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Business Plan for Professional Agriculture Limited Liability
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Business Plan for professional Agriculture Limited Liability" focuses on a startup company that plans to connect diverse companies and individuals so that a single platform can be shared by them and efficiently communicated to serve their clients, which would mainly include the farmers.... professional Agriculture Limited Liability would serve the clients with agricultural solutions in their projects through the use of software technology.... Customers of professional Agriculture Limited Liability would be able to connect to an employee of the company who in turn would manage the customer's account....
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Reading and Writing about Research
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The language saturated with definitions and terms research Working with peer-reviewed articles it is necessary to remember that for writing them the had analyzed a lot of information and formulated his own view on the described problem.... Working with peer-reviewed articles it is necessary to remember that for writing them the author had analyzed a lot of information and formulated his own view on the described problem....
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Ethical Aspects of Clinical Research
3 pages (944 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Ethical Aspects of Clinical research" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the ethical aspects of clinical research.... In clinical research, the dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of participants must be the primary consideration and must meet ethical standards.... This includes obtaining informed consent which is at the heart of ethical research (research Governance Framework, 2004)....
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Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling
1 pages (277 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper "Ethical, Legal, and professional Issues in Counseling" focuses on the fact that the primary ethical and legal concerns to be addressed in Marcie's case include issues of confidentiality, client welfare, the client-counsellor fiduciary relationship.... ... ... ... Counsellors are ethically responsible for making the welfare of the client the top priority in their work, and also have a legal obligation to protect their clients' best interests while avoiding interactions that will benefit themselves....
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Paper media going Electronic
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
References can be linked to abstracting services, from where abstracts or full texts of cited papers can be obtained, and similar publications can be retrieved based on the original article.... The customers who subscribe for a news papers or online journals can get access anywhere in the world, thus avoiding carrying it while traveling.... Electronic publishing is however a great compliment, a consumer could research online and identify which publications it would like to purchase and have the choice to download and print, or to go and purchase a hard copy....
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Final Research Project
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The offices and research areas are not located in the same place as the oil and gas fields.... Final research Project.... There is a recognition that all kinds of energy are going to be needed in the future, not just oil and gas, and so I was pleased to note that a lot of money is being invested in research.... I was reassured by my research on the company because I found its home web pages to be professional and positive.... I could see also that there were areas of the business outside pure manufacturing, like the development of additives and various kinds of research....
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Research Article Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research realizes a need to draw comparative judgment between various European jurisdictions in order to identify the differences in juvenile criminal procedure and reforms which exist specially after the devolution within the UK.... Design The design of the research is mostly analytical with comparisons drawn between the differing localities and the legislations between them.... The research does comprise statistical figures but mainly draws from scholarly articles and official documents that contain the requisite legal information, such as the Constitution and the Home Office documents....
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Adult Education as a Profession
9 pages (2320 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Part Two: research and evaluation in education HIV AIDS is a menace that threatens to reduce productivity of workers, whether affected or not.... A student must be able to demonstrate the use of research methodologies, understand social issues affecting adult education and all relevant literature acting as learning resources.... There are three learning objectives that have to be tested to proof this point; skills, knowledge and attitudes and professional conduct....
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The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
4 pages (1194 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper ''The Agency for Healthcare research and Quality'' will analyze the findings of one such research study by the Agency for Healthcare research and Quality and its relation to this course.... The research is titled: 'Preventing Disability in the Elderly with Chronic Disease' and was sponsored by this Agency.... research Paper Exercise is a vital part of body fitness and an essential aspect in health management....
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Metodology for the Research
6 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Term Paper
This paper discusses the methodology for this research focuses on the analysis of authentic secondary sources of data with the goal of achieving the research objectives.... This research seeks to compare and contrast the manner in which shareholders conduct themselves under different environments.... Therefore, this research is explanatory in nature, and involves analysis of information to establish relationships between shareholders and their rights....
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Outline for topic research
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This research outline as well as the actual research project is informed by acknowledging that speech acts communicate functions such as gratitude and apology.... Outline for Topic research Outline for Topic research This research outline as well as the actual research project is informed by acknowledging that speech acts communicate functions such as gratitude and apology.... There is an abundance of information on linguistics and especially regarding the chosen topic of pragmatics and the two specific research questions: ...
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Applying for MS in Global Finance
4 pages (1041 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I conducted research and delivered presentations on finance related topics, particularly on the U.... My family's professional background has shaped my overall personality, as well as my interest in finance and accounting.... ssay I: Describe your professional progress to this point as well as your short-term and long-term career goals.... Finance has always been my area of interest, and I think this is the right time for me to go further in this field as I have not only completed my graduation but I am also determined to establish my professional career as a skilled financial expert and accountant. ...
