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Comparing Qualitative and Quantitative Research
4 pages (1178 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Comparing Qualitative and Quantitative research" discusses the general differences between the two aforementioned research approaches whilst describing their usage in combination.... Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies maintain significant differences.... Depending on the topic or scope of the proposed research study, quantitative research is a valuable tool when the researcher already recognizes what he is seeking to investigate....
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Research paper for Final exam Organ transplantation in Canada
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Many organ failures often come about due to illnesses or injuries In as much as most of the patients are normally expected to wait for a substantial period before undergoing the medical procedures, the world has extensive research and technological advancements in the field of medicine to thank....
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Helping the Eldery Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Nevertheless, critics claim that only a small percentage of income is directed to research and much more is directed to administration, advertising, marketing products, realizing high profits and huge compensation for high profile drug executives.... Helping the elderly 2 Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Helping the elderly 2 Introduction In as much as American medics have discovered the most advanced medicines on the globe, its healthcare system is still in crisis....
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Professional Basketball Seniority System
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The latter is unique because it became the first professional women's athletes' labor union.... professional Sports Seniority System: Women National Basketball Association ... he Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) runs professional women basketball in USA.... The association runs the professional basketball league which currently has 13 teams from all over the country.... This association coordinated negations between the WNBPA and the WNBA, culminating in the first ever collective bargaining agreement in June 1999 for professional Women Basketball Players....
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Decision-Making Tools For Health Care Professionals
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The purveyance of critical information gained from medical research should not be hindered in any way and should be disseminated in the fastest means possible.... The paper "Decision-Making Tools For Health Care Professionals" examines the new approach in using modern information technologies to help improve the survival odds of cancer patients....
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Continuing Professional Development Plan
9 pages (2475 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Continuing professional Development Plan" discusses that an author's desire to be liked by others is a human need all people share and does not mean that his sense of security relies heavily on someone's approval because he is a very secure person.... ontinuing professional Development Plan of ANDRY SAMNICK Continuing professional development comprises four stages ly self-assessment, planning/prioritizing, doing and reviewing.... This assignment covers half of that process and concentrates on my own self-assessment and planning of my professional career growth....
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Persuasive Research Paper on effects of ADHD on Children
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There has been some research that suggests the symptoms of ADD as being planted courtesy a chemical imbalance within the brain.... There is a hush to whatever we see on the television tube and zipping and zapping is an in thing in the present times.... Many people like to.... ... ...
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K-12 and Technology Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Instructional technologies and their effects on student achievement are a popular topic in today's education research.... Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research.... Education Technologies research Development, 55, 223-252.... Journal of research on Technology in Education, 38(4), 425-448....
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Busines Law Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Name 24 July 2011 Assignment I.... a) Jaspal had told his friend Friedrich that the car would go to him if Jaspal did not make it through the night and suffered a heart attack which would lead to his untimely death.... However, he survived the attack and lived another five months according to the facts, after which he died and his Uncle Sam claimed his belongings as per the executor of his estate....
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Writing Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The movie shows that a mysterious ‘organization', the Adjustment Bureau, has determined every human's future from before.... ... ... This makes one doubt whether humans make their own choices or whether those choices are already made for them....
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Economics College Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
A.... Responsiveness of demand for a particular good to its changes in price may differ much from commodity to commodity and from individual to individual.... The demand curves made with respect to such responsiveness of prices and demand may be of different slopes relatively in between the flat and steep curves. ...
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Tourism Industry Research Paper
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The definition of economic freedom encompasses all liberties and rights of production, distribution or consumption of goods and services.... The highest form of economic freedom provides an absolute right of property ownership, fully realized freedoms for the movement of labor, capital and goods, and an absolute absence of coercion or constraint of economic liberty beyond the extent necessary for citizens to protect and maintain liberty itself....
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Argument research paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Responsibility of Fast Food Restaurants Date Whether or not Fast food restaurants should take the responsibility of the widespread obesity is still open for ideas and discussion but in my opinion, I believe that the responsibility if far from the fast food restaurants, the responsibility lies right with the customers....
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Sarbanes Oxley Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Things suddenly started to unraveled in the business environment as the media began to uncover a series of corporate financial scandals involving financial fraud,.... ... ... Enron, Worldcom, Adelphia all went bankrupt and other cases such as the Tyco scandal left people breathless at the irresponsible behavior of the executives in charge of the companies regular people The investor of equity and money markets were under heavy scrutiny and investor had lost confidence in the accountability and truthfulness of the financial data coming out on daily basis from the public corporations registered in the financial markets such as NYSE and NASDAQ....
