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Research Philosophy: towards an Understanding
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 11 , Research Proposal
The aim of this research 'Research Philosophy: towards an Understanding' is to provide an overview of the literature related to various research philosophies including both ontological and epistemological research stances, and to explore such main philosophical research paradigms, as idealism, realism....
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The Factors of Stress and Their Impact on Police Officers
6 pages (1719 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Factors of Stress and Their Impact on Police Officers" states that research ethics is an imperative component of every research process, and therefore, during primary research, especially during the interviews and questionnaires, the researcher will ensure absolute confidentiality....
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Stress and Law Enforcement
6 pages (1719 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Stress and Law Enforcement" states that generally speaking, it is an observation that members of police departments though receive special training, however, they do not come from any special planet, and thus, they behave and act like humans.... ... ... ... For many decades, humans have divided civilized societies in terms of the responsibilities and roles of different groups of people....
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The Effective Communications Systems at Metamorphosis Hospital
8 pages (2321 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This proposal ''The Effective Communications Systems at Metamorphosis Hospital'' offers the purpose of implementing 'dry wipe boards' to be installed above patients' beds as a forum for rapid communication of patient changes and to provide a tool with which patients remain aware of how their needs are being communicated....
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Current State of HRM in Saudi Arabia
8 pages (2409 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Current State of HRM in Saudi Arabia" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the current state of HRM in Saudi Arabia.... Human resource management is planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the procurement, and development of human resources.... ... ... ... The current state of HRM in Saudi Arabia is characterized by several features....
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Research Outline of Lascaux Caves
1 pages (294 words) , Download 9 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Research Outline of Lascaux Caves" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the research outline of Lascaux caves.... They are located in southwestern France and are famous for their prehistoric paintings and engravings.... ... ... ... The main areas of focus, in this topic, will be taking a closer look at the account of the caves since they were discovered and their geographical setting....
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Successful Reintegration into the General Education Setting
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The participants of the proposed research study will be grouped into two main categories; students between 5 to 17 years old who are currently under programs for students with special needs, and adults such as parents, teachers, guardians and organizations that take care of such.... ... ... The scope of the research will involve 20 participants from each group....
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Teenage Abortion
1 pages (266 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
.... ... ... The paper "Teenage Abortion " is a wonderful example of a research proposal on sociology.... The objective of this research proposal is to develop an empirical hypothesis regarding teenage abortion, propose research methods and research designs to validate the hypothesis.... Do teenage girls who had an abortion go through life without any regard or memory for the life they lost?...
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The Dimensions of Psychological Research
5 pages (1295 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Dimensions of Psychological Research" presents an experiment that does not seem necessarily rational.... There are too many what-ifs and the experiment design is somewhat unclear as to how they truly performed it.... It is also extremely outdated.... ... ... ... As far as practical implications, the authors do not necessarily have the ability to change the outcome....
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The role of e-CRM
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The present paper entitled "The role of e-CRM" deals with the concept of e-CRM which is a key success factor for SME's in developing countries.... Notably, customer relationship management plays an important role in understanding customers' preferences.... .... ... ... Small and medium enterprises in today's competitive market scenario are facing greater challenges as the globalization of trade and expansion of major corporations cross borders makes it extremely difficult for such business to develop and implement strategies that can achieve customer acquisition....
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Research Agenda in Cloud Computing
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper is going to begin by giving a generally known definition of cloud computing as understood by many.... This paper aims at giving a comprehensive or all-inclusive academic research review carried out in cloud computing and also highlighting the agenda of research.... ... ... ... The industry of Information Technology has had a lot of debate as There has been much discussion in industry as to what cloud regards the real meaning of cloud computing....
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Design a Research Survey Plan
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Creswell (2003), Fowler (1993) and Salkind (2010) define quantitative methods as a process that leads to assembling, analyzing, interpreting, and writing the outcomes of a study.... They further observe that there are precise methods that relate to the identification of a.... ... ... In this approach, Creswell (2003) denotes that postpositivist claims in developing knowledge....
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Samsung Smart Phones Patent Strategy
6 pages (1720 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This proposal seeks to request authorization and funding to undertake research on Samsung Smart Phone's patent strategy in the competitive smartphone industry, where the patent rights often get infringed.... The paper looks into the ability of the strategy to represent the exclusiveness of inventions....
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Business Plan for a Startup Business
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Business Plan for a Startup Business' focuses on a Business Plan, which explains a business opportunity.... It is similar to a road map since it tells an individual what to anticipate and what alternative roads one can take to attain one's destination.... ... ... ... Several research studies have specified that thriving small business managers set practical goals and sketch how they are going to achieve them....
