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An Analysis of How the UK Newspapers Reported the Senkaku Islands Dispute - Literature review Example

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 This essay focuses on Western Media’s International Coverage around China When Geo-Political Interests are at Stake. One of such parts determines the historical background of the relationship prevailing between the Sino-Japanese and the Senkaku Islands. …
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An Analysis of How the UK Newspapers Reported the Senkaku Islands Dispute
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An Analysis of How the UK Newspapers Reported the Senkaku Islands Dispute Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 2.0 Literature Review 3 2.1 Brief Overview of the Relationship between Sino-Japanese and Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu Islands) 3 2.1.1 Historical Evidences of Senkaku Islands 3 2.1.2 Japan’s Control over Senkaku Islands 5 2.1.3 Historical Evidences of Relationship between China and Japan With Respect to Senkaku Islands 6 2.2 Generalised Characteristics of International Coverage 8 2.2.1 Journalistic Global Communication 8 2.2.2 Covering under Global Perspectives 10 2.2.3 Framing’s Definition 13 2.3 Evaluation of Western Media in Portraying Other Nations 14 2.3.1 Objectivity in Journalism 14 2.3.2 Journalism Objectivity in Western Nations 15 2.3.3 Western Media Portrayal of China with regards to Senkaku Conflict 17 References 22 2.0 Literature Review With the aim of successful completion of the study by ascertaining the research objectives, a literature review has been conducted by considering varied articles relevant to the subject matter of the study. In this regard, in order to reach into a valid conclusion, the section of literature review is divided into three parts. One of such parts determines the historical background of the relationship prevailing between the Sino-Japanese and the Senkaku Islands. Another decisive part is elaborating the major attributes that play an imperative role in international coverage. This part also concentrates on the interaction existing between the media and the governmental representatives. Moreover, another part focuses on the attributes depicting the manner and the extent through which the western media portray other nations. In this part, the western media of the UK and the US in the form of the newspapers has been mainly considered for acquiring a better understanding about the reporting of Senkaku Islands dispute. Furthermore, the section also concentrates on determining the importance of framing news and the coverage of the same in national or international context. 2.1 Brief Overview of the Relationship between Sino-Japanese and Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu Islands) 2.1.1 Historical Evidences of Senkaku Islands In recent few years, it was observed that the geo-political conflict between Japan and China accelerated to the extreme level. According to Hagstrom, (2012), this was prominently seen over the Senkaku Islands, also known as Diaoyu islands, according to the Chinese. The islands possessed a total area of around seven square kilometres, which is in the west of Okinawa islands and east of China. Although the argument about the dispute of Senkaku Islands has accelerated recently, the debate between the two countries over the issue had been from history. Evidences revealed that both the countries have strong arguments to claim for the land. However, several media reports have pointed out different argumentative articles about the aforesaid issue. In this regard, one of the reports published by BBC (2014) suggests of the presence of a disputed island in the East China Sea. The report also provided the evidences of eight such disputed and uninhibited islands and rocks that existed in the Eastern Sea of China. Based on the viewpoints presented by Storey (2013), the historical evidence of Senkaku Islands can be traced back from reviewing several books like “Voyage with a Tail Wind”. Through this particular book, it can be ascertained that Senkaku Islands is also popularly acknowledged as Diaoyu in China. However, as per the standpoints of McCormack (2013), the historical evidence of Senkaku Islands can be mainly determined based on rising questions about the outcomes of World War II. This can be justified with reference to the fact that the sovereignty acquisition of Japan over the dispute of Senkaku Islands does not have any sort of association with the consequences of World War II, which eventually raises the question about the actual claim of ownership over such islands by Japan. It will be vital to mention in this similar context that the dispute concerning Senkaku Islands was deeply rooted during the period of 1960s when the evidences revealed that there existed the probability of huge hydrocarbon reserves in such islands. Likewise, with this probability, the dispute evolved in the form of chain of events (Hagstrom, 2012). 2.1.2 Japan’s Control over Senkaku Islands According to Manyin (2013), Senkaku Islands came under the control of Japan after the defeat of China in the First Sino-Japanese War. Since then Japan had started to conduct business in such islands for several years. Several entrepreneurs have invested in the islands for the purpose of fishing. Thus, these transformed to be the major fish processing islands of Japan. However, as per Fravel (2010), the above stated business process completely failed during the World War II. Moreover, it is also evident that during the World War II, the islands were occupied by the US government. The land was under the control of the US government until 1972. In the year 1972, the islands were returned to the control of Japan’s Government. Eventually in the same year, Chanlett-Avery & et. al. (2013) noted that the government of Taiwan and People’s Republic of China (PRC) claimed for those islands. It was ascertained from several media reports of China and other parts of the world regarding the ownership of the islands held by the Chinese. However, according to Manyin (2013), the media reports from Japan and other nations throughout the globe highlighted about favouring the ownership of the islands by Japan. This certainly led towards the rise of a debate regarding the ownership of Senkaku Islands. 