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Art Through the Ages Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Realism strongly came out in 19th century art. This can be understood through the stimulating character of realistic art. Realistic art in 19th century should be seen in the perspective of social and political structures, and pictorial and aesthetic conventions1.
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Is Sex and Violence as Depicted in Current Multimedia Good for Society Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
4 pages (1192 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the first-ever conducted international survey on children and media violence, a UNESCO study underlines television’s dominant role in the lives of young people around the world and its impact on the development of aggressive behaviour, paving the way for a stronger debate between politicians, producers, teachers and parents (Goebel).
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Mean street movie analysis Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Movie Review
Warner Bros released the film in October 1973 and, it earned a selection in the US National Film Registry for been the best cultural and aesthetic film of the century (Martin, & Scorsese, 1973). This paper gives a review of the movie mean streets, through an analysis of its plot, themes and cinematography techniques.
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Landscape paintings from famous painters Visual Arts & Film Studies Term Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The Xia Gui (1195-1224) existed in the early Ming dynasty and was one of the works of Xia. The works of this artist were ordinary, done using ink monochrome and several colours. He was the founder of the Ma-Xia school of landscape painting. His artwork is identified by angular strokes that are sharp and short.
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Polanski & Spielberg Visual Arts & Film Studies Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The films on the World War II were usually violent and consisted of suspense and drama. The film makers had faced many of the problems in making such films and only few of them were successfully accepted by the critics and the people. The directors who were successful in their attempts to make war films were Roman Polanski and Steven Spielberg.
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X-Men: First Class Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
X Men First Class has a very thrilling story line with twists and turns keeping the audience on edge throughout the duration of the film. As an action packed fantasy thriller, it performed extremely well at the box office because of it appealed to the minds of most young adults because it falls under the category of a superhero genre mixed with a little bit of science fiction, based on characters that have gene mutations, appearing in Marvel comics.
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Compare and contrast the work of illustrators Aubrey Beardsley and Edward Gorey Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to history, Edward Gorey and Aubrey Beardsley were great illustrators in their era. Edward Gorey was born in Chicago in 1925 and he loved drawing and reading English authors when he was young. On the other hand, Aubrey Beardsley was born in 1872 and died from tuberculosis in 1898 as a young and talented illustrator and author.
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Differences between the Studio System of the 1930s and 1940s and New Hollywood Post 1975 Visual Arts & Film Studies Term Paper
9 pages (2602 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Generally speaking, Hollywood has widely been regarded as the hub of film production in America, and across the globe. Despite the cultural richness of Great Britain and the superpowers of the nineteenth century, Hollywood became the symbol of exhilaration in the film world (Neale and Smith, 1998, p. 20).
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Nationalism in Jesus Franco's films Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Some of Franco’s most famous film includes Miss Muerte, which was filmed in 1965, Getraumte Sunden, which was filmed in 1967, La Comtesse Noire in 1973 and The Castle of Fu Manchu filmed in 1968. Jess Franco was described by Carlos Aguilar as amazing film producer who has had a significant impact on the history of Spanish cinema.
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The Rise of Eco-Art and Its Effects on Political and Social Issues Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Art has always been a manner for societies to express their rituals and behavior.In other words, it can be said that art has allowed generations to send out the message of their lifestyle and rich history. With the passage of time,transition which has taken place in the history of mankind within the context of environment has relatively evolved as a newer sub-discipline
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Critical Paper Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
With this overview analysis on the articles main aim it will in addition help interpret and analyze the Chinese culture by centralizing mainly on the theme of change in the three movies while also highlighting their similarities and difference of how they are represented in the films.
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Stolen Art Works Contribution to Bring More Participants into Art World Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2222 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The art market is importance when it comes to a network of international economic activity. The art market is predominant in cities such as New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Geneva, Milan, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. Financial and cultural capital is important for a city in order to have an art market and the above-mentioned cities have it in abundance. 
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American Type Painting Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Advancement of the art of drawing is not a simple task. Often, an artist undergoes several challenges in determining a new course of drawing. In addition to the problems involved in discerning the facets of artwork one needs to change in order to be considered creative, there is the other challenge of condoning censure and criticism.
