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African American Women Should Avoid Cosmetic Surgery Medical science Essay
2 pages (657 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"African American Women Should Avoid Cosmetic Surgery" is an incredible example of a paper on wellness and lifestyle. Every day there is at least one black woman who looks in the mirror and says” what if my nose was smaller or my skin lighter?” Every once in a while we all take a moment to compare ourselves with other people.
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Determinants of Health Behaviors and Obesity Medical science Essay
2 pages (590 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Determinants of Health Behaviors and Obesity" is an interesting example of a paper on social and family issues. Obesity has a high relation with body fat, if a human body has more ratio of fat stored in the body, then the condition of obesity applies. The main reasons for obesity are eating more than the required food, drinking more alcohol, and giving the body more rest.
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Anatomy of Prostate Gland Medical science Essay
1 pages (527 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Anatomy of Prostate Gland" is an outstanding example of a paper on men's reproductive health. The prostate gland provides 70% of the seminal fluid released by males (Deters, 2011). It is located underneath the bladder, anterior to the rectum, and is the size of a chestnut. Its location is particularly important to note that it encloses a part of the urethra.
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Change Management Within the Organization Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Change Management Within the Organization" is a worthy example of a paper on the health system. Change management is one of the most crucial aspects of nursing leader initiatives that can significantly influence patient care. Nursing professional is an intrinsic part of healthcare and leadership initiatives in this area become critical to the wider welfare of patients, carer and medical fraternity as a whole.
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Critics of the Economic Evaluation in Health Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Critics of the Economic Evaluation in Health" is a controversial example of a paper on the health system. The article reviewed here was written by Mr. D. P. Kernick and appeared in the May 30, 1998, issue of the British Medical Journal. It is concerned with further promoting the new field of health economics.
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Description of Life Stages Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Description of Life Stages" is a perfect example of a paper on wellness and lifestyle. There exist eight stages of life and each stage is different from the others in terms of psychological and behavioral patterns associated with that stage. Infancy. At this stage, a child starts learning different behaviors, sounds, and words.
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The Political Environment of HIV in Australia Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Political Environment of HIV in Australia "is a remarkable example of a paper on social and family issues. It is an indisputable fact that HIV/AIDS is no less destructive and lethal than the great pandemonium created by a massive war. In the present age, HIV/AIDS education is one of the most critical weapons that can prove to be excessively efficacious against HIV/AIDS.
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Cultural Competences Regarding HIV/AIDS Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Cultural Competences Regarding HIV/AIDS" is a marvelous example of a paper on the virus. Acquiring a deep understanding of cultural competencies is critically and profoundly important when it comes to dealing with people suffering from HIV/AIDS. This paper is primarily based on highlighting the significance and benefits associated with understanding cultural competencies by the nurses in a health care setup.
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The Populations Health and Related Issues Medical science Essay
2 pages (658 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Population’s Health and Related Issues" is an engrossing example of a paper on the health system. The article under review is one of the best pieces of information for those who are interested in improved public health. The article focuses its attention on the improvement of health for the wider population rather than for a limited cultural, ethnic, social or religious group.
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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Medical science Essay
1 pages (506 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act " is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. Obama’s new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is controversial legislation. Many lawmakers and states argue that parts of the Act, specifically the individual mandate rule, it violates both citizens’ individual Constitutional Rights and that it is an abuse of Congressional power.
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The Concept of Health Insurance Medical science Essay
2 pages (662 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Concept of Health Insurance" is a controversial example of a paper on the health system. The concept of health insurance plays a very pivotal role in American society and most of the medical facilities are provided at either free of cost or at the most minimal cost. The Preventive and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was conceptualized in 2009 but came into complete acceptance in 2010.
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Bipolar I Disorder and Bipolar II Disorder Medical science Essay
2 pages (566 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Bipolar I Disorder and Bipolar II Disorder" is a controversial example of a paper on the disorder. Bipolar I Disorder pertains to a mood disorder or a form of mental illness characterized by psychosomatic symptoms such as hallucinations or paranoia. A person with Bipolar I disorder experiences at least one manic or mixed episode while there may emerge episodes of hypomania or  depression as well.