2.1.3 Historical Evidences of Relationship between China and Japan With Respect to Senkaku Islands By considering the viewpoints presented by Manyin (2013), the prevalence of a heated relationship between China and Japan after the return of Senkaku Islands to Japan by the US government has been quite apparent. Certainly, the rising dispute about such islands has greatly affected the peace and cooperation between the two nations. This also imposed adverse impact on the trade relations that persisted amid the two nations. In this scenario, Hagstrom (2012) highlighted the fact that both the nations have different reasons for claiming the islands. In this context, one of the major factors, which contribute in making strong arguments in favour of China, is the evidence of maps and travelogues that depict Senkaku Islands to be an original part of China. Arguably, Storey (2013) identified lack of evidences of control by the Chinese in the uninhibited land of Senkaku prior to the year 1895, which certainly restricted the Chinese government to claim for the ownership of the land. Further arguments were also raised after the return of the islands to Japan. These arguments were primarily based on various historical evidences. Specially mentioning, the interrelation prevailing between China and Japan with regards to Senkaku Islands can be mainly determined by the increased level of communication formed between the two nations led by several media reporters. In relation to the above context, Manyin (2013) noted that the media argued about suggesting the islands to be used as an offshore defence site by the Chinese. This has been evident from the defence practices made against the Japanese pirates by the people of China. Notably, the islands have been extensively used by the Chinese as an offshore defence site during the existence of Qing and Ming dynasties. These dynasties existed during the period 1368 to 1911. Thus, the report of Manyin (2013) provides strong arguments in favour of claiming Chinese government to have greater control over Senkaku Islands. Moreover, the evidences depicted above tend to make counter attack on the statement of Japanese government regarding the lack of control over the islands by the Chinese prior to the year1895. According to Storey (2013), Japanese media had effectively countered the above statements that forwarded by the Chinese government. In this regard, the Japanese government argued that the highly disputed islands of Senkaku are neither the parts of Pescadores Islands nor the nation i.e. Taiwan. It has been witnessed that the stated islands were ceded during Qing Dynasty to Japan. This evidence can also be ascertained from the Article II of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, which took place during the year 1895. More importantly, there were no evidences of renounce from Japan under the Article II of the San Francisco Peace Treaty. Thus, the media has greatly contributed in portraying different facts relating to the dispute of Senkaku Islands amid the nations. The evidences presented above certainly led towards creating an opportunity for the government of Japan to counter argue the statements made by the Chinese government (Manyin, 2013). With regards to the viewpoints of Hagstrom (2012), the media reports further pointed out certain arguments in favouring China regarding the ownership of Senkaku Islands. In this regard, such media reports have provided the evidence about the presence of Senkaku Islands in the Chinese map of Asia. It is also evident in the map of Sangoku Tsūran Zusetsu. Moreover, it is important to note that the map prepared by Sangoku Tsūran Zusetsu was compiled by Hayashi Shihei, who was a cartographer from Japan. This clearly portrays the Senkaku Islands to be an integral part of China (Hagstrom, 2012). However, as per the viewpoints of McCormack (2013), a few of the media reports have also counter argued in relation to the statements made by the Chinese. In this regard, the media reports suggested of the purchase of Senkaku Islands by a Japanese entrepreneur. Moreover, it has been evident that the purchase of such islands was legal and approved by the Meji government of China. Apart from the above discussed aspects, the reports clearly revealed the fact that there were in excess of 240 workers belonging to Japan who were sent to the islands for the purpose of fishing and processing the fishes. Thus, considering the purchase of the land by an entrepreneur of Japan in a legal manner with approved notifications, the land cannot be considered as a property of the Chinese government. The media reports in this regard have greatly contributed towards making arguments in favouring Japan against China (Hagstrom, 2012). 