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Documentary photography Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the 1930’s, it viewed the camera as an essayist. Using a series of pictures, post war dramatic scenes were published. The pictures with captions were quite effective in letting its readers experience the information presented. In addition, documentary photography became very popular in depicting grotesque and vivid images of the Great Depression.
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Chinese Brushwork in Calligraphy and Painting Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay analyzes Chinese Brushwork in Calligraphy and Painting. The main reason that was behind the use of these materials included that these writings were more enduring in comparison with those written using ink on paper. Calligraphy describes all forms of writing but gives no distinctions between script written with pen stylus or brush.
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Erin Brockovich Movie (2000) Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Movie Review
Erin Brockovich fails a lawsuit which she had filed against a doctor with whom she had a car accident. As a compensation for the loss, she convinces her lawyer to give her a low-level assistant’s job at the Los Angeles law firm who, out of sympathy for her, grants her the job. She was not taken seriously.
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A Wide Array of Conflicts in the Film 300 Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The plot of 300 has two main sources – one is the historical battle Thermopylae whilst the other is the comic book based on this historical event, also called 300. The basic plot is that a Persian king, Xerxes I of Persia, who is on the path of world conquest, decides to invade Greece and take over the entire area.
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The Deposition by Jean-Baptiste Regnault Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1314 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Regnault studied in both Rome and Paris and later went on to win the Prix de Rome and gain notoriety for his painting. He joined the studio of the painter Jean Bardin, and in 1768 accompanied him to Rome where he met with early neoclassical theorists and artists. This influenced his painting of “The Deposition” in ways that Neoclassicists attempted to recreate the Renaissance ideals.
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Maria Full of Grace by Joshua Marston Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In her determination, Maria accepts to work as a drug mule all in the name of getting money that is enough to care for her, as well as the family members (grandmother, mother, sister, and infant nephew). Her acceptance to act as a drug mule follows total lack of direction for finding a new and better job that can cater for her needs, as well as those of the family members (Snyder 25).
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The movie Maria Full of Grace Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The movie Maria Full of Grace is a remarkable movie that tells of the lives of three drug mules. The main character is Maria. In the movie Frida, Frida remains as the main character. In the movie Like Water for Chocolate, Tita is the main character. These three movies talk about the lives of women that underwent huddles in their lives to reach where they went.
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Gertrude Stein's Recognition Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The two had wide spread newspaper article sequence in which Gertrude’s name was showed to public. During the start of summer in 1914, Gertrude purchased three paintings of Juan Gris. Shortly after she bought them from Daniel- Henry Kahnweiler, the grand war started, Kahnweiler’s collection was confiscated, and then he was banned from returning to Paris.
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Fernando Botero's Style of Art Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In order to achieve all these effects, different artists adopt different styles of portraying their works. This way, artists are synonymous with a particular style that is prevalent in their pieces. This may range from the use of color, texture, proportion or the subject of concern.
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German Culture through Cinema Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (876 words) , Download 9 , Essay
The author of the paper will begin with the statement that cinema is one of the main aspects that have shaped German culture. The history of German cinema dates back to the end of the nineteenth century. However, during this time, it had not gained much prominence in the country and only a few actors participated in it (Reimer et al 16).
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When Is a Theft Not a Theft by Trainor Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (887 words) , Download 2 , Essay
People from the Buddhist tradition highly venerated Buddha’s relics. This resulted in the division of the relics among eight territorial clans, to avert conflict among the clans. I have also understood that, in the article, there is an issue regarding the theft of the relics. In essence, justified theft can be committed in the Buddhist tradition, in a specified circumstance.
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James Cameron's Movies Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (906 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In Avatar, regarding décor, there is very impressive imagery contained in the setting of the scene. It was perfectly used to greatly amplify the characters' emotions in the heat of the moment of their duel. In the shots, the futuristic mechanization of colonel  Quaritch’s machine and Jakes old fashioned flesh and bones in Avatar, have a good color scheme that stresses the rich personal space station environment.
