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Alcoholism Amidst the Youth
9 pages (2303 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The following questions constitute the backbone of the research: to what extent is alcoholism harmful to youngsters.... The following questions will constitute the backbone of the present research: to what extent is alcoholism harmful to youngsters?... In the past, treatment providers believed that alcoholics should be confronted about their drinking problems, but now research has shown that compassion and empathy are more effective.... lever as she was, Linda, the psychologist, made up her mind to inform the police of these outcasts and they agreed that James and those boys of his age were but victims of these highly professional criminals....
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The Practical Linkage of Leadership with Entrepreneurship
12 pages (3404 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Social Capital: Theory and research.... International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & research, 14(2), pp.... International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & research, 1(3), pp.... Leadership's impact on employee engagement: Differences among entrepreneurs and professional CEOs....
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Managment Style
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
CEPR Discussion papers 4100, C.... Discussion papers.... They do business planning, conduct intensive market research, craft policies for business management, define their growth strategies, clarify their marketing system, and develop their human resource through trainings and seminars (Ward, 2012).... They research and use their social learning to investigate the fundamental assumptions, values, and norms for human resource management....
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Latino Narrative Film: the Motorcycle Diaries
12 pages (2976 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In particular, film's script, performances, and the way it is shot will be discussed in relation to the research topic.... This incorporation of improvised material, shooting on-location, as well as a combination of both professional and non-professional acting staff helped to convey the film's message as utterly realistic and made the whole picture believable....
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African Development Indicators
23 pages (6202 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "African Development Indicators" discusses the World Bank's annual report on social and economic conditions across the continent; African Development indicators suggest that meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 is a difficult challenge in most African countries.... ... ...
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The Development of Health Care Provision in Britain
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The aims of the organisation today are still to provide convalescence, but also to invest in medical research.... The Development of Health Care Provision in Britain.... ... ssay Plan ... ntroduction ... rovision in early history, the middles ages and into the 19th century....
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Aids and it is obstacle to African development
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper 'Aids and it is obstacle to African development' will discuss the World Bank's annual report on social and economic conditions across the continent, African Development indicators.... It suggests that meeting the Millennium Goals by 2015 is a difficult challenge.... ... ... ... The author states that despite some cases of development in other areas, Africa urgently needs the rich nations to deliver on their promises to reverse the severe effects of poverty and the HIV/Aids pandemic....
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A Cultural Issue as Related To Humanistic Psychotherapy
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper discusses the issue of discrimination by the Western world towards the Muslim and inward immigrants in America, framed in humanistic psychotherapy.... Terror attacks in London and New York caused a lot of discrimination and alienation of Muslim communities in these countries.... ... ... ...
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Public Service Electric and Gas
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay will represent organisational change in one of the public companies of New Jersey named Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE&G).... Organisational change is the implementation of new thoughts and activities by a company.... .... ... ...
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Theoretical Approaches to Explaining Health Policy Agenda Setting
12 pages (3185 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Pharmaceutical companies are also involved in agenda setting by financing psychiatric research intended to advance the idea that brain defects are the causes of mental problems (Kozel, et al.... Individual companies maintain public relations and advertising consultants besides giving money to psychiatric professional bodies by putting adverts in the journals owned by these bodies....
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Health Promotion as One of the Nursing Practices Key Components
6 pages (1692 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Health Promotion as One of the Nursing Practice's Key Components" is an excellent example of an essay on nursing.... Health promotion entails a process that allows individuals to have increased control over as well as improve their health.... ... ... ... The paper "Health Promotion as One of the Nursing Practice's Key Components" is an excellent example of an essay on nursing....
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The Ethical Standards for Sales
5 pages (1558 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research has indicated that sales ethics has been a hit with the customers because they obviously would like to make a deal with people who are positive in their demeanor and know how to strike it big with them.... The paper "The Ethical Standards for Sales" highlights that sales ethics is not an oxymoron as some people think of it as such....
