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History of Architecture: Liberty Department Store, Regent Street Architecture Assignment
8 pages (2280 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Architectural designs are meant to convey a lot of information about a given construction. In particular, the function of the structure should be relayed through the design of the structure. This means that before a plan is developed and the subsequent design, the architect ought to know the purpose for which the construction is meant.
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Impact of Technology on Traditional Architecture Architecture Coursework
15 pages (4176 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Tradition is a ritual, belief, or practice that which are handed down or transmitted from generation to generation. It can also be defined as a long-established and generally accepted method or custom which almost commands the force of law, an immense utilization; the body of experiences and usages of any school or branch of art or literature that is handed down by predecessors and followed.
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Palaces of Power: Cultural, Political, Social and Theoretical Issues Architecture Essay
8 pages (2062 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Major political and social issues revolved during the construction of the palaces since the king used a lot of resources during the construction since he had the power over the budget. Theoretically, the king’s decisions did not honor some of the basic concepts of architecture since he had the overall power. 
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Postmodernism in Australia and Worlds Architecture Architecture Essay
13 pages (3754 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The inherent principles in postmodernism are simplicity and history. However, Bertens point out that corporate characterized post-modernism in the third phase that led to it losing its core values and become susceptible to overproduction and inflation. Ironically, Jencks had also mentioned that avarice and corporate influence led to the demise of modernism.
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Griffin's Influence on Australian Architecture Architecture Coursework
11 pages (2999 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
During the same period, the architecture started developing based on the influence of Britain and their traditional styles. However, the 20th century presented different opportunities for Australian architecture since the formation of the Federation architecture movement focused on the implementation of unique structures that defined Australian architecture.
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Sustainable Development: Issues Relating to Building Design Architecture Coursework
14 pages (3811 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The International Journal for Construction Marketing is an academic journal that is fully refereed which is dedicated to publishing high-quality papers of research papers in marketing in construction, consulting, subcontracting, and contracting, the supply industry and building materials, project management, engineering, and the design team.
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Implementing Off-Site Manufacture Architecture Coursework
38 pages (9669 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The conventional buildings, which tend to use more wood.  After the first year, however, the onsite manufacture surpasses offsite manufacture in its GWP impact. In the first year, offsite manufacture emits approximately 205,000 kg of CO2 equivalents, while the onsite alternative emits approximately 200,000 kg of CO2 emissions at build-up.
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Parthenon and Erechtheion: A Comparison Architecture Term Paper
11 pages (2952 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Created using the same strong and relatively customizable limestone material that was used to build the Parthenon, the Erechtheion also featured a thematic frieze, but the theme of this frieze remains unknown.  Where the Parthenon utilized strictly measured Doric columns as roof support, the Erechtheion was highly Ionic.
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Comparison of Villa Rotonda and Palazzo Della Ragione or Basilica Architecture Coursework
10 pages (2983 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In general, it is quite essential to notice that Palladio was one architect whose work can be classified as a huge body of similar work, similar to, for example, the ‘French Gothic Cathedrals,’ according to George Hersey. The only difference in Palladio’s case was that it was the work of a single artist.
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Architecture and Interior Architecture Architecture Term Paper
5 pages (1503 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Interior architecture has been the finish of architecture. A demand for comfort in the modern era has greatly influenced the development of interior architecture (Rice 2007, p. 3). Interior blossomed as a response to emerging modernization Rice 2007, 10. As cities grew and imposing structures increased, the rich began to look inwards and turn away from it.
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Architecture as a Social Art: Evidence from Modern Architect Works Architecture Case Study
10 pages (2616 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Architects strive to come up with building designs that must seamlessly weave the need to satisfy its intended use with the need for technical soundness and conveyance of aesthetic meaning. Yet for all its identified purposes, society tends to consider and give importance to architectural work that has cultural value.
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Rustem Pasha Mosque Architecture Case Study
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The most important aspect of the mosque is the lavish use of Iznik tiles, totalling to almost 2500 pieces. The tile laying design has been one of the best of those times. Although the Rustem Pasha Mosque in Istanbul is a small one, it is famous all over the world for the tiles inlay work carried out inside the mosque.
