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Essays on good citizen

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Who Is a Good Citizen
2 pages (695 words) , Download 1
The paper "Who Is a Good Citizen" highlights that Enahoro is also another famous figure who doubled as a mentor, thinker, and editor. Enahoro held the record for the youngest editor in 1944 when he was crowned the Southern Nigerian Defender's editor.... Enahoro further played a role in uniting his country during the civil war. Their contributions to the current society are recognized to date for making a better tomorrow. The two leaders become top figures in their countries. This is by abiding by...
Characteristics of a good citizen
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5
There are various ways citizens are responsible to their government. Citizens should show support to their government. They should always be available to serve in the public... Both men and women should be ready to join the armed forces and defend their country during national emergencies (Jackson 2013). Besides, citizens should be willing to serve in juries and other positions whenever they are called. Citizens are responsible of paying legally Characteristics of Good Citizenship Characteristics...
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Responsibilities of a Good Citizen in a Democratic Society
3 pages (935 words) , Download 2
The paper "Responsibilities of a Good Citizen in a Democratic Society" discusses that a citizen is provided with equal opportunities and freedoms. In such a society, a citizen has several roles, which allow a citizen to work for the welfare of people and the progress of his own society. ... Democratic societies are those societies, which are run by people for people, and in such societies, citizens have specific rights, roles, and responsibilities. However, the official definition of democracy or...
Plato and Aristotle on the Just Man and the Good Citizen
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3
Aristotle, student of Plato, in his book “Politics”, criticizes and contradicts Plato's views and provides a more liberal and realistic framework.... This paper compares and contrasts Plato's and Aristotle's views on the relationship between moral/philosophic virtue and the capacity for being a Good Citizen. According to Plato, a just man will be like a just city from the view point of justice. Both, a just city and a In fact, these very virtues make a city or an individual just - “Then a just man...
Explaining the assertions in the quotation in your own words
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
The author also asserts that, in a democracy, a leader is praised by the same crowd when he is doing good, and his failures unknown.... Tyranny is depicted through the notion of a man rule.... On this note, the author was comparing the rule of tyranship, with that of a democracy....
Aristotelian and Confucian Virtue Ethics Philosophies
1 pages (363 words) , Download 2
One notable difference between the two philosophies is that whereas Aristotle is of the opinion that a person could be a Good Citizen without necessarily having to be a good person, Confucius opines that a person can only be a Good Citizen, a law-abiding one when they are good people.... For example, I would personally not agree with the idea that one can be a Good Citizen without first being a good person.... The paper "Aristotelian and Confucian Virtue Ethics Philosophies" states that Confucius says that one begins by being a good individual, and then they can have a reflection of the personal virtues in their relationship with others, making them either a good or bad citizen....
Jazz Musicians
4 pages (1124 words) , Download 3
Being a Good Citizen does not only mean obeying the laws of the country but also respecting other people.... Four ideal qualities of a Good Citizen that are exhibited by Jazz musicians include self-sacrifice, public spirit, sincere performance of duties and self-control and self-confidence (Heater 198).... Self-sacrifice in reference to a Good Citizen is one who gives up self-interest to the interest of the community.... The quality of public spirit states that a Good Citizen shows willingness and readiness to make it a living interest in all the public affairs....
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Australian Kmart Company in Relation to the Collapse of Bangladesh Factory
7 pages (2178 words) , Download 0
The society expects that the organization should be a Good Citizen to them by developing partnerships with the society.... This responsibility conflicts with the expectations of the society that the organization should be a Good Citizen to the community (Kerby 2001).... On the other side, the expectation of the society is that the organization will be a Good Citizen in the society.... The shareholders do not consider the interests of the society and therefore they conflict the role of the organization being a Good Citizen in the society because they don't support the manager to involve the resources of the company in the corporate social responsibility....
102 exam question 4
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
The characteristics that a corporation should exhibit to be good corporate citizens include having;Ambition: The management team of every Good Citizen corporation must have great ambitions for the future of the company.... ustomer: Every Good Citizen corporation must be in a potion to meet and satisfy need.... ocus: Good Citizen corporations stay focused on what they know and can do well.... A corporation is therefore a citizen of the state as it is treated as a “person” with most of the rights and obligations of a real person....