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Management vs Leadership in Medical Organization
13 pages (4399 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These were developed in response to research which demonstrate higher mortality rates for ICU patients admitted from ward areas compared by means of those confess from theatre or accident and crisis.... n this research we make bigger the outcome of those studies of medical doctor interaction by means of computer-based medical devices to the home health care background....
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The Perceptions of Stroke in the General Public and Patients
12 pages (3601 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "The Perceptions of Stroke in the General Public and Patients" states that qualitative research in all areas of medicine is becoming more frequent, especially with the development of technological tools which make it easier to keep records, record data and conduct analyses of data.... Critique and Appraisal of a research Paper Teacher Introduction (Word Count=2,391) A research study on strokes was chosen for this essayin critically evaluating the research process contained in this paper....
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Charlotte Brontes Villette and Charlotte Gilmans The Yellow Wallpape
8 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the research essay 'Charlotte Bronte's Villette and Charlotte Gilman's The Yellow Wallpape' the author compares and contrasts two books.... John adopts his professional role to end the conversation, and Lucy becomes a powerless invalid once again: “Miss Snowe must retire now ....
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Advanced Pathophysiology - Tay Sachs Genetic Disease
8 pages (2328 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Persistent research in human genetic makeup and potential defects has led to incredible discoveries in the field of medicine and healthcare in general.... Genetics- Advanced Pathophysiology Persistent research in human genetic makeup and potential defects has led to incredible discoveries in the field of medicine and healthcare in general.... All the same, the internet has provided individuals with easy access to journals of genetics research, but this information must be filtered to ensure that the afflicted only get relevant information....
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Implicit Leadership Theories
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The research paper "Implicit Leadership Theories" tries to compare and contrast the major principles of different theoretical concepts.... This research paper will try to compare and contrast the major principles of these two different theoretical concepts.... It is clear from the introduction part from the research paper that the followership aspect is an integral part of the leadership studies.... It depends upon the situations in an organization and professional or personal needs of followers....
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Data Quality and Management in Health Care
11 pages (3071 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Data Quality and Management in Health Care' is a meaningful example of a health sciences & medicine research proposal.... ype of research ... cross breed of qualitative and quantitative research hence exploratory in nature ... ieved information would be used to formulate and draw graphs and tables for the quantitative research aspects while commonalities would be used for the qualitative research ...
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Immigration and the challenges associated with socio-political integration in the European Union
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
In this context, the essay will review various research papers and analyse the different challenges associated with socio-political integration in the European Union.... However, this system has one major flaw, where the immigrants are allowed to move, once all papers are in order (termed as secondary migration).... European Population papers Series n 8.... k/sitecontent/documents/aboutus/workingwithus/mac/27-analysis-migration/02-research-projects/social-cohesion-integration?...
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Personal Conflict Management Style - the Collaborator
12 pages (3193 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Personal Conflict Management Style - the Collaborator" discusses that research on the different approaches to conflict management plays an integral part in ensuring that we understand and employ the most effective models for minimizing conflicts.... This paper will therefore elaborate on, “the collaborator”, personal conflict management style starting with an overview of the style from information obtained from participating in the persona conflict management exercise, an analysis and interpretation of the style with basing on empirical research and other relevant resources, personal strengths and weaknesses and what to improve on or reinforce before finally concluding. ...
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Web 2.0: Implications of Global Education
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
International review of research in open and distance learning 9(1), 1-16.... Social networking sites allow people to build personal, professional, and educational networks.... The paper "Web 2.... : Implications of Global Education" explains that Web 2.... is not a physical thing, but an idea, or a framework of websites and associated software that allows individuals to communicate in a forum that's getting cheaper and easier to use by the day....
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
12 pages (3671 words) , Download 8 , Essay
According to Boyle (2009), there are limited research findings to show the effects of COPD on families of the patients, unlike the case of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or dementia, which have numerous research data.... Boyle, A 2009, “Aging: An Integrated Review of the Impact of COPD on Families,” Southern Online Journal of Nursing research, Vol.... Tsoumakidou, M, & Siafakas, N 2006, 'Novel insights into the aetiology and pathophysiology of increased airway inflammation during COPD exacerbations', Respiratory research, 7, pp....
