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Accounting and Regulation; Will there ever be full comparability
3 pages (750 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This paper reviews three different scholarly writings in regards to whether there will ever be full comparability in accounting and regulations across different sectors and countries.... This paper reviews three different scholarly writings in regards to whether there will ever be full comparability in accounting and regulations across different sectors and countries.... With The paper "Accounting and Regulation; Will There Ever Be Full Comparability" is an outstanding example of a literature review on finance and accounting....
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The Crusades through Arab Eyes
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
A paper "The Crusades through Arab Eyes" outlines that scholars tend to focus on the wining force and ignore the perspective of the losing side.... The Crusades, one of the influential events in European history, has always been studied from the point of view of Westerners.... ... ... ... The world history encompasses uncountable events which played a crucial role in shaping human societies across countries....
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The Historical and the Present Day Acts in What My Name, Fool
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
A paper "The Historical and the Present Day Acts in What My Name, Fool?... reports that from football to baseball to soccer to tennis to boxing to the Olympics, Zirin digs into the history and shines a light into the dark corners that the major leagues would prefer to remain unexplored.... ... ... ...
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The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
6 pages (2017 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The Glass Menagerie has contributed to research being conducted on nursing – the parallel between theatre and nursing is drawn on the basis that both are performing arts.... he Glass Menagerie has also contributed to research being conducted on nursing – the parallel between theatre and nursing is drawn on the basis that both are performing arts.... The performing art of nursing; Nursing Science Quarterly, 5, p....
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An Analysis of How the UK Newspapers Reported the Senkaku Islands Dispute
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
literature Review 3 ... literature Review ... ith the aim of successful completion of the study by ascertaining the research objectives, a literature review has been conducted by considering varied articles relevant to the subject matter of the study.... In this regard, in order to reach into a valid conclusion, the section of literature review is divided into three parts.... Shaw (1999) further elaborated that after tracing the Senkaku Islands, the entrepreneur used such islands for performing trade and commercial activities (Shaw, 1999)....
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Cavalry Crossing a Ford by Walt Whitman a poem analysis
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Book Report/Review
Glencoe literature.... American literature ed.... Every story is an experience.... Experience is what sets apart a poet to the rest of the other creatures.... Whitman is one of those lucky few who had the brilliance to turn their experiences into a masterpiece.... Worked as a nurse in the Civil War; he had....
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Economic Impacts on Event Management
8 pages (2412 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The literature also reveals that hallmark events play a crucial role in sharing the cultural and social values as well as beliefs within economies which in turn can act as a beneficial tool to enhance harmonisation in the global stature.... From an in-depth point of view, the economic impact on corporate events can be observed as quite significant with reference to the literature reviewed in this discussion revealing that organisations which are facing a fiercely competitive environment and are in need for substantial competitive advantages through image enhancement tend to be more focused on event management....
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Critical Importance of Materiality in Auditing
8 pages (2269 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Quality Control for Firms That Perform Audits and reviews of Financial Statements, and Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements.... The paper "Critical Importance of Materiality in Auditing" is an outstanding example of a finance and accounting literature review.... he concept of materiality in auditing is generally formed with the aim of reducing financial discrepancies that often occur in the global business corporations while performing auditing procedures....
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Hydrogen Fuelled Vehicle in Agriculture
19 pages (5687 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Renewable and Sustainable Energy reviews, 76, pp.... Renewable and Sustainable Energy reviews, 57, pp.... Renewable and Sustainable Energy reviews, 51, pp.... HAPTER TWO: literature REVIEW ... The possibility of hydrogen economy that helps in incorporating the use of hydrogen into every aspect of transportation which requires much further attention as the currently available literature has not covered everything....
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Stress as a Social Determinant of Health
9 pages (2687 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Tackling the wider social determinants of health and health inequalities: evidence from systematic reviews.... Public Health reviews, 33, 601-22. ... Systematic reviews, 2, 85 ... The paper "Stress as a Social Determinant of Health" is a perfect example of a literature review on health sciences and medicine.... The paper "Stress as a Social Determinant of Health" is a perfect example of a literature review on health sciences and medicine....