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Concepts of Quality and Patient Safety Medical science Essay
1 pages (537 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Concepts of Quality and Patient Safety" is a wonderful example of a paper on the health system. The report To Err is Human published in 2000 spurred major changes within the health industry. It focused on medical mistakes that led to adverse events, in many cases death. Many of the cases could have been prevented.
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Human and Environmental Repercussions from Harmful Exposure to Chemicals Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Human and Environmental Repercussions from Harmful Exposure to Chemicals" is a great example of a paper on poisoning, toxicology, and environmental health. The author of the paper states that risk assessment is a fundamental legal responsibility in business to ensure the safety of employees and the community.
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Biopharma Obesity: Controlling Obesity in Laboratory Models Medical science Essay
2 pages (733 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Biopharma Obesity: Controlling Obesity in Laboratory Models" is a great example of a paper on food and nutrition. Worldwide obesity ranks as a major problem leading to coronary artery disease, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, asthma, type 2 diabetes, cor pulmonale, liver dysfunction, depression, low back pain, and a whole host of comorbid problems.
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Basics of Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis Medical science Essay
1 pages (581 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Basics of Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis" is an amazing example of a paper on the health system. Incidence Command System (ICS) utilizes common terminology that is expressive and decisive; the terminologies are not difficult to understand and they are used to control communications, and personnel at the site of a critical incident. In a nutshell, ICS is a well-prepared team approach.
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Epidemiology and Needs Assessment Medical science Essay
2 pages (636 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Epidemiology and Needs Assessment" is a wonderful example of research on epidemiology. Epidemiology is defined as the study of health events and characteristics in a logical and systematic manner. It identifies health determinant patterns in a society along with identifying risk factors for diseases and targeting for preventive medicines.
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Some Unseen Aspects of Trans Fats Medical science Essay
2 pages (600 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Some Unseen Aspects of Trans Fats" is a nice example of a paper on food and nutrition. Fats are organic compounds that are made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Normally, there are four types of fats: monounsaturated fat, saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, and trans fat. Of these, monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fats are ones that do not disturb the health of human beings.
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Diapedesis and Chemotaxis Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Diapedesis and Chemotaxis" is a good example of a paper on the immune system. Two cellular phenomenons that occur in our immune system are diapedesis and chemotaxis. Together these two processes help prevent infection by fighting off antigens and other infected cells, particularly during any injury, trauma, or when bacteria is present in the body.
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The Real Age Assessment Test Medical science Essay
2 pages (610 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Real Age Assessment Test" is a good example of a paper on the cardiovascular system. A person’s lifespan age might be different from the real age of the internal body functions as a result of abuse and sedentary lifestyles. Physical abuse of one’s body brought by physical inactivity and unhealthy choices of food may lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes.
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Reducing Health Inequities through Early Life Investment Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Reducing Health Inequities through Early Life Investment" is an excellent example of a paper on child development. About 200 million children in the whole world are believed not to achieve their full potential. This results in huge implications on their health as well as on the society at large. Investment in the early years ensures greater potentials that reduce health inequities within a generation.
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety Medical science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety" is a great example of a paper on the disorder. Anxiety can be defined as a set of psychological and physiological conditions which may arise in any individual because of disturbances in his normal brain functions. Anxiety Disorders have been largely noticed in adults as around 25% of the adults are considered to be suffering from this disorder.
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Phentermine Is Not the Healthy Safe Way to Lose Weight Medical science Essay
3 pages (839 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Phentermine Is Not the Healthy Safe Way to Lose Weight" is a great example of a paper on drug therapy. Weight loss programs, weight loss plans, weight loss diet, and weight loss centers! Nothing really works for today’s obese people. Overweight people want to get rid of their excess fat in weeks, maybe in few days!
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The UNT Health Science Centre Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The UNT Health Science Centre" is a gorgeous example of a paper on the health system. UNT Health Science Centre in Texas is one of the leading institutes that offer excellent degree programs in the various fields of interdisciplinary academic areas of interest and research. I am a dentist by profession and would like to pursue a program in dental Public health.
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Maternal Health Care in Africa by Boniface Tatchwenglie Nasah, J. K. G. Mati, Joseph M. Kasonde Medical science Essay
3 pages (1011 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Maternal Health Care in Africa by Boniface Tatchwenglie Nasah, J. K. G. Mati, Joseph M. Kasonde" is an engrossing example of a paper on maternal health. Developing countries are the biggest victims of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth.  Africa has suffered more than any other part of the world in this bid.
