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Equal Employment Opportunities Acts on Recruitment and Selection in Australias Economic Performance - Case Study Example

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The paper 'Equal Employment Opportunities Acts on Recruitment and Selection in Australia’s Economic Performance" is a perfect example of a law case study. Recruitment is a method of finding and attracting competent applicants. The process involves methods that are cost-effective, timely and are compliant with laws and regulations which are essential to any recruitment effort…
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EEP Acts on Recruitment and selection in Australia’s Economic Performance Name Institution Date EEP Acts on Recruitment and Selection in Australia Recruitment is a method of finding and attracting competent applicants. The process involves methods that are cost effective, timely and are compliant with laws and regulations which are essential to any recruitment effort. As suggested by Schmitt and Chan (1998), the whole recruiting procedure is complex, and continuing process which demands extensive planning. Selection on the other hand, is a process of obtaining and using information concerning particular job applicants in determining who should be hired for vacant positions availed. While doing the recruitment process, placement is involved. Here, the process involves matching individuals to jobs, with the primary basis being on the demands of the job and the competencies, proficiencies, personalities and interests of the individuals taken through the whole recruitment process. The recruitment and selection processes should be adopted by institutional management to be a means that progressively transform behavioral characteristics of their workforce. Potentially, the processes have for years proved that candidates can either come from an internal search or from an external job market. In processing recruitment and selection processes, letters are reached through channels such as recruitment advertising, employment agencies, and professional associations or through word of mouth. In developing and equal opportunity for all candidates it demands that equal access for all. In achieving the desired results, a public and open recruitment, whereas the likelihood of attracting suitable applicants depends on the detail and specification of the recruitment advertisement. Australia’s Legislations on EEO Recruitment process The Australia’s legislations on Equal Employment opportunities (EEO) have become part of almost all organizations’ recruitment concerns. However, there are some organizations in Australia that are still at the EEO stage of mere conformity with law, whereas other private and public institutions have already graduated in valuing diversity as one major principle of these kind of organizations life. Introduction of the Australia’s government legislation and regulations encouraged inclusive participation by all types of individuals in the recruitment process. Most especially, the government legislations that raised concerns on the EEO set a great framework within recruitment programs clearly defining functions. This has since reduced employers influence as they can no longer seek out preferred individuals based on non-job related factors such as physical appearance, sex or religious setting of the candidates. The impacts of this legislation on recruitment, selection and placement procedures have for years changed in the Australian organizations. Equal Employment opportunity In Australia, the EEO laws are a group of laws that influence HRM issues, in both organizations from the public and private institutions. The EEO refers to the government legislations passed in attempt to ensure that individuals have equal chances of employment, regardless of their race, sex or personal physical appearance and even national origin (Sims, 2002). The Australia’s equal opportunity policy is established in support of selection criteria that are fair, justifiable and non- discriminatory. The advertisement of vacant posts currently seeks to obtain a widespread response. The policies has enabled members of the disadvantaged groups such as disability and sex issues especially women are also given opportunity in making applications. The selection criteria has been modified over time, to ensure that people with appropriate knowledge, skills, qualifications and desired experience are selected to fill in the vacant positions. The legislations have responsibly developed seeking to have all forms of discrimination against women, ethnic minorities, elderly, and people with disabilities among other disadvantaged groups in the employment industry. This include recruitment, training, promotions, redundancy selection and retention in accordance to the Equal opportunities acts in the Australia’s employment law and related code of practice are adhered up to date . Australia’s EEO Legislations on Discrimination All Equal Employment opportunity laws in Australia and across the globe, aims to protect job applicants, employees and workers from any form of employment discrimination, victimization, harassment or any other detrimental form of disorientation at workplace. The EEO policies framework and legislations has remarkable influence on the recruitment, selection and placement of employees in Australia’s institution in the current regime. The equal opportunity measure has