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Military Base Strategic Planning for Homeland Security
5 pages (1323 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Military Base Strategic Planning for Homeland Security" critically analyzes implementing strategic planning policy for a military base for the homeland security system.... Its improvement has attracted programs aimed at ensuring the improvement responsive to the current range of threats....
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Effectiveness of the Formal Non-Business Written Language
10 pages (2859 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Effectiveness of the Formal Non-Business Written Language " evaluates the effectiveness of the communication process using this technique.... The proposal findings establish the effectiveness of using the formal 'no-business' written language in communicating to the business audience.... ...
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Plastic Pollution: Accumulation of Plastic Objects and Particles
6 pages (1616 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Plastic Pollution: Accumulation of Plastic Objects and Particles" indicates various aspects of pollution in a brief manner that will be a part of the proposed research in a comprehensive manner and endeavor for the identification and examination of available resources.... ...
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The Role International Law Is Playing in the Prevention of Human Trafficking
9 pages (2511 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
One of the major purposes of this present paper "The Role International Law Is Playing in the Prevention of Human Trafficking" is to identify and recognize different aspects of human trafficking that have now become one of the major issues globally.... ... ... ... The results of the paper will allow an understanding of the contribution of international laws in the prevention and reduction of this practice around the world....
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Violence and Aggression in Chinese Films
5 pages (1578 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Violence and Aggression in Chinese Films" argued that people tend to imitate whatever they observe in media and thereby shaping their personalities.... In terms of influence, the content that the media has is more pronounced on children than adults, especially in terms of violence.... ...
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Involving Adolescents in Their Asthma Management Improve Adherence
4 pages (1194 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Involving Adolescents in Their Asthma Management Improve Adherence" explains the methods and procedures planned to adopt in the proposed research project in connection to the 1000 word project proposal synopsis.... It is an explanation of the structural approach.... ... ... ...
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The Needs and Satisfaction Levels of International Tourists Visiting Canberra
14 pages (3789 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Needs and Satisfaction Levels of International Tourists Visiting Canberra" establishes the satisfaction levels of international tourists visiting Canberra.... It is proposed that these objectives are to be realized by conducting quantitative research.... ... ... ... It is essential to state that the proposal provides a detailed research design for this study by providing the type of research to be undertaken, the type of information to be collected, the recommended method of data collection, sampling techniques and the plan of data analysis (Bramwell and Lane, 2011)....
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Violence in Films and Children Aggressive Behavior
5 pages (1602 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Violence in Films and Children Aggressive Behavior" states that in terms of influence, the content that the media has is more pronounced on children than adults especially in terms of violence.... Young children have been found to easily incorporate whatever they watch in their movies....
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Do Moral Rights Adequately Protect the Author's Work against a Derogatory Treatment
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper examines existing statutes to find out whether they provide adequate protection for an author's moral rights.... The preservation of these rights is vital to ensure that creators of works of value and merit are not discouraged in their creative pursuits by the distortion of their works....
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Human Resource Accounting Policies and Practices: A Case Study of the Nigerian Banking Sector
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Human Resource Accounting Policies and Practices: A Case Study of the Nigerian Banking Sector Table of Contents Introduction 3 Understanding and Importance of Human Resource Accounting 3 Brief Overview of Nigeria and its Banking Sector 5 Human Resource Practices in Nigerian Banking Sector 7 Conclusion 8 Reference 9 Introduction The management practices and concept in the post-modern era have been changed significantly....
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Qualitative Research in Preoperative Nursing
12 pages (3607 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The writer of this proposal "Qualitative Research in Preoperative Nursing" analyzes the readiness of patients for the joint surgery replacement.... The researcher would contact each respondent with a set of questions to be asked and briefly inform regarding the research.... ... ... ... The incident diseases were estimated directly at the point of relevance with the help of statistical modeling....
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Risk Management in Logistics Support Technology for the Automotive Industry
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The author of this research proposal "Risk Management in Logistics Support Technology for the Automotive Industry" comments on the concept of risk management and opportunity research which are used to understand obstacles in reaching business goals.... ... ... ... Risk management research proposes to identify significant risks and their potential for negative impact, and the values of opportunities that have an impact on the business decision-making process....
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A Modification of Lifestyle
6 pages (1667 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "A Modification of Lifestyle" highlights that the use of effective communication is one of the strategies that will ensure that the roles of each participant and the research team are clearly communicated.... Timely acquisition of material will ensure that material constraint is minimized....