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Human Resource Management in Recruitment and Selection Practices
9 pages (2807 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Recruitment: A review of research and emerging directions.... Hiring Managers in the Manufacturing Industry of Malaysia: An Empirical research.... International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & research, 9(1), pp.... This paper ''Human Resource Management in Recruitment and Selection Practices'' tells us that the existing HR practices and policies, given the staffing and recruitment patterns, are analyzed to identify the scopes of betterment and suggest a recommendation for building a more competitive efficiency....
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Types and Causes of Communication Impairment
17 pages (7424 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research studies on the outcome of clinical use of AAC devices indicate that these approaches facilitate speech development in children (Soto & Hartman, 2006).... mong the areas of AAC that require research are (Soto & Hartman, 2006): ... Clinical research studies have indicated that parents often have difficulty in dealing with the challenges of raising a child with a communication disorder (Friehe, Bloedow, & Hesse).... Current research in special education is devoted to creating a classroom environment for children with communication disorders that maximises the development of cognitive, developmental and social skills. ...
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Coal and the Local Environment
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The essay will be ended in a conclusion that will give a summary of the research findings.... There is a need to research in clean coal technologies and this has already begun in the United States.... any countries, more so the developed countries have been in research to find ways of utilizing renewable resources of energy in order to protect the environment.... This involves research, development, and demonstration together with information exchange....
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The Benefits of Family Members
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research essay entails a comprehensive and evidence based study of negative effects as well as aspects of traumatic events.... Thesis Statement This research essay entails a comprehensive and evidence based study of negative effects as well as aspects of traumatic events.... According to a research study, it has been further revealed that trauma withholds structural sympathies with respect to code.... According to a research study, it has been further revealed that critical patients within emergency room remain under a disturbed as well as distorted state of mind (Sanderson, n....
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Developing a Programme to Prevent Smoking among Teenagers in High School in Saudi Arabia
12 pages (3757 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Evidences concerning the above-discussed subject matter can also be determined based upon various systematic reviews, opinion papers and cohort studies among others.... Based upon the various quantitative along with qualitative studies and systematic reviews, opinion papers and cohort studies, the prevalence of smoking amid the teenagers in high schools of Saudi Arabia can be apparently observed.... Identifiably, the evidences revealing the prevalence of smoking amid the teenagers in high schools of Saudi Arabia can be determined based upon qualitative as well as quantitative research studies....
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Work and Emotion Comparison
13 pages (3768 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Work Human beings operate in society using physical, cognitive and emotional skills and the interplay of these skills within the power structures of their environment and with other human beings is a fruitful area of contemporary research.... These roles change behaviour because people present themselves differently when they assume a professional position: “When they issue uniforms, they issue skins” (Goffman, 1974) This is true to some extent in all jobs, but in those where emotional labour is required, the requirement goes more than skin deep....
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Alternative Ways of Funding Healthcare System
12 pages (3856 words) , Download 2 , Essay
?? European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and research, 15(7).... International Journal of Education and research 1.... ?? OECD Health Working papers, 49.... ?? Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social research (2011): 1-10. ... ?? Congressional research Service (2013): 1-32.... ?? BMC Health Services research (2014): 1-8.... BMC Health Services research (2013): 1-8....
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Vanley Burk and the authentic Birmingham experience
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper discusses the representation of the African and Caribbean community by various media in the past.... It presents a qualitative analysis of discourse.... The interview of Vanely Burke has been used.... ... ... Vanely Burke belongs to the community which has seen the transition phase.... The African Caribbean community has been represented negatively in the British media in early 1990's....
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Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage
9 pages (2605 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
research shows that a blood loss of 500ml during birth is perceived to be a physiological norm.... research shows that despite the advanced case, there are cases that require treatment.... research shows before that post partum hemorrhage can lead to post traumatic stress disorder.... Best Practice & research in Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 9(2), 4-7.... The midwives must give professional care through ensuring pathophysiological checks....
