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Financial Crisis and Corporate Governance Law Essay
26 pages (7122 words) , Essay
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There are four major types of financial crises that are caused by various external and internal factors of an economy. In order to avoid or mitigate the effects of the financial crisis, corporate governance mechanisms need to be improved. Moreover, laws and treaties related to the financial crisis in Australia need to be observed.
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Australian Intellectual Property Law Law Essay
12 pages (3538 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Copyright is a documented form of intellectual property. Its impact is not only on the public stage but also expands into the global sector. One cause for the existence of the copyright concept is the economic/utilitarian theory where inventors are encouraged to establish innovative works by being given exclusive economic rights for a particular period of time.
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Domestic Violence Offences from Police Records Law Essay
20 pages (5440 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper describes some of the problems associated with the measurement of the extent of domestic violence offenses from police records. It outlines the various sources of data that concern domestic violence and illustrates the importance of using a variety of data sources in any particular study in order to get accurate results.
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Application of the US Intellectual Property Laws Law Essay
29 pages (7608 words) , Essay
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The beauty of being alive stems from the fact that every human being ever created is unique in his/ her own way. Two people may be entirely alike in the way they look. They may have the same eye and hair colour. Or perhaps it may be the high cheekbones and slimness they both exhibit. They may even both be brilliant in class, getting straight A’s all through school.
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The USA Intellectual Property Law Law Essay
27 pages (6950 words) , Essay
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This paper takes a look at the various cases presented and seeks to explain them in the light of intellectual property law.  To achieve this, it would be important to shed light on intellectual property law as a field of study. The different segments of intellectual property law are also defined to help attain full comprehension of the topic.
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Intellectual Property Laws and Their Application in the US Law Essay
26 pages (6722 words) , Essay
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The United States makes great steps in technological advances every year. This is at a rate that is far higher than that of any other country. This means that there are a lot of people who have come up with advancements in the country and have been open to allowing other people to utilize their inventions.
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The Structure of the American Legal System Law Essay
22 pages (6690 words) , Essay
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Natural laws are God-given; they exist within human beings since birth and are intrinsic to the nature of individuals. Locke’s notions of natural law have affected the official structures of various nations together with the United States. Prior to the Civil War, adversaries of slavery challenged its legitimacy with the argument that it ran in opposition to the natural rule.
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The US Legal System Law Essay
22 pages (6024 words) , Essay
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The United States is a federal state whose government has precise, detailed powers and fifty supreme states each having considerable independence and authority. The national and the state government are each divided into the executive, legislative and judicial units. The U.S. has a written constitution at both the central and state government that makes up a system of separated powers, checks, and balances.
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What Is Aboriginal Customary Law Law Essay
19 pages (5401 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Many indigenous, traditional and local communities are identified by customary laws. Different aspects of the lives of these communities are addressed by these laws. These laws define the responsibilities and rights of different members of the communities in relation to culture, life and worldview, (Michael Walsh, 2008).
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Application of the Uniform Commercial Code Law Essay
17 pages (4399 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The UCC forms the basis of the United States commercial law. The UCC ensures that all negotiations and agreements are carried out as they should, and in essence, regulates the commercial sector. This is necessary, as there are individuals who might not necessarily be honest, and would therefore seek to profit from other people.
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Preventive Detention Laws Law Essay
21 pages (5579 words) , Essay
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Preventive detention can be described as imposed imprisonment executed so as to prevent a person from committing a crime. In democratic nations, an individual cannot be incarcerated without an informed criminal charge unless in special circumstances depicted particularly in anti-terrorism legislations and sexual offense Acts.
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The UK Company Law Law Essay
21 pages (5783 words) , Essay
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The doctrine of limited liability is one of the significant features of corporate law. It protects the interests of shareholders or investors in the company. It reduces their liability to the extent of their investment or contribution to the capital of the company. It prevents shareholders from being held responsible for more than their investment.
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Practical Application of GATT Law Essay
11 pages (2728 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Ministry of Trade’s efforts to elevate Paradiso’s status through various schemes and initiatives are highly commendable. Paradiso, just like other countries affiliated to the World Trade Organisation joined the body with an aim to address challenges arising from its trading activities with other countries.
