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Art of Negotiation
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper intends to guide Matt about his respective business by elaborating varied negotiation theories and principles.... Moreover, Matt has the certain objective of importing fabrics from Red Star Holding in China for availing better quality of the same.... ... ... ... Based on the scenario provided, it can be seen that Matt has a potential entrepreneurial skill and thus established an Australian brand known as 'Mr....
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Psychoanalysis of Hitler Behavior Traits
20 pages (5489 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research paper talks about the transactional analysis for identifying mental illnesses, abnormal and maladaptive behaviors.... Taking the example of Adolf Hitler, this paper will attempt to explore how Hitler's inaccurately placed emotions and thinking was developed from his childhood experience....
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Law Reform Process and Outcome
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Law Reform Process and Outcome" show on the cases of Australian Anti-Discriminatory Law and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Bill that Law reform process includes all stakeholders and laws are streamlined to reflect the realities in a given set of circumstances of the country.... ...
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Traditional and Modern Theories of TAM
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the paper 'Traditional and Modern Theories of TAM' the author focuses on TAM, which refers to tense-aspect-modality, which are three categories that are indicated by linguistic markings on verbs - either by changing its form (by inflectional or other derivational morphology).... ... ... ... The author states that Traditional English grammar, in general, derives from classical Greek and Latin....
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Religion in the Middle East
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Therefore, there is no comparison amid the religion and business in these regions.... Muslim contestations over religion and the state in the Middle East.... Political theology, 11(6), 826-845.... Middle East similar to numerous global regions based on religion is diverse (Pankhurst, 2010).... Middle East similar to numerous global regions based on religion is diverse (Pankhurst, 2010).... religion in the Middle East Middle East similar to numerous global regions based on religion is diverse (Pankhurst, 2010)....
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Wall Street Movement in the Light of Ethics
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Now this paper "Wall Street Movement in the Light of Ethics" is turning its focus towards the relation of moral values with the struggle of Wall Street, describing traditional and modern ethical values and its relations to Wall Street.... ... ... ... The campaign of Wall Street initiated in the suburban areas of the US, and then it spread across the whole nation like a bush fire....
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Electrical Engineering specialization on Circuit Design
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Electrical engineering is a field of study that makes use of innovations of science to come up and develop electrical systems, devices and components that are secure, consistent and realistic (Baker, 6).... Some of the important practices that are performed by electrical engineers.... ... ... include designing of devices such as iPads and green energy consistent motor vehicles and also wireless communication systems and more so stylish network technologies (Huijsing, Johan, Rudy & Willy, 34)....
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IT Project Risk Management
15 pages (4043 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This paper is about IT project risk management.... In this research paper, writer seeks to develop a typology of effective strategies that will guide managers to develop specific plans meant to control risk IT projects.... .... ... ... IT, in particular, has become an important tool in all-important sectors, and any organization will highly feel the impact of any failure of IT project management on competitive advantage....
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Religion - Religious Violence
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Using Sam Huntington's thesis on the clash of civilizations which is often equated to the war between Islam and the West, a war that touches on religion and religious beliefs.... Instead of religion promoting the acts of aggression, violence done because of religion is a manifestation of a bigger issue that involves a power struggle and a misunderstanding among various world traditions.... The idea that religion causes violence is prevalent in the West....
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Judicial Decision Making
7 pages (2008 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Conclusion As Barrett, Peterson, Prettyman, Peters, Edmonds, Snodgrass, & Boskey (2007) point out, the Barnette case has touched upon various aspects of legal decision making; and the Gobitis case was considered a religion issue, whereas the Barnette case was decided on grounds of free speech....
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Radical Approaches in Journalism
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
He writes on a varied range of topics which include: culture studies, psychoanalysis, political theory, theology an film theory.... This paper "Radical Approaches in Journalism" explores the approaches used in journalism.... It is stated that journalism refers to an activity where journalists engage in the preparation of written, audio or visual material intended for distribution via the public media....
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Analysis of the Holocaust Historiography
11 pages (2958 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Analysis of the Holocaust Historiography " discusses that several things happened during the holocaust and historians are still trying to explain how it was planned, who planned and what drove the Nazi's men into committing the atrocities.... .... ... ... After the barbarism of genocide that was carried out by Nazis was exposed to the world, historians across the world have been trying to assemble pieces of what exactly happened during that time....
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The Benefits of Using LIDAR Technology in GIS
12 pages (3557 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "The Benefits of Using LIDAR Technology in GIS" states that LIDAR systems afford a high accuracy in GIS applications as compared to other methods of aerial photography.... The LIDAR systems are also fast in the acquisition of data and its processing which makes them preferable in GIS.... ...