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Legislative Plan by Senator Richard Lara
12 pages (3286 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Legislative Plan by Senator Richard Lara" states that you would realize that a single-payer healthcare system is one that does not discriminate between who is eligible for the health care coverage and who is not eligible for the health care coverage.... ... ... ... We should realize that America as a whole is one of the most democratic nations....
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Unit IV Research Paper Outline
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Environmental management involves conservation of natural resources, control of hazards and protection of habitats with the aim of enhancing resource sustainability.... The modern efforts of environmental management focus on pollution prevention rather than reacting to crises and.... ... ... The environment is currently undergoing widespread degradation due to rapid growth of industries....
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Windows Server Deployment Proposal Rubric Paper
6 pages (1646 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Windows Server Deployment Proposal Rubric Paper'' tells that Servers can be described as the backbone of an organization.... The implementation as well as the configuration of the server network in many cases often determines the prosperity or even failure of a business.... ... ... ... In the deployment of the server, there will be the covering of several infrastructure roles such as DHCP as well as DNS which, despite the fact, that they work behind the scenes, the application servers often given life to the servers....
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Qualitative and Quantitative Research Review in Psychology
19 pages (6548 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This research proposal 'Qualitative and Quantitative Research Review in Psychology' discusses two common approaches to research using qualitative and quantitative methodology.... for substance abuse disorder syndrome.... ... ... ... Discuss, compare and contrast these two approaches to research as they might be applied to the investigation of a topic of your choice (for example, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, and so one)....
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Census research Koreans in LA
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The history of Koreans trace back to the 1900s when the first immigrant wave arrived.... Another wave of immigrants arrived in the 1930s and the demographic continue to soar to date.... ... ... Information retrieved from the annals of the United States Census Bureau indicates that California is presently the state with the largest number of Census research on Koreans in LA in 1900-1950 The United s is a nation born of immigration comprising an assorted ethno-racial population....
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VoIP Call Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Globalization has brought about the need to exchange data and information on constant basis among people at different locations of the world.... Coincidentally, as the need to bridge communication gaps between people increased, technology also came in to make this task quite easier.... ... ... ... Technology, led by the advent of the Internet has brought about several forms of advanced communication with Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIP) acting as the bedrock of this modern advent....
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Short research paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
On November 24th, 2006 Nicholas Negroponte presented current President of Brazil, Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva, a prototype of $150 dollar laptop that is to be part of an international program, One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), to provide educational opportunities for developing.... ... ... Besides Brazil, the program is operating in Argentina, Libya, and Thailand, with possible commitments from North Korea....
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Starbucks and Mcdonalds
1 pages (250 words) , Download 9 , Research Proposal
The research aims to present a comparative analysis of the marketing strategies employed by Starbucks and McDonald's specifically focusing on the four Ps in marketing (product, place, price and promotions).... The significant findings would be used to develop a business plan that.... ... ... The proposed methodology for the research is to gather secondary sources of information from authoritative references using journal articles and the organizations' official website....
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Factors that Affect Detachment of Bacteria from Biofilm
2 pages (835 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The author of the paper "Factors that Affect Detachment of Bacteria from Biofilm" argues in a well-organized manner that biofilms have been proposed as a mechanism of defense for bacteria, and consist of a matrix that is able to adhere to liquid or solid surfaces.... ... ... ... Biofilms are complex structures that grow on boundaries between media, specifically the interfaces between liquid/liquid media, solid/liquid, and air/solid (Keevil, 2003)....
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Electronic Commerce
4 pages (1385 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Electronic Commerce'' tells that During recent years, experts (Schneider, pp.... 23-25) have noticed a rapid advancement in the field of information technology that has influenced almost every public, as well as the private aspect of human lives in a significant manner.... ... ... ... Besides, business has remained a major component of human societies for centuries; however, in the past, people continued to manage and run their business domestically, whereas international business processes took months and even years to travel from one place to another....
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Determinant of Organization Performance
7 pages (2214 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Determinant of Organization Performance" explains that the term strategic management has become a widely established word in all the sectors of modern economies.... It helps to enhance the productivity as well as the effectiveness of the organizations.... ... ... One of them is based on the economic tradition that puts more emphasis on the significance of the external market forces while determining the organizational performance....
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Proposed topic ( ADHA in children)
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Moreover, those grown-ups who were not diagnosed with this impairment being infants are unaware that this problem can cause their difficulties with attention, memory,.... ... ... That is why ADHD in adults its development, diagnostics, and treatment have to be studied thoroughly. ... ... dults can experience from 30 to 70 % symptoms of ADHD....
