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The Differences in Economic Circumstances Impact Upon the Families - Research Proposal Example

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The paper presents families that have become more pluralistic in recent times than ever before. Changes because of globalization mean the decline in the American families. Charles Murray, a reporter in the Wall Street Journal directed illegitimate births as the most critical problem…
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The Differences in Economic Circumstances Impact Upon the Families
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Running Head: Families in Global Context Families in Global Context of Families in Global Context What challenges confront families in both countries as they face major changes? United States The social scientific community had arrived at the agreement that the familial tradition had triggered the outburst of theatrical modifications and transformations from the 1960s to 1980s. Newspaper reporters, traditionalist religionists and politicians in the United States belatedly came into the disagreement to declare confrontation over a new war over the family. United States is the developed and super power in the world. With the advent of globalization, American families confront many challenges as they face major changes in their society. Families have emerged in the form of different groups within the society (Roopnarine, 2005). In other words, families have become more pluralistic in recent times then ever before. Changes because of globalization mean the decline in the American families. Charles Murray, a reporter in Wall Street Journal directed illegitimate births as the most critical problem with more devastating affects than any crimes. American families have to confront challenges like high divorce rates, illegitimate births, pre-marital sex, decline in birth rates, loss of family functions, etc. The highest official divorce rates are in United States when compared to other developed nations. The high divorce rates are a threat to the continuation of familial institution. Children experience mental illness, perform poorly at their schools or display other signals of maladjustment. The sexual revolution is also the dominating factor that threatens the existence of American families because it promotes premarital sex and illegitimate births. Transformation in American society had been escorted with decline in fertility. Before the era of globalization, families were considered to be miniature society (Roopnarine, 2005). The shifting of functions from the family to other institutions has made it less important because of decrease in social responsibilities. Mexico With the advent of globalization, families in Mexico that were once customarily closely knit, appear to be dispersed, specifically among the young rural migrants who go to urban areas for better job opportunities. Meanwhile, the elders of the family are abandoned frequently to fend for themselves while the young male members of the family are lost in the intermediary regions of the urban centers (Grusky, 2001). The migrations of young people have made them abandon their cultural values for which they were known for. Also, there has been a decline in equally positive close relationship and bond that existed between the elders and the youngsters of the family in Mexico. Moreover, it creates a rising danger and risk to family with all its assistant social evils for their children. Another challenge which the Mexican families face is the increase in migration to countries like U.S and Canada for better working conditions which is a serious danger to the cultural identities of the Mexican family. The atomistic modifications to individual requirements which is supposed by Mexicans is the main characteristic of secularized American point of view endangers to weaken the motivating and inspiring pleasure and dignity in family name and lineage (Hymowitz, 2006). Mexican families are also facing teenage pregnancies which restrain responsibilities. Also for the first times, Mexican families are facing a large quantity of women who refuse to have children and are freeing themselves from the responsibilities. The advent of globalization, liberalization has weakened the family structure in the Mexican society by weakening its traditional structure. The principle of liberals has totally disparaged the true development through the healthy family life. 2. To what extent do the differences in economic circumstances impact upon the families? The differences in the economic circumstances, distribution of economic assets and income among families and groups have negative impacts upon them. These differences have always existed in all societies throughout in history. The differences in economic circumstances related to poverty have increased crimes among these families. They are living in poor housing, unemployed and do have access to health care facilities and other benefits. Researchers have revealed an apparent connection between differences in economic circumstances and family unities (Roopnarine, 2005). In societies where differences in economic circumstances do not exist, family members are liable to trust each other more. Families living in societies where economic inequality exists, it leads them to crimes. Studies have revealed the relationship between the differences in economic circumstances in families and crime rate. The escalating dispersion in individual earnings has lead to inequality in family income. Simultaneously, U.S has observed changed in family patterns and attitude that has led to this growing difference in family economic circumstances. The modifications in the U.S society includes increased number of female workers and households of single parent with children. Poor families are subjected to psychosocial disorders which are caused by status and the social stratification. Human capital revolves around family. Families play various types of roles in the complicated thread that can maintain difference in economic circumstances. The distributive capability of each family member with in the family is reduced. This means that difference in economic circumstances reduces the total amount of personal utility because of the declining utility of resources. Take an example of successful business man who buys a summer house. It will provide less benefit to the business man as compared to homeless family. Lower classes face formidable tasks in attempting to access quality amenities of life. Economic differences in families in developing countries demonstrate the negative impacts on their family