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The Impact of Retention Strategies on Employee Motivation
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
From the paper "The Impact of Retention Strategies on Employee Motivation" it is clear that employees are well thought as the human capital in any organizational setting.... If this human capital is motivated and satisfied they would be retained and diligently perform their respective duties.... ...
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Effectiveness of System in Preventing Drug-Related Crimes in Tel Aviv
11 pages (3210 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Effectiveness of System in Preventing Drug-Related Crimes in Tel Aviv" examines how effective geographic information system (GIS) is in preventing drug-related crimes.... It determines whether there is a geographic relationship between particular forms of drug channels or availability of drugs and crime....
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Resource Tyre Company
12 pages (3253 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Resource Tyre Company " is an outstanding example of a management research proposal.... The Resource Tyre Company is looking for the best ways that it can employ in the process of ensuring that it can achieve the expected future growth of the company.... .... ... ... The paper "Resource Tyre Company " is an outstanding example of a management research proposal....
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Online Banking in the USA
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Online Banking in the USA' the author analyzes banking on the internet, which allows accessing the account at any time of the day or night without having to visit a local.... The purpose of online banking is to be a luxury, by making things easy.... ... ... ... The author states that the problem online banking systems have is service interruption or breakdowns....
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Developments in Algae Production for Algae to Fuel
16 pages (5038 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Developments in Algae Production for Algae to Fuel" describes that in a highly productive case, there is a high water demand compared with traditional fossil fuels or the use of iron-irrigated biofuels when conventional feedstocks are used.... ... ... ... A number of studies have presented theoretical energy analyses of algae biofuel production, and despite the variations of the scope of the systems, each of these studies has also established that when there are few inputs, the EROI is not competitive enough compared with conventional fuels (Grosssman 2007)....
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Investigation of the Impact of Social Media Tools on Emirates Airlines
8 pages (2520 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Investigation of the Impact of Social Media Tools on Emirates Airlines" determines whether the company can increase its budget towards social media marketing.... This will be achieved by determining the perception of the customers towards the new form of marketing.... ... ...
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Sexuality and Relationships
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Sexuality and Relationships General Framework There are many challenges facing couples in sexual relationships.... .... ... ... When relationships involve sex, they become overwhelming, satisfying, energizing, freeing, comforting, as well as puzzling, hurting and frustrating....
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Does Having Wealthy Parents Pay College Tuition Result in More Failed Classes
11 pages (3120 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The research proposal " Does Having Wealthy Parents Pay College Tuition Result in More Failed Classes?... touches upon the relation between wealthy parents and college education.... This paper outlines the methods and means through which the researcher has collected data.... ... ... ... Unfortunately, we do hear the slogans of all human beings being equal, but that is not the case in real life and one will find this society based on different classes....
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Qualitative Data Analysis
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Qualitative Data Analysis" discusses how I will organize myself to carry out an interview in the topic area of gender and analyze the findings.... It begins with writing an interview schedule and then drafting an information sheet and a consent form.... ... ... ... It illustrates how one identifies his interviewee and how he is supposed to gain his or her consent that he or she will be available for the interview....
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Consumption of Alcohol by Teenagers
6 pages (1664 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Consumption of Alcohol by Teenagers" presents consumption of alcohol that is a well-organized cause of social damage; mortality and morbidity in Australia and around the world.... Binge drinking, particularly, among teenagers is an unhealthy portion of the Australian culture....
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Incorporating Natural Lighting into a Theatre Space
5 pages (1400 words) , Download 15 , Research Proposal
The paper "Incorporating Natural Lighting into a Theatre Space" is a good example of a research proposal on architecture.... The ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) is an inert material that was developed for use in the aerospace industry.... Its wide range of application stretches to its utilization in the greenhouses, solar cell coatings and in architecture....
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What Makes an Entrepreneur Different from a Businessperson, and How They Survive
4 pages (1373 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "What Makes an Entrepreneur Different from a Businessperson, and How They Survive" is an outstanding example of a business research proposal.... In vocabulary, both businessperson and entrepreneur are synonymously alike.... Both of them have to form a business enterprise, solve solutions, sell products to customers, as well as, pay their dues....
