportionate to the louder audio signals. Also, an expander is helpful by being a part of a procedure named “downward expansion” aimed at lessening the noise.
Heat is related to the kinetic; a disorganized molecular motion, and internal potential energy of a system. Thus, kinetic energy is energy in motion while potential energy is stored. The transfer of heat from a warmed system by radiation. The movement of energy always is from the warmer systems to the colder systems.
Adjustments were made from the variable power supply to produce various current and voltage values which were recorded and graphically represented with the aim of ascertaining Ohm’s law. When current and voltage values through unknown resistors are known, Ohm’s law can be used to calculate the magnitude of resistance offered by that element.
The paper “Dimensional Analysis - Kolmogorov Velocity Scale, VT in Homogeneous Turbulence” is a fascinating example of coursework on physics. The dimensional analysis of the kinematic viscosity yields L2T-1. The dimensional analysis of the fluid density yields ML-3. For the kinematic coefficient of viscosity, it is the dynamic viscosity to the fluid density ratio.
The paper "Modeling of the PV Diagram" is a good example of a term paper on physics. A P-V diagram is simply a graph of gas pressure versus volume plotted to show the state of gas and the amount of work done during a process of heat transfer. This is emphasized by the ideal gas laws which are used to indicate the amount of work done by the kinetic.
The paper "P-V Diagrams: Definition and Applications" is a wonderful example of an assignment on physics. The concept of PV diagrams drawn from the ideal gas laws has increasingly become utilized visual aid for creating an understanding of the working of engines. The parameters of ideal gas law are usually expressed in the form of presenting the pressure gas.
The equation of motion requires turbulence motion. Turbulence models are significant since it is difficult to capture every scale of motion directly. In addition, steady-state solutions are preferred for detailed and time accurate motions. Unsteady motions cannot be resolved, hence, require modeling.
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, Research Paper
The total amount of heat that is required to increase or raise the temperature of any system by one degree Celsius is the specific heat. Normally, heat and temperature are related in such a way that that they expressed in one equation where c is the specific heat capacity. If there is a phase change in the system the relationship does not exist.
The paper “Classical Mechanics of Fluids, Heat Transfer, Thermochemistry and Fluid Dynamics of Combustion” is a cogent variant of assignment on physics. The list of Navier-Stokes equations is stated as follows. Equations of energy conservation are stated as follows (Bansal and Bansal, 2010): Gravitational potential energy, PE(grav) = mgh, Elastic potential energy, PE(elastic) = (1/2)KX2
The main purpose of this report to provide details of an experiment that has been carried and aimed at examining the relationship between elastic deformation by buckling of struts with a range of end conditions and eccentricities of loading.
The view factor's role is to determine the amount of radiant energy received per unit time by another surface in contact with another surface (Heat transfer principles in electronic Cooling, 104). Concerning the view factor, a black body is a body whose energy is equal to the other body's energy, they are exchanging heat.
Endothermic reactions refer to the process where energy is conveyed from the thermodynamic system surroundings of space/system (Cengel, 2007). For instance, a blast can be described through the calcium carbonate thermal decomposition process. The surroundings have a lower heat compared to the heat they had initially.
The flying principles of airplane use this principle of operation. By understanding the characteristics of fluids when inflows under different conditions is a key element in this part. In this portion, however, one will engage in the studying of the fluid flow in the pipe network. There are several methods of measuring fluid flow (BAECHTEL, 2015).
The velocity was affected when parameters were changed. When weight and distance were varied, the velocity of the racer was affected. This showed that the velocity of the racer depends on its size, distance, and mass. When the drag force is introduced, velocity is reduced. When air and friction are introduced, velocity goes down.
Glass Transition Temperature represents the temperature at which the individual polymer chains become sufficiently mobile at a molecular level to move independently despite the fact that they remain entangled. The melting point on the other hand is the temperature at which a given material changes from a solid to a liquid, or melts.
The paper “Роtеntiаl Flоws Аnаlysеs” is an engrossing example of a lab report on physics. Any potential flow is assumed to be irrational and frictionless. This is because of the degree of their viscosities’ effects of certain fluids being small enough and thus, they can be neglected. Due to these characteristics of the potential flow, it is applied in several applications.
It happens if a system can store and transfer energy between any of the storage modes. If the energy keeps on changing from one state to another, some energy loss occurs in the process. However, if the damping is infinitely small the resonance vibrates at relatively equal to the natural frequency of the object or the system.
From the given values of ma and the relating to the pipe cross section the was calculation of volume per unit time and velocity as can be seen in column 6 and 7 respectively.
At first, an experiment was conducted aiming at examining the main types of fluid flow, which include Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent flow. Further, the aforementioned experiment was aimed at establishing the relationship between the three types of fluid flow mentioned above and the Reynolds number. A lot of parameters were determined.
The course or direction taken by the flow is dependent on variation in temperatures. Air density tends to be higher where temperatures are higher. As such, air will move upwards and outward if temperatures are higher indoors. The cooler air from outside will then flow in through lower sections in a building.