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Geographical Imaginations of Fantasy and Nature
7 pages (2088 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
literature Review Introduction The advent of camera brought manifold innovations on the way various forms of images are portrayed.... In the recent years, there have been intense and extensive discussions in geography concerning the “representation and meaning and the reading/writing ‘landscape', film and literature'” (Sidaway 2002).... eographies of literature ... ouching on another aspect of literary geography, there have been manifold efforts in the past that aimed at mapping literature....
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Impact of import and export on the economic growth of Sweden
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
literature Review This literature review delves on the findings of the existing studies and schools of thought pertaining to the topic under consideration.... The literature review deals with the Marxian, Classical and Post Classical theoretical approaches explaining the relationship between import and export and economic growth.... All the findings in the literature review will aid the determination of the research questions and the research hypothesis of this paper....
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The Analysis of 'The Reader'
7 pages (1789 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
Ralph Fiennes and Kate Winslet star alongside the adolescent performing artist David Kross.... This wor called "The Analysis of 'The Reader" describes German-American sentimental show film.... The author outlines the main factors that make this film so extraordinary.... From this work, it is clear about the main characters, the stages of plot development, peculiarities, the issues, and the theme of the film....
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How Corporate Social Responsibility Affects Consumer Behavior
8 pages (2700 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Moreover, reviews of such research relating to consumer impact imply how CSR influences consumer behaviour (Bhattacharya and Sen, 2004).... Such halo refers to the positive reviews which can emanate from favourable actions of corporations.... eview of related literature ... Philanthropic behaviour covers corporate actions which relate to financial responsibilities or executive functions, including contributions to the arts, education, as well as communities....
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Television and Its Role in Language Development in Children
7 pages (3323 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Television and Its Role in Language Development in Children: A Literature Review This paper reviews some existing literature on the association between television viewing and language development in children.... This work "Television and Its Role in Language Development in Children" describes some existing literature on the association between television viewing and language development in children.... xtensive literature exists on the impact of television on language development in children....
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The Theme of Feminism: a Mixture of Happy and Sad Moments for the Women
8 pages (2283 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
reviews from 11 different articles What is Performance?... Therefore, a theater refers to a specific place where fine arts take the form of a live performance before a live audience (Huxley and Witts, 34).... The paper "The Theme of Feminism: a Mixture of Happy and Sad Moments for the Women" explores the illumination of the theme of feminism....
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Neck Pain and Disability Scale
9 pages (2760 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This paper is a literature review of the Neck Pain and Disability Scale which includes an evaluation of its validity and reliability in the measurement of neck pain within a population.... This paper is a literature review of the Neck Pain and Disability Scale which includes an evaluation of its validity and reliability in the measurement of neck pain within a population.... 1405), research literature concur that Neck Pain and Disability Scale is a reliable and valid method of measuring neck pain both for clinical reasons and research....
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Marketing Strategies of Hilton Hotel
20 pages (5950 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
literature review, Tourism Hilton Hotel.... Strengths of existing literature.... The above literature offer convincing evidence that company must engage in social networking sites.... Weaknesses of existing literature.... Strengths of existing literature.... There are many strengths of the above literature.... The literature shows that advertising increases the demand for the Cuba's Sol Melia Hotel services....
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Analysis of Supply Chain Logistics Management Book by Bowersox, Closs, and Cooper
7 pages (1962 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Supply chain management is therefore important since it is involved in ensuring that all the activities involved in supply chain management result in net value and make sure that an organization remains competitive through the use of proper infrastructure, proper use of logistics, making sure that supply and demand are synchronized as well as determining how an organization is performing at the global scale.... Most businesses have to incur huge costs in performing logistics....