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American conceptual images, psychedelic posters Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Thesis American psychedelic posters and conceptual images have made considerable transformations in the recent years. They have made the world of art a more fascinating scenario than it earlier was. The images that remain paramount must be visually deeply genuine, striking and intellectually stimulating.
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Critical Response Paper Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
State legislatures have been deeply involved in the public debates about how to define marriage and whether the official recognition of “marriage” should be limited to relationships involving one man and one woman or that same-sex couples should also be entitled to “marriage.” State legislatures have gone both ways in this debate: either enacting “defense of marriage” laws and constitutional provisions or, going the opposite direction, adopting laws allowing same sex marriage (NCSL, November, 2012).
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Impression on Gothic stained glass Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The art involved engagement in perilous activities and had an unstable future; however, these assertions never materialized with the invention and creation of the new three dimensional stained glass windows. Art thrives through practice, it is an innate energy perfected through constant practice and training, artist better their creation through constant innovation and trying out other alternatives to the conventional artifacts.
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ICS5 Extra Credit Visual Arts & Film Studies Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Due to the high level of multiculturalism amongst the Chinese, the event is open to people from different parts of the world as well. The event takes place in San Francisco, China town. Families and friends meet in San Francisco and get the chance to purchase different varieties of flowers and fruits.
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Trojan Women Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Following a plot based on real-life occurrences, the play Women of Troy as produced by the UTSC depicts the sufferings of women in the pre-medieval Greek. Coincidentally, the play was produced during the great Peloponnesian war and has thus far been referred to as a commentary on the war. The play opens up with war, mayhem, Troy has come under the greatest attack in the history.
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Salmon Fishing in the Yemen Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The author states that in the thought of Jones, Yemen would not be worthy to carry out the salmon fish business, as the temperatures were not conducive enough as well as the water levels could not sustain the salmon. In this case, it is also probable that cultural issues will affect the success of the salmon fish industry.
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Movie Analasys: '8Mile' directed by Curtis Hanson Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
What effect would an Academy winning director Curtis Hanson for the 1997 LA Confidential make by directing a debut movie for the Controversial, Grammy-Award winning rap star Eminem? Well the movie was going to be quite electrifying. This movie, 8 mile,would go on to receive as many as 19 nominations for prestigious awards and win 9 of these awards including an Oscar (IMDb).
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Influence of Colonialist Idea on Contemporary World Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2171 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Between the sixteenth century and nineteenth century, several European countries colonialized by exertion and established their political entity over another political entity in different geographical location. Portugal, Spain, England and France and Holland were the primary “exporters of control” while America and its neighbouring island.
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Innovation of Asian films Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From this research it is clear that the strong force of transnationalism impacts Asian filmmakers greatly. Globalization and technology has basically leveled boundaries and brought countries together. Hence, it is an exercise in futility to continue to shroud the cinemas with solely nationalistic themes and to try to shun away the influence of the west and of Hollywood.
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Are knockoffs good for the Fashion industry Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper discovers the phenomenon of knockoffs in the context of fashion. It was greater than art as they provided the reason for living a life you want to live as per your style. With the passage of time, fashion has turned into the form of applied art. In yester years, one was putting the clothes on the body aiming at to cover and keep the body warm.
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The film Water as a characteristic of contemporary films made for the love of cinema Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Proposal
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Research Proposal
The objective of this study would be to examine the oppression of widows portrayed in the film “Water”, to demonstrate that it is contrary to the image of oppression of women that was portrayed in post colonial cinema, i.e, as originating from colonial rule.
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The Art of Meddling in the film In the Loop Visual Arts & Film Studies Movie Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The author states that the mise en scenes and editing elaborately portray the characters and the brisk and quickening plot toward war. When Tucker listens to the radio show with Foster, he is shown in a medium shot to focus on his bodily actions. His actions confirm what he is saying; he believes that Foster is a complete idiot.
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Artist Statement Visual Arts and Film Studies Personal Statement Visual Arts & Film Studies Personal Statement
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
While I had the potential to remain in Kuwait and study, I was thrilled by the opportunity to pursue my education abroad and establish my independence. My upbringing in a Bahai family in the cultural context of Muslim society imbued me with a sense of restriction from an early age.