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The Millennium Bridge Projects Architecture Case Study
10 pages (2774 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
It is really quite significant to state that today, the London Millennium Bridge is accepted as a permanent feature and as a necessity and a convenience and even loved, except perhaps in the depths of a British winter.  Despite the often draughty passage it is used and used and reused, wobble or not.
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Comparison of Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project to the Contemporary Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle Architecture Research Paper
10 pages (2231 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In contrast to the development of the contemporary department store, exhibition centers – another word example of ‘commercial world’. They no longer attempt to define the ambiguous contrast of interior-exterior space present in the Galleria, but instead, they only tend to exploit the commercial aspects of construction. 
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Architect Mimar Sinan Architecture Book Report/Review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This transformation is because of the ancient dedicated and celebrated architects, one of those architects was Mimar Sinan. He was renowned for its architectural work that resulted in more than three hundred structures together with several modest projects that included Islamic primary schools and mosques 
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Was the Modernist Architect Becoming too Authoritarian and Dogmatic Architecture Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There are attempts at countering these trends. Anarchist architectural theory, for example, tries to bring in stakeholders and democratize architecture. Take Blackwell's “architecture”: “Blackwell's architecture attempts to engineer a radical perspective shift which might render static power relations more open and fluid 
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History Of Architecture Architecture Book Report/Review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Given that it was a very novel and revolutionary design, neoclassical architecture really influenced the building of structures world wide. As a result of gaining a significant amount of popularity, neoclassical architecture prominently featured in the building of cathedrals and government buildings
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Architectural History Of Buckingham Palace Architecture Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The royal family wanted to escape the formal and strict lifestyle supervised by the royal court. Hence, the ambiance that the Buckingham House provided was sufficient for the royalty’s desires. The very structure of the house was favorable as King George III had been known to be an enthusiastic amateur architect.
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Fallingwater: Franklin Lloyd Wright Architecture Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that the house was commissioned by Edgar and Lillian Kaufmann as a vacation home on some of their favorite property in Bear Run, Pennsylvania, along with their favorite stream. Although they anticipated receiving a home that afforded a wonderful view of a waterfall at one of their favorite picnic spots, Wright had other ideas in mind.
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Modern Architecture: an Exploration of the Intimate Relationships Architecture Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Each of these other structures is instead considered to be a part of the total system surrounding them. “Their idea of safety involved repelling the people. The slab shape of the Towers and their isolation grew out of anesthetic voiced best by Le Corbusier, who said that in order to have modern planning we have to ‘kill the streets.’ 
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Enterprise Information Architecture Architecture Assignment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
It is evidently clear from the discussion that enterprise architecture as an art because it involves re-invention of systems, re-designing of operations and restructuring operations. The strategic utilization of the various methodologies demands expertise and creative intellect, therefore qualifying the process to be considered an art.
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Julia Morgan, Architect of Dreams Architecture Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
“My buildings will be my legacy…. They will speak for me long after I’m gone.”  Thus did Julia Morgan announce her retirement from architecture and the closing of her San Francisco office in May 1951.  At that time her career spanned 47 years and Miss Morgan had designed over 700 buildings. Just as she had predicted, Julia Morgan is today included among the best of America’s architects.
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Lionakis Beaumont Design Group Architecture Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Lionakis Beaumont not only commands expertise in design technology but is also known for its innovative approach towards technology and its reputation for quality. There is no denying the fact that Lionakis Beaumont Design Group has made an immense contribution to the community by the virtue of the projects undertaken by it. 
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The Restoration of Michelangelo's Frescoes Architecture Thesis
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Thesis
Michelangelo had to repair cracks during the period of painting these grand frescoes depicting events from the first five books of the Christian Bible.  In the years that followed, the faulty ceiling allowed water to seep in and a salt layer to build upon the frescoes.  The Sistine Chapel ceiling has been through movements of the earth through earthquakes, volcanoes and human activity. 
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Architecture in the Modern Arab and Islamic World Architecture Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Therefore, the Foreign Building Operations (FBO) was looking forward to integrating the latest US building technologies at the time. They were in need of protecting their dignitaries and hence the FBO decided to build an embassy in the Middle East of its kind. The proposal was to build a safe embassy that would transform modern architecture in the modern Arab world.