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Evaluation of Chinese Digital Outdoor Media in 2007
45 pages (11250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research 'Evaluation of Chinese Digital Outdoor Media in 2007' defines the appropriate Digital Outdoor Medial Model for the PRC, the result of communication to ad practices in the PRC, digital outdoor media's effect on the Chinese society, the effectiveness of the advertising networks etc.... ...
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Total Quality Management and Performance
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The author of this paper "Total Quality Management and Performance" casts light on the ability to remain ahead of the market.... According to the text, it is one that is dependent on the internal environment and how businesses approach service quality.... .... ... ... When looking at the Tesco gas stations in the UK, it is noted that a variety of alternatives are available for the company to remain ahead of the competition, specifically through the services offered....
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Characteristics of the Opposite Gender Heterosexual Males and Females Consider Important for Partner
9 pages (2875 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The 23 trait choices were age, ambition, communication skills, dependability, domestic skills, face attractiveness, fitness, fondness for children, hands, health, honesty, humor, industriousness, intelligence, kindness, money, all round good looks, parenting abilities, prosperity, religion, social status, teeth, and values....
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Marketing Strategies for Al-Gizza Pizza Restaurant in Abu Dhabi
20 pages (5426 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Marketing Strategies for Al-Gizza Pizza Restaurant in Abu Dhabi" states that market research is a tool and a strategy that can prevent a business from making erroneous decisions that may as a result cause expensive design mistakes in new products, faulty marketing campaigns and so on.... ...
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Police Brutality
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The researcher of the paper "Police Brutality" aims to analyze why should police threaten, terrorize and bash defenseless people they had been trained to protect?... What are the factors responsible for the continuation of this disgraceful act of wickedness?... .... ... ... The writer's opinion is that police brutality is an interesting topic under the study of criminal justice....
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No World State in the Brave New World
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research begins with the statement that until the crisis began in 2008, most economists were optimistic.... The world was experiencing strong economic growth.... Investors and consumers were optimistic in their expectations, which reflected itself in high consumption and investment rates.... ...
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Philosophy Reflective Writing Assignment
11 pages (2937 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
For generations the perpetual stalemate between science versus religion has kept the two sides from ever seeing eye to eye.... This paper ''Philosophy Reflective Writing Assignment'' tells that The idea of whether or not human beings have free will or whether our actions and behaviours are only responsive to causes, or if instinct and biological imperatives control human beings....
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How Chinese International Students Deal with Acculturative Stress in Their First Year of Study
24 pages (6524 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The paper "How Chinese International Students Deal with Acculturative Stress in Their First Year of Study" discusses that the Chinese who are particularly oriented to socialism and collectivism have a reason to establish strong links with others of their kind or people who can understand them.... ...
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Religion and International Relation - West and Islam
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
unning Head: religion and International Relation – West and Islam religion and International Relation – West and Islam [Institute'sName] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Islam and the West see each other as rivals; however, this has not been like that forever.... TABLE OF CONTENTS ISLAM AND THE WEST – AN INTRODUCTION 3 ISLAM AND WEST- AN IDEOLOGICAL CLASH 5 INCIDENTS THAT EXACERBATED THE CONFLICT 5 The 9/11 attacks 5 The Arab spring 7 Post Arab Spring, West and the US 8 Palestine-Israel Issue 8 religion and POLITICS – A BACKGROUND 10 MARX AND FREUD ON RELIGION 11 ISLAM AND CHRISTINIATY – SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES 13 ROOT OF THE CLASH 14 HOW TO RESOLVE THIS CLASH?...
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The Irish Times: Liberation Theology
19 pages (4543 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Further, he attacked of dangers of associating the class struggle to religion and Marxist principles.... This research paper "The Irish Times: Liberation theology" presents Irish newspapers and their sources, of the Irish reaction to liberation theology from 1975-1985 and to determine if there is a change in reaction during the decade especially after pope john Paul II pontificate in 1978.... Firstly there needs to be an explanation of liberation theology background etc....
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Spectral graph theory
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The concept of graph theory has been used in variant areas of mathematics, science and technology which has been highly acknowledged over the years (Beineke, Lowell and Robin 66).... This is evident as firms adopt the concept in fields such as biochemistry, computer science, and.... ... ... This is without forgetting the wide use in computation and operations investigations by researcher and specialists (Cvetković & Dragoš, 7). ...
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Islam Religion Field Research
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Muhammad preached chastity, pity, compassion, sacrifice and meekness towards the humanity at large without any discrimination of caste, clan, class, community, gender, ethnicity, race, region, religion and socioeconomic status.... eligion in Islam-Field Research Module Module no: religion in Islam-Field Research By critically investigating into the history of human cultures and civilizations, it appears to be crystal clear that belief in the supernatural and metaphysical powers has always been an essential part of almost all human beings since their creation and arrival on the earth....