continually influenced the procedural actions of the organizations’ recruitment, selection, and placement activities. This responsibly accounts to evolution witnessed in the improved performance of several organizations in the country. The legislations have made it possible for organizations, to analyze and fruitfully review their HRM system in a move that has objectives of eliminating discriminatory barriers (Sims, 2002). For over the year’s Equal opportunity policy framework such as the Sex discrimination Act of 1975, gender or sex reassignment discrimination regulations that was put in place in 1999 and the race related act. All these legislations are intended to put a stop to the illegal discrimination on the grounds of sex, marriage and race not only in the employment sector but also in training, education and in provision of goods and services in the entire parts of Australia (Ryan and Lasek, 1991). For instance, the equal pay act regulation of 1983, implementation of this legislation immediately it was accepted as a law in Australia which developed steady measure. Under this law, women were entitled to equal pay for work that posses equal value to that of men in the same employment mandate. Legislation concern over Victimization Victimizing impacts on individual performance and unity of employees within any organization, the actions affects the social importance involving decision making, and it may also affect employee’s self-esteem. Hence, reduced employee’s job satisfaction this encourages employees to leave their workplace for better conditions. As suggested by Jupp, (2001), victimization implies handling someone as being less favorable than others this is part of employment discrimination that is normally extended to recruitment and candidates’ selection. For instance, a person can be prevented from going on training courses, taking disciplinary action that are unfair against an individual, or excluding a person from an organization social events. The government policy that has recently been applied has initiated Acts that holds this kind of unlawful treatment punishable under law. For instance the Age regulations in 2006 as effected. The law assumes that it’s unlawful, on grounds of age for employers to discriminate their employees either directly or indirectly, during recruitment, employment promotion or during dismissal. Under the law this is unaccepted unless: Such discrimination is justified as a proportionate means achieving a legitimate aim. The action holds a genuine occupational requirement for employing individuals of certain age, sex or physical condition for a given position. Only if such different treatment is covered by specific exemption within the legislative regulations. The disability discrimination Act of 1995 and 2003 under this accepted legislation Act, it is unlawful to discriminate against disabled individuals in employment. This includes recruitments, training and other employment benefits. The laws further expounds that it is unlawful for employer to segregate against a disabled person on basis of: In any arrangements made to possibly determine who should be offered employment Terms on which the disabled individual is offered employment Through refusing to offer or a deliberate act by employer not to offer the disabled person employment The race relations Act of 1975 This Act makes it unlawful for employers’ actions of discrimination against individuals on racial grounds or subject employees to harassment, in any arrangement they make for recruitment, selection and terms and conditions in which employment, training and promotional terms and conditions are offered. This may include: All recruitment policies, procedures and traditional practices should be designed to meet all the terms and objectives of the institution’s equal opportunities policies and equally lay down action plan that fulfils the legislative Act. Most Australia’s organizations have equipped all staff responsible for recruitment at organizational level basic training campaign providing equal opportunity policy measures to the working aspect. Created an improved equal opportunity for what employment offers, including promotion and training that has remained equally open to all eligible candidates and selection based on merit rather than discrimination traits as earlier witnessed. Many firms have initiated rules that ensure no applicant or worker is placed under disadvantage by organization policy, requirement, conditions or a practice that misappropriates particular employees’ racial groups. Special Employment programs The legislations developed in the EEO have initiated equal access to employment among the Australian people. For instance, access to special employment pools that are inclusive of the equal opportunity program pool such as aboriginal employment. Advertised section process is not required for applicants found within this group. Recruitment strategies In Australia internal recruitment has been a common practice. According to Koch, et al (2010), organizations often try to follow the policy while filling job vacancies above the entry level through promotions and transfers. This is aimed at capitalizing the cost involved in recruiting, selecting and training its current employees. Advertising is one of the widely and frequently used methods of contacting applicants. In processing the advertised position, the newspapers and journals are commonly used although radio and television