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The GATT-WTO System and International Trade Law Law Essay
27 pages (6744 words) , Essay
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There are appropriate customs and rules that handle the Schaffer v Augusti, (2002) 19 5th edition, (book) west publication trade between two or more nations or between private countries across borders that have their governments being part of the Sacks, v Malbon, J (eds) (1992) 211(Case) Princeton Publication world trade and members of World Trade Organization.
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Human, Economic and Legal Rights Law Essay
11 pages (2915 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The execution of Osama bin Laden was a moral outrage and a violation of human rights. The shooting of Osama was a reaction to the perturbed course of peace in the world by terrorist attacks. Despite the continuation of autonomous democracy and successful leadership in the global communities, the terrorist have caused an abrupt distraction to the smooth sailing of the prevailing peaceful nations.
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The Neutrality Principle and the ICRC Law Essay
22 pages (6294 words) , Essay
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Humanitarian law does provide for protection as well as ensuring the survival of human values as well as the protection of life. The resort to war was considered by many to be the normal way in which persons or states could resolve disputes but this was outlawed by the Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928 as well as the provisions of Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter.
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Legal System of PRC as Compared to Hong Kong Law Essay
21 pages (5620 words) , Essay
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The legal systems of the PRC and Hong Kong differ in terms of how they choose to investigate, carry out prosecution, and sentencing of offenders. This could be a potential source of conflict between these two territories but so far, they have managed to cohabit peacefully. The history of China is long and rich and spans millennia of civilization.
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Saudi Arabias Admission to the WTO Law Essay
26 pages (5660 words) , Essay
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The WTO system provides its members with control over unjustifiable export restrictions. The system members are bound to eliminate any arbitrary or unjustifiable restrictions on exports to Saudi Arabia that are essential for the development of its industrial and agricultural production and its service industry alike.
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The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility Law Essay
22 pages (5941 words) , Essay
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Corporate social responsibility ensures the alignment of business behaviour and values to strike a balance between developing and improving business wealth, with the sole intention of improving society, the people, as well as the whole world. All this is done because of corporate social responsibility assuming the role of corporate citizenship.
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Accusatorial and Inquisitorial Systems of Criminal Prosecution Law Essay
26 pages (6947 words) , Essay
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Whereas the AG is largely viewed as a defender of the judiciary and an advocate for the rule of law, the AG is also expected to maintain a coordinated effort between the three arms of government and ensure a harmonious coexistence, especially for the central purpose of maintaining public confidence in the rule of law.
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The Definition of Intellectual Property Law Essay
36 pages (10621 words) , Essay
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The United States repeatedly threatened China in the 1980s with economic sanctions and opposed the entry of China into the World Trade Organisation as well as perpetuating trade wars. The threats eventually caused the Chinese government to comply and sign intellectual property agreements in 1992, 1995 and 1996.
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Treatment of Detainees at Guantanamo Bay Law Essay
24 pages (6164 words) , Essay
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Disregarding efforts by the US government to assuage criticism from some states and international human rights groups, controversies surrounding detention without trial at the facility continue to build up. The gist of the issue is that efforts to dissuade allegedly unlawful undertakings at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility have been futile.
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Uniform Succession Laws Law Essay
10 pages (2539 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In Victoria, the Administration and Probate Act 1958 (Vic) plays an integral role in the redistribution of the properties of the deceased. Part IV of the Act is applicable in determining the people who are eligible for the redistribution of the properties of the deceased. The use of the Act in Victoria is different from the other jurisdictions in Australia.
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The UN and Universal Declaration of Human Rights Law Essay
17 pages (4353 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The United Nations Human Rights Commission (the Commission) was the chief intergovernmental decision-making body, particularly for human rights issues and this was succeeded by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in 2006. “On 10 December 1948, the UN General Assembly espoused the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).”
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Grotiuss Concept of Mare Liberum Law Essay
15 pages (3511 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For at least 400 years the law of the sea was based on international customary law and in particular on the concept of mare liberum as advocated by Dutch jurist Hugo Grotius. Grotius distinguished between the “inner sea” which was essentially landlocked and the “outer sea” which could not be “seized or enclosed”.