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Vision Proposals for Safe Cities Architecture Essay
1 pages (404 words) , Essay
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The ideals held by Howard, Burnham, and Jacobs have assisted in the planning of better and safer cities for over a century now. Their visions focused on improving the living conditions of city residents as well as ensuring a smooth transition of activities within the cities by designing and building better and safer cities.
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Dreams versus Practicality: The Legacy of Modernism on the Planning of London Architecture Term Paper
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
During the time that all this design fever was taking place, especially after the end of the second World War, great polemics concerning religion, art, politics, civic duty, heroism, and loyalty to one’s country were being hotly debated in London’s newspapers, parliament, cafes and gentlemen’s clubs.
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Planning and Development of the Project of Millennium Bridge Architecture Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
As a result of this competition, unique and innovative idea shines out from all others. The main theme which was intended to make this complex structure of bridge look to appear simple in appearance suspended with only cables over River Thames giving the pedestrians, incredible view of city London away from the rush of traffic.
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Integration of Cemeteries with the Modern Urban Landscape at a Slight Distance From It Architecture Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Cemeteries have social and personal functions. The social functions of cemeteries and crematoriums is a place where funeral services and commemorative services can be held before burials, where the loved ones of the deceased can gather in large groups and collectively revere and remember the life of the person in question.
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Urban Regeneration Reshaping the Future Architecture Dissertation
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
Urban regeneration, being a product of social, economic, and physical necessities of the individuals, which has its origins at the beginning of urban development itself, is also a powerful tool in delivering wealth, sustainability, and social cohesion; as well as the ongoing regeneration projects are quite feasible, under certain conditions.  
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LEED Succeeds in Terms of Promoting Environmental Awareness to the Public: True or Not Architecture Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Council intends to raise awareness among the people for green buildings, provide guidelines to highlight the latest industry practices and develop the markets for green buildings. The certificate intends to develop a competitive market for green buildings in the industry. In this way change the nature of the construction market.
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Scenography and the Role of Architectural Representation in the Production of Contemporary Architecture Architecture Research Paper
22 pages (5800 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There are several tools that can be used to investigate the role of architectural representation. However, for the purposes of this paper, I will concentrate on scenography as one of these critical tools. Scenography is an important tool in investigating the role of architectural representation in the production of contemporary architecture. Space and time are very important in scenography.
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Neo-Classic Architecture and its Reliance on the Ancients Architecture Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Depending on the time period and place, the definition of art has meant different things to different people. For example, most people today recognize the term ‘Renaissance’ as meaning a specific time period in Western European culture characterized by a tremendous explosion in art and architectural innovation.
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Defining a Successful Architectural Practice Architecture Essay
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay demonstrates that architecture in its truest form has been around since man first determined the need for shelter. It's important to highlight that as the level of intelligence grew so did man’s ability to define what the value of having comfortable and safe structures in which to live, work, play and learn.
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Combination of Past Styles with New Styles in the Formation of a New Architecture Architecture Term Paper
11 pages (2536 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
While Edmund Burke characterized the Sublime along artistic or aesthetic lines, later writers such as Emmanuel Kant said that it only referred to objects in nature. This is significant because then it no longer meant that the intention of the artist or the architect was important when considering if an object was Sublime.
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Democracy and Space in The Architecture of UK Architecture Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In any second or third world country, buildings hold a significant place among the people and the entire society. The symbolism of the buildings acts as both landmarks and centers of proving services to the electorate. TIn order for these buildings to attract local and foreign tourists, they must possess some special components.
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State Parks in Connecticut Due to Movements Carried Out by Environmentalists Architecture Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
One of the most prominent and well-known parks in Connecticut is the Putnam Memorial Park. This is because it is also the oldest Park in the State. Its creation began as far back as the late nineteenth century and into the early Twentieth Century. There were some key personalities that were useful in the creation of this historical treasure.