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What Other Determinants Could Affect Country's Decision to Adopt IFRS
14 pages (4394 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
It will also provide objectives and research questions that will be addressed in this study. ... The paper "What Other Determinants Could Affect Country's Decision to Adopt IFRS" is a great example of a research proposal on finance and accounting.... he main aim of this research is to identify the economic determinants that could affect the decision of the country to adopt IFRS.... he research could be helpful in analysing the problems of the country to adopt highly qualified standards for financial reporting in developing countries....
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The Role that Trade Unions Play Iin Reducing Discrimination in the Workplace
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This essay aims to evaluate the role of trade unions in controlling and reducing various types of discrimination.... The essay includes a brief history of the violation of the trade unions, the basic functions of the trade unions, and the different types of trade unions and their roles.... .... ... ...
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Human Rights in China: The Great Political Divide between Regional and International Regimes
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In China's case, two kinds of treatises have been leading in international conventions, specifically papers discussing customary values, particularly Confucian thoughts and principles, and papers on theory and practice of human rights under Communist regime (Bruun & Jacobsen 2000).... Initially, this perspective seems to be confined: papers on Communist policy and ideology and Confucian ethics could not adequately tackle the opportunity of a discourse between East and West (Bell 2000)....
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Early Language Development and Literacy in Multilingual Contexts
15 pages (4450 words) , Download 1 , Essay
I understand the importance of ethical considerations when conducting research, and so I ensured that I did not infringe on the student's rights during my fieldwork.... Language Development and Early Literacy in Multilingual Contexts Ethical ment I understand the importance of ethical considerations when conducting research, and so I ensured that I did not infringe on the students rights during my fieldwork.... I did all these to ensure that I do not breach the rights of these groups, particularly the rights bestowed through governmental legislations of Data Protection Act 1998 (which protects personal data during research) and the Human Rights Act 1998 (which enshrines the right to respect for private life) (UK Data Archive). ...
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Accounting for Decision Makers
12 pages (3591 words) , Download 0 , Essay
research suggests that China require 300,000 qualified accountants and this amount is likely to increase as more and more companies adapt to IFRS (DeFond et al.... Accounting and Business research, 41(3), pp.... Experienced professional investors are not able to take advantage of these investors during trading due to the simplicity nature of the financial statements created under IFRS (Srkant, 2005)....
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The Use of Chemical Restraint for Children in Operating Theatre
8 pages (2675 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Journal of Applied Communication research; 22, 1, pg 36-47 ... As the Registered Nurse (RN) performs all these professional duties, the student provides assistant where needed and more importantly takes this as learning opportunity for their training (Brammer, 2008).... The professional issues at this point and ethical conduct principles were observed including respecting the dignity of the parents, cultural values and beliefs, keeping patient's information private and confidential and the duty to inform in an impartial, honest and accurate manner during care....
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Sex, Gender and Society
9 pages (2522 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, there have been several illumining research findings which underscore that is not the female gender alone who become victim to gender stereotyping, but males of particular societies are affected by the general gender stereotyping.... Thus, in an important research analysis, Kathleen Phillips-Lewis summarises that "gender stereotyping has not only put pressure on our women but also on our men, who equally did not conform or fit in to pre-defined European male stereotypes....
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Childrens Right to Participation
8 pages (2363 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Not surprisingly it has been contended that education without research does not generate interest in what is taught.... Retrieved May 29, 2010, from Centre for Social and Community research, Murdoch University: http://www.... The human rights reader: major political essays, speeches, and documents from ancient times to the present....
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Asians in New Zealand: Migration, Mental Health, and Service Use
20 pages (6838 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Asians in New Zealand: Migration, Mental Health, and Service Use" describes the state of mental health of the Asian immigrants in New Zealand.... Because researchers have observed that ethnicity, the process of migration, and other factors, have considerable impact in the lives of the migrants all over the world, especially on their mental health and their behaviors toward it, this research will attempt to present the relationships of migration, mental health, and the use of services among Asian migrants in New Zealand to establish trends, compare with existing data, and become the basis for the policy making. ...
