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Gender Effects on Professionalism in Nursing
15 pages (4164 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Gender Effects on Professionalism in Nursing" paper finds out the ill-effects of gender bias.... Once this fact is established then the solutions for neutralizing the gender gap can be implemented.... This study finds the effects of gender in the medical arena in order to make it more efficient....
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Theory Construction and Professionalism and Ethics in Accounting
7 pages (2117 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Springer Science & Business Media. ... Springer Science & Business Media. ... The paper 'Theory Construction and Professionalism and Ethics in Accounting' is a cogent example of a finance & accounting assignment.... Teleology is defined as the study of nature in philosophy, where things are described regarding the way they appear or the end goal of the existence of this matter....
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New Humanism in Architecture
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
United Kingdom: Guardian News and Media Limited.... United Kingdom: Telegraph Media Group Limited.... In the paper 'New Humanism in Architecture' the author analyzes a belief among some architects that creativity has been hindered by society.... This group promotes aggressiveness by letting creativity flow, seemingly without regard for the environment or society's needs....
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The Difference in the Use of Language between the Young and the Old Generation
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
he change in technology, which led to, the introduction of computers, phones and social Media have also led to a difference in language use between the young and the old generation.... Describe the language you use when communicating to friends on social Media. ... The paper "The Difference in the Use of Language between the Young and the Old Generation" examines the difference in the use of language between the old and the young generation....
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Health Promotion Plan for Hypertension in the Australian Indigenous Community
8 pages (2474 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
ommunication Outlets/Media 5 ... ommunication Outlets/Media ... The "Health Promotion Plan for Hypertension in the Australian Indigenous Community" paper analyzes the health promotion project that targets Australian indigenous people aged 15 years and above and living in NSW....
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The Future Of Desalination In The United Arab Emirates
15 pages (4269 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The research proposal "The Future Of Desalination In The United Arab Emirates" describes the amount of desalinated water.... This paper outlines desalination and future water security in UAE, Renewable Energy, and Desalination projects in UAE.... ... ... ... According to the 2012 estimated by the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, some 72% of the water that UAE residents use emanates from groundwater supplies....
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The Difference in the Use of Language between the Young and the Old Generation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The change in technology, which led to, the introduction of computers, phones and social Media have also led to a difference in language use between the young and the old generation.... This paper examines the difference in the use of language between the old and the young generation....
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Educational Website Design
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Web Designing is the most important aspect of today's Internet world.... Web designing involves making webpages of proper size, choosing appropriate graphics and color scheme for the fore ground as well the background, correctly linking the pages, allowing smooth navigation and much more. ... ... ...
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HR & Development: Soft-Skills and Hard-Skills
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
In the research paper 'HR & Development: Soft-Skills and Hard-Skills' the author gives an example of soft-skills and hard-skills.... Soft skills are subjective and are associated with personal attributes.... Soft skills may be described as desirable qualities.... ... ... ... The author states that soft skills can be acquired but cannot be specifically taught or evaluated....
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You can create this
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
In an attempt to summarize the major points one should pay attention to when going to Portugal, we included into the report such subtopics as: ... ... ccording to the U.... .... & Foreign.... ... ... Department of State (1-4) Portugal is now a developed European Union market of around 10.... million people....
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Transvestic fethishism
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Sexual dysfunctions are currently classified into four major categories, according to the DSM–IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994): (a) sexual desire disorders, including hypoactive sexual desire and sexual aversion disorder; (b) sexual arousal disorders, including.... ... ... e sexual arousal disorder and erectile disorder; (c) orgasmic disorders, including female and male orgasmic disorder, and premature ejaculation; and (d) sexual pain disorders, including dyspareunia and vaginismus....
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Cravendale - Branding Objectives for New Product
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Backing, of course, by a Media coverage whose budget is a closely guarded secret. ... The paper 'Cravendale' - Branding Objectives for New Product' examines the final stages of the product brand creation - test making and product launch.... It justifies test marketing and strategies for testing the market, a marketing plan for selecting the target audience and launching a new product....
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Technology Assessment Plan
12 pages (3298 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Technology Assessment Plan'' discusses that the purpose of this technology plan is to evaluate the organization's existing technology infrastructure and usage in order to make recommendations for future planning and direction.... ... ... ... ToJa & FeNi Corporation produce confectionery products basically chocolate of all kinds....
