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Fine Arts research paper Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
V. In both the paintings, Venus is shown as a sexual being primarily since Venus is the God of Love and the nudity is almost a given for her. However, the similarity ends here. Botticelli’s
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Attending the Performance of Mamma Mia Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (572 words) , Download 3 , Essay
I attended the live screening of the Mama Mia play that was performed in Broadway New York. The playwright was British performer and director Catherine Johnson. The composer of the play was one of the most renowned artists of all time, Benny Andersson. I attended the performance on April 15, 2012, after receiving information on how credible the play is in my course. 
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Sandy Skoglund in the Artwork Fox Games Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
2 pages (590 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Sandy Skoglund has a trademark of art presentation. She incorporates both the use of color, picture, and installation to represent her work. She mainly uses animals as her plot devices. She relates the character of an animal to factors in the real world.  Art Galleries Switzerland argues that Skoglund believes in the similarity of real events to the character and behavior of animals.
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Analysis of Art Work Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Socrates, the old man sitting at the bed, depicts a very different emotion from the rest of the subjects. Looking at the hand gesture of the young man wearing a red dress, it seems that what he is offering is a sort of
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Pablo Picasso Artworks Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper will explore the role of Pablo Picasso's figure in the context of art and culture. This paper discusses the artwork of Pablo Picasso. In order to show the different movements that Picasso went through, this paper compares the Girl in Chair (1952), and Drunk Woman is Tired (1902).
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Exploring ideas about art Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
There are different and varying inferences that can be drawn from various forms of art, and this extends to the different thoughts that come into play in regards to thinking about art forms. In all, art in itself is wide and cannot be confined to just one
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Nao Bell and Jar with Sculptural Rim Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the most striking features of the jar is the rim arrangement of cyclical depressions and peaks, which are arranged symmetrically all along.
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Cultural Analysis Paper Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
uitable example of this is Monsoon Wedding, an Indian Bollywood movie, which was released in 2001 and with its widespread success, carried the essence of Indian culture even in America. These Indian movies represent expression of the self and community.  The term Bollywood is
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Contemporary Video Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There are many reasons why people might choose to take photographs today, including self-fulfillment to capture memories or explore artistic inclinations or for commercial purposes of various types. In general, there is a very positive attitude among those who opt to express themselves through the media of the personal camera.
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Postmodernism as Artistic Movement Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The researcher of this essay aims to discover the postmodernism. The concepts of artistic expression in postmodernism are largely based on the “politics of representation.” This refers to the concept that there is a difference between the form of the image and the content of the image or the visual and the sublime.
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A Nature Walk Analysis Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (271 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The lamps at this park make visitors enjoy the beauty of the park not only at night but also on rainy evenings. The light range of each of these lamps is nearly 25 meters. There is a distance of 50 to 60 meters between every two lamps. At night, the park looks even more beautiful because of the glowing light that these lamps put on the beautiful trees.
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Explain about this picture using roland barthes Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The experience of reality is more important then the experience through recorded “reality”. Leisure and tourism activities are important for every human being to relax from the normal tiring duties. Photography also evokes a past experience or memory, and
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Your Opinion on Chapter 2 on Pictures Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These descriptions could be even more appealing if they were enriched with some anecdotes about the artists. For instance, a remark about the fresco technique (no changes are
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LIFE FROM THE INSIDE OUT Visual Arts & Film Studies Article
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
She is also an assistant professor at the Central Michigan University, the Fine Arts Department and is also a studio artist at the Mount
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Comparison Between Matthew Arnold's Dover Beach And Andrew Marvell's to His Coy Mistress Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 19 , Movie Review
While the former speaks of one’s loss of faith in love, the latter talks about the love for which the person seeks from another in an expedited way.While the former speaks of one’s loss of faith in love, the latter talks about the love for which the person seeks from another in an expedited way. There are, however, more differences that the two poems have than similarities. 
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Ability & Dance Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (535 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Dance is the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement itself. If you move in a rhythmic manner — especially to music — you can use the verb dance to explain your actions.
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Italian renaissance Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
During this period, many changes were implemented in the society that led to the evolution of various disciplines. In emphasis, most of the works implemented by the ancient Italian icons are still valuable to the society as they serve to the improvement of the
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Soldiers of the C Company Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (271 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Generally speaking, Soldiers of the C Company are running about as THEY ATTEMPT TO SECURE AN AREA occupied by Japanese forces in the Guadalcanal. Sergeant Keck, however, is disturbed by how to cover the area because of the machine guns from some of the Japanese forces. This prompts him to take a heavy risk.