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Respiratory Assessment of Patients Presenting with COPD
16 pages (4695 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Dyspnoea can be assessed by using several scales such as Medical research Council Dyspnoea Scale, which lets the patient grade his/her symptom on a five-point scale with 0 being “Not troubled by breathlessness except on strenuous exercise” and 4 being “Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing or undressing” (American Thoracic Society & European Respiratory Society, 2004).... This will be explored using the nursing process of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation and will discuss the care provided to the patient giving a rationale using current research and evidence....
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The Psychosocial and Cultural Significance of Therapy Culture
10 pages (2947 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Psychotherapy research, 17(4): 461-.... Psychotherapy research with ethnic minorities: Empirical, ethical and conceptual issues.... Schizophrenia research and Treatment.... The paper "The Psychosocial and Cultural Significance of Therapy Culture" engages a discussion on the late modern & consumer culture theories of therapy culture, the theories of the self and self-experience, Margaret Thatcher's funeral case study and textual evidence of Nadine's deal from the BBC News....
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Definition of White Collar Crime
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Sutherland, further pointed out through extensive research, that the term white collar is essentially associated with the upper class which comprised of managers or senior management who were often found guilty of engaging in violation of civil statutes.... Shichor (eds), ‘Contemporary Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice: essays in Honor of Gilbert Geis'.... ??[n]onviolent crime for financial gain committed by means of deception by persons whose occupational status is entrepreneurial, professional or semi-professional and utilizing their special occupational skills and opportunities; also, nonviolent crime for financial gain utilizing deception and committed by anyone having special technical and professional knowledge of business and government, irrespective of the person's occupation” (Green, 2006). ...
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Current Curriculum Issue
10 pages (2789 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The students can be in a position to access the books they want online, past papers online and other relevant learning materials online.... For instance, through the social media, the teachers can create a group in which they can share their professional learning opportunities as well as their current research.... ?Babson Survey research Group. ...
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Intelligent Quotient
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Susie was referred by her class form teacher, Reeve Wayne, for an intellectual assessment, due to the concerns about her academic progress in school.... Susie stated that she done poorly in her test, as she could not put her thought into words on paper as well as figuring what she supposed to respond to in the question....
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The Importance Of Packaging In Building
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Yet, the essence of packaging in food businesses has been rather taken for granted in marketing research.... Packaging is a major component of a business's marketing strategy and has the capability of affecting all other components of the marketing mix.... The paper "The Importance Of Packaging In Building" discusses the role of product packaging in maintaining brand name or image....
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Adoption of IFRS by Developing Countries
13 pages (4188 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Adoption of IFRS by Developing Countries" is a great example of a research proposal on finance and accounting.... he main aim of this research is to identify the economic determinants that could affect the decision of the country to adopt IFRS.... he research could be helpful in analysing the problems of the country to adopt highly qualified standards for financial reporting in developing countries.... The research will be helpful in finding the solutions that how the companies of different countries could be influenced to set single set of accounting rules....
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Using Mobile Technology and Mobile devices in the workplace
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
As mobile technology continues to advance and mobile devices evolve with regard to their portability, interfaces, bandwidth, features, and context awareness, people are constantly making these devices part of their social and professional worlds.... .... ... ... Collaborations are at their verge as people use mobile devices to integrate, communicate, distribute the work, and coordinate (Katz, 2011)....
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Ideology and Public Policy in the UK
10 pages (2791 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As mentioned in the research paper of George and Wilding (1994) the excitement of the beating off the attack from the New Rights fades out.... Community College Journal of research and Practice, 34, 7-24. ... Community College Journal of research and Practice, 34, 645-661.... Most of the parties nodded positively for the traineeship program for the students after the completion of the course as this program would help cultivating the mentality of a professional and help them gaining industrial experience (Sullivan, 2010)....
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Critical Reflection: Nursing Skills in Mental Health
7 pages (4190 words) , Download 7 , Essay
Cognitive Therapy and research, 36(1), pp 15-24... This essay "Critical Reflection: Nursing Skills in Mental Health" is about a critical reflection of various nursing skills which I used during my clinical placement.... The first skill to be discussed involved my use of communication skills in the de-escalation of an aggressive patient encounter....
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