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3 pages (750 words)
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, Research Paper
Transformational leadership and transactional leadership are two of the most common leadership styles that suit a wide array of circumstances. An objective understanding of the differences between these two leadership styles is fundamental to the attainment of the concept of the transformational leadership theory as a whole.
Management experts have long been interested in studying national cultures because of the impact they can have on the employees and in turn the on the organizational culture. Different theories and models explain national cultures by describing characteristics of cultures.
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Stress is the major cause of employee dissatisfaction (Gregory, 2011). Branham (2005) concurs with this and reckons that stress negatively affects productivity and the probability of employees staying at their workplace. There are various causes of stress, including instances when companies cannot provide the necessary tools to perform some tasks efficiently (Gregory, 2011).
Entrepreneurship can be defined as art; therefore, entrepreneurs can be labeled as artists. Although it may not be the conventional art, entrepreneurship is not an easy aspect of business, based on what the job description entails. Entrepreneurs are in charge of making the decisions that serve to determine the direction that a company will follow.
Organization aims to achieve consumer satisfaction along with their primary goal i.e. profitability. This is the reason for development of various frameworks in recent years to analyze the product market and companies competitive advantages. The development of various frameworks for analyzing demand and supply linkage haven given rise to debate about which one of them is more appropriate.
Federalism has been an ever-evolving relationship between state governments and the federal government. From a system of the dual federal system, the American governance structures have evolved to that of associative federalism. In "Federalist No. 46," James Madison asserts that both levels of governments "are distinct agents and trustees of the citizenry, constituted with distinct powers."
The author states that the path Steve Jobs passed in his professional evolution can become a role model for other leaders to follow. Rigid and arrogant, Steve Jobs, nevertheless, exemplified a unique type of the visionary leader who is dedicated to his leadership mission and devotes his life to his organization and people.
Different people have different cultural norms and believe (Camerer, 2003). The introduction and embracement of globalization and internationalization has resulted to different people from different cultures to migrate and change their countries of origin because of economical, political and social factors.
Change is an integral part of modern life. Change refers to the processes or initiatives that constitute a deviation or adjustment in the way with which operations within an organization are conducted. It, therefore, implies that organizational change management and personal change management are intertwined disciplines.
It notifies of the patient’s admission date and the length of stay in the hospital. It is a prior encounter with a physician who elucidates the entire process, addresses any queries with regard to the treatment. It ensures that the ailing individual approves of his or her treatment at the infirmary.
Experts in the field of human resource management indicate that winning organizations are able to create a competitive advantage over their rivals through the creation of an effective and efficient performance management system. A competitive advantage is achieved through the hiring talented individuals, placing such individuals in appropriate positions, etc.
6 pages (1536 words)
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, Research Paper
When demand for products decreases, the supply of the products also goes down. This happens in any manufacturing environment, Make-to-Stock, Configure-to-Order, or either Engineer-to-Order. Make-to-Stock is a manufacturing environment that mostly depends on consumer demand forecasts.
The company coined its name from the co-founders Harold “Matt” Matson and Elliot “El” Handler. Handler's spouse, Ruth Hander afterwards became the president of the company launched the “Barbie” line of toys, which they named after their daughter’s sobriquet.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
Exploratory research is also known as unstructured or informal form of research. This is generally done for conducting a background study of the research. The nature of the research keeps changing as the researcher uncovers the different aspects of the research area. In exploratory method of research no well-defined objective, sampling plan or questionnaire is prepared for collecting data.
The strategy, organizational goals and purpose of the organization is fulfilled through 32 schools in 20 different locations in the US, which train about 500,000 soldiers annually. Currently TARDOC is transitioning into war fighting-functions centers to better serve their mission of “Strengthen America’s Force of Decisive Action”.
It is a subsidiary company which is wholly owned by the parent company OGE Energy, which is itself a provider of energy services and energy for natural gas as well as electricity. The missions and goals of the energy company are multifold in nature. The primary mission of the company is to contribute towards the meeting the national demand for electric utility and natural gas and look forward to achieving its goals towards the midstream infrastructure of pipelines catering to the electric utility and natural gas.
power tools and lawn equipment industry. The mission of the company needs to be different and very clear. The important areas of mission statement include who we are, what is our business, what products do we offer, and why we chose the particular business.