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The Basic Principles of Magnetic Image Resonance Production Medical science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Basic Principles of Magnetic Image Resonance Production" is an engrossing example of a paper on radiology. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a radio diagnostic tool that has revolutionized medical imaging. This is a modest attempt to bring out the basic physics, instrumentation and imaging principles used in MRI.
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Moving to the Electronic Health Record Medical science Essay
2 pages (656 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Moving to the Electronic Health Record" is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. In this technologically driven society, the use of electronic systems of data entry is not only popular but has become a need. In the field of health, management of paper records of health is becoming more and more difficult and there is a dire need to switch to an automated health record system.
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Effects of the American Children Obesity Medical science Essay
3 pages (1054 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Effects of the American Children Obesity" is an astonishing example of a paper on child development. Child obesity is one of the major health concerns in America today. Obesity is causing a considerable decrease in the life expectancy of the children by 5-20 years (Miller, Rosenbloom, and Silverstein, 2004).
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The Altered Mental Status Patient Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Altered Mental Status Patient" is an engrossing example of a paper on the disorder. Brain needs for survival, the 1-minute “4P assessment”, and the different differential diagnoses are the most interesting things that I read for this session. This is because the brain needs a topic that was presented in a simple and well-understood manner.
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Euthanasia: To Kill or Not to Kill Medical science Essay
2 pages (670 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Euthanasia: To Kill or Not to Kill?" is an excellent example of a paper on medical ethics. Euthanasia had been part of many debates throughout the years. People either agree or disagree with euthanasia as a form of mercy. The definition of euthanasia must be laid down through the paper before going to the arguments of both sides whether it is a good or bad practice.
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Lalondes a New Perspective on the Health of Canadians Medical science Essay
2 pages (707 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Lalonde’s a New Perspective on the Health of Canadians" is a wonderful example of a paper on the health system. Lalonde introduced a Green Paper in 1974, A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians, which was aimed to challenge the traditional paradigm for Canadian health care reform which focuses on more sophisticated technological resources.
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The Pharmacy Show Globes Medical science Essay
2 pages (523 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Pharmacy Show Globes" is a good example of medical research on drug development. Pharmacy, as a profession, has been around for ages. However, for pharmacists or apothecaries in the times before licenses and recognized degrees came into being, there was no way of establishing their identity as competent druggists.
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The Patient Confidentiality and Data Protection Act Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Patient Confidentiality and Data Protection Act" is a good example of a paper on the health system. Members of the health professionals have the duty to preserve the confidentiality of patient information. The United Kingdom’s Data Protection of 1998 has created a significant effect on the legislation and safeguarding of the individual’s privacy to processed personal data.
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Dental Access for Underserved Population Medical science Essay
3 pages (775 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Dental Access for Underserved Population" is a wonderful example of a paper on dental care. Currently, there is a large population that, though surviving, lacks access to dental care especially the underserved population. This has led them to endure much physical, emotional and psychological stress when dental illnesses occur.
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Chest X-Ray and Vital Signs Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Chest X-Ray and Vital Signs" is a delightful example of a paper on radiology. Radiologists need the full cooperation of the radiographers to obtain relevant information about the medical history of patients (Ehrlich & Daly, 2008, p. 196). In our case, the patient is a missionary’s wife who is diagnosed with a fever of unknown reason and respiratory problem.
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Radiologic Technology Observation Medical science Essay
3 pages (999 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Radiologic Technology Observation" is a great example of medical research. Why do I want to be a Rad Tech? I think when it comes down to looking for a job or researching a career that’s right for them, people should look for one that they already have the personality traits for considering it’s hard to change their personality.
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Vitamin D Deficiency Medical science Essay
4 pages (1056 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Vitamin D deficiency Unit Summary-The New England Journal of Medicine: Vitamin D deficiency Introduction In the article entitled “The New England Journal of Medicine: Vitamin D deficiency”, the author talks about, Vitamin D deficiency problems having
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Access to Full Dental Care Faced by Children in Low Income Families Medical science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Access to Full Dental Care Faced by Children in Low-Income Families" is an engrossing example of a paper on child dental health. What are the barriers to access to full dental care faced by children in low-income families in Tucson Arizona? Compare access figures to dental health programs for children in both low income and middle/higher-income families.