An Analysis of Letter from Birmingham by Dr. King
2 pages (737 words) , Download 2
In my opinion, a Good Citizen puts the interest of society before his own; and is ready to champion a course for the common good, without necessarily seeking personal profit.... As a Good Citizen, he does not condemn the entire white race but wisely singles out the 'moderate brothers' (King Jr.... As a Good Citizen, he seeks to reconcile these two and rally for one itinerary3.... his concern for and awareness of global issues makes him a global citizen of sorts....
Nature of Justice in the Soul and State
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3
Characteristics of a Good Citizen and the Possibility of Utopian State There are different definitions of the term citizen depending on the philosophers or the context.... Based on Plato's view in the Republic, a Good Citizen participates and contributes to the achievement of the goals of the state.... Plato's philosophy on Good Citizen and even the existence of people revolve around the political concepts (Republic 415a-433e).... He expressed in his work that the people who participates in governance are the citizen....
The Conception of the Citizen in Book three of Politics
7 pages (1775 words) , Download 1
He talks of how the virtue of a good man would differ from that of a Good Citizen.... He talks of how the virtue of a good man would differ from that of a Good Citizen.... A good person would not necessarily be a Good Citizen and vice-versa, according to Aristotle.... This, he says, is because the duties that a citizen would be expected to perform would sometimes clash with a person's duties as a Good Citizen.... The paper "The Conception of the citizen in Book three of Politics" highlights that the nature of the citizen as compared to his other nature- that of a human being is also analyzed by Aristotle....
Conception of the Citizen in Book Three of Politics
7 pages (1776 words) , Download 2
He talks of how the virtue of a good man would differ from that of a Good Citizen.... A good person would not necessarily be a Good Citizen and vice-versa, according to Aristotle.... This, he says, is because the duties that a citizen would be expected to perform would sometimes clash with a person's duties as a Good Citizen.... This essay "Conception of the citizen in Book Three of Politics" is about Aristotle's understanding of these political structures and his meticulous research into the roots of the problems that he discusses reveals an urge to understand the problems of the Greek states and press for a solution....
Education and Freedom
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5
However in the modern day society, it's a main challenge bringing up a Good Citizen.... There are 5 primary qualities taught at most colleges that make a Good Citizen and these include; respect, honesty, courage, responsibility and compassion (Harvey, 2001).... olleges should prepare people to be good citizens.... The fundamental responsibility for making good citizens rests with a country's education system.... It has become crystal clear that a democracy that is genuine should also be a learning society and the fact that good citizenship needs the ability to come up with a learning community with others....
Review of the Movie Citizen
4 pages (1093 words) , Download 2
Although Ibrahim makes it through he had undergone many challenges and struggle as he attempts to become a Good Citizen ... owever, Ibrahim meets Diane again, finds a job as English teacher, and tries to live as a Good Citizen who has positive intentions.... The essay "Review of the Movie citizen" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the review of the movie citizen.... The citizen The citizen movie was directed by Sam Kadi and was released in the year It was written by Samir Younis, Sam Kadi, Jazmen Brown and the starring were Khaled El Nabawy, Rizwan Manji, Cary Elwes, Agnes Bruckner, and William Atherton....
Should governments be allowed to use cameras to give tickets to those who run red lights
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3
The expectations are a Good Citizen will avoid violating traffic laws and the government hopes to raise some revenues.... However, there are no good ways of making people comply with traffic laws than to present incontrovertible evidence that they had run a red light.... However, there are no good ways of making people comply with traffic laws than to present incontrovertible evidence that they had run a red light.... It is one good way to avoid controversy and disputes, especially with fines becoming quite hefty....
Organizations Impact
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2
The call to control rather increase the benefits to the societies requires a corporation to act as a Good Citizen.... For this reason, many of them have taken the role of meeting the needs of the present generation flexibly without compromising the capacity of the next generations to take....
Democratization in America
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
Analysis can take place from the 18th century to 21st century courtesy of Michael Schudson in the book, the Good Citizen.... The Good Citizen: A History of American Civic Life.... This paper "Democratization in America" seeks to review on how democracy came about and how things were during 18th century around Lincoln's time....