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The Potential for Commodity for the Future of Thailand
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper 'The Potential for Commodity for the Future of Thailand' looks at rice, which is considered as the globally most consumed food grain and it can easily be figured out that pressure of demand on the production of rice would be touching its zenith in years to come.... ... ... ... The author states that the main problem to rice like other food grains is to keep pace with the rising demand at the backdrop of a declining area of cultivation....
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Scientific Evaluation of the American Public Administration
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This essay analyzes the scientific approach and its impact on the US Public administration.... The paper presents Weber's model of bureaucracy and merit system according to which administrators are appointed due to expertise and qualifications, to ensure efficient achievement of collective aims.... ...
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Comparison of Short Stories Winter Night and Everything that Rises Must Converge
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Comparison of Short Stories Winter Night and Everything that Rises Must Converge" states that Kay Boyle's 'Winter Night' depicts social realism.... The story revolves around Felicia who belongs to upper-class and stays in New York apartment while her mother is out for work.... ... ... ...
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Analysis of The Effects of Globalisation
29 pages (7250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This paper looks into the approaches and strategies that can be adopted by businesses and companies in a highly globalized marketplace.... The paper focuses on economic globalization, but rather on the cultural and social dimensions of global connection.... ... ... ... Friedman (2005) calls it a flattened world wherein the playing field can be considered as 'open and level'....
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Groups Professional Identity, Function, and Ethics
14 pages (4263 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This research paper "Groups Professional Identity, Function, and Ethics" shows that this paper aims to explore the essence and purpose of group counseling within the precepts of Christian perspectives.... The research will describe the group counseling processes.... ... ... ... It will seek to explain the characteristics and significance of an effective group leader when communicating and interacting with group members as well as describe the required competencies in leadership including handling multicultural differences of group members throughout the counseling process....
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Transparency Promoting Design and Privacy in Modern Architecture
12 pages (3167 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Transparency Promoting Design and Privacy in Modern Architecture" analyzes the architectural quality of privacy as presented in enclosed border-defined space in modern architecture and provides a proposal on privacy in the learning space as done by Riyadh City University in Saudi Arabia....
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Graffiti: history and nowadays
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Graffiti is the defacing of public property by either writing, symbols or murals.... Graffiti is widely considered to be a public nuisance.... ... ... ... On the other hand, in places like Los Angeles, where there isn't really a public transportation system which serves widespread areas, but, rather, is segregated within the Chicano community, enforcement against graffiti has not been as aggressive as in New York....
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McFagues Metaphorical Theology
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the paper 'McFague's Metaphorical Theology' the author discusses Sally McFague's major contribution – bridging literature and theology.... Her works frequently touch on literary theory and theology, and her theories are known as Metaphorical Theology.... Sally McFague's major contribution is bridging literature and theology.... Her works frequently touch on literary theory and theology, and her theories are known as Metaphorical Theology....
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Definition and Meaning Entrepreneurship
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper discusses competitive advantage of management.... This paper attempts by explaining entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, innovations, strategies, and empowerment as well as examples from industries where adoption these strategies have paid rich dividends.... ... ... ... The outcome is unique strategy; one that results in the competitive edge for one firm....
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Globalization and the Transgendered: Positive and Negative Experiences of Transgendered Youth
13 pages (4716 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
religion if any.... This research paper "Globalization and the Transgendered: Positive and Negative Experiences of Transgendered Youth" discusses transgendered youth experience both the pros and cons of social media.... The pros are acceptance and respect online, and promotion of the cause of transgendered people....
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Religion Is Defined as the Spiritual Belief
6 pages (1731 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In his book­ On the Philosophy of Religion­ Richard Gale argues we must not just accept the existence of religion and God without thinking.... 1 Running head: Report on Religious Field Research- Hinduism Harry Depollar College: Strayer Department: theology Studies World Religions Submitted to Lecturer: ... s a theology practitioner, I created time to interact with Hindus by attending a real worship.... The paper "religion Is Defined as the Spiritual Belief" describes that other religions like Islam and Christianity misconceive Hinduism....
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Communication Innovation: Twitter - Then and Now
10 pages (2854 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Communication Innovation: Twitter - Then and Now" critically analyzes the way that Twitter is revolutionizing communication amongst journalists exploring issues related to communication then and now, focusing on the need to change and adapt to today's increasingly global and connected world....