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Undernutrition in Tamil Nadu
11 pages (2927 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Undernutrition in Tamil Nadu' presents Feed the World which is a well-known non-governmental organization, which in the past has dealt with a variety of nutritional issues around the world.... This agency has a lot of experience particularly in the issue of undernutrition within a country....
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Inbound Marketing in Travel Trade Industry
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
With the internet and tele-Media the process of marketing and selling of every product has found a new way to reach the common mass.... In the paper 'Inbound Marketing in Travel Trade Industry' the author solves the problem whether inbound marketing is the best marketing practices in the travel trade industry, and what is its impact on the growth of global tourism business....
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Partnership Working is Easier in Theory than in Practice
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
It is also crucial to make wise use of communication Media like e-mails and telephones because while they can enhance the communication process, they can also create feelings of blatant misunderstanding, isolation, and lack of privacy (Clarke, 2014:41).... The paper 'Partnership Working is Easier in Theory than in Practice' focuses on working partnerships, which are one of the most important aspects of organizational cooperation....
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Responding to the Schizophrenic States on the Issue of Homosexuality
12 pages (3507 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Homosexuality is regarded as a curse, against the cultural and moral values and a state of mental illness and must be portrayed as same in the society by Media.... "Responding to the Schizophrenic States on the Issue of Homosexuality" paper argues that gay activists in Singapore and Hong Kong relate to the state differently, and likewise, the state relates to the civil society differently, and this complex relationship elicits different responses....
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The Differences in Economic Circumstances Impact Upon the Families
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Also, through the mass global Media and communications technologies, Mexican families are exposed to western ideologies and have broken down the national identities.... The paper presents families that have become more pluralistic in recent times than ever before.... Changes because of globalization mean the decline in the American families....
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The Cha Spa Analysis
12 pages (3233 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This year, the spa will make use of multi-Media advertising.... This research proposal "The Cha Spa Analysis" presents alternative and natural therapy to combat stress and illness.... Services are meant to promote health and wellness.... Currently, the services offered are consultancy and relaxation therapies....
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Triggering Perceptive and Conscious Shifts in Three Dimensional Site Specific Art
9 pages (2591 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Hence, it can be well ascertained that natural Media are more effective and successful than other, as it ensures more depth in the visual art, causing direct interaction with human senses.... This paper "Triggering Perceptive and Conscious Shifts in Three Dimensional Site Specific Art" focuses on the fact that human senses mainly refer to their capacity to touch, feel, taste, smell and hear....
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Business Plan of an Angelix Pretzels Company
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Business Plan of an Angelix Pretzels Company" highlights that the market of Washington is quite attractive for Angelix Pretzels to operate its business.... The marketing strategies such as pricing, promotion and distribution will help Angelix Pretzels to ensure sustainability in business....
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Statement of Environmental Effect
6 pages (1899 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Statement of Environmental Effect'' tells us that a Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) is a basic requisite in project implementation.... This is essentially documentation that provides the relevant plans, a completed application form, and a statement of environmental effects.... ....
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Sustainable Tourism in London City
22 pages (7137 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Sustainable Tourism in London City" seeks to establish the application of sustainable tourism in London, including applicable approaches and techniques.... It seeks to answer issues on what sustainable tourism is, its goals, and its applications.... .... ... ... This study seeks to also determine the current state of tourism in London and the gaps in relation to sustainable tourism....
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Risk Assessment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Malathion Risk Assessment Malathion Risk Assessment This report assesses the risk to Genericville regarding the application of Malathion as a preventative and precautionary measure to control the mosquito population; and , therefore, control the spread of West Nile Virus (WNV).... ... ... ... This report will address the following conditions: 1....
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Secure Network Infrastructure for E-Commerce
3 pages (966 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
As the paper "Secure Network Infrastructure for E-Commerce" tells, many businesses use corporate applications and hence there has been a drastic rise in demand for the applications.... Organizations have implemented these applications which act as a medium of communication, transactions, etc.... ....