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Friendship Plays Vital Role in Reaching Maturity
12 pages (3213 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
eanette's And Nanda's Character - Influence Of literature ... n the novel "Frost In May" Nanda's imagination grows with the help of her friend Leonie, Leonie first introduces her to literature.... The stories that Elsie told from literature and her personal life experiences exposes Jeanette to an inspired kingdom which Jeanette had by no means seen.... Elsie was the most influential friend upon Jeanette, as Elsie introduces her to literature a different world from what she has never known....
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Geography Review: Short Research/ review on the Internet. INTERNET Research ONLY
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
1.... Fuel Tank Explosion in Wapello County On 8th July, 2011 at about 08:30 a.... .... a fuel tank was exploded while off-loading its fuel and gasoline in a still storage in Blacksburg village.... The village is situated in the state of Iowa, Wapello County.... The Wapello county Sheriff's office has confirmed the chain of explosion was instigated after a fuel tanker explosion near a school building....
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A Review about the Book - Hot, Flat, and Crowded by Thomas Friedman
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This essay discusses the article Economics by Jonathan Freedland gives a review about the book 'Hot, Flat, and Crowded' by Thomas Friedman.... Through his article, Freedland is creating awareness amongst the audience regarding the changes that the world requires.... ... ... ... Freedland gives an honest appraisal of the book and Friedman's evident passion for the issues of climate change and fossil fuel depletion....
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The Importance of the Small Group Learning Activities: the Impact of Such Groups
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
A clinical based scenario will be selected upon which the overall literature review will be based.... At first the literature review will try to make the reader understand as to what the term small-group learning activity denotes.... Finally, the literature review will try to identify the impact of such small group learning activities.... literature Review....
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How Tangled Is a Good Comedy Movie
6 pages (1648 words) , Download 4 , Movie Review
"How Tangled Is a Good Comedy Movie" paper focuses on a Tangled movie that covers a lot of genres which are Animation, Comedy, Fantasy, Musical, and Family.... It contains several memorable tracks and has also received a National Movie Award in the category of animation.... .... ... ... The magical ability of Repunzel's hair and tears, Rapunzel being stuck in the tower for 18 years, the horse helping Rapunzel to reach her destiny, etc, are certain unreal fantastic fantasy features in the film....
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Innovation as the Main Engine of Progress
13 pages (4475 words) , Download 7 , Book Report/Review
A literature Review on Innovation As our review of the literature will show, the word 'Innovation' has evolved into a complex concept with several meanings, and to which could be attributed the rise and fall of civilisations, the competitiveness of global economies, the profitability of firms, the survival of nations, and the explanation of both the best and the worst in everything human. ... nnovation was first mentioned sometime in the 15th century, the age of exploration characteristic of the Renaissance marked by the discovery of many new things in geography, science, politics, religion, and in the arts....
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Adult Education(Any Subject of it)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
For the purpose of the present review, the journal article – Andragogys Transition into the Future: Meta-Analysis of Andragogy and its Search for a Measurable Instrument (Taylor & Kroth 1) was chosen.... The article is a research paper that offers a meta-analytic review of.... ... ...
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Anti-Semitism in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice
7 pages (2060 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
raversi, Derek, 'Shakespeare: the young dramatist and the poet, in The New Pelican Guide to English literature, Vol.... A Critical History of English literature.... The New Pelican Guide to English literature, Vol.... From the paper "Anti-Semitism in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice", the character of Shylock has always raised questions about the anti-Semitic content of Shakespeare's play....
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The Doorbell Rang: A Critique of Hoovers FBI
6 pages (1784 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The Doorbell Rang: A Critique of Hoover's FBI literature has often been explained as an artistic expression of the ideas.... In retaliation to the act of distributing literature that was inimical to its interests, the FBI subjected Mrs.... This book review "The Doorbell Rang: A Critique of Hoover's FBI" discusses the Doorbell Rang as a novel that is critical of the FBI....
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Carol Vukelich
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Richgels has published have been the result of studies that he and his colleagues have conducted with the use of observational case studies, literature reviews and many years' experience in working extensively with teachers of preschoolers and kindergarten students.... Here he teaches courses in language development, language arts, and reading....