structure. Inside Mexico, the majority of these families are forced to work as cheap labors and hence they do not get the chance to pursue education in order to secure their future. Economic differences also force them to live in poor living conditions which can cause various types of health problems. Economic inequality has direct and indirect effect on the societal, mental and physical well being of families. It is very essential to understand the relationship between poverty and economic inequality. Poor families are exposed to hazardous environments, lead stressful life, deficient in basic necessities of life and are not part of the society. It has been known for a long time that the poor families suffering from economic inequality are prone to suffer the dangerous effect of health behaviors. Inside the United States of America, the difference in economic circumstances also comes with long term problems such as poor health and increased mortality, low grades of children in their school as well as drug addiction among families (Berberoglu, 2001). Psychiatric disorders are also found between these children who hail from poor families which generates stress and life crises in them. Other problems which can be caused by difference in economic circumstances include criminal life, suicidal attempts, drug abuse, increased crime rates, etc. 3. What difference does social class make? In other words, are families from different cultures basically similar because of similar class standings? Social class is a term used to denote the successive layers of divisions between various individuals and groups inside any society or culture. Numerous factors determine the social class in different societies. These factors can include political, economic, social factors. People with greater political influence, wealth, and assets are at the top hierarchy of social classes within any nation. They seek to maintain their ranks above the lower social classes. They are also known as elites within their own societies. Social status in the United States is determined by income, educational qualification, and occupational prestige. The upper class has great influence, wealth, and prestige in the country as they control business and government positions. The upper middle class is also relatively affluent as they have high paying jobs and greater degree of purchasing power (Eder, 2006). The lower middle class comprise the people who have less advanced degree which makes them vulnerable to economic fluctuations and shocks. The working class and lower classes are marginalized and vulnerable members of society. Mexico’s social class structure is also divided into various groups. An estimated twenty percent of the population belongs to the upper and upper middle class as they comprise politicians, bureaucrats, army generals, business executives, and professionals working in prestigious positions. This group is highly urbanized with high educational qualifications. The lower middle class comprises thirty percent of the population as they live in urban areas. They also have educational levels which is higher than the national average. The remaining percentage of Mexicans comprises the lower classes. This group is a diverse group comprising of workers, peasants, and small traders. They are highly vulnerable to economic fluctuations, inflation, and decline in purchasing power. The differences that social class makes can be felt anywhere. Almost every aspect of culture is affected by social class in one way or another. Social class plays a vital role in families as well. The development of children is highly influenced by social class (Jamrozik, 2005). Often children are taught to complement with their class which develops their personality in accordance to their social status. The social class differentiates people as upper, middle, working and lower classes. Social class is responsible for creating a system of inequality. The notion of social class is generally misused. People who are rich or enjoy extra privileges tend to for a group and act together. In cultures, where there is huge gap between the rich and the poor, studies show that the society life is weak and there is distrust among the people. The social class allows the rich class to become influential. Social class differentiation contributes to social ills. The most obvious problem caused by social cause in the increasing rate of social problems because the majority of the people are below poverty line. The advent of globalization has resulted in many social problems becoming universal. Mexican middle class is comparable to that of the American middle class as they own homes, electronic goods, automobiles, and access to education and health facilities. They face the same urban problems like crime, drugs, high divorce rates, decreased purchasing power, and decline in quality of life. However there are important differences as the level of income inequality, economic problems, and poverty are still higher as compared with the United States of America. 4. What seems to matter most in understanding the contrast, culture or economic circumstances? Social class in the United States and Mexico faces the same problems because globalization has led to the creation of universal social problems. However there exists a contrast between the socioeconomic groups in the United States and Mexico. Mexican families were traditionally conservative and based on values. Globalization has changed that as Mexicans are marrying older, favoring legal unions, and interpreting relationships in a more equal manner. The dynamics and functioning of family life has been disrupted. Culture can explain the contrast between Mexican and American families. The Mexican family is defined by the power and supremacy of the father. The mother is the symbol of love and absolute sacrifice. Research conducted found that Mexicans agree to these premises as the basis of their family life (Leathwood, 2004). Obedience has been a traditional factor as children and people have to obey their parents. Mexico is a highly hierarchical society where respect is based upon the power, influence, and wealth of people with higher social status. In comparison the United States there is a more egalitarian concept of respect and power. Culture plays an important role to describe the differences between Mexican and American families. Mexican families believe that the father should be the head of the home while women should remain virgins until marriage. Marriage is considered a sacred institution. Other traditional notions have included the beliefs that women must be faithful to their homes. Women must also raise the children and do household