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AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and their need in the community
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) include coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease, high blood pressure (HBP), peripheral artery disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease and heart failure.... The primary cause of CHD is by blockage that prevents blood.... ... ... This is caused by a condition known as atherosclerosis, where the blood vessels become narrower and less flexible as blood vessels become blocked by blood clots....
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Brand Image for Healthcare Locums
3 pages (933 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Brand Image for Healthcare Locums" highlights that HCL has gained good experiences with regard to sourcing out individuals with health and social care professional experiences such as doctors, nurses, dietitians, and speech and language therapists.... ... ... ... The proposed project study will be completed after 2 weeks....
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Developments in Algae Production for Algae to Fuel
16 pages (5038 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Berlin, Germany: Springer Science and Business Media; pp.... The paper "Developments in Algae Production for Algae to Fuel" describes that in a highly productive case, there is a high water demand compared with traditional fossil fuels or the use of iron-irrigated biofuels when conventional feedstocks are used....
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American Indians Tribal Police and Civilian Police Multicultural Issues
10 pages (2861 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "American Indians Tribal Police and Civilian Police Multicultural Issues" presents community consultation that must become the fundamental building block for equality and policing services that are tailored to accommodate the needs of these communities.... ... ... ... The police must become responsive to the needs of the marginalized communities and not an impediment....
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How Poverty Has Been Measured Internationally
10 pages (2806 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "How Poverty Has Been Measured Internationally " states that generally, the technique was illustrated by probing into the trend in complete and relative poverty in the UK, employing figures from two years of the 'Family expenditure survey'.... .... ... ... Poverty is an important dilemma that has offered political and ethical challenges to all societies around the globe at all times....
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The research 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' will be looking into HRA 1998 vis- a vis culture of human rights with the hope that articulation that will be undertaken in this paper will help shed more light to the intricate connection of the two.... ... ... ... This study is significant primarily because it seeks to understand HRA 1998 in the context with which it is created – a response to the current demand of time....
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Design project
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The BioTek Washer Device is a proposed Project Device and a mechanized micro plate washer that can be coordinated into a lab mechanization framework that is run utilizing VWorks and planned as a part of with as an inserted System like Arduinos. ... ... ioTek is Designed and Programmed.... ... ... The Designed is made utilizing AutoCAD....
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Ethical Issues Of Resuscitation: Islamic Perspective
14 pages (3923 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper is a review of the Islamic stand on the practices of cardio pulmonary resuscitation and the other extreme of do-not-resuscitate (DNR) in contrast with the medical practices and ethics.... In the process, it will also look at other ethical and moral philosophies such as deontology, utilitarianism, and consequentialism....
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Accounting Methods for Property, Plant and Equipment under IFRS-A
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Accounting Methods for Property, Plant, and Equipment under IFRS-A' discusses accounting rules, which has created the need for better more suited accounting standard.... This area is becoming increasingly important to companies because the international accounting standard is shifting to unsmoothed....
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Human Resource Information Systems: Benefits of Implementation
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This research paper 'Human Resource Information Systems: Benefits of Implementation' describes the challenges and drawbacks to the contemporary human resources practitioner.... There are many challenges and considerations when launching these systems.... ... ... ... The author states that the HRIS system is a conglomerate of different electronic systems, the sophistication and price-tag of which is dependent on the specific business or industry, which provides the HR manager and even line manager with real-time data which can be housed until practical HR decisions need to be made....
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Socioeconomic Factors and Health Outcomes
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Socioeconomic Factors and Health Outcomes' analyzes the correlation between the poverty and health inequalities in marginalized groups.... It suggests that officials should implement alongside priorities and indicators to ensure the effectiveness of public health policies.... ... ... ... The relation of income and health in the United Kingdom has been in the focus since time immemorial....
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Residual Valuation for Goliath
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Residual Valuation for Goliath' focuses on the process of valuing land and other permanent assets that carry the development potential as Residual Valuation.... It is possible to calculate the amount of money available for purchasing a given asset such as land.... ... ... ... The author states that costs of building constitute the largest risk on the side of costs under residual evaluation....
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Underachievement in Gifted and Talented Students with Special Needs
31 pages (8034 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Underachievement in Gifted and Talented Students with Special Needs" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis and emphasis on the practitioners the need to explore the causes of students' underachieving and suggest appropriate intervention.... ... ... ... Gifted and talented special need students underachieve for various reasons, and in several different circumstances....