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End-of-Life Issues in Home Health Nursing
10 pages (2793 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
This paper shall present an analysis and synthesis of the current literature and resources which pertain to the ethical issues in end-of-life care in the home-based setting.... In a 2007 study by Moser, Houtepen and Widdershoven, authors set out to present a review of theoretical and empirical literature covering patient autonomy and how nurses support such autonomy.... He launched his own literature review for his study and he covered literature on pain relief and on palliative care....
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Critical Review of A Streetcar Named Desire, and A Supermarket in California
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
American literature's and undoubtedly playwright Tennessee Williams' most revered work, A streetcar named desire is a story that depicts pathos and human fixation to do with sex, desire, money, class consciousness, and struggle, deceit and fallacy, relationships, beliefs, and modernism....
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Developing Academic Skills
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
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Employee motivation among call centre agents
80 pages (20000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Employee motivation is a key element that affects employee satisfaction.... The importance of understanding motivation in the current global context is essential.... In this regard, the research deals with employee motivation among call centre agents and to be more specific, it will centre on motivation among call centre agents of Mobily....
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Freakonomics and Super Freakonomics
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Of all the chapters, chapter five has seen the book receiving negative reviews from qualified people from different fields.... Economist Steven D.... Levitt and journalist Stephen J.... Dubner join forces once again to co-author a sequel to their first book 'Freakonomics'.... Their new book 'Superfreakonomics' provides insight into people's way of life by analyzing different fields such as psychology, sociology and behavioral economics....
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Dog Pound Movie
3 pages (970 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The author of the paper "Dog Pound Movie" tells that the film Dog Pound is centered on three teenagers serving sentences in a Canadian juvenile correction center.... The actors are three teenage boys jailed for drug possession (Davis), assault and car theft (Angel), and sociopathic behavior (Butch)....
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Economic Sustainability, Changing Labor Market through the EU Policies
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This literature review covers discussions pertaining to the policies and legislation undertaken by the EU as a region that needs to govern its own domain, which includes expansion and legislation, requirements for membership, economic benefits that a member-state can gain, and how the law changed the labor market.... literature Review ... This literature review covers discussions pertaining to the policies and legislation undertaken by the European Union as a region that needs to govern its own domain, which includes expansion and legislation, requirements for membership, economic benefits that a member-state can gain, and how law changed the labor market in relation to major impacts in a rapid transition-recognized process....
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Self-Alienation in Samuel Becketts The Unnamable
48 pages (12000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This study 'Self-Alienation in Samuel Beckett's The Unnamable' attempts to demonstrate the various ways in which Beckett treated the theme of self-alienation and how his own social and personal experiences influenced his treatment of the theme of self-alienation in The Unnamable.... ... ... ... The author states that the theme of self-alienation is a literary technique designed to demonstrate self-estrangement from society, humanity and even the self in a variety of ways....
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History of Russia: Comparison of Two Authors
7 pages (1799 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
These two books have common similarities and differences, which have been asserted through the mode of translation, the author's concerns, the cultural and historical differences especially in history and literature.... Ivan Turgenev is the most ranked democratic and western author in the republic of Russia who embraced the Russian literature in an insightful manner.... His novel was attacked and opposed by other Russian authors like Leo Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky as he was progressing in a liberal manner in the western mode of literature (Harrower 2011)....
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Previous Employment Experience
11 pages (3244 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
In fact, in one particular situation, an employee with considerable tenure publicly challenged the autocratic leader for providing perceived injustice in performance reviews.... The paper 'Previous Employment Experience' is a motivating example of human resources literature review.... It would appear, based on the literature on the subject, that any system that erodes trust development would be denying the basic obligations to service the duty and obligation to treat others in a humane and respectful fashion....
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Review of Fight club under thoughts of Z.Freud
8 pages (2068 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
The paper "Review of "Fight Club" under thoughts of Z.... reud" presents that Fight club is a 1999 American film that provides a perfect scenario for the study of psychology.... The conflict in the film originates from a personality crisis in the film's main character.... ... ... ... Sigmund Freud is among the iconic contributors to the development of psychology....