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To what extent and in what sense can we say that professional and managerial careers are gendered and radicalised
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A Qualitative Study of How Women View the Glass Ceiling in Public Relations and Communications Management', Journal of public relations research, 14(1), 27–55.... This paper will discuss the equality and diversity literature concerning the professional and managerial careers, as well as the changing context in the management and professional careers.... The major question under discussion and evaluation is “To what extent and in what sense can we say that professional and managerial careers are gendered and radicalized?...
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The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League
2 pages (737 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the paper 'The All-American Girls professional Baseball League' the author discusses Baseball League, which was founded in 1943 by Philip Wrigley, owner of the Chicago Cubs and of the chewing gum brand 'Wrigley's' fame, amidst fears of the sport losing players and support due to the war.... The field was narrowed to 60 women who formed the first professional baseball league....
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Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
8 pages (2266 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Implications for GAAP from an analysis of positive research in accounting.... Journal of Applied Business research, 14(2), pp.... research in Accounting Regulation, 21(1), pp.... Going against these principles could constitute accounting malpractices or gross professional misconduct....
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Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the essay, 'Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal' the author makes the proposition that poor Irishmen can abate their economic challenges by selling their children to the noble as food.... The essay serves its purpose which is mocking Irish policies and the heartlessness.... ... ... ... In the essay, Swift discusses some of the steps that can be employed to solve the problems of high demography and other socioeconomic challenges which were unique to Ireland during the 18th century....
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The Role of Nursing Certification for Improvement of Patient Health, Bettering Nursing Profession and Fraternity
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
Certification is viewed as concern that is voluntary and can be obtained from the specific organization while the state licensure issues individuals the legal authority required to practice professional nursing.... professional area of interest that I would consider to be certified in Critical Care Nursing.... Some of the professional organizations available for the members include The American Nurses Association, Specialty Nursing Organizations and The National Association of Licensed Practical Nurses....
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Critically Evaluate the Importance of Working With Professionals and Families in Schools
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research shows and clearly indicates that when families and other community professionals are involve in learning, most of the students in the school usually perform well and tend to do better in their class work.... unning head: Importance of Working with Professionals and Families in Schools Importance of Working with Professionals and Families in Schools Insert Name Insert Course Insert Tutor's Name 18 November 2013 Importance of Working with Professionals and Families in Schools Introduction research shows and clearly indicates that when families and other community professionals are involve in learning, most of the students in the school usually perform well and tend to do better in their class work....
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Busters Lobby Business and Key Players
12 pages (3288 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The owner will also, prior to launching Buster's, develop a training program to help employees better increase their customer service skills, using templates from online or secondary research.... Loss prevention will be the only special procedure necessary for this research store, since it will encompass approximately 1,000 square feet of space with minimal staff.... Marketing research Essentials, 6th ed.... Buster's caters to a very wide group of customer demographics, of all different ethnic and professional backgrounds, therefore Buster's must try to appeal to mass market customers using low-cost marketing materials....
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Ornament and Crime by Adolf Loos
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Loos has often been regarded as an architect who brought modernist movement in architecture and the author of some controversial essays.... Loos has often been regarded as an architect who brought modernist movement in architecture and the author of some controversial essays.... He devoted himself for his profession and one can see the same devotion and perfectness in composing essays.... The reading of his essays will help one to explore his writing style, especially his controversial essay entitled, “Ornament and Crime....
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Ethical Decision Making in Arriving at a Caring Response
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
In this case, MMC healthcare practitioners incorporates measures included by psychological research in which it defines and describes the actual mode of making decisions ethically as opposed to how they should make a choice (Mitty and Ramsey, 2008).... Doctoral research implies that a healthcare practitioner should ask him or her self whether he or she is comfortable with the decision made.... BMC Health Services research, 2,14.... Journal of Health Services research & Policy, 8(4), 197-201....
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Buyer Behaviour & Market Research
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Affect and emotion: new directions in management : theory and research.... This paper focuses upon for an organization to succeed in meeting its marketing goals, a lot of resources and energy have to be invested on research about the consumers so as to predict the likelihood of their behavior towards a particular product or brand.... For an organization to succeed in meeting its marketing goals, a lot of resources and energy have to be invested on research about the consumers so as to predict the likelihood of their behaviour towards a particular product or brand....
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The perception eassay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Self-concept identifies the relation of a person to himself, to his abilities, capabilities, personal qualities, appearance, speech, place.... ... ... These all is formed into four categories of self-consept (Lall et al.... 26).... It is a complex psychological system, hierarchically organized and functioning at different levels....
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Academic Skills Prepare Graduates for Work
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Most of the literature reviews and research work on this field have revealed the underlying controversies shaping debate regarding academic skills as well as various issues and themes.... research has been conducted on how academics prepare students for work and building their professional careers.... Berkeley, CA: National Center for research in Vocational Education.... Berkeley, CA: National Center for research in Vocational Education....