2.2 Generalised Characteristics of International Coverage 2.2.1 Journalistic Global Communication According to the report of U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (2013), Japanese media reports have played an imperative role in publicly disclosing the dispute of Senkaku Islands in the global perceptive. It is worth mentioning that Sino-Japanese dispute regarding the Senkaku Island has infused massive controversies amid geo-political context. In this regard, Pan (2007) argued that with the effect of Senkaku Islands dispute, both the Chinese along with the Japanese governments have preserved a bilateral association in terms of following domestic legitimacy (U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, 2013; Pan, 2007). In this regard, based on the viewpoints of Swaine (n.d.), Japanese scholars as well as media reporters have emphasised considering the above presented evidences with the intention of claiming the Senkaku Islands as a part of Japan’s ownership. In response, Tatsumi (2013) argued that by focusing upon geo-political context, Japanese scholars and media reporters have tried to ensure taking effective control over such Islands. Thus, with this concern, over the years, several academic reports and articles have been published by the Japanese media for ensuring the claim over the Senkaku Islands (Tatsumi, 2013; Swaine, n.d.). On the other hand, based on the viewpoints presented by Tatsumi (2013), the Chinese scholars also frequently published certain articles regarding the debate of Senkaku Islands. In this regard, China has tried to ensure the claim on Senkaku Islands by making better use of media coverage in the global context (Tatsumi, 2013). According to Entman (2004), Japanese media utilised framing concept with the aim of enhancing the ability of directly influencing the audiences in the global perspective towards making viewpoints about the actual ownership of such islands. In this particular scenario, it has been witnessed that by executing the framing concept, Japanese mass media tried to establish a positive believe amongst the audiences regarding the ownership of Senkaku Islands (Entman, 2004). In relation to the above context, the viewpoints of Shaw (1999) clearly highlighted the fact that Japanese media has claimed Senkaku Islands to be a part of Japanese territory according to the principle of international law. In this context, the review of several academic literatures revealed that in the year 1884, one of the Japanese entrepreneurs has discovered Senkaku Islands for conducting business operations. At the same time, the entrepreneur utilised the Senkaku Islands for his business purpose. Shaw (1999) further elaborated that after tracing the Senkaku Islands, the entrepreneur used such islands for performing trade and commercial activities (Shaw, 1999). Consequently, the Japanese entrepreneur took the responsibility of developing Senkaku Islands by focusing on conducting business related activities and likewise developing the financial state of the same. Thus, over the years, the Japanese government always claimed Senkaku Islands as its own land (Shaw, 1999). On the other hand, based on the report of Kallio & et. al. (2012), Japanese mass media criticised Chinese cities media regarding the issue of Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. In this regard, in order to identify the objectives of Japanese mass media, it can be ascertained that this media has tried to establish a belief amongst others of varied countries regarding the rights of issuing such islands (Kallio & et. al., 2012). On the contrary, during the early 21st century, China started claiming Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands as its own island. Moreover, according to the viewpoints of Shaw (1999), facts depicted that by the creation of Sino-Japanese relationship, both Japan and China claimed their rights over such Islands through the assistance of trade and commercial activities (Shaw, 1999). 2.2.2 Covering under Global Perspectives With regards to identify the root causes of the rising Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands dispute, it can be found that since after the era of 1960s, the Sino-Japanese relationship got affected in one way or the other. Thus, in lieu of this context, Drifte (2008) identified that the debate concerning the ownership of Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands has influenced China and Japan and simultaneously, impacted the other nations by a considerable extent. Thus, in this similar context, Drifte (2006) claimed that the Japanese government emphasised acquiring Senkaku Islands for establishing occupancy on those five islands, which in turn, affected the business relations persisted between China and Japan. Simultaneously, the factor raised the tendency of military conflicts between these nations. As an effect, it is witnessed that the impacts were directly witnessed in the American market and Eurozone with the assistance of mass media (Drifte, 2008; Drifte, 2006). In accordance with the report published in varied UK newspapers, Japan defeated China in the early 1885 with the aim of capturing the mainland of Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. At the same time, facts elaborated in such newspapers revealed that Japan has defeated the Americans in the year 1945, when American militaries practiced bombing in the mainland areas of such islands. In this regard, based on the viewpoints of Tan (2006), China found that Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands have the potential of producing oil and gas, as the geographical location of these islands signifies a potential reserve of these items. Subsequently, the government of China argued that according to geographical context, Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands are positioned nearby Taiwan, Mainland China. Thus, based on this argument, Masahiro (2007) suggested that at the end of 19th century, China’s claim regarding the possession of Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands is absolutely vague. From an argumentative perspective, Yoshiro (1997) inferred that China and Japan have agreed to end up the conflict and debate regarding the dispute of Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. As an effect, it is witnessed that China’s attitude has been dramatically changed in the early 21st century due to the presence of mass media. At the same time, Japanese government has introduced a private owner of the three islands through mutual suspicion with China, which imposed immense impact on the environment from a global perspective (Masahiro, 2007; Tan, 2006; Yoshiro, 1997). 