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Coporate Accounting Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Corporate Accounting Date Part A Holding companies in preparing their consolidated financial statements have to incorporate the performance of the subsidiaries and other investments as required by the acceptable accounting standards.... ... ... ... In preparing the consolidated statements, the acquirer has to ensure that the policies and principles that are used by the subsidiaries conform to those of the parent business....
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Connection Project Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
CONNECTION PROJECT Name: Institution: Introduction Statistics is the systematic gathering of information and rational analysis of the collected information to derive useful data needed to make informed inferences and conclusions.... Statistics makes use of two kinds of data: quantitative data and qualitative data....
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Encapsulation Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 9 , Research Paper
Encapsulation Object-oriented programming has four key concepts: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.... Encapsulation is the technique used by a programmer to control the extent to which classes hides their implementation details and internal data from other classes.... ... ...
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Leadership Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The first article is about crime watch agencies' effort in the UK, and is in line with their effort to work together in order to combat criminal acts associated with sex offenders' use of internet or communications technologies (Elliot, Findlater & Hughes, 2010).... ... ... ... This leads to programs like Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangement (MAPPA) and license conditions that emancipate monitoring of PCs for indecent words and phrases by using e-Safety software....
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C-Difficile Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Clostridium difficile is an anaerobic bacterium that can cause gastrointestinal symptoms ranging from mild diarrhea to very intense and severe colon infections.... Hall and O'Toole were the first scientists who described Bacillus difficilis in 1935 as an important part of the bacterial family, isolated from the feces and meconium of infants....
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Teeth Erosion Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Teeth Erosion Dental problems have been increasing over the years, characterized by dietary changes around the world.... Consumer edible products have significantly increased over the years, some of which disregard consumer welfare in some aspects like dental concerns.... ... ... ... Teeth erosion has become a persistent contemporary issue among many people, the aged and the young....
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Masculinities Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name Instructor Course Date Masculinities Masculinity can be defined as the possession of qualities that are considered man related.... Over the years the issue on the influence of gender differences has been a subject of debate.... The main question is it inborn or socialized?... ... ... ... Biology views masculinity in association with the biological sexual orientation that is having the male genitalia and the male physique....
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Crime Scenes Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Crime Scenes 1.... .... Primary and Secondary Crime Scenes and Security thereof According to Fabiola Castillo, a crime scene is a location where evidence of a crime may be found in but it is not necessarily where the crime has been committed.... The primary crime scene is the place where the actual offense took place like the electronic store....
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Marketing Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name Class Tutor Date Cultural analysis The prevailing culture really changes over time and companies adjust the rhetorics of their ad campaigns according to this prevailing cultural preference.... Take for example the advertisement of coke.... Coke as a drink substance is really just made of carbonated water and sugar yet it is one of the most saleable products in the world....
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Research paper on Beowulf
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Essay
Beowulf is an epic poem set in Denmark in 507 A.... .... It is not exclusively English although it is regarded as a remarkable survivor of a great literary tradition in the Anglo-Saxon (Old English) language.... .... ... ... The epic poem tells of a brave and strong young man named Beowulf, who set out with a group of soldiers to save the Danes from Grendel, a monster that kept the King Rothgar's kingdom terrified....
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Argumentative Essay about Smoking
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research shows that even brief exposure to secondhand smoke can have adverse effects on our health.... Smoking is a serious health issue that affects millions of people all over the world.... In an argumentative essay about smoking, the writer should present a clear and objective stance on the topic and provide evidence to support his or her claims....
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Presentation of a Research Article
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In terms of validity, it seems apparent that the study followed the accepted guidelines for qualitative research.... In these regards, the study identified a significant and pressing gap in research.... research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches.... Still a third major point was that the child and medical professional relationship could be compromised or jeopardized if the issue of obesity was raised, as they recognized the issue of obesity was a sensitive issue....
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Technology Impact Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Even traditional papers will be four-color printed on light weight, making them as beautiful for advertising as the paper look these days.... The papers can be said as newspaper or magazine papers. ... It is directly applied and now it is going to be very famous for dynamic changes in electronic papers.... We can also research on them.... There are many reason involve in this case; budgets; insufficient professional programs for lecturers; a lack of specific curriculum; and deficient training of teachers in technology....
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Interviewing a Professional Lady
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
She cited the research reports and statistics that revealed the reality that the European and Australian girls had been victim of physical and sexual assaults at the hands of neighbors, family-friends, personal friends, classmates, and even the family members.... The paper "Interviewing a professional Lady" aims to interview a woman belonged to the Muslim family of North Africa.... INTERVIEWING A professional LADY Social researches identify the very reality that every society of the world at large has been divided into groups, communities and classes since the known history....