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Environmental Protection in China: Lumbering and Mining Industries
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the paper 'Environmental Protection in China: Lumbering and Mining Industries' the author discusses the reviews of the implementation process for sustainable development in lumbering and mining industries in China.... The country is, in fact, not really green.... ... ... ... The present studies of lumbering and mining industries will analyze that rich countries are exporting their environmental damage to relatively poor countries....
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Does Religion Cause War
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Role of Jews in causing wars Jewish belief also has no problems in supporting wars for saving religion and country.... For Islam, the concepts of war, battle, and conduct of war, among other things, are not some accretion that has to be theologically justified after well over 300 years of life of the faith, but rather they are central to the formation of Islamic theology, jurisprudence, and ethics, because they happen during the life of the Prophet and during the process of revelation itself (Ali, 2009, p....
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Criminal Justice System in United Arab Emirates
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
he constitution of UAE declares that Islam as its official and national religion and offers for Islamic jurisprudence namely the Shariah as its main fundamental legislation.... he UAE constitution declares that Islam is its official religion, and Shariah is its fundamental source of law....
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Plan and Design of a Small System for Healthcare Facilities
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The research paper depicts the final plan to design a small system project.... The paper even addresses the key technical issues that may affect the course of implementation.... A detailed description has also been provided on the use of software and hardware for increased effectiveness in the process....
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Emotional inteligence and the Cognitive resource theory of The Home Depot
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Introduction Nowadays, for organizational success and leadership enhancement emotional intelligence, which is obviously, related to management studies, has achieved popular attraction.... The emotional intelligence has been discovered as a powerful predictor of performance of job as well as for the growth of leadership ability....
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Factors Affecting Entry of Foreign Multinationals in the Market of Saudi Arabia
12 pages (3620 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Factors Affecting Entry of Foreign Multinationals in the Market of Saudi Arabia" is a perfect example of a marketing research paper.... The increased rate of economic globalization and integration of international production and the ease of sharing and transferring of key functions in modern organizations like innovations in technology has continued to create a conduce environment for the growth of multinational companies....
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Analysis of Anaesthetic Nursing
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
This paper "Analysis of Anaesthetic Nursing" discusses the influence on the role of anesthetic nurses.... The paper analyses the experience and reactions of the patients for improving the level of services for sustainable growth and development of the organization.... ... ... ... Anesthesia denotes loss of sensation and 'anaesthesiology' connotes the practice in pain management or pain relief....
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Moral Judgment and Ethical Leadership in Chinese Management
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper is aimed at describing the role of moral judgment and ethical leadership in Chinese Management.... The research describes the nature of Confucianism and describes the proposition that Confucianism leads to a strong perception in Chinese cultural context.... ... ... ... The research describes the role of Collectivism in Chinese Management and develops the proposition that Collectivism leads to a strong perception of Chinese management....
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Qinghai Lake Water Level Decline
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This project paper "Qinghai Lake Water Level Decline" focuses on the causes of the continual decline of Qinghai Lake's water level from last 2 decades.... Qinghai Lake is one of the most beautiful and scenic attractions of Qinghai province as well as one of its most important environmental resources....
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Ancient Greek Religion
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Ancient Greek Religion and Theology As pointed out earlier, ancient Greek religion is based upon polytheism, which consists of a number of gods/goddesses to believe in.... Thesis statement: The ancient Greek religion is entirely different from other religions because the same does not represent monotheism, but is symbolic of the unique characteristics of the different branches of Greek culture (say, Greek mythology, Greek gods and theology).... Ancient Greek religion and mythology One can see that ancient Greek religion and Greek mythology are interconnected....
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Prevalence of HIV in African American and Hispanic Males: Health Care Disparity
25 pages (7091 words) , Research Paper
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The paper "Prevalence of HIV in African American and Hispanic Males: Health Care Disparity" states that research involving a collection of data from 1980 to 1986 indicated strong evidence that populations that experienced high rates of male incarceration had higher HIV/AIDS prevalence rates.... ... ...
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The Effect of Globalization on Developing Countries
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
This paper 'The Effect of Globalization on Developing Countries' presents the analysis of developing economies that made adjustments to the new global reality by increased trading, creating jobs, and stimulating regional economies while experiencing poverty in spite of economic liberalization.... ...
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The History of Economic Ideas and the Political Philosophy
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The present research paper "The History of Economic Ideas and the Political Philosophy" mainly deals with the comprehensive overview of the history of mercantilism school of economic thought during the 17th and 18th centuries along with the main focus on various economic thoughts.... ... ... ... The major schools of thoughts that are discussed include Classical Political Economics, Mercantilism, Marxism and Capitalism, and Neoclassical Economic Thoughts including the contemporary theories of the 20th century....
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