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An Analysis of the Role of Accounting in Optimising the Capital Structure in Enterprise
10 pages (44 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "An Analysis of the Role of Accounting in Optimising the Capital Structure in Enterprise" is an excellent example of a research proposal on finance and accounting.... Accounting coincides with the documentation of financial information necessary for the successful operations of enterprises....
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Brand Creation in Creating Competitive Advantages
5 pages (1534 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Brand Creation in Creating Competitive Advantages" focuses on the critical analysis of the concept of brand creation in businesses in the process of creating competitive advantages and market position, while achieving their goals and objectives in marketing.... ... ... ... Businesses are made to achieve their set goals and objectives....
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Levels of Control among Family Businesses Approaching Succession
5 pages (1447 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Levels of Control among Family Businesses Approaching Succession" is an outstanding example of a business research proposal.... This review attempts to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the conceptualization behind De Potent, Wrosch, and Gagne's article titled 'An Exploration of the Generational Differences in Levels of Control Held among Family Businesses approaching Succession....
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Online Buying Behaviour
14 pages (3630 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Online Buying Behaviour' is an earnest example of the marketing research proposal.... The research entails evaluating the consumer online purchasing behavior and the role of the consumer characteristics.... It establishes the various characteristics of the consumers and the role of the characteristics in the consumer online purchasing behavior....
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Cravendale - Branding Objectives for New Product
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Cravendale' - Branding Objectives for New Product' examines the final stages of the product brand creation - test making and product launch.... It justifies test marketing and strategies for testing the market, a marketing plan for selecting the target audience and launching a new product....
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Effect of Socially Constructed Gender Roles on Marriage
9 pages (2497 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The focus of the "Effect of Socially Constructed Gender Roles on Marriage" paper is sexually constructed gender roles.... The author of the paper examines how socially constructed gender roles such as motherhood and fatherhood affect the institution of marriage.... .... ... ... After a description of the distribution of those participants tending towards egalitarian, middle, and traditional marriages, the analysis will be broken down according to these three marriage type expectations, following which each will be analyzed for factors causing the participant to lean this way....
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Followers Expectations from Leaders during Crisis
9 pages (2414 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Followers Expectations from Leaders during Crisis" describes that the most desired attribute from leaders by their followers during crises was good decision-making skills; communication and confidence came in at a second and third place, respectively.... ... ... ... Leaders should exercise impeccable decisiveness while making decisions during a crisis....
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Consumers Buying Behavior of Thai People
9 pages (2322 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Consumers Buying Behavior of Thai People" aims to identify the connection of the global market competition in the luxury fashion market to the Thai fashion market.... It thus aims to understand the different factors that tend to influence the decisions of the consumers.... ....
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Corporate Partnerships for Entrepreneurship of Nestle
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Politics: regimes vary in stability – political risk becomes an important variable. ... This paper 'Corporate Partnerships for Entrepreneurship of Nestle' provides an analysis and evaluation of the range of alternative aspects related to international entrepreneurship.... International or Global Business is defined as the exchange of goods and services among individuals and businesses in multiple countries....
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How Gender, Parenthood and Other Social Factors Influence the Career
6 pages (1876 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "How Gender, Parenthood and Other Social Factors Influence the Career" looks at how social identity as well as the above named social factors as well as social factors not mentioned above influence an individual's career or occupational choice.... ... ... ... Additionally, a clear evaluation of one's choice of research instrument which is the questionnaire and how one shall use it to address the research question, and a good literature review all of which shall help build a good impression of how career choice, work, and employment are related to gender, parenthood and other social factors are given....
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The Development of Blended Assessment Principles in English as a Foreign Language
16 pages (4386 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Development of Blended Assessment Principles in English as a Foreign Language" states that the researcher has discussed the participants of the study, the procedure of data collection.... The chapter has also looked at the data collection summary and the methods of analysis.... ... ...
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Effectiveness of E-Learning
10 pages (3061 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Effectiveness of E-Learning" will begin with the statement that the rapid advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the internet infrastructures have greatly revolutionized how education is administered in Saudi Arabia.... ... ... ... We take a case study of King Saud University borrowing from researches of such implementation in Saudi Arabia including but not limited to policy frameworks with the institution (King Saud University) and across the country that work in tandem with students with special needs to eliminate the obstacles and perspectives relating to e-learning among students with special needs....