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Hitch as a Comical Romantic Movie
2 pages (662 words) , Download 6 , Movie Review
The paper "Hitch as a Comical Romantic Movie" expounds on how Hitch employs the technique of nonverbal cues in communication between characters in the movie.... Imperatively, various comical effects relate to the use of non-verbal cues in romance and within the movie.... ... ... ... Hitch is a comical romantic movie that highlights the romantic survival wits in a highly competitive New York romance....
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Sexual Harassment and Gender
4 pages (1323 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Sexual Harassment and Gender" present if it's only the female workers who are victims of sexual harassment, and if, by its definition, sexual harassment can exclude a male from becoming the victim.... The author has compiled his findings based on several types of research....
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Effectiveness of Coaching for Fixed Term Employee
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This discussion will attempt to examine the literature review as well as analyze the findings of the previous chapters.... An observational approach will be used while evaluating these findings, as well as emphasizing the critical aspects of the literature review. ... t is apparent from the very beginning of the literature review that the method used to assess the study is to raise a series of questions.... The forth, and perhaps the most vital question, is raised in the concluding section of the literature review....
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Comparison of Meat & Vegetarian Diet
15 pages (4935 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
16-33, 2010) have been putting efforts to understand dietary habits and their impact on human growth and development, and brief analysis of literature has indicated that diet plays a significant role in causing an impact on the physical and emotional growth of individuals globally.... unning Head: Healthier Lifestyle Healthier Lifestyle [Institute's Healthier Lifestyle literature REVIEW DIET & NUTRITION Since many decades, health experts and nutritionists (Whitney & Rolfes, pp....
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The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks
8 pages (2276 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The legacy of Sacks other literature reveal the poetic and scientific parts of his professional and personal worlds (Anthony, 2010).... However, Sacks uses scholarly, medical literature and principles to scrutinize the data he gathers from his patients.... The same condition allows these patients to perform exceedingly well in arts and logistics such as Rebecca in theatre and John and Michael on history. ...
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Co-Education in the United Arab Emirates
5 pages (1608 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Co-Education in the United Arab Emirates" is a wonderful example of a literature review on education.... The paper "Co-Education in the United Arab Emirates" is a wonderful example of a literature review on education.... A good example is that male students take classes in arts and music whereas female students are also involved in business, engineering and health classes which initially were considered as male dominated sectors....
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Chinese Customers Perceptions of Retail Space
33 pages (9873 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This study conducts a review of the literature intending to identify Chinese consumers' perceptions of retail space, with an emphasis on pop-up stores in creating the retail experience.... Therefore, this literature review covers studies on pop-up stores, shopping experience specifically, the hedonic and utilitarian shopping values, the pop-up shopping experience, store design, retail branding, and characteristics of pop-up store consumers....
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Review of The Conquests of Alexander the Great
9 pages (2280 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This book review "Review of The Conquests of Alexander the Great" has a goal of providing a realistic overview of Alexander's accomplishments and their importance to today's leaders is carried through the major chapters of the book.... .... ... ... Even though the book focuses on military conquests, Heckel also doesn't go very strongly into the deep details of the battles he discusses....
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Factors That Influence Effective Discharge from Hospital of Older People
32 pages (8718 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The paper "Factors That Influence Effective Discharge from Hospital of Older People" develops the assumption that effective discharge policies require proper planning, transparent assessment, and effective policies and communication for creating better results.... ... ... ... Management of older people in terms of hospitality and medical care matters the most especially when their condition is fragile and critical....
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Neck Pain and Disability Scale
9 pages (2760 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This paper is a literature review of the Neck Pain and Disability Scale which includes an evaluation of its validity and reliability in the measurement of neck pain within a population.... 1405), research literature concur that Neck Pain and Disability Scale is a reliable and valid method of measuring neck pain both for clinical reasons and research.... In general, research literature agrees that NPAD is a reliable measurement tool that is sensitive to all aspects of the patient's neck pain....
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