Who Should Pay for College
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
Education helps the Good Citizen building process immensely.... The paper "Who Should Pay for College?... argues for and against subsidizing higher education by the state.... It is logical to expect to fund for training specialists whom the country does not have enough (e.... .... nurses, IT), on the other hand, active funding is an exorbitant burden on the state budget....
Ethics - Social Responsibility of a Business
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
Corporate ethics is a “set of universal moral standards” that govern the employees and business sectors to be trustworthy, respectful, responsible, equitable, considerate, and a Good Citizen (Schwartz, 2002, p.... o provide recommendations for improving the ethics of Company Q, Developing Corporate Social Responsibility in Grocery Stores Corporate ethics is a “set of universal moral standards” that govern the employees and business sectors to be trustworthy, respectful, responsible, equitable, considerate, and a Good Citizen (Schwartz, 2002, p....
Cultural Changes
1 pages (512 words) , Download 5
Suppose, a person wants to get an education in a foreign country but remains unfamiliar with its cultural differences; he or she cannot become a good student or a Good Citizen of that country.... All these factors have a critical status for every responsible citizen, and they will be studied thoroughly....
Kincaid's Girl
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0
A Child is brought up to be a Good Citizen by seeing the society and surrounding's.... It is stated in the passage“this is how to make a good medicine for a cold; this is how to make a good medicine to throw away a child before it even becomes a child” (Kincaid p....
Ethics of National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency
2 pages (491 words) , Download 2
Therefore, NSA ought to undertake its activities and even intercept all relevant information that it deems will contribute to the safety of the Good Citizen who needs to live peacefully.... "Ethics of National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency" paper identifies whether the government has the authority to be collecting on so many Americans, whether this activity is ethical/unethical, and whether this violates the Patriot Act or FISA, or the Fourth Amendment....
Juveniles' Competence to Stand Trial
2 pages (647 words) , Download 2
Making them realize what is meant to be a Good Citizen.... The main purposes of these courts are to make children understand what's good for them, realize the meaning of life and respect the constitutional laws and abide by them.... In the paper 'Juveniles' Competence to Stand Trial' the author examines the issue of crime in children from the root cause....
The Notion of Citizenship
11 pages (3089 words) , Download 0
However, there is no agreed upon qualities of Good Citizen.... For some nations, the main civic virtues of a Good Citizen include diligence, patriotism, obedience and religiosity.... Feminism views a person who engages in community service as a Good Citizen as he/she promotes the welfare of the community.... A citizen is entitled to three types of rights; civil, political and social (Marshall 1950).... For example, an Australian citizen is a member of the Commonwealth which serves as a common bond, uniting all Australians, while respecting their diversity....
The Discrimination of Students by Their Teachers
11 pages (2918 words) , Download 2
According to Theodore Roosevelt, “in order to be a Good Citizen the primary requirement of a person is to have the ability to pull his weight in the society.... ?? A person can only become a Good Citizen if he is educated and he has the potential to earn his living.... Apart from being a Good Citizen, education has many other uses that can help in development of a nation.... Introduction Education is viewed as a prerequisite to good citizenship....
Emile Rousseau's Radical Theory on Education
9 pages (2591 words) , Download 1
Therefore, he must be taught how to be a Good Citizen and this may be achieved by teaching him how to develop his social consciousness.... Rather he was of the opinion that education should be so geared that it is able to maintain the self esteem of the child while also imparting to him a social consciousness so that he/she can become a Good Citizen. ... Rousseau viewed children as innocent and slow to mature, clay that could be molded appropriately to make them good citizens....
Review and Analysis of the Social Studies Curriculum in Canada
7 pages (2255 words) , Download 2
If a person is opposed or ignorant to very origin, roots, ideology and history of a country, it is unlikely that he will prove to be a Good Citizen.... Changing the approaches to social studies academic curriculum, so that it correlates with meaning of being a Good Citizen, can impact educational development, relationship with the country and ideologies of students.... A citizen can only contribute positively in society if he considers that he has a personal value, freedom, equal opportunities and justice in the society....
A Concept of Citizenship
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
In order to learn how to be a Good Citizen, it is necessary to have in your mind the following rules: to remember about duties, showing loyalty and equal treatment to other citizens, to criticize and accept political life of the community and participate in community life improvement.... citizen and the state are in mutual well-balanced relation.... Harmonious relations between the citizen and the state are possible in case each party of the relations understands its obligations and responsibilities....