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Importance of Professional development
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This essay describes the importance of professional development in the supply chain processes in the beverages industry field.... Through effective supply chain can the professional development be achieved.... mportance of professional development Field of Study: Supply chain processes in the beverages industry.... In the modern management world, the rules and metrics for achieving excellence have become tough, with more number of players in the market and the supply chains entailing the international players, it is a double difficult job achieving professional development, however it is only through the professional approach that the modern day challenges can be faced and mitigated in the discipline of supply chain operations ((Davis, Lockwood, Alcott, & Pantelidis, 2008)....
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Research Chinese culture
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Variable Explanation How this variable is reflected in technical communication The self vs.... group Unlike in Western countries like the United States, people in Eastern countries like China tend to value the group more than individuals.... A person in the Chinese context is more likely to consider his or her action in the context of the whole, rather than evaluating it simply in terms of one's own life....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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The food network or web that is illustrated above shows how five organisms in this ecosystem transfer energy from producer to consumer in order to survive.... The food web above is a simple example but will show how each organism plays a part in the ecosystem it belongs too.... The.... ... ... web contains the following organisms, the Black Bear, Humans, the Lynx, the American Jewel Scarab, Gloeophyllum sepiarium and the Alaskan Paper Birch....
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Research Paper: Genetically Modified Food
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
(7) Phytoremediation: As an off-shoot of research into Genetically Modified Food, plants such as poplar trees have been engineered to clean soil polluted by heavy metal (Whitman).... Name Instructor Course Date Genetically Modified Food: Benefits and Drawbacks.... Genetic Engineering is one of the cutting-edge tools in contemporary biological science....
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Professional Development Activity
10 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to this research study addressing the way in which lectures may be making use of online technology, many had been reported to have posted lecture notes to students and used the internet to gather information, but none of them considered an integrated and interactive teaching medium.... ccording to recent research study addressing the way in which lectures may be making use of online technology, many had been reported to have posted lecture notes to students and used the internet to gather information, but none of them considered an integrated and interactive teaching medium....
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Investigating the Social - Research Question Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It gives researchers the relationship between the abstract and concrete which assist in making research decisions and making sense of the world.... The methods to be may be influenced by the interests of the researchers funding of the research and may other things.... he three are interrelated as one leads to another in the process of research.... Statement is made that define the research intended and the methods to be used are applied to collect the data which give evidence on matters stated earlier (Hammersley; 231; 1993)....
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Teacher-Student Professional Relational Development
6 pages (1616 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From my research it has revealed that when students communicate with their teachers via e-mails and there is a correspondence they view this as a good way of creating student teacher relationship.... And after some research it was noted that those students who perceive that ECC was beneficial to them they tend to embrace it and moves on with it.... The aim of communication is to extend the student research methods out of the class and look for other avenues to get more information....
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Professional, Moral and Legal Issues in Nursing
18 pages (5062 words) , Download 0 , Essay
While communication might seem to be a very simple matter, research indicates that this is not necessarily the case.... This essay "professional, Moral and Legal Issues in Nursing" is about nurses working in high-pressure situations and under conditions where quick thinking and planning are essential.... professional, Moral and Legal Issues in Nursing ... Family members often know more about the patient than health care workers who have only a short term appraisal of the patient and can, notwithstanding their professional training, not hope to know more than family members who have had the opportunity to be acquainted with the individual for years or decades....
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Professional associations influence on HR practitioner
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
side from the skills acquired through learning and professional experience, HR officials should always be on the lookout for new skills, talents and expertise that comes about from leading professional associations and journals within the market.... Some of the leading professional associations in Human Resources that influence the practice and trade of a HR Practitioner in Australia include the Australian Human Resource Institute, the HR Monthly, and similar publications from consultancy firms (Bondarouk & Olivas-Lujan, 2013)....
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Personal and Professional Development as a Mentor
8 pages (2508 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
This work called "Personal and professional Development as a Mentor" describes goals toward becoming a mentor in the nursing context, specifically with the use of a personal and professional development plan.... As there has been an increased shortage among nurses and allied medical practitioners, there has also been a correspondingly crucial need for the successful transition of students to their desired professional roles.... Personal and professional Development as a Mentor Introduction A wide variety of practice-based professions, such as nursing, primarily depend on clinical staff members for support, learning, and supervision in their practice settings....
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Response paper questions on Sacks, Oliver. An Anthropologist on Mars
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This response paper examines Sack's method of investigation, the reasons Sack takes a unique investigative approach and how he discovers the individuals discussed in the essays.... Instead of analyzing the various conditions and organizing them into chapters, he organizes the conditions into narrative essays....