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Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Law Essay
14 pages (3618 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Before 1973, consumer law in Texas was not very strong. Some even considered the Texas consumer law to be caveat emptor [customer beware]. In 1973, the Consumer Protection Law in the form of Texas Deceptive Trade Practices was enacted by the Texas government.  In a matter of a few years, the DTPA was considered one of the best consumer protection statutes in the US.
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Equitable Remedies in the Australian Legal System Law Essay
11 pages (3074 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Equitable remedies in the Australian legal system, just as is the case in British law are awarded as settlement to disputes in equity. By their very nature, disputes in equity do not seek monetary damages or relief, hence making common law unable to satisfy adequate remedies to the party seeking relief.  
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Insureds Disputes with Third Parties Law Essay
14 pages (3461 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is important for any insurance agency to contract the services of a lawyer as required by law and in the interest of the company in discharging its duties to the clients; the insured in this case. Over many years, insurance practice has been known for a number of interests that may arise in the course of their operations most of, which happen between their clients, the insured, and them and/or, the insured and their third parties.
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Contemporary Perspectives in Criminology Law Essay
9 pages (2348 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It is quite essential to state that this paper intends to present the impacts and challenges that enhanced information and communication have presented to the criminology world. It explains the fundamental reasons for the proliferation of new criminal activities as a result of technological development.
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Why Collective Security Is Not in Operation at the UN Security Council Law Essay
15 pages (4320 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Save for the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Security Council is the other of the organization’s organs whose powers and functions are very pronounced. The United Nations Charter establishes the Security Council which it bestows with the power of overseeing and maintaining international peace.
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Company Law and Directors Responsibilities in Australia Law Essay
17 pages (4511 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Generally, it is essential to state that the source of company law in Australia that govern the duties and responsibilities of directors emanate from three major areas, namely judge-made law (common law), statute law, which incorporates, the Corporation Act 2001, and lastly the company’s constitution.
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International Commercial Arbitration Law Essay
16 pages (4137 words) , Download 1 , Essay
International Commercial Arbitration is the process of resolving business disputes between or among transnational parties through the use of an arbitrator rather than through the court. The parties must agree to arbitration where during contract formation there is inclusion of an arbitration clause.
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Domestic Violence against Women Law Essay
10 pages (3008 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Domestic violence against women continues to be a very pertinent problem the world over notwithstanding the fact that various policy and legal measures continue to be churned out all over the world in different countries. The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical analysis of how gender is important in understanding domestic violence.
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Modern Employment Contracts as Legal Instruments Law Essay
11 pages (3347 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Employment contracts are, principally, legal documents that fall within the domain of the Law of Contract. Consequently, such documents must adhere to the requirements of every contract. Needless to say, therefore, an employment contract must of essence possess all the essentials of any other ordinary contract, albeit with certain modifications.
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Democratic Deficit in Global Governance Law Essay
9 pages (2882 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Many global governance organizations have gone against what democracy implies. They have neglected the rule of stakeholders and failed to effect communication with elected leaders in different parts of the world. This has brought failure in running the noble tasks these global institutions are entrusted to perform.
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The Rule of Precedent: Comparison between Common Law and Civil Law Law Essay
20 pages (5372 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Different countries follow different legal systems. The legal system followed in different countries depends on numerous dynamic factors. However, the shaping factors that can be said to have contributed to these developments include academic developments in the legal fraternity, political systems, social dynamics, religion, colonization, and globalization among others.
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Resolving the Conflict by Utilizing the Conflict Management Styles Law Essay
10 pages (2794 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The conflict that I will describe here happened in a small organization after my friend had assisted that organization in developing a computer program. As I learned from Jeong (2010) solving conflicts eliminates the occurrence of destructive conflicts and enables the involved parties to improve their relationship towards each other.
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Property Law in the System of Civil Law Law Essay
11 pages (3064 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In the system of civil law, there is a division between movable and fixed or immovable property. Movable property is generally linked to personal property, whereas permanent property is majorly associated with real estate commonly referred to as land, and the corresponding rights and responsibilities thereon.