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Strategic Advice to the CEO of CNN
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Strategic Advice to the CEO of CNN' highlights opportunities of the leading news channel: to add broadcasting in Chinese, French, Dutch, Hindi to increase the channel's audience, open branches in other countries to take into account the traits of the local mentality in news coverage etc....
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Factors Affecting Customer Buying Decisions in the Internet
7 pages (2530 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The current research will seek to analyze online customer purchasing decisions in the banking and retail industries.... The main goal of the research is to explore and compare the factors that drive or inhibit consumer purchasing decisions in online insurance and retail grocery industries.... .... ...
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The Effects of Education on Juvenile Crime
13 pages (3296 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Effects of Education on Juvenile Crime" focuses on the critical, thorough, and multifaceted analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of education in reducing juvenile crime.... The nature of juvenile crime is quite different from an adult crime.... ... ... ... Research shows that children who get a chance to attend school at an early age are less likely to be involved in juvenile crime....
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Education and technology
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Our generation is in the digital age and hence adoption of technology in education will make a better future as it has long term advantages.... In the context of using technology in.... ... ... Riley (1995) argues that it is necessary to adopt computer technology in education for the future generation....
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Relationship between Supply Chain Structure Supplier Selection
6 pages (1684 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Relationship between Supply Chain Structure Supplier Selection" paper finds out how companies choose their suppliers to supply products and identifies which criteria each company uses in its supplier selection and whether they work always or they have to change them from time to time.... ... ... ...
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Obesity among School Going Children and Adolescents in Saudi Arabia
5 pages (1758 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Obesity among School Going Children and Adolescents in Saudi Arabia'' tells us that in the 21st Century, Obesity has become a major health issue for higher-income nations.... Various empirical studies have found that there is a high incidence of obesity among school-going kids and adolescents in Saudi Arabia....
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Gone With The Wind
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Gone with the Wind Introduction Copyright issues have come up from time to time given the millions of literary works published in the society.... This is because of the abundant cases of re-writes that violates the copyright of the original writers, thus, interfering with creativity of literary works in the society....
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Impact of Surveillance on Society
9 pages (2599 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The "Impact of Surveillance on Society" paper undertakes to look into the positive and negative ways in which the surveillance system impacts the society.... Through a literature review, the paper concentrates on uncovering the possible impacts that technology brings with it for the entire society....
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Factors that Influence People to Travel Abroad to Secure Treatment
11 pages (3513 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Factors that Influence People to Travel Abroad to Secure Treatment" is a great example of a health sciences and medicine research proposal.... The cosmetic surgery field is one of the biggest growth areas in the medical field today.... Costs have gone down, cultural biases have changed and the number of people who can access these services has increased, especially in the countries considered the emerging markets....
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Impact of Microfinance on Improving Gender Inequality through Women Empowerment
9 pages (23 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Impact of Microfinance on Improving Gender Inequality through Women Empowerment" is an excellent example of a research paper on finance and accounting.... Microfinance Programs and Institutions aim at providing low-income strata of the economy with small loans.... These loans are provided to assist them in establishing their own businesses....
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Environmental Effects of Air Pollution Caused by Acid Gas Emissions in Qatar
5 pages (1337 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Environmental Effects of Air Pollution Caused by Acid Gas Emissions in Qatar" highlights that research does not address all the aspects related to gaseous emissions in Qatar.... As such, further research on the gaseous emissions and its effect on the global economy is necessary.... .... ...
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Soccer - Teaching Young People How to Live Life
2 pages (580 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper "Soccer - Teaching Young People How to Live Life" answers the following question: Can playing soccer help inner-city youth gain more confidence?... Soccer is a sport beloved by millions of people.... It allows young people to dream big and to think about their futures.... ... ... ... Can playing soccer help troubled youth learn discipline and the skills necessary for them to succeed in life?...
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Online Banking
12 pages (3081 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Online Banking'' tells us that most banks offer some form of internet banking sometimes known as home banking, PC banking, online banking, or electronic banking.... Internet or online banking allows customers the flexibility to conduct financial transactions via a secure website managed and run by a virtual bank, etc....