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The Educational Research Framework
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research problem: What is the role of technology in secondary school, science education in Saudi Arabia?... esearch MethodsI will use three research methods to answer these questions.... I will use a survey of secondary school teachers and students that addresses my research questions....
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Islamic Trade Finance
13 pages (3359 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Information exchange between the banks is also facilitated by a growing number of research institutes and university research programmes devoted to the study of Islamic economics and trade finance.... Islamic research and Training Institute.... Indeed, for most Australian businesses, the only indirect contact they are ever likely to have with an Islamic bank or financial institution is when an importer in a Muslim....
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Tourism Master Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper envisages analyzing the basis of Ambleside's perceptions of socio-cultural impacts of tourism under the posts of the Social Exchange Theory, Irridex of Irritation, and the Tourist Product Life Cycle; so as to develop suitable research methodology and instruments.... This dissertation envisages to analyse the basis of Amblesider's perceptions of socio-cultural impacts of tourism under the posits of the Social Exchange Theory (Ap 1992), Irridex of Irritation (Doxey 1975), and the Tourist Product Life Cycle (Butler 1980) ; so as to develop suitable research methodology and instruments that will direct and inform the research process....
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Nursing shortage (nursing care issue paper)
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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The shortage of nurses in the United States is a historical trend that emerged in 1998, peaked in 2002, and is predicted to continue past 2020 (Allen, 2008).... The shortage results from joint causes, such as “rising demand, little growth in registered nurses (RN) wages,.... ... ... hic changes in the RN workforce that decreased the supply of working RNs, and a stressful hospital workplace environment” (Beurhaus et al....
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Research Design and Methodology
6 pages (1682 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper ''research Design and Methodology'' tells us that in this particular paper, the research design and the methodologies have a great implication over the study.... Without a proper research design and methodology, it wouldn't have been possible to conclude the satisfactory outcome of the paper.... For any statement, the support of the research methods is very much essential to prove the collateral impact of the study on society....
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: Research Nursing Pioneer or Leader
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Born at Florence on 12 May 1820, she was fortunate enough to get good education during the period when very few girls had that privilege.... In 1837,.... ... ... Due to natural inclination, she began visiting poor families, especially to look after those who were sick.... She also visited numerous Her real involvement with nursing profession began in 1844....
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Source Evaluation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They both received several merit and research awards and numerous study grants over the years and have written several articles for peer-reviewed publications, journals, books and technical papers specifically in the Canadian territories.... Recycling and waste management is such an enormous and critical issue in the world that several papers have been published in books and journals about it such as on its positive and negative implications throughout the years....
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Analysis of the Quality of Research Work
1 pages (386 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Probably you could have added the fact that most students are enticed into using these sources in their research papers as opposed to credible sources such as books and peer-reviewed journals.... esponse to SusanFrom your comment, you seem to have the right facts about research and research work.... From the paper "Analysis of the Quality of research Work" it is clear that researchers present their research work to relevant authorities for evaluation before releasing the same to the intended audience....
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Poor Patient Care due to Nursing Shortage Leading to Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The research suggests that shortage in nurses are happening due to the steep population growth, a diminishing pipeline of new students to nursing, a decline in nurses' earnings relative to other career options, an aging nursing workforce, low job satisfaction, and poor working conditions.... The research suggests that shortage in nurses are happening due to the steep population growth, a diminishing pipeline of new students to nursing, a decline in nurses' earnings relative to other career options, an aging nursing workforce, low job satisfaction and poor working conditions (Kaiser....
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Belief, Doubt and Synthesis
7 pages (1845 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the "Belief, Doubt and Synthesis" paper believes a brilliant writer should possess strong research skills.... However, his/her claim has met numerous attacks and criticism from those holding a contrary opinion on the quality of research skills.... Since the better part of writing entails collection of information from both the primary and secondary sources, a writer should also have strong research skills.... He or she should carry out a research exercise from the problem definition stage to the results interpretation stage....
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How to Evaluate Research Resources
2 pages (710 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The purpose of the paper 'How to Evaluate research Resources' is to publish the results of research mostly to professionals.... The subject which in this case is health is examined well enough through research which makes the articles valuable.... The results of the study are organized in groups and discussed under a title....
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3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Personal Perspectives Paper Date Abstract After reading the required references, the essay aims to describe what one hopes to gain from the course and how it is believed that one may be able to use the course content in one's daily life.... ... ... ... Personal Perspectives Paper Introduction Emotions are the wild card in human intelligence, and one of the major factors that distinguishes our thinking from even the most sophisticated machine intelligence....