2.2.3 Framing’s Definition According to Klein & et. al. (2009), mass media has broadly utilised the framing concept, with the aim of communicating the dispute of Senkaku Isalnds in the geo-political context. Thus, it is quite clear that the aspect of mass media has the ability of influencing audiences in an extensive manner through passive inject of media. In this similar context, Price & Feldman (2009) claimed that Japanese mass media has framed an agenda for attracting the attention of the global audiences. Moreover, claim was also made about the fact that Japan primarily remained much concerned about delivering vague massages to the people for creating a misconception regarding the dispute of Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. However, the biased news media has influenced in rising conflicts, which initiated difficulties for both the nations including China and Japan (Klein & et. al., 2009; Price & Feldman, 2009). Thus, it can be asserted that the Japanese government might have utilised the framing concept in case of the dispute concerning Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands for establishing a strong argument regarding the proper ownership of these islands. By focusing on the framing concept, Japan has tried to impose negative impact on the Chinese government concerning the dispute of Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. With this concern, it is worth mentioning that mass media plays a decisive role in the geo-political context by presenting the facts with appropriate judgments and reaching into valid conclusions (Yoshiro, 1997). 2.3 Evaluation of Western Media in Portraying Other Nations 2.3.1 Objectivity in Journalism According to Maras (2013), objectivity is regarded as one of the major principles of journalism. In this regard, the objectivity in professional journalism refers to factuality, fairness, non-partisanship and disinterestedness. These are also acknowledged as the characteristics of objective reporting. It is extremely important from the perspective of a journalist to adhere such characteristics in his/her work. Moreover, its importance is even higher from the standpoint of making a society peaceful. Furthermore, objectivity in journalism is also defined as neutralism. This depicts the unbiased nature of the reports portrayed by the reporters to the society. As per the viewpoints of Berry (2012), it will be vital to note that the characteristics of journalism are easy to establish within the reporters or the media organisations. However, it will be a major challenge for the reporters to stringently maintain the characteristics of objectivity in journalism. This is because cautiously or un-cautiously, the journalists are not being able to maintain the objectivity. With regards to the above context Maras (2013) observed that journalism in the modern era face criticisms with regards to the factor of objectivity. This is primarily because of the extensive broadcasting of the media reports. Justifiably, the mass broadcasting of media through television or other tools certainly generates the possibility of hampering the objectivity facet of journalism. This hindering of the characteristics of objectivity in journalism is not limited to certain nations, but also within the entire world (Maras, 2013). 2.3.2 Journalism Objectivity in Western Nations In relation to the viewpoints presented by Maras (2013), the objectivity in journalism is nowhere maintained in a perfect manner. This is relevant to the case of journalism particularly in the western nations. However, Berry (2012) observed that attempts have been made to improve the objectivity, still it is not being successful. In this regard of improving the objectivity of journalism, the western nations have followed several journal policies and laws. It can be affirmed that the objectivity of journalism mainly got affected because of the techniques used in broadcasting the reports by the mass media (Berry, 2012). In western nations, certain evidences of infringement concerning journalism objectivity have been observed by McNair (2009). This might be owing to the reason of the prevailing political reasons. Based on the observation made by McNair (2009), the journalists are provoked by the respective government to provide biased reports at certain times for gaining political advantages. As a result of such attempt make by the media groups, there lays the probability of creating political coalitions amid the nations at large. Moreover, as per Berry (2012), the objectivity in journalism of the western nations has been largely affected because of having lack of effective research on the news. This is prominently observed in the geo-political context s specifically in the Eastern nations. The prime reason for such lack of research may be owing to the reason of persisting gaps in the geographical distance between the western and eastern nations. In the context of determining the objectivity of journalism in the western nations, it will be vital to mention that the journalists often face much difficulty in collecting relevant and valuable research