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300 (2006) Movie Critical Review Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name “300” Warner Brothers Pictures 2006. Is “300” Historically Accurate? Zack Snyder's “300” is a dramatic version of the Battle of Thermopylae. The film shows Persia's King Xerxes and his more than 100,000 soldiers battling with Sparta's King Leonidas and his 300-strong army.
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Films and The Rating System Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2208 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In a year, around 600-700 movies are made in Hollywood. These movies are made by different directors, writers, technicians and studios. We have indeed been blessed with a pool of a wide variety of filmmakers and studios. Due to this, almost 90% of these movies will have a different nature when compared to each other.
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The Level of Puccini's Turandot Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
5 pages (1614 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From Persian tales, Turandot was drawn out by the Italian playwright Carlo Gozzi for his Tales for the Theatre. Translating Gozzi’s play into German, Schiller strengthened its drama, “amplified” the characters, and re-wrote the scene of Turandot’s puzzles. Puccini placed more emphasis on the dramatic atmosphere of the action. 
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Comparison of the religious themes in two paintings Visual Arts & Film Studies Admission/Application Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
Paintings have always provided insight into the history of the people of the period of the artist. The subject of each painting always reflects the Social, Economic or political aspects of the culture of the Era.
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A Road to Life Movie Summary Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Written and directed by a creative director Nikolai Ekk, Road to Life (1931) serves as a remarkable movie of early Russian cinema, which reflects upon the problems faced by the newly established Union of Soviet Socialist of Republics (USSR). Contrary to most of the pictures of the era, including Volga Volga, Jolly Fellows, Happiness and others.
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Film Critique on the Movie Takers Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
8 pages (2276 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Takers is a film about the robbery and is acted by Michael early, Christopher Brown, Hayden Christensen, Paul Walker, and Indris Elba as robbers. They are also joined by T.I Harris who acts as Ghost and on the other side, we have Matt Dillon as Jack Welles, Idris Elba as Detective Gordon, and Glynn Turman as chief detective among others (Stam, 2000).
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Film Analysis of City of God Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It shows the true image of how people are suffering with the issues with their voices suppressed and souls tortured by their own supreme authorities. City of God is a masterpiece in world cinema which was directed by Fernando Meirelles. This movie was released in 2002 in Brazil and in 2003, it was finally premiered worldwide.
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Any work of art in Baltimore Museum of Art or Walter's Museum Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The passion story, which pertains to the happenings of Christ’s last days on earth, was a constant concentration in German painting during the Renaissance. And, as John MacArthur has written, “formidable traditions governed the denotation of the Crucifixion and other Passion scenes, and still German painters persistently transformed them via creative engagement with customary standard.”1 Unlike the tales related to Christ’s birth, the events of the Passion are decorated by agonizing emotions, such as passionate compassion, and angst.
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Film analysis paper,National security movie Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
National Security which was directed by Dennis Dugan utilizes adequate slow-mo shots and shimmering cinematography in the first thirty minutes to guarantee the distinction. The existence of Martin Lawrence only assists to waste feel like a Bay retreat. In place of enigmatic will Smith, Martin Lawrence associates with an unusually unbearable Steve Zahn who stars as Hank Rafferty.
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Spaghetti western Visual Arts & Film Studies Research Paper
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
However, despite their popularity today, Spaghetti westerns have had their equal share of disdain and criticism; initially, they were ridiculed and regarded as inferior to the traditional American films. At their onset, spaghetti westerns were quickly dismissed by critics as poor fabrications of the American style due to their inability to match up with the extravagance associated with American westerns.
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The Lonsdale Operator Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that what comes to the attention of the reviewer almost immediately is the fact that the camera work is not focused solely on the participants of the main action that is taking place. Although it is commonplace within the current era for filmmakers to include conversations in busy streets or cafes between two or more actors.
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As It Is in Heaven Visual Arts & Film Studies Essay
4 pages (1146 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The movie was nominated for best foreign language film at the 77th Hollywood academy awards. This essay is an analysis of family issues, individual freedom, and the society's relation with members. Family issues In this film, family issues are an experience of almost every character involved in the choir.
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