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Therapeutic Occupation and Intervention for a Group of Clients
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Therapeutic Occupation and Intervention for a Group of Clients' identifies client group as adolescents between the ages of 10-19 suffering from autism.... Autism is associated with the impairment of brain development leading to a lack of social intercourse and communication.... ... ... ...
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Prerequisites for Success of Este Lauder
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Prerequisites for Success of Estée Lauder' discusses the breakthrough success of the cosmetic giant present in over 130 countries with 19 premium brands due to effective cost structure combined with superior inventory management, right solutions in advertising and investments.... ...
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Data Warehouse Design and Implementation
9 pages (2783 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Data Warehouse Design and Implementation'' discusses some of the important aspects related to the design and implementation of a data warehouse system.... The basic purpose of this research is to investigate some of the important aspects such as theories, initiatives and techniques.... ....
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The Link between Community as Core Value and Emergency Action Plans
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
du/Media/432276/codeofconduct.... For this paper 'The Link between Community as Core Value and Emergency Action Plans' the author is going to look on how the core value of community applies to maintain safe environments both at work and off work in the process of developing emergency action plans....
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Any historic event before 1877
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The Civil war lasted for the period between 1861 and 1865.... After eleven states withdrew from the United States to form the Confederate States of America, also referred to as the “South”,.... ... ... The war is perceptibly the most ruinous event that America has ever encountered.... The war gave rise to almost 1,030,000 casualties, 3 percent of the total population, including approximately 600,000 Southerners and Everybody, at least lost a person during the war, either through death or through separation....
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Childhood Obesity and the Rise of Healthcare
33 pages (9094 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Childhood Obesity and the Rise of Healthcare" seeks to answer the following questions: What are the causes of obesity among children?... What are the different effective interventions for childhood obesity?... This study shall be a retrospective descriptive study of childhood obesity....
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Book Storage Design
3 pages (1009 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Book Storage Design" tells us about speculate about the storage facilities in libraries.... Very high quality wood, steel for hinges and carpenter-tools like nails and others are the base requirements.... ... ... ... Superior quality Glass (of Saint Gobain brand) is also needed.... The Book Storage would be designed to actively involve the librarian in the design-planning process....
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The Challenges of the Forensic Recovery and Examination of Data from Mobile Devices
14 pages (4091 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Electromagnetic waves pass through Media therefore; these evidence loaded devices are put in special containers such as the Faraday bag that block all communication.... The data storage Media in computers is largely the hard drives whereas mobile devices use volatile memory; therefore it becomes easier for mobile devices to lose data.... IPhone Forensics: Recovering Evidence, Personal Data, and Corporate Assets: O'Reilly Media, Inc....
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Emergency Risk Management: Tsunami as a Natural Disaster
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Emergency Risk Management: Tsunami as a Natural Disaster' the author creates awareness on the risk management issue in the context of disaster.... Disaster management is a crucial part of total risk management system for saving communities from the effects of the disaster.... ... ... ...
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Sex Education in primary schools
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Barbara DeFoe Whitehead says that although these programs are inexpensive and easy to teach, the children are given condoms and lubricant but they are expected to know what to do with it after the education; in most cases they do not. ... ... tatistics should that the average age.... ... ... More and more young teenagers are engaging in sexual activity without being aware of the risks....
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Making the Kitchen Floor at the Restaurant Less Hazardous
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This report 'Making the Kitchen Floor at the Restaurant Less Hazardous' provides information to the restaurant supervisors, managers and kitchen workers on the various sources of personal accidents while in the kitchen.... The report identifies the loopholes on personal security.... ... ... ... This research work aims at identifying the various cases of worker injuries because of accidents relating to floor conditions....
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Same-Sex Marriage in the United States
7 pages (2090 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Same-Sex Marriage in the United States' explores a single aspect of the debate: the possibility of the repeal of DOMA and its implications for same-sex marriage in the country.... The same-sex debate has raged on in the United States for some time now.... ... ... ... The author states that President Barrack Obama declared that they are opposed to DOMA and pledged to do everything within their power to get the Act repealed during their presidency....
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