materials from any geo-political conflict zone. In this regard, according to McNair (2009), one of such geo-political conflict zones can be ascertained as Senkaku Islands, wherein both China and Japan had claimed of their ownership on such islands. McNair (2009) also observed in the western nations that objectivity in journalism gets affected due to having misconceptions towards a particular issue. This is more evident in relation to the case of geo political issues that persist within the eastern nations. It has been earlier mentioned that the dispute of Senkaku Islands is duly considered to be one of the prime geo-political issues, wherein the objectivity of journalism in the western nations is witnessed to be impacted in one way or the other. Justifiably, the western media might not possess detailed idea about the facts of Senkaku Islands and thus, in certain cases, portray inappropriate information. This leads to the hindrance of the objectivity of journalism. Moreover Oborune (2010) observed that the inappropriate portray of the geo-political issues like Senkaku Islands largely misguide the citizens of the respective nations towards acquiring an in-depth idea about the stated issue. Furthermore, as per Poerksen (2013), it is important to note that the journalism reports published in the western countries are widely viewed throughout the world. This is not similar in relation to the case of the journal reports published within the eastern countries. This might be due to the reason of persisting language barriers. The languages of the eastern countries are not globally familiar as compared to English, which is considered as a global language. In relation to the above context, Borden (2013) observed that the media reports published in the eastern countries through international language are not widely viewed because of having lack of understanding about the contents presented in such reports due to varied reasons. These reasons might comprise cultural differences and language barriers among others. It can be affirmed from a broader understanding that the lack of objectivity in the reports published by the western journals regarding Senkaku Islands eventually portrays negative image of China and Japan based on the above stated grounds (Borden, 2013). 2.3.3 Western Media Portrayal of China with regards to Senkaku Conflict With regards to Witzel (2013), it is evident that the western media have not always portrayed China in a decent manner. This is more prominent in portraying China relating to the conflict of Senkaku. For instance, the US newspaper named ‘The National Interest’ suggested that Japan has claimed for Senkaku Islands in a better manner than China. However, from the media report, it can be found that the evidences were completely biased. In this regard, according to Armstrong (2013), it is unfair to assert that China have no strong claim for Senkaku. This can be justified with reference to the evidences ascertained from several maps and travelogues that suggest such islands to be the integral part of China. Thus, with this concern, it cannot be affirmed that China does not possess the right to claim for Senkaku. Based on the viewpoints of Witzel (2013), another instance of lack of objectivity in the media reports of western nations portraying China in relation to Senkaku conflict can be witnessed from the publications of an online magazine ‘American Thinker’. The media portrayal of this online magazine represented the fact that China was involved in preparing a war against Japan with the prime intent of seizing Senkaku Islands. However, as per the ideas of Armstrong (2013), in reality, there were no such evidences of preparation of war by the Chinese for fulfilling the aforesaid objective. Apart from this, there were no such media reports from the rest of the world that provided exact evidences of the above stated context. It is worth mentioning that even the Japanese media reports have not yet portrayed Chinese war preparation. This clearly depicts that the western media portrayed China from a negative perspective, which greatly affected the global image of this nation. This clearly asserted that the western media lack objectivity in portraying China to the world in a positive manner (Armstrong, 2013). In contrary to the media portrayal of ‘American Thinker’, Kallio & et. al. (2012) observed that the media reports of The Japan Times depicted the formation of a mutual agreement between China and Japan regarding Senkaku Islands. Moreover, as per Kallio & et. al. (2012), it will be vital to mention that although the media group ‘The Japan Times’ is involved in covering the news that are mostly related to Japan, this report of mutual agreement was written in London. Thus, it is unfair to mention that the western media lacks objectivity while portraying China in a negative manner concerning the dispute of Senkaku Islands in the form of presenting biased reports (Manicom, 2014). In relation to the observation made by Manicom (2014), one of the instances of lack of objectivity in the western media reports is evident from the media report portrayal of ‘The Times’. The media group on October 26, 2012 reported that the Chinese government threatened Japan regarding the issue of Senkaku. In this regard, it is evident that the Chinese government is worried about the conflict regarding Senkaku and bears the tendency of resolving the issue mutually. However, as per the ideas presented by Witzel (2013), it is unfair to declare that the Chinese government is threatening and rising fear to the Japan government with respect to the dispute of Senkaku Islands. This depicts the existence of biasness in portraying China by the western media. This subsequently led