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Analysis of Flexible Work Practices
11 pages (3094 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Analysis of Flexible Work Practices" paper investigates whether flexible work practices (e.... .... working from home, flextime, job sharing) reduce employee turnover.... This report gives the summary, results, conclusion, and recommendations of that research.... ... ... ... Turnover is a reality of modern working practices because layoffs and job shifts have turned out to be the norm....
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Subliminal and Supraliminal Evaluative Conditioning
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The primary concern of this research is to examine the effects of using subliminal and supraliminal evaluative conditioning as a method to reduce prejudice.... Some previous study investigates the relationship between mere exposure and prejudice.... ... ... ... The study leads to the conclusion that the three-way interaction between CS type would not be significant of the effect of persuasion knowledge activation....
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Do Blondes Really Have More Fun
6 pages (1903 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Do Blondes Really Have More Fun: A Quantitative Approach to an Age-Old Question" paper attempts to examine scientifically whether this popular saying has any basis in fact, or whether it is merely a stereotype with no truth to it.... This study assumes that blonde women do not, in fact, have more fun....
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The Effectiveness of a Career Development Plan in an Organization
3 pages (867 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The research proposal "The Effectiveness of a Career Development Plan in an Organization" explores whether the career development plan is an effective training method to use in an organization to affect the performance of the company.... Career development is very important for every person who works....
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Why Women Buy Or Not Buy Grocery Online In Uk
10 pages (3023 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The "Why Women Buy or Not Buy Grocery Online in the United Kingdom" paper contains a research proposal of the research the main aim of which is to identify what makes women in the United Kingdom go for online buying and what stops them from doing so.... .... ... ... The Internet is the source of this close, fast, and direct communication between different nations....
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Corrections and Juvenile Justice
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Running Head: Methodology Methodology [Name] [University] Methodology Design and Sample This study will be based on quantitative research design.... The study would focus on one hundred male juvenile offenders currently under the guardianship of the Department of Children and Family Services in ‘ABC' County....
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Composition of Reactive Powder Concrete
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author of this research proposal "Composition of Reactive Powder Concrete" investigates concrete which is considered to be one of the most popular materials, which is used in the construction domain.... According to the text, it was introduced by the Romans.... .... ... ... In recent times, concrete has become a complex material, which has become difficult to understand....
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Introducing of New Product by Whole Foods Market Inc
6 pages (1640 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Introducing of New Product by Whole Foods Market Inc' is a helpful example of a marketing research proposal.... Whole Foods Market Inc is the leading supermarket in the sale of organic and natural food.... The mission of the supermarket is to promote the vitality and well-being of people by supplying them with quality wholesome foods....
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The Ethical Hacking Issues
5 pages (1460 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Ethical Hacking Issues" highlights that there is a need for future research to offer an adequate analysis of the way ethical hackers will implement effective risk management plans, which will enable Internet users or businesses to protect their data from hacking activities.... ... ...
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Branding for the UK Youth Market
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The overall question heading this dissertation will seek to establish what motivates young people to be attracted to a product.... Information will need to be collated with regard to determining how young people respond to marketing techniques in addition to their levels of satisfaction and awareness, in terms of what they think can be done to improve marketing processes generally....
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Effective Educational Leader
8 pages (2173 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Effective Educational Leader" paper reviews existing literature with an aim of identifying whether indeed parental engagement is a prerequisite for an effective educational leader.... The paper finds out that how well educational leaders engage with parents determines the results of individual students....
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Relationship between Control of Blood Pressure Levels and Stroke among the Elderly
17 pages (4637 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Relationship between Control of Blood Pressure Levels and Stroke among the Elderly " states that there is a need to sensitize people especially those past 50 years of age on the need to receive continued clinical health management for hypertension-related complications.... ... ... ... Active antihypertensive treatment is supposed to commence with ACE inhibitors and/or diuretics although this is dependent on the physician handling each case....
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The Differences and Difficulties in Finding Employment in the UK and Spain
19 pages (44 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper "The Differences and Difficulties in Finding Employment in the UK and Spain" analyzes that criminologists have emphasized the positive role that legitimate employment plays in keeping ex-offenders away from criminality by providing them with income, structured routine.... ... ... ... The 1974 Act is also applicable to the convictions held abroad for the criminal activities that would also be a criminal offence in the U....
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