Good communication is the foundation of teamwork in the workplace. The managers of the company must be able to effectively communicate instructions to the staff. Lower-level employees also have to communicate well with each other to get the job done. Any business that has communication problems is at risk of failing as a business entity.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Research Paper
Organizations should make sure that positive energy created in the minds of the employees because of the existing work culture. Moreover, organizations should make sure to implement periodic changes in its culture based on the changes happening in science and technology and the subsequent changes in the life and living standards of the employees.
The role of SME has evolved in accordance with the technology present today. The global presence of SMEs, and even in the digital economy, has been helpful in boosting the business industry of different countries. . Nonetheless, it can be inferred that it is not easy to integrate SME with ICT. This process needs a thorough study and investigation.
The employees were operating at the benevolence of the management whereby it had promised a lot of things and indeed it had implemented some. However, when things in the textile industry changed for worse, the promises became null and void leaving the employees in dilemma as how to address their grievances.
eBay is one of the largest global online market regions that brings together over 100 million people across the globe to do business together (Miner, 2011). It enables almost anyone to buy or sell practically anything through the internet. The company has thus created an ideal marketplace that has revolutionized the way of doing business across the globe.
The words of John Quincy Adams, or JQA, show that not only did he fully comprehend, but that he exemplified the essence of a servant leader. Servant leadership is more than a buzzword; it actually conveys one of the noblest and most profound constructs of leadership.
6 pages (1834 words)
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, Research Paper
Irrespective of change's categorization, one of the most apparent obstructions to change had been the reluctance of human beings to readily adapt to changes. It is fundamentally due to the reason that change is known to bring massive alterations in the already settled system irrespective of the fact whether it is planned or unplanned.
The recommended strategic growth option is to extend offerings to traditional services, in order to support the company’s business strategy of being an “über firm” and to leverage its competitive advantages, which are its management and staff expertise and organizational culture, and scarce resource of existing client and business-to-business relationships.
According to the essay, the coordination of public secondary and post secondary education with the economy is critical in ensuring that a balance exists towards realization of economic success. Higher education sector is a sensitive area, that needs thorough actions taken by all the concerned parties in case of any problematic issue.
Expatriate assignments fail quite often. Careful selection of international assignees can help improve the results. Most of the managerial positions are held by locals instead of expatriates, though it does not always happen so. The attitude that prevails in ethnocentric corporations is that local managers are superior whereas host-country managers are considered superior in polycentric firms.
Stock maintenance should be ensured through material flows. Zara, a Spanish clothing outlet, follows automated routing systems for transporting electronically tagged clothes to correct loading bays in its logistics locations. This electronic procedure assists in minimising shrinkage levels with 98.9% accuracy in distribution.
Quite surprisingly, research has been centered on particular aspects of knowledge management rather than taking a holistic approach which undermines its strategic potential. There has been a little demonstration of the relationship between past progress and the current challenges of knowledge management.
The strategic management process involves the development of a mission and vision for the firm which as well as crafting and implementation of various strategies; this is a process that involves both thoughts and action. At certain times in the process, the firm will evaluate its strategies and whenever they fall below expectations appropriate action will be taken to mitigate and correct them.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Literature review
For instance, people become thugs in the streets due to poverty and hunger even though they were not born thugs. This explains the fact that behavior is not a condition. Any human activity needs motivation as this is the only source of inspiration. Perfect examples are in activities that bring people together such as sports, work and education.
The principle states that revenues shall be recognized only when they are realized. Thus answering the very question of when the revenues shall be realized. Now suppose, ABC Bakers receive an order to deliver 100kgs of biscuits at $1000, and thus, on receiving the order they recognize the revenue of $1000.
Using several examples, Nadler and Tushman (1989: 196) illustrate that as organisations bend their frames, they either choose to continue the past, as in reorientation forms of changes or break it, as in re-creation changes. They note the difficulty of maintaining organisational systems and culture as these changes occur.
Public administration reform has become one of the key issues in public management. Governments everywhere have realized that in order to make public services more efficient, reform is inevitable. In this regard, most governments are hell-bent on integrating innovation and reform in public administration so as to minimize wastage, inefficiency, and excessive bureaucracy.