Youth Political Engagement
3 pages (924 words) , Download 2
The Russell Dalton book offers insights on citizen's politics and offers comparative studies of behavior and political attitudes in France, Germany, the United States, and Great Britain.... This essay "Youth Political Engagement" discusses the progress of a nation that relies on the model of democracy and how people understand their civic duties....
The Role of Blues and Jazz in Expressing the Experience
8 pages (2343 words) , Download 3
He defied the society's prejudice on race by diversifying his audience hence upholding the qualities of a Good Citizen.... Subsequently, Duke played his part in ensuring that there was racial unity through his own unique way that was acceptable as per the qualities of a Good Citizen.... b) Billie Holiday The second personality trait for an ideal citizen in ideal democracy is sensuous and emotional on matters that demean the quality of life for others especially the minorities....
Legal Execution of Juvenile offenders
9 pages (2482 words) , Download 2
Punishment is a tool with which the law enforcement agencies believe to reinforce the message of peace and living as a Good Citizen in the hearts and minds of the offenders for the rest of the lives.... This way they would enter the prison as children but rather than improving or becoming a Good Citizen, they would end up becoming expert criminals with all possible knowledge about crimes and breaking the law (Binder, Geis, & Bruce, 2000; Scott & Steinberg, 2008)....
Youth Political Engagement
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
The Russell Dalton book offers insights on citizen's politics and offers comparative studies of behavior and political attitudes in France, Germany, the United States, and Great Britain.... This essay "Youth Political Engagement" discusses civic education that is critical in ensuring there is survival of constitutional democracy....
Should Sex and Violence on Television or in the Movies Be Restricted
7 pages (2020 words) , Download 1
It is foolishness to expect a child who grows amidst of violent or vulgar incidents may still be able to become a Good Citizen of the country.... Both heredity and environment can influence the nurturing of a child in to a Good Citizen.... Because of the physical and psychological characteristics, children may not be able to differentiate between good and evil during their childhood, and hence the violent and vulgar scenes on televisions can negatively affect them....
Discuss how (include techniques author uses to prove) the poem
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0
Thus, he fulfills the requirement to be called a Good Citizen in his dystopian society, a society where social coercion is much more to.... In both brave new world and the unknown citizen, the Poem & Novel Comparison Poem & Novel Comparison Aldous Huxley and W.... In both brave new world and the unknown citizen, the writers have imagined a concept of a society deprived of liberty, freedom and individuality.... Auden's ‘the Unknown citizen', propagates theme of authority and coercion that the state maintains to its people....
Socrates and Machiavelli
3 pages (750 words) , Download 16
According to him, a Good Citizen focuses his life on the perpetual pursuit of knowledge.... Socratic Method defined an ideal citizen as an ideal questioner and a life-long-learner while Machiavelli promoted a republican model of citizenship.... On the other hand, Socrates somehow gave a concrete example of an ideal citizen.... Machiavelli and the citizen Ideal.... When it comes to leadership, Machiavelli believed that a good leader is risk taker, confident, and aggressive....
Answer the three questions by writing at least a page stating your opinion on each question
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3
#3: Can you be a good American and not vote?... Date Question #1: Do you support the death penalty?... Why or why not?... Death penalty generally involves the execution of defendant in an event that he or she is convicted of a crime whose ultimate penalty is death penalty.... ... ...
Describe the U.S. Foreign Policy and how it affects the citizens
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
US Foreign Policy A foreign policy or international relations policy is a course of action that states how a country acts in respect to other countries in different aspects such as economically, socially, military-wise, and politically.... With the progression of countries today, we see that there is a deeper interconnection between nations than before, and thus the avoidance of diplomatic breakdown is imperative....
Socialization paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3
They perceive individualism as an opportunity to grow and be a Good Citizen of the country.... Thus, I can really say that I am a citizen who knows what is going on in my community and around the world.... According to them, rallies and demonstrations do not bring good to a community....
The Most Compelling Problem Facing Youth In The Twenty-First Century
2 pages (500 words) , Download 0
"The Most Compelling Problem Facing Youth in the Twenty-First Century" paper focuses on problems faced by youth that are numerous as culture and norms of society keep changing.... The 21 century portrays the promise of a new century of unparalleled opportunity.... ... ... ... As the saying states, 'All that glitters is not gold' similarly our youth are faced with numerous obstacles which make the bright future murky, including poverty, violence, child abuse, limited educational opportunity, and unhealthy behaviors....