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Ugly renaissance babies Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Candlelight improved the impact, implying that frequently all that was noticeable were the gold-encased forms of the blessed requests. Mary and Jesus might have been comfortable at the top. Renaissance painters needed to try to incorporate amazing
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Mental Development Challenges Among Children Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
7 pages (1993 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
According to research that was undertaken by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, approximately one in every four children in the United States of America are raised in single parenthood situations. The study also indicated that approximately seventy-two percent of African-American children are raised by single parents.
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Visual Arts And Film Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The French New Wave was a deviation from the norm in the French film industry. The filmmakers at this time focused on the political and social upheavals of their time. The film makers experimented with narrative and visual styles thereby deviating from the conservative paradigm. Films were more of the documentary type also in the French New Wave.
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Personal statement for second year Visual Arts & Film Studies Personal Statement
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Personal Statement
I have a GPA of 2.5, an ITLES of 6.0, high school score of 82% and I scored a 6.5 in the pre-sessional course that I studied in Southampton before joining my foundation year. This is proof of my academic ability and I am confident
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Painter Francisco de Goya Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He further pursued his craft in Italy to study painting. He returned to Saragossa in 1771 where he painted decorative frescoes in the local cathedral in the decorative rococo tradition which first
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Comparing the original Sherlock Holmes to the BBCs adaptation Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay analyses the character of Dr. Watson in the original “complete Sherlock Holmes” by Conan Doyle and compares how this character is portrayed in the BBC’s adaptation of the same work.
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Mr. and Mrs. Andrews by Thomas Gainsborough Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (399 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The given paper describes an oil painting done on canvas. It measures about half a meter in width and one meter in length. He drew the painting while in Ipswich, England (Thomas Gainsborough's Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, n.d). The painting shows a man and a woman under a tree. The scene is in the countryside.
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Real Windows History Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (408 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A genre is any literature category that includes other forms of entertainment or art. For example, music. Rear Window is a drama film. However, the film can also be classified under other different genres. These include; Suspense, Thriller, based on, and Adaptation.  James Stewart, a professional photographer, breaks his leg photographing a racetrack accident.
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3-d Human Modeling and Animation Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (295 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The speed of action of the coyote could imply its weight (Ratner, 295). Timing has the effect of instilling the perception of weight in the audience. When the coyote falls fast, it means that it is light. Fast action means that an object is light as perceived by viewers. It could also mean that the cliff is hard.
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Critical Review of Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Basically he movie Tae Guk Gi, also known as The Brotherhood of War is a dramatically movie featuring the fate of two brothers forced to join the army and fight in Korean War. Seemingly, the obligation happens to shutter their dreams in life, they happen to display resilience
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Mean Girls - Film Review Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For decades, maybe centuries, being part of the In circle has always been everybody's dream; everybody talks to you, everybody talks about you, everybody follows you, looks for you company and your presence is a must in every party.
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The concept of Pop Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Pop art has developed from the fusion of the industrialized and consumerist culture that has developed in the late 20th century. As art had always been an elitist fascination, suddenly it was reflecting the every day mundane. In the work of artists like Andy Warhol and others, a reflection of everyday life is found at its most basic incarnations.
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Overview of the Movies Smoke Signals and I Stand Here Ironing Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The format that will be utilized is to first provide a brief synopsis of some of the main points to the film and the short story after which some opinions on the two pieces will be presented. The short story, “I Stand Here Ironing” is a tale with timeless themes. It is a monologue from the perspective of a mother who, whilst ironing has her presence requested for a meeting.
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Imperialism as the Foundation of Orientalism Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
6 pages (1499 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
This section mostly deals with an overview of what Orientalism is and how it came about. Most of the first eight minutes of the film are devoted either to a precursory explanation provided by Professor Sut Jhally or a montage of stereotypical Arab images. Said addresses some of the key elements inherent to this cultural doctrine.
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Cinematography in Apocalypto Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A film is a work of art, a creation of a director, a writer and a producer and yes, who can forget the actors who take on the various characters in a story to give it life and meaning. Recognizing the value of the work that lies behind this very important aspect of a film, Hollywood began announcing Oscars for Cinematography as far back as 1928.
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History of Roman Sarcophagi Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1333 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There have been increased questions on the meaning of the sarcophagus and its purpose. Many people have come up with different answers to this question hence leading to the need for thorough research to answer this question. It is due to this fact that this document proposes to present the answers to these questions. 