According to Jensen and Wallace (2004), antennas refer to devices that convert electromagnetic radiations/signals into electric currents in conductors. This depends on whether they are used as transmitters or receivers. It’s composed of electrical circuits that provide interconnecting links between free space and receivers or between transmitters and free space.
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, Research Paper
Through the experiment, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of unknown metals were obtained. However, the experimental values deviated from perceived actual values by some percentages. These deviations are attributed to measurement and estimation errors.
The metallic cylinder was then placed into the boiling water for three minutes. During this process, a lot of care had to be observed to prevent the metallic cylinder from not touching the element of the kettle. This was to ensure that the measured temperature of the water was equal to that of the metallic cylinder.
The connection between symmetry and conservation laws indicates how important it is to have some constants. This is what helps experts in both physics and mathematics to come up with similar results, for instance, regarding studies when the same set of conditions remain the same so each of them knows the quantity to be used.
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, Research Paper
The experiment was improved by improving the reliability of the procedure given. The air resistance error can be reduced by increasing the displacement and repeating the same set of data more than two times. The exact length can be improved by measuring the string after completion of the 10 oscillations for the same set of data.
Beta-decay is a process that clearly follows 1st order kinetics, and therefore, a single constant can be used to describe the rate of decay. It has been experimentally observed that beta decay occurs within a big range of half-lives from milliseconds to about 1016 years. The beta decay process involves creating two particles and is not continuous.
This experiment gave the heat capacity value of the block material as well as the values of thermal conductivity of a given rod. The specific heat capacity and the thermal conductivity obtained in this experiment do not correspond exactly to the expected values. This is due to errors that came from different sources.
The graph plotted has a positive gradient to indicate a direct relationship between temperature and pressure. It is a proof of pressure law which states that under constant volume, the pressure of a gas with a certain mass will increase for every degree Celsius rise in temperature by a constant fraction of 1/273 in its pressure.
In the above experiments, the relationship between pressure and volume in a fixed gas sample was determined. Also, the relationship between pressure and temperature in a fixed volume of gas was determined. A sealed cylindrical tube was used in both experiments. From the graph, the pressure of the gas is inversely proportional to the volume.
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, Research Paper
The results prove, with a small percentage error, that Boyle’s law and constant volume law (Gay Lussacs) are both right in principle and under ideal conditions; the results would accurately depict these. Continued practice in these experiments would help avoid the aspect of human error in the results obtained.
5 pages (1662 words)
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, Research Paper
At the end of the laboratory experiment, the students were able to familiarize themselves with the operation of the Cathode ray oscilloscope and the function generator. One was able to understand and use the basic functions of an oscilloscope. The Y-gain and time base controls. The amplitude and frequency of a periodic waveform were determined.
The frequency was adjusted till a standing wave was produced. Graphs of frequency and inverse of wavelength were plotted and a slope was calculated and gave the value of the speed of sound for each tension (C). Both tabulated and calculated values of the speed of sound in the string were compared.
During this experiment in order to achieve its objective various measurements are done. These include the frequency of the vibrator, weight used and the wavelengths. The oscillator is adjusted to a frequency of 15Hz. Graphs of frequency and inverse of wavelength are plotted and a slope is calculated to produce the value of the speed of sound.
Experiments have shown that a decrease in ignition delay time with an increase in oxygen concentration pressure. Experiment on how the temperature of the opposed flow affects the behavior of flames has shown that there is a decrease in delay time and the rate of flame spread increases as the temperature increases in the opposed flow.
The flow rates using the tank are calculated by converting the volume of water in liters into m3 and diving by the time taken in seconds for the volume to be collected. The volume in liters is multiplied by 0.001 in order to convert it into m3. The flow rates in m3/s are obtained by dividing the volume in m3 by the time in seconds.
The product of tension P and radius of spindle r increased from 0.094617to to 0.378095. When the Pr was plotted against the angular acceleration a linear relationship graph was obtained. From the graph, it can be seen that the gradient of the graph is 0.551 which meaning the moment of inertia of the flywheel is 0.551 kgm2.
In this experiment, the aim was to establish the moment of inertia of the disc ( flywheel) by the use of a combination of linear motion and circular motion equations. The procedure of the experiment involved a mass being hanged on the flywheel through the spindle where the diameter of the spindle was 38mm (radius=0.019m).
Spherical, wheel-shaped, or disk-shaped bodies that are mounted to rotate in any direction and used to demonstrate these properties or to indicate movements in space are called gyroscopes. A gyrostat is a gyroscope, which moves only on its axis of rotation and almost all practical applications use gyrostats.
The oxygen index method has been found to describe the tendency of a material to catch flame. This has been used as the method to find the flammability of polymers. Limiting oxygen index has also been found to determine the numerical measure of flammability. The presence of oxygen in the air has been found as 21%.