Narrative Exploring. Being an African American
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
In relation to my existence in the society, I want to be a Good Citizen as well as a good human being and all the values attached with a good human being are taught to me by my parents and my African American identity.... I as a Christian teach my children to be a good Christian by following all the duties of religion and by obeying the commands of the religion.... My parents also taught me to be a good human being first and then be a good Christian....
Analysis of the Character of Huckleberry Finn
3 pages (864 words) , Download 3
Having been born into a poor family with no mother to look after him nor teach him the ways to live as a Good Citizen, he suffered so much and saw most of the atrocities of life.... Mark Twain, the author is a good storyteller.... Though he was born to good parents, his father being an attorney and a local judge, he did not limit himself to his equals but can be seen to have closely observed the people around him especially when they moved to Missouri which affected his fictional characters of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn....
Project Reflection - Walmart's CSR
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5
As a Good Citizen who is able to respond to many actions, the company ensures that a balance between these activities is maintained at all times.... I continuously argue that the firm is a good corporate citizen.... In my opinion Walmart is a good corporate citizen.... The company is involved in the protection of the environment and engages in many activities relating to environmental sustainability such as planting trees, teaching individuals living nearby on good control of water, ways to reduce soil erosion and proper farming activities....
What is the Relationship between Educational Level and Voting Behaviour
9 pages (2457 words) , Download 1
The study that will be used is titled Being a pretty Good Citizen: An analysis and monetary valuation of formal and informal voluntary work by gender and educational attainment and was conducted by Muriel Egerton and Killian Mullan.... Being a pretty Good Citizen: An analysis and monetary valuation of formal and informal voluntary work by gender and educational attainment.... This means that a good researcher who operates within the qualitative methodology should be able to make a good use of secondary data. ...
Human reasoning and Education
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
he most important thing is to realize the responsibilities towards the society and taking up those responsibilities, which is an indication of a Good Citizen.... Education is an important tool that makes every citizen to know their responsibilities and utilize them properly.... The lovely tricks of childhood, the innocence, the obedient attitude, the devotion for parents, elders and gurus all come from a good family.... The lovely tricks of childhood, the innocence, the obedient attitude, the devotion for parents, elders and gurus all come from a good family....
Socrates' Death
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3
Alongside serving in the military (Ephebos) and getting an education, a Good Citizen of ancient Athens was supposed to exercise his religious duties.... The legitimacy or illegitimacy of the gods that Socrates preached against in this case does not matter: what matters most is that the religious system existed to foster communal good, unity and continuity....
DR. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Novel
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4
Jekyll, the Good Citizen, often turned to Hyde and committed various atrocities.... This essay discusses that the split personality in the Jekyll-Hyde relationship is a portrayal of the existence of both good and evil in a single individual.... The introduction of both Jekyll and Hyde shows the ability of people to balance between good and evil.... The relationship between Jekyll and Hyde makes a significant statement on the relationship between good and evil in human nature....
Parenting Strategies
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3
Parents have to sacrifice their gratifications and comforts to let their baby be a disciplined and a Good Citizen who will respect them, accomplish the heights in his/her life, will not fall into any bad company, blot their name and respect or so .... Parents have to sacrifice their gratifications and comforts tolet their baby be a disciplined and a Good Citizen who will respect them, accomplish the heights in his/her life, will not fall into any bad company, blot their name and respect or so ....
Discussion Questions
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2
tage 4: Societal conformity: Good Citizen Individuals learn to respect rules and order as demanded by the authority.... Therefore, each punishment in regards to an action sets standards in understanding the wrong and good.... This gives rise to good behavior because it appears to be appealing to the rest of the group.... As an individual, what is expected of you to be identified as a good person?...
Stakeholder Theory of the Modern Corporation
2 pages (709 words) , Download 3
At that 'the goal of creating value for stakeholders is decidedly pro-shareholders', while a manager creates shareholder value through creating quality products and services for customers, offering excellent jobs for employees, building favorable relationships with suppliers and competitors, and being a Good Citizen in the community....
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