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How Prisons Work and Prisoner Management Law Essay
10 pages (2778 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The essay is focused on the basis of the function of a prison as a correctional facility or institution for offenders. A prison's aim is to aid the judicial arm of the government in dealing with juvenile and adult offenders as well as integrating them back into society. The treatment accorded to them, a focus on the system of sentencing and imprisonment tendencies shows the risks of reoffending.
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Liabilities and Offences in Workers Health and Safety Act 2011 Law Essay
16 pages (4276 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Liability arises on the basis of either being an employer or a body corporate as well as is vested on an individual vested with the task of ensuring that the work adheres to safe and healthy standards. Even though the Act gives an employer the task of ensuring that the workplace is safe, a worker ought only to expose themselves to a reasonable task, and ensure that they are not exposed to risks.
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Employment Law - The Implied Term of Mutual Trust and Confidence Law Essay
13 pages (3729 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The purpose of the idea is to ensure that mutual trust and confidence are sustained by both parties to the contractual agreement. Other parts of the world like the United Kingdom and New Zealand have managed to accept such a term clearly depicting that such duty is implied in the employment contracts by the law.
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Factitious Disorder by Proxy Law Essay
13 pages (3599 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The beauty pageant concept was first introduced by B. T. Barnum in his popular circus. This concept was later developed as casino attractions in various cities such as Atlantic City. Further development led to the establishment of Miss America and Miss USA. Child beauty pageants were developed in the 1960s, and they adopted the characteristics of adult pageants.
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Protections Available to Journalists in Situations of Armed Conflict Law Essay
19 pages (5690 words) , Download 0 , Essay
International humanitarian law comprises many subsequent treaties, customary international law, and case laws that regulate the conduct of armed conflicts. It also defines conduct as well as responsibilities of neutral nations, belligerent nations as well as all individuals who engage in warfare. This is in relation to one another and to other protected persons which often means civilians.
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Right of Establishment and Free Movement of Companies Law Essay
16 pages (4479 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A corporation is also a company. This means that an entity has separate legal personalities from people who carry out its activities to people who have rights to its own property. Originally different companies could be established through an act of the state. This can be done through an Act of Parliament. The rights of establishing companies vary from country to country.
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Construction Law: Disputes in Construction Industry Law Essay
9 pages (2749 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Disputes in construction mostly occur due to compounding and escalating factors that lead to a breakdown in the construction process. According to Ramsey and Telford (2007, p. 898), disputes are common in the construction industry and are often caused by delays, rework as well as schedule and cost overruns.
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Free Movement of Companies Law Essay
15 pages (4295 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Developments in recent years in Europe have affected international company law almost in an unprecedented manner. This has been very pronounced in those countries where there is hostility towards companies that have foreign structures operating inside their territories. The European Court of Justice is in a major race.
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Respect and Equality as Fundamental Reasons for Recognition of Customary Laws Law Essay
10 pages (2718 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The Aboriginal population was reduced during the colonial settlement due to conflicts with settlers, the introduction of diseases, and alcohol. The customs and traditions of The Aborigines who survived were either suppressed or destroyed. The Aborigines had no title to land under British colonial law and violence was used to silence them if they resisted encroachment of their land.
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Provocation Defence in a Modern Legal System Law Essay
8 pages (2296 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Questions are raised as to the validity of such a defense used by accused men who cause harm to their intimates. Contemporary critics draw attention to the injustice incurred by the battered women involved in such killings. Provocation can be defined as the partial defense to murder that if considered by the jury leads to a conviction for manslaughter rather than the exact act of murder.
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Is Torture Permissible During Times of Warfare Law Essay
9 pages (2591 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the paper will begin with the statement that torture is a global issue and that association gives it a broad description as a matter of, not only judicial but also great social concern that affects the human population both locally and internationally. It is also shared among the diverse societies of humanity, within the global community. 
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Contract Law Is an Important Economic Factor Law Essay
13 pages (3465 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The agreement between the parties is and can be analyzed through the rule of offer and acceptance. Take a case example of Uber X, a passage making a booking or hiring the services enters an agreement with the “offeror” with the willingness to pay for the services after engaging in communication on terms of the service provision.
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