chores. The strong notion of authoritarianism is prevalent in Mexican families. American families have undergone a profound change with the advent of globalization. The family structure of staying at home mothers has been challenged. Research has concluded that this will continue. Divorce, cohabitation, and single parenthood have displaced the concept of marriage. American middle class people are more likely to marry and remarry as compared with the lower and working classes. Cohabitation and remaining single were the characteristics of lower classes. The decline of marriage as an institution can be explained because of the unique aspect of American culture. Marriage is done at an older age. Cohabitation is becoming more popular as more children are being born out of wedlock. As women have entered the labor force, the gender roles have been redefined (Ehrenreich, 2004). It is now common for parents to work as by the 1990s, an estimated sixty seven percent of parents were employed as compared with the 1970s. The expectations of parents towards their children have also changed. Americans do not believe that family life will suffer as a result of the mother being employed (Ehrenreich, 2004). Some Americans also have changing perceptions of having children as the purpose of marriage. Culture can explain the differences in attitudes of families in Mexico and the United States of America. The US becoming an advanced and technology sophisticated society is rapidly moving from the notion of marriage as a sacred institution. Family values are being changed as women increasingly enter the workforce. Mexican upper class and upper middle class values are also changing but the poor and lower classes continue to defend and preserve their traditional notions of marriage. 5. In what ways are families in the countries you select being impacted by globalization? United States Globalization has led to the elevated financial insecurity of many families, wives being financially independent, high divorce rates and more early pregnancies in United States. Further, less marriage and paternal time with children, the increase in poverty of single working mothers and the lives of their children and the elevated economic liability of children to their parents and men becoming fatherless are the major impacts of globalization in the American family values (Marshall, 2003). The family system in United States is at threat because of globalization and liberalization. Divorce laws have increased the rate of divorces in United States of America which has a negative impact on children. Various studies have shown that when parents divorce, children are exposed to mental illness, perform poorly at school and often experience depression. Globalization is responsible for harboring sexual revolution which has caused many teenagers to get involved in premarital sex and hence elevating illegitimate birth rate. There has been a decline in fertility rate where couples do not want to have children. In other cases they want to adopt children. Christopher Lasch observed that the American family declined in the global world because of divorce catastrophes, feminism, etc. Globalization has also affected women in many ways. Married women in America with husbands staying at homes are employed outside home. Husbands who are financially dependent on their wives are often unhappy with their marriage and more likely to seek divorce. Although, globalization offered good standard of living yet it created barriers among families. Mexico Secularism, liberalism, commercialism are all the pillar of globalization which have redefined the Mexican family values on family, marriage, children and old aged parents and placing more concentration on him or herself than thinking collectively. Today, globalization has placed values which aim at marginal benefit rather than family benefit. In other words, money relations are more significant than anything else. Families in Mexico have been exposed to globalization. Many Mexican families witness young people looking for better job opportunities in the developed countries by joining low skill industries. This has elevated competition among the Mexican families within the vicinity of Mexico, interceded by such micro-patterns as ethnic and family structures, speeding up the cross-flows of immigrants. Women in Mexican families are moving to paid labor force and have started working away from home (Wright, 1997). Although globalization has offered many opportunities for both men and women in the Mexican family and also enabled them to improve their standard of living, the immense amount of globalization has created a gap between the elders and the youngsters of the family. Also, children in the Mexican families are left home alone without any adult supervision. Also, through the mass global media and communications technologies, Mexican families are exposed to western ideologies and have broken down the national identities. In other words, their cultural heritage is at stake. Also, the massive globalization is responsible for splitting families. In many cases, the bread earner migrates and is absent for long period of time. The splitting of parents because of migration in Mexico has a dramatic affect on families. It prevents families from reuniting. It also raises the questions about the notions of identity and nationality. References: Roopnarine, J.L. & Gielen, U.P (Eds.). (2005). Families in global perspective.Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Ehrenreich, B., & Hochschild, A.R. (Eds.). (2004) Global woman: Nannies, maids, and sex workers in the new economy. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Grusky, David B. ed.; Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective (2001) scholarly articles Hymowitz, Kay; Marriage and Caste in America: Separate and Unequal Families in a Post-Marital Age (2006) Berberoglu B (2001) Class Structure and Social Transformation, Praeger, London Eder K (2006) The New Politics of Class : Social Movements and Cultural Dynamics in Advanced Societies, Sage Publications, London Jamrozik A (2005) Class, Inequality and the State : Social Change, Social Policy and the New Middle Classes, Macmillan, South Melbourne Leathwood, C. & Archer, L. (2004) Social Class and Educational Inequalities: the local and the global. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 12(1), pp.5-13.     Marshall G (2003) Repositioning Class: Social Inequality in Industrial Societies, SAGE Publications, London Wright E O (1997) Class Counts: Comparative Studies in Class Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Read More
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