are used by part of the companies. These modes are selected in reaching a larger number of audiences that certainly comprises possible applicants. Certain degree of selectivity is achieved through use of specific news paper or journal directed towards particular group of readers. The policy requires the advertised position to have well elaborative information in a language that does not discriminate against sex, race, or disability among the procedure used in reaching the desired candidates (Cary et al, 2009). Strategic of integration of recruitment practices on performance Recruitment and selection to any organization is a foundation of the human resource management. Creating a well integrated HR system, which is free from cases of discrimination to any business, marks a critical role in achieving organizational strategic goals. The legislation Acts developed in Australia is responsible for the increased economic growth over the last decade. A good indicator that accounts for the improved measure of Australia’s performance over the last previous years is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) according to the findings of (University of Sydley Department of Economics, 2002). Overview of the Australian Economy in 2009-2010 The statistical data indicates an economy expedition of about 2.3% in this period alone. Real net national disposable income grew by 0.1% which was rather a decline in-term of trade, down by a 4.8%. This was the first year, since 1998-1999 that the country has experienced a decline in trade activities. On the other side, the household saving ratio was estimated to be 8.8% during this period another decline from 9.8% in 2008-2009 annual report. For the labor productivity the records indicated an increase of 2.3%. The expenditure marked part of the major contributor to the GDP growth in this period as it increased with an estimated 2% contributing about 1.4% points on the capital fixed formation that was quoted to be at 2.5%. For the industries, more increases were recorded in value of a number of industries. Mining recorded a 6.2% increase, the second place taken by professional, scientific and technological services at 3.8% among many other indicators of the Australia’s economy (Balnave, 2007). Basic necessity that generated economic growth over the last decade has partly been accounted in the recruitment and selection legislative policies. The Equal Employment Act developed effective teams in recruitment process. This has established a unified responsible efficient workforce in both public and private sectors objectively aimed at attaining the organizational goals. This explains the improved performance in the Australian economy in the current years (Schramm, 2010). Further statistical facts, indicate that Australia per capita GDP equal to the four dominant west European economies. Due to the introduction of free market economy, the country’s productivity has been boasted to a higher level, while unemployment rates lowered. The major trading partners are Asian counties that include China, India, South Korea and Japan. This can be associated to the fruitful achievements, resulting from the Australian government initiative to have the EEO laws implemented across all sectors of employment in country. Conclusion Basing on the discussion above it is important to note that the proposed legislative Acts on recruitment, selection and employment policies are not end poor outcomes but if implemented there is a higher chance that equal opportunity on merit will deliver desired results. The legislative Acts have restored recruitment integrity, full of hope in developing an efficient united workforce. Which delivers both employments satisfactions as well as aim to achieve the desired objectives of the organization. The policies are intended to put a stop to the illegal discrimination in all aspects of recruitment, selection and employment. References Ryan, A. M. (1991). Negligent Hiring and defamation:Areas of Liability related to pre-employment inquiries. Personnel Psychology , Vol. 44 (2), Pp, 293-319. Balnave, N. (2007). Employment Relations in Australia. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Cary L. Cooper, U. G. (2009). Mental Capital and Wellbeing. New York: John Wiley and sons. The Australia Depertment of Labor and immigration. (2002). Australian economic history review. Economic History , Volume 42 (5) Pp, 78-102. The economist. (2008). Economist , Vol. 346, Issues 8054-8057. Koch et al. (2010). Project Administration for Design-Build Contracts: A Primer for Owners, Engineers, and Contractors. New York: ASCE Publications. Jupp, J. (2001). The Australian people: an encyclopedia of the nation, its people and their origins. London: Cambridge University Press. Kingma, M. (2006). Nurses on the move: migration and the global health care economy. New York : Cornell University Press. Labor laws and legislation (1996). Labor laws and legislation. Australian journal of labour law , Volume 9 (2) pp 67-107. Oceanic abstracts. (2010). Cambridge Scientific Abstracts , Volume 31, Issues 7-8. Schmitt, N. A. (1998). Personnell Sellection: A theoretical Approach. London: Sage. Schramm, J. R. (2010). Biological abstracts. Union of American Biological Societies , Volume 75, Issue 6. Pp. 45-80. Sims. (2002). Organization Success through Effective Human resorces management. Westport CT: Quorum Books. Read More
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