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Ethics Issues in Physical Therapy Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Ethics Issues in Physical Therapy" is an inspiring example of a paper on medical ethics. It is an important aspect of professionalism to identify and evaluate ethical considerations. Physical therapists have been facing many ethical issues in their profession for some years since they started practicing autonomy in decision making and patient care.
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Food Systems for Improved Health Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Food Systems for Improved Health" is an outstanding example of a paper on food and nutrition. Health is closely linked to nutrition. The major components of human nutrition are carbohydrates, proteins and fats provide energy for growth and metabolism. These compounds are referred to as macronutrients.
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Studying Culturally Diverse Groups Medical science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'Studying Culturally Diverse Groups' is a perfect example of preclinical research. The author of the paper states that although quantitative research techniques have been used extensively in the field of western medicine, the use of qualitative research techniques especially focuses groups, is slowly gaining prominence.
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Health and Well-Being Medical science Essay
1 pages (493 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Health and Well-Being" is an excellent example of a paper on wellness and lifestyle. Health and general well-being have become vital issues in the current environment of the rising cost of living. I tend to gain weight very fast so this semester, my major focus would be on my diet based on eating healthy food to keep fit and mentally alert.
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The Electronic Health Record System Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Electronic Health Record System" is an inspiring example of a paper on the health system. Before going into the discussion regarding the importance of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) System in healthcare settings, let us get a better understanding of what EHR actually is. Tatum states, “Electronic health records are copies of an individual’s medical history that is stored as electronic data”.
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Counselling Treatment Practices and Cultural Bias Medical science Essay
2 pages (734 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Counselling Treatment Practices and Cultural Bias" is a perfect example of a paper on social and family issues. The chances of cultural bias in counseling have been increased by the globalization and urbanization that have brought many people from diverse cultures together.
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Differences between DBP and EBP Medical science Essay
2 pages (850 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Differences between DBP and EBP" is a great example of a paper on the health system. This paper focuses on differentiating between Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and the Diseased-Based Practice. EBP relies on research-based evidence to inform the clinical care decision making (1). The DBP model focuses on a single cause.
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Nutrition for a Patient Undergoing Radiation and Chemotherapy Medical science Essay
2 pages (688 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Nutrition for a Patient Undergoing Radiation and Chemotherapy" is a good example of a paper on food and nutrition. Mr. Allen appears to be a Cancer Patient. The known side effects associated with Radiation along with Chemotherapy include Loss of taste: This may lead to loss of appetite given that food is tasteless. Discomfort: This may be caused by continued chemotherapy leading to nausea.
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Thermo-Chemical Disinfection Process is Tested Using Three Cultures of Vegetative Bacteria Medical science Essay
2 pages (789 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Thermo-Chemical Disinfection Process is Tested Using Three Cultures of Vegetative Bacteria" is a great example of a paper on infections. The inactivation curve is done by plotting temperature against time (Holger 2002, p. 47). The area under the curve is then determined using the trapezoid rule. Afterward the D – the value of the thermal processes can be determined (Yoshihiro, Eugene and Ludwig 2002, 250).
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The Methodist Healthcare System in San Antonio Medical science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Methodist Healthcare System in San Antonio" is a good example of a paper on the health system. Meditech hospital presented a database in four medical institutions that were contained by the Methodist Healthcare System in San Antonio, Texas. Majority of the components of the database like laboratory, radiology, and pharmacy.
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Reasons for Effective Control Policy in Cleansing and Sterilization Medical science Essay
2 pages (781 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Reasons for Effective Control Policy in Cleansing and Sterilization" is a wonderful example of a paper on the health system. Disease control is the only way to control an outbreak within localities. However, in order to fully control diseases, used equipment should be well disposed of off so that disease-causing organisms can be checked.
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The Lymphatic and Immune Systems Medical science Essay
2 pages (583 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Lymphatic and Immune Systems" is a wonderful example of a paper on the immune system. The human body faces continuous threats posed by the external as well as its internal environment. In order to save itself from these threats and to maintain a steady-state of health, the body has developed various defense systems that work in close coordination.
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