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Values and Ethics in Professional Business
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The magnitude of values as well as ethics in the professional business world is believed to be superlative along with being global.... The magnitude of values as well as ethics in the professional business world is believed to be superlative along with being global.... Values and Ethics in professional Business Introduction The magnitude of values as well as ethics in the professional business world is believed tobe superlative along with being global....
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A Research and Scholarship Task to Inform Professional Practice: Managing the Class
10 pages (2641 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
A research and Scholarship Task to Inform Professional Practice: Managing the In the past, and teachers have embraced the notion that a quiet and disciplined classroom is the most conducive type of learning environment.... research (ACER).... The author states that in order to motivate the students into listening to the teacher and conform to classroom rules of order and optimal learning, it is important to know first the cause of the problem....
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Legal Analysis Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Protection of public from harm involves research on effects of enforcement on availability of goods or services in employer's company or corporates investments.... Circumstances when courts enforce non-competition contractsEnough consideration to encourage a non-competition agreement comes in a variety of forms that is; payments to the employees, previous employment and under certain circumstances of continued employment and also intangibles like; knowledge, skills and professional status....
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The Different Research Methods
9 pages (2514 words) , Download 4 , Essay
According to Odom, Brantlinger, Gersten, Horner, Thompson, & Harris (2003), “the appropriate match between research question and research methodology is an essential feature of scientific approach”.... The main objective of the paper was to determine the relationship between the research question and research methodology.... The paper "The Different research Methods" suggests that research methodology needs to be structured with research philosophy, research tradition....
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13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Furthermore, it is designed to help the company determine the areas whose performance needs to be enhanced as well as ensuring that the employees are provided with the opportunities that are necessary for the promotion of their professional growth.... The performance management of Cathay Pacific is based on the determination to retain the customers, which this company has, as well as to provide the best services for them....
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Mode of Research and Rationale for Approach
9 pages (1919 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In order to successfully plan and control Mobile Inc in a strategic manner, it was important that the group will work together through numerous market exercises and research.... The paper "Mode of research and Rationale for Approach" is a perfect example of a management essay.... The paper "Mode of research and Rationale for Approach" is a perfect example of a management essay.... ode of research and rationale for approach 4 ...
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Research Methods
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The research question of this paper is what are the causes and effects of employee longevity and motivation on businesses in the United States of America.... If the employee longevity and motivation are part of a business setting, there will be increased performance; because, human beings are more likely to perform better with the availability of Motivation and Employee Longevity Introduction The research question of this paper is what are the causes and effects of employee longevity and motivation on businesses in the United States of America....
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An Action Research Report
6 pages (1592 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "An Action research Report" tells us about a number of relevant areas that academicians need to look at when writing an action research report.... Education PART ONE Question One The has addressed a number of relevant areas that academicians need to look at when writingan action research report.... n the book, the aspects of the qualitative research have been used by the author in embracing clarity in his arguments and winning the heart of the reader....
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SOSTAC Essay for Al Jazeera America
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Wilde (2010) this strategy has proven to be effective in increasing research attempts about the advertised subject, enhanced recall rate and boosted awareness of the brand.... ith regard to actions, a professional SEO company will be contracted to analyze and improve our situation as planned....
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Using ICT When Presenting a Research Project
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Using ICT When Presenting a research Project ... Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the modern day scenario has increased its importance within the life of people.... The application of ICT has become a necessity with respect to the people's social as well as work periphery....
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Recommendation letters/support letters for a research grant proposal
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Her previous works and the various scientific papers in the areas are testament to her beliefs in stem cell treatments.... research in the area would definitely open new vista of medical treatments that would give hope to the patients especially women who suffer with recurring relapse of urinary incontinence, prolapse, and interstitial cystitis.... I would therefore like to recommend her research proposal in the area.... Her research project in the area would greatly encourage vital input into the treatment options which currently just inadequately addresses the symptoms and not the disease as a whole....
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The Profession Of Accountant
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
n preparation for my professional future, I look forward to volunteering and doing internships also and ready myself for the economy of the future.... I dont believe in leaving any stone unturned when it comes to fulfilling my personal and professional goals.... The writer of the paper "The Profession Of Accountant" gives information about own experience of becoming an accountant....
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Animal Use in Medical Research
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Safety, ethical considerations, and application guidelines for the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation in clinical practice and research.... The essay "Animal Use in Medical research" presents two different perspectives of medical researchers and ethics related to the use of animals on whether the animals should be used in the medical research or not.... The use of animals has been widespread across the world for the medical research and testing....
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Compare professional and non-professional correspondence
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Logically, body language is an essential part of expression and does send a message to the receiver.... For instance, a frail and none enthusiastic body.... ... ... Other signal would depict lack of respect towards a senior employee or the boss.... On the other hand, tonal voice is as essential as the body language (Schramm, 2004)....
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