towards the enlargement of conflicts between the two nations (Witzel, 2013). According to Manicom (2014), another instance of lack of objectivity in the media report of the western nations is witnessed observed from the publications of ‘The Daily Telegraph’. The media report of this newspaper depicted that there has been a rise in the military conflict between China and Japan. On the other hand, Anderson (2014) asserted that there were no evidences of military conflict between the two nations from the reports published by other media of other nations throughout the globe. This implied lack of objectivity in journalism within the western media, provoking other nations of the world to have negative perception about China along with Japan (Manicom, 20140. Anderson (2014) noted that another report of ‘The Daily Telegraph’ published in the year 2012 depicted the international political conflict persisting between China and Japan. The report highlighted severe protests made by the two nations regarding the dispute of Senkaku Islands. Although it cannot be denied that there is no such political conflict among the two nations, the intensity showcased in the report is identified not to be real. Similarly, it is also important to note that there have been some of the public protests in China regarding the conflict of Senkaku. However, as per Estévez (2012), it is determined that the intensity of protests as portrayed in The Daily Telegraph is not factual. Thus, with this concern, it can be inferred that the report has misguided the government of China as well as Japan and also the citizens of these nations towards making further protests concerning the dispute of Senkaku Islands. Similarly, one of the instances concerning lack of objectivity in the reports of western media is evident from one of the renowned newspapers The Guardian. The report portrayed that a huge figure of Japanese firms have been shuttered down in China due to the rise of Sino Japan conflict. However, the reason behind the close of such firms is ascertained to be the Sino Japan Conflict. Unfortunately, the report published by the Guardian provoked several other Japanese entrepreneurs of China to close their business operations. This subsequently led towards generating fear amid the entrepreneurs of Japanese origin in China. Moreover, as per Estévez (2012), the above stated issue also hampered the economic stability of those Japanese entrepreneurs, resulting in affecting the economy of China at large. Based on the viewpoints of Estévez (2012), in the context of Japanese entrepreneurial loss in China, one of the major arguments forwarded by the Guardian in the year 2012 is regarding the loss of Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. The media group forecasted the profitability level of this Japanese operating in China. The western media group forecasted the profit of this company based on the rising conflict of China and Japan. The exaggerated media report had also placed the employment of several Nissan employees in China at stake (Estévez, 2012). In this regard, Manicom (2014) also presented the deteriorated performance of Toyota, which is also one of the evidences depicting the entrepreneurial loss of the Japanese firms. Thus, based on the above analysis and discussion, it has been quite apparent that the dispute of Senkaku Islands has contributed in affecting the financial performance of the firms, which in turn, generates a negative portrayal of the stated issue (Manicom, 2014). Based on the observation made by Manicom (2014), another instance of exaggerated western media report depicts the conduct of extreme protests by the people of China and Japan concerning the rising dispute of Senkaku Islands. This is witnessed in the publication of the newspaper Daily Telegraph. The report revealed the fact that over 50 cities in China and Japan remained engaged in extensively protesting against the aforesaid issue. However, according to several other media groups, there had been no such evidences of such an extensive protest conducted by the people of China. Moreover, from the report of The Times, it has been quite evident that China is threatening the US along with Japan with regards to Senkaku conflict. This extremely heated the political environment in the US. Subsequently, it created a negative image of China from a global perspective. However, no such evidences can be found about the involvement of Chinese government threatening the US (Manicom, 2014). Manicom (2014), in relation to the above context, claimed that the reports published by the western media cannot always be regarded as biased and possess lack of objectivity in journalism while portraying China. Justifiably, one of the media reports of ‘New York Times’ revealed that the dispute relating to the ownership of Senkaku Islands amid China and Japan is spreading in a significant magnitude through cyberspace. This report is completely true and is evident from being published in internet. In this regard, as per Estévez (2012), there are several other media groups that favour the above stated context. This, in contrary, also suggests that the western media completely do not lack objectivity while portraying China. References Anderson, E. W., 2014. Global Geopolitical Flashpoints: An Atlas of Conflict. Routledge. Archibald, D., 2015. China Prepares for War. American Thinker. [Online] Available at: [Accessed January 16, 2015]. Armstrong, C. K., 2013. Tyranny of the Weak: North Korea and the World, 1950–1992. Cornell University Press. Beech, J., 2012. Anti-Japan Protests Reach Fever Pitch as Panetta Visits Beijing. The Times. [Online] Available at: [Accessed January 16, 2015]. 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