This thesis aims at reflecting upon my learning and understanding of leadership from the article titled “Crucibles of Leadership” by Bennis & Thomas which reflects the transformation of people’s mindset in accordance with transformative events. It has often been argued that leaders are not born with extra ordinaries qualities within them, they find meaning and learn from the most negative events.
Proper Oils is a company involved in the collection and processing of used cooking oil that is later sold as biodiesel or still as cooking oil. The company is primarily involved in collecting, processing, and selling the product as cooking oil. Presently, the company is able to produce as much as it can collect the used oil from caterers. There are a number of challenges facing the company.
The case study for Mark and Spencer is involved in providing high-quality fashionable products, product design is very essential so as to produce products that are highly competitive in the market (Vilcox & Thomas 2007). The company is known for the innovation of its fabrics from its own textile technologies laboratories that is part of the product design.
Financial advisor as a career choice. Financial advisor is a professional who offers financial services to clients. Financial advisors may act as: investment advisers, brokers, lawyers, insurance agents, brokers, financial planners, and accountants. Depending on the training and the licenses financial advisors have, they provide clients with financial services and products.
Valuation is the process of determining the value of an asset. The present value of cash flow approach to security valuation has three subdivisions of measuring the value of an investment. These are the present value of dividend, the present value of free cash flow to equity, as well as the present value of operating cash flow. The present value of Dividends employs the cost of equity as the discount figure.
The unexpected performance of eBay in the online C2C market of China raised many questions regarding the decisions taken by the corporation in the geographical region. With a promising entrance into the market boosted by eBay’s acquisition of local online shopping giant EachNet in 2003, the corporation initially boasted of a staggering 72.4% market share of the Chinese e-shopping arena that was reduced to a mere 7.7% by 2007 as Alibaba’s competing venture Taobao.com captured 84.9% of the market.
The development of management skills has become quite imperative for the business or strategic managers belonging to different organisations in recent times. This might be owing to the reason of increased level of globalisation, enhanced momentum of internationalisation, extreme business market competition and adoption along with the execution of pioneering technological advancements.
The author states that the director assumes a flexible leadership style depending on the personalities of his subordinates, as well as the demands of the situation. Third, he is unselfish, warm, kind, committed to the ideals of the organization and the program he heads; as well as pursues endeavors.
15 pages (3750 words)
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, Research Paper
Later on the company entered the petrochemicals industry and showed very high growth rate. The company produces a wide variety of products for a number of industries operating globally, such as, “chemicals, plastics, automotive, aviation, textiles, footwear, paints and coatings, construction, technology, agriculture, health care, detergent, personal care, furniture, appliances and packaging” (Huntsman, 2013a).
Blackberry is a popular handset device manufactured by Research in Motion (RIM) headquartered in Waterloo. RIM revolutionized the mobile industry with the introduction of the Blackberry handset in the year 1999 (Blackberry, 2013a). The launch of Blackberry products and services changed the lifestyle and perception of the customers.
Here we can see a complex situation faced by a project engineer, Gary Allison of SEC who was offered the position of a project manager by his senior Henry Larsen. The case deals with the job complications faced by Gary along with some ethical issues. We can find here how an unethical step can lead to disasters in professional life.
4 pages (1163 words)
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, Research Paper
At the close of the year 2012, Facebook had over one billion active users every month and approximately four thousand employees; former Harvard students, Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes, Eduardo Saverin and Dustin Moskovitz, founded it in 2004. The company does not charge its users but gets most of its earnings from advertisements on its website.
APC sent a team of American and Philippine engineers to conduct a geodetic and ocular survey of the sites. Mindful of the possible dangers due to terrorism and banditry in this coastal area in a largely rural environment, APC duly covered its expatriate personnel with kidnap and ransom insurance.
Confidentiality is meant to indicate the administration's ineffectiveness in that access to files and individuals responses is readily available to company officials. As a result, comparative analysis of the survey results could fail due to manipulation and invalid responses from employees due to fear of victimization.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
Various business activities including hiring, promotion, rewarding and compensation of the employees are always conducted without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability and age (IBM, 2003).
The corporation has its core activities divided into six segments namely; exploration and production, gas and energy, biofuels, provision, distribution and international operations. PETROBRAS has a number of subsidiaries where it directly and indirectly engages them in research, extraction, refining, processing trading and transportation of oil from wells as well as other operations that are related to production and development and commercialization of energy (New York Times, 2013).