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Cubism and Futurism in Architecture Architecture Case Study
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The recognition of Choisy’s vision of technology as a major source of style, was most certainly promoted by the leading position of Perret as the solitary modernizer of consequence in the period immediately prior to the War, yet Rob Mallet-Stevens is expressing in the broadest sense when he asserts, in 1925, “Abruptly, everything changed". 
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With What Justification Can Italian Architecture of the Period Be Described as Gothic Architecture Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Gothic architecture is an architectural style that dominated in most European countries during, the medieval period. During the development of Gothic architecture, Italy separated itself from the rest of Europe. Unlike other European country artists, Italian artists did not imitate the architectural styles from Northern France.
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Architecture and Urban Planning in Port Cities Architecture Research Proposal
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 10 , Research Proposal
The author states that the demands of a typological “norm” regulate architecture to achieve concrete forms and specific buildings with design decisions that articulate the model. It was Aldo Rossi who helped make the topological theory a reality in his published essays, “The Architecture of a City”.
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The Significance of Home Ownership Architecture Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Mass home ownership is an outcome of post-war history rather than a natural tenure. Furthermore, despite the fact that home ownership may be the trendiest form of housing tenure in Britain today, other countries see varying forms of housing tenure. Homes are expensive to purchase, therefore most homeowners take out a loan referred to a mortgage to buy the home.
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Hidden Spaces in a House Architecture Essay
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay demonstrates that communication of ideas, interpretation, and understanding of space and the translation of mental ideas to its physical counterpart take a key role in an architect’s world. Architecture is presently engaged in an impatient search for solutions to critical questions about the nature and the identity of the discipline.
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Mega Sustainable Urban Development in East London and Barcelona during Hosting the Olympic Games Architecture Term Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
As mentioned above the comparative framework to be used as based on discussions among the residents of Newham and Barcelona regarding the developmental indices such as standard of living, employment status, life expectancy, levels of education and qualification and the relationship of these factors to the ability to hold jobs. 
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St Peters Basilica and Hieronymite Monastery of Belem Architecture Assignment
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The conclusion states that though both St Peter’s Basilica in Rome (Italy) and Hieronymite Monastery of Belem of Lisbon (Portugal) belong to the almost contemporary time period and at the same time both are considered to be masterpieces in their respective fields, but both of them differ from each other through structural perspectives.
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Miami Beach Architecture Architecture Research Proposal
36 pages (9000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper presents a brief history and growth of the south beach and its art deco beauties. The South Beach in Miami is a part of the Miami Beach in Florida and contains the Architectural District. Sometimes it is called the Art Deco District flooding with buildings made up of the resort architecture of the 1920s and 1930s.
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Architectural Analysis of Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art Architecture Assignment
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
What of the biological analogy? First of all, there is no necessary contradiction between Holl and Steadman's approaches here. Holl is arguing not for pure subjectivity (a building based on the subjective idea that wood doesn't burn is not prudent architectural design), but a combination of subjective and objective methods. 
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Frank Lloyd Wright as Famous American Architect Architecture Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The humanities field tilts its basis towards art as one discusses the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. The Robie House is a clear example of this dictum as it relates itself with spirituality. It is because of these very tenets that the Robie House has been singled out as one of the top ten buildings in the current times within America.
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The Abstract and the Physical Realms: A Philosophical Approach in Architecture Architecture Research Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper argues that the abstract nature of philosophy and its corresponding branches of study can be manifested unto the physical world of architecture. It will first narrate key terminologies and definitions that are relevant to the paper’s arguments. Its primary goal is to discuss how each of the branches of philosophy
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Ancient Influence on Neoclassicism Architecture Architecture Research Paper
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Anyone studying basic art and architecture today is likely to point to the time period between 1400 and 1600 Italy as the defining centuries that mark Western society’s shift from the church-dominated darkness of the middle ages. They are also likely to notice a heavy dependence on this innovation and enlightenment on the ideas of the ancient past.
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Theatre of Marcellus Architecture Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As Roth explains, “architecture is the chambered nautilus shell of the human species; it is the environment we build for ourselves, and which, as we grow in experience and knowledge, we change and adapt to our expanded condition”. This growth and adaptation, like the sea creature to which it is compared, is built upon the empty shells of the past.  
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