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Customer Behaviour and Customer Decision Making Processes
10 pages (3130 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This paper is being carried out to evaluate and present the influence of customer behavior and decision-making processes on profitability in the personal computer market in the United Kingdom.... The company that is the subject of this paper is Dell.... ... ... ... This paper "Customer Behaviour and Customer Decision-Making Processes" aims to determine the factors that influence the customer decision-making process in the home computer industry in the UK....
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Holy Quran as the Major Source of Enlightenment and Guidance for Muslims
6 pages (1621 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
The paper "Holy Quran as the Major Source of Enlightenment and Guidance for Muslims" states that Prophetic traditions play a significant role in the Muslim society, and it is very imperative to discuss different aspects of the topic, as it is fundamental for the basis of Islamic teachings.... ... ...
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Can the Height of Barrier Plate Affect the Efficiency of the Cleaning Unit of Grain Harvester Separation
6 pages (2009 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Can the Height of Barrier Plate Affect the Efficiency of the Cleaning Unit of Grain Harvester Separation" paper critically assess whether the height of the barrier plate affects the efficiency of a cleaning unit of grain harvester separation for harvest-time weed seed collection?... ... ... ... The study suggests a qualitative method of data collection as a type of scientific investigation that seeks to employ a set of predefined procedures systematically in order to collect evidence, answer the question suggested, and produce new findings that are applicable beyond the existing boundaries of the study....
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The public needs to know
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The public needs to know Introduction Cancer has emerged to be a global issue and one of the top threats to humanity.... Its significance as a cause of death is further identified by its increasing incidence rate and the fact that its exact cause has not been established.... ... ... ... Developed research however explains that the disease culminates into uncontrollable growth of malignant cells in the body and the cells interfere with healthy body cells to hinder their growth processes and functionality....
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The Brand Promotion of Tesco in Beijing City
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper under such a headline as "The Brand Promotion of Tesco in Beijing City" presents a proposal for a research-based study conducted for accessing the promotions of the retailer and departmental store Tesco in China, Particularly in the city of Beijing.... .... ... ... The following sections highlight the problem/ thesis statement being targeted, the main aims and purpose of the research, and the research objectives....
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Goal Setting in Motivating Individuals
12 pages (3325 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Goal Setting in Motivating Individuals" is a great example of a research proposal on management.... The prime intention of this research study is to examine how the perception of goal setting motivates individuals in a workplace to perform better through enhanced satisfaction and recognition....
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Use of Technology for Children with Down Syndrome
8 pages (2390 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Use of Technology for Children with Down Syndrome" focuses on a genetic disorder caused by chromosomal abnormalities.... It has been argued that the condition occurs due to a rearrangement of the chromosomal material contained in chromosome 21.... ... ... ... There is evidence in the literature that the use of technology in educational setups where children with DS are involved has a positive effect on their learning abilities....
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E-learning: Strategies for Creating Effective Learning Opportunities
5 pages (1607 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The proposal "E-learning: Strategies for Creating Effective Learning Opportunities" focuses on the critical analysis of identifying specific strategies proving that the e-learning methodology successfully satisfies the need of the learning community.... ... ... ... The evolution and the usage of the Internet in the recent past have revolutionized not only global trade, corporate management, and the world economy but also the educational scenario....
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Communication between killer whales while hunting
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Killer whales scientifically called Orcinus orca are one of the widely distributed cetacean as they are present in all the oceans worldwide (Riesch & Deecke, 2011).... Within the confines of the given ecotypes in which they habit, it is notable that the prey preferences are what.... ... ... The prey items are vast factor that many research proposals and surveys seek to establish the feeding ecology of the species killer whales. ...
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Development study
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The research study that will be the focus of my Master's Thesis in Development Study will be tentatively titled “The impact of Ebola crisis on distribution and effectiveness of financial Aid in the West African countries”. ... ... evelopment of aid dependant countries has always.... ... ... been a strong debate in the academic and economic circles, with various advocates for and against the effectiveness of aid as a supporting tool for these deprived nations....
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Validating Late Mover Advantages in e-commerce: Evidence from Selected Companies
12 pages (3318 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The "Validating Late Mover Advantages in e-commerce: Evidence from Selected Companies" proposed research es focus on validating the advantages of late movers in e-commerce.... It attempts to gather useful evidence from two companies including Barnes and Noble and Walgreens.... ... ... ... The third chapter will serve as the section on various literature pertaining to research methodology and presentation of the selected research methods....
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