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Professional Responisbility Ethics
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
professional Responsibility Ethics: Case Study It becomes evident from the given case study that Attorney has selected a Legal Assistant.... According to Canon 3 EC 3-2 of the ABA Model Code of professional Responsibility, the sensitive variations in the considerations that bear on legal determinations often make it difficult even for a lawyer to exercise appropriate professional judgment, and it is therefore essential that the personal nature of the relationship of client and lawyer be preserved....
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Professional Autonomy as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner
13 pages (3824 words) , Download 4 , Essay
research Division of Federal Reserve Bank of St.... Louis, Retrieved July 15, 2006, from http://research.... The aim of this paper "professional Autonomy as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner" is to show the importance of advancing the education of clinical practitioners and how health promotion will be further pursued and advanced through the education of the patients by capable health care professionals.... professional Autonomy as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner Introduction The role an advanced clinical practitioner plays in the society today is everpresent and ever felt as the needs and demands of the community grow and vary....
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Efficacy of Personal and Professional Communication
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The aim of the paper 'Efficacy of Personal and professional Communication' is to analyze effective communication qualifies as a complex concept encompassing social interactions during promotion and delivery of quality care in every health sector.... fficacy of Personal and professional Communication In health care, effective communication qualifies as a complex concept encompassing social interactions during promotion and delivery of quality care in every health sector (Kreps, Bonaguro, & Query, 1998)....
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Leadership and Management Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
r/doc/conf/jjl/papers/152dessein.... The research will also endeavor to identify if any association between organization structure and culture exists or not.... om/essays/marketing/organizational-strategies-of-ford-motor-company_1.... The main objective of the paper is to identify the changing nature of the work environment and the relevance and the application of recent approaches to organizational structure....
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Research Paper: Serious Game Critique
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In recent years, with rapid advancements in tools that make game development easier for people and a generation often literally raised on games, the nature of role played by games in changing human population's attitudes and behaviors is under debate as not much research is as.... erious games 15 April Serious Game Critique: In recent years, with rapid advancements in tools that make game development easier for people and a generation often literally raised on games, the nature of role played by games in changing human population's attitudes and behaviors is under debate as not much research is as yet done in this area....
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Health Care Professionals
2 pages (632 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Health Care Professionals" highlights that the topic relays information regarding how the medical field in 2000 has experienced rapid alterations due to its demanding and critical roles.... Prompting healthcare professionals or experts to assume both treatment and administration roles....
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Qualitative research plan
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
research on coping, cognitive appraisals, and social support has provided an insight into the way people view and manage This ability of a person to deal with mental stress is closely related with the field of clinical psychology that mainly deals with a wide range of psychiatric issues and abnormal behaviors.... he researcher has selected qualitative design to conduct this research.... This design helps in situations when one needs to conduct exploratory research to get detailed information about the issue....
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Discretion And The Criminal Justice Professionals
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Police Practice and research, 6(4), 347-361.... rom the evidence evaluated during the course of this research, it has transpired that law enforcement officers are bestowed the power discretion which offers them immense authority over the citizens of the US.... If the LAPD officers followed ethical principles, incidents like the Rodney King case, which is a good example of professional ethics crossing ethical boundaries, could have been averted....
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Reseach Paper on JetBlue Airlines
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
JetBlue Airlines JetBlue Airlines is a low fare airline that experienced tremendous growth during the 21st century.... The company was founded in 1998.... Its founder is David Neeleman.... JetBlue Airlines has been in business for 14 years.... The company operates in the United States and internationally....
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Reflective Journal on Personal Professional Activity
9 pages (2407 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The essay "Reflective Journal on Personal professional Activity" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of the reflective journal on the author's personal consumption, career workbook activity, and what it means to be a professional in the future.... This reflective journal will address the issue my personal consumption, career's workbook activity and what it means to be a professional in future.... When I got deeper into the activity, it became clear to me that personal and professional growth also need to be considered when choosing the type of career we want....
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Developing the Professional - Skills and Character Audit
8 pages (2846 words) , Download 3 , Essay
ost careers require five skills of; (1) communication; (2) research and planning; (3) interpersonal skills; (4) Leadership; and (5) survival skills.... Through research and value addition, I have been able grasp proper understanding of what my team needs and provided proper directions.... From knowledge gained in my research activities as a leader, I have come to the realization that even as I provide directions on what needs to be done within my team, I must let the members do it in their most comfortable ways but within the larger context of standard operations procedures because in so doing, team members exercise creativity and get tasks accomplished with total ease....
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