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Bonaventures art - Christian artists Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This essay explores Bonaventure's art. Historically, the artistic work was meant to assist in understanding the Biblical scriptures. In this regard, St.Francis is said as one of the key Christian figures of the early times; as early as the thirteenth century. Ina perspective, Bonaventure was aware of the biographical background of Francis’ life.
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Critical Evaluation of your documentary Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
documentary I had decided to make, mention the changes that occurred between my first inspiration and what made me change my mind and make the documentary I chose to make. It will also bring out the similarities that are noticeable in my documentary and other documentaries. My
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Need to come up with one from you Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The manifestation of the first light microscope took place somewhere in 1609 AD, since then modifications were made to the original microscope. The word “Microscope” was given to the object since micro means “small or
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Capturing the Friedmans Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
16 pages (4181 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Jarecki initially set out to direct a documentary on children’s best-known clown, ‘silly billy’. Although the movie was to depict a clown, nevertheless Jarecki came across an entirely new concept with the help of rigorous research. While researching he came across certain information that revealed, that in 1986 David.
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Thematic Issues Arising from Samurai Warfare Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1272 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In watching films, themes are a major concern item as they usually depict the major idea revolving around the film. Generally, films are about some theme or topic and usually revolve around some characters and their diverse types. Some of the topics that may be highlighted from watching films are love and romance, revenge, insanity drama, man-woman relationships and so many others.
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The resurrected christ sandro botticelli Visual Arts & Film Studies Annotated Bibliography
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Moreover, this research tends to benefit anyone with interest in work done between 1400- 1945. The first step is to gather information in preparation of doing an exhaustive analysis on the works in terms
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Feminist theories in history of art Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
(196) Still another interesting aspect from Grosz is that while the bodily fluid from women is associated with harmful substances that may pollute men, that which comes from men have not been given much focus
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Cai Guo-Qiang, Jeff Koons, Shazia Sikander and Kiki Smith Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1552 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Art can be defined in different ways.  There is a relationship between art and morality. The art masterpieces show the character and psychology of the artist. Likewise, the art pieces depict the period and the culture of the community during the artist’s period. There are different art forms.  Painting is one form of art. Dancing is another art form.
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The Hunger Games Directed by Gary Ross Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
1 pages (424 words) , Download 4 , Essay
It is essential to state that The Hunger Games directed by Gary Ross is a movie that touches upon the very philosophical question of people's consumerism and media power. The film traces a story of a TV show based on the death competition of tributes who arrive to participate in the show from 12 Districts.
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Jose Clemente Orozco's Zapatistas Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In the artwork Zapatistas (1931), the Mexican artist named as Jose Clemente Orozco portrays an incident related to Mexican Revolution, and its interpretation proves that the artist is aware of the proper balancing of different components of art. The painting (see appendix-1) is symbolic of the painter’s deep interest in national politics.
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Bazin's View on Realism and Battleship Potemkin Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Known for his criticism to the world of cinema, Bazin never made any movie in all his life, and has never created books to propound his theories of realism as a moviemaking
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Humanism and the Humanistic Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In addition, a real hero does not seek glory or recognition, but makes use of the attention he gets to boost the effect of his actions. Many scientists, leaders, civil rights workers, entertainers and
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4 short questions for 4 movies Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
lleled with the traditional Chinese way of life, which is now corrupted by Western colonialism (Holden); in other words, martial arts and nationalism are united in the character as an opposition to colonial expansion and firearms. 2. To my thinking, time lapses are emphasized
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Fry Street Quartet with Roger Chase Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (624 words) , Download 5 , Essay
It was full of ambiance and a characteristic cheer with the majority of the attendants in their early twenties. The audience was highly alert, fixed in groups as it cheerfully waited for their favorite performers. The climate was calm, the setting of instruments done in advance while the background cheer reflected a waiting stage characteristic of trappings of greatness.
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Distinction between Art and Craft Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
2 pages (569 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Designated personnel and administrators who are charged with the responsibility of executing daily operations offer guidance to visitors in the museums. They direct all visitors around and through the space of the museum by showing them various artifacts in the institution. Indeed, space is a vital aspect of a museum as it determines the number of objects that can be accommodated, the display of the objects and the movement of individuals.
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Impressionism Art - Pierre-Auguste Renoir Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
This paper analyzes the art of the famous impressionist, Pierre-Auguste Renoir. he accompanying and exhibiting catalogue will provide unsullied insights to the complex ambitions of Renoir as a youthful artist. Renoir submitted his artistic works to the authorized salon and the avant-garde impressionist displays.
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