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Alcohol Use in Teens
8 pages (2284 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Alcohol Use in Teens" it is clear that generally speaking, in the United States, the legal age to consume alcohol is 21 due to which, all the teens who are involved in drinking alcohol are involved in illegal activity (TeensHealth, 2006).... .... ... ... The teens make use of alcohol due to 'curiosity, to feel good, to reduce stress, to relax, to fit in and to feel older'....
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The Financial Support of Enterprises in Saudi Arabia
6 pages (1987 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Financial Support of Enterprises in Saudi Arabia" states that overall lending share for SMEs is relatively low in GCC and Saudi Arabia.... There is a general lack of funding support from financial institutions as most of the SMEs in the region are equity financed.... ... ... ... Alasrag (2010) investigated that the overall competitiveness of SMEs in Arab countries, however, is relatively low, and in order to compete at the international level and increase the overall diversity of GCC economies....
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Marketing Management at Sainsbury Plc
10 pages (2869 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Aside from this, the outcome was also announced publicly and was generally well received by the market and the Media.... n view of the recent improvements resulting from the firm's recovery plan, Sainsbury's has been receiving positive reviews from its customers and the Media as well.... In this regard, the use of Media for promotions should be focused on sponsorships, press releases and marketing events.... More importantly, Sainsbury's marketing program should involve integrated marketing communications such that the company's brand and customer message must be communicated consistently through all Media (Kotler 2005). ...
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Government Corporations
7 pages (1896 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The research on "Government Corporations" analyzes a successful and well-managed organisation guiding main beliefs and corporate principles, which will in twist put the organisation's civilization.... ... ... ... The modern corporation is the leading form of commerce organization in the globe today....
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Organizational Culture and Organizational Behavior
6 pages (1745 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
With the help advanced tools in Media transmission and information technology cultural phenomenon has become highly accessible now.... The paper "Organizational Culture and Organizational Behavior" explains the implications and applications of organizational culture in shaping up organizational behaviors....
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Maximizing the Childrens Segment for Tonga Toys
10 pages (2651 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
It will help the owner and the entire management team makes informed decisions concerning how to price its products, reveal to the business on ways it can use to distribute its products, which Media to apply such as newspapers, T.... The choice of segmentation will also depend on other factors such as type of product, type of demand, the methodology of distribution, the motivation of buyers and the Media available for market communication....
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The Subiaco Centro project (Transit-oriented develepments)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
A Brief Description of the Subiaco-Centro Project: The Subiaco-Centro project began in 1994 after two years of public consultation and the community acceptance of the finalized plans.... The project is a planned redevelopment of former industrial land in Subacio and currently 85% of all development has been completed on the construction of townhouses, apartments and commercial area....
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Business Issue in South Australia
6 pages (1887 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Business Issue in South Australia" states that corporate fraud in recent years has contributed to the downfall of many renowned companies such as WorldCom and Enron and many more.... These fraudulent activities are either undertaken by the internal management or the external auditors.... ...
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Interpretive Planning
9 pages (2664 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
in the first section, and in the second section, I have intended to chose one main type of interpretive Media from each site as brochures and other Media advertisement strategies in NPA and the online ad placing and feed back forum advertisement in eBay ,and so on, and to assess their effectiveness as interpretive Media for the public, and indicate their strengths and weaknesses. ... According to Freeman Tilden, who is referred to as the father of interpretation, it is an educational activity that reveals the meaning and relationships by using original objects, first hand experience and illustrative Media, rather than simply serving to communicate factual information....
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Cognitive Priming and its Role in Learning
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
In the paper 'Cognitive Priming and its Role in Learning' the author gives answers to the following questions: What is cognitive priming?... What is the role of cognitive priming in learning in general?... What is the role of cognitive priming in academic performance specifically?... ... ... ... The author will use academic journals from the Internet and library databases and books as my main resources....
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Low-Cost Labour Outsourcing
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This report 'Low-Cost Labour Outsourcing' is prepared with the aim of evaluating the pros and cons of these arguments by referring to the theoretical works presented by different scholars and practitioners in this domain.... The report presents a view as to whether Friedman's arguments still hold ground....
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Accounting for Impairments Issues Related to Goodwill Impairment
7 pages (1938 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Accounting for Impairments Issues Related to Goodwill Impairment" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting research proposal.... Goodwill in accounting is often considered as an intangible asset that rises from the purchase of an already existing business, that the asset that comes with the acquisition of a business that was already in operation for a period of time....
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Mobile Application Technology
4 pages (1140 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Mobile Application Technology'' tells us that mobile technology is a type of technology that uses cellular communication.... In the near past, TTY made it possible for people with hearing problems to have typed communications over a traditional phone line.... This invention gave rise to modern mobile technology....
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Software Engineering Principles for Forensic Integrity of Digital Forensics
4 pages (1371 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
New Delhi: Firewal Media. ... The proposal "Software Engineering Principles for Forensic Integrity of Digital Forensics" focuses on the critical analysis of conducting a review of the software engineering methodologies and principles to evaluate the most suitable methodology and principle in digital forensic software development....
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Human resources - performance management
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper seeks to present a research proposal on the issue whether the different generations prefer different techniques of performance management in businesses.... In other words the proposal puts forth if the different generations work better under performance management system designed exclusively for them....
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Online Buying Behaviour
14 pages (3630 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
In addition, an online survey is useful in determining the role of social Media in influencing consumer online purchasing behaviour.... he social characteristics influence consumer online purchasing behaviour by facilitating interaction on the social Media.... The paper 'Online Buying Behaviour' is an earnest example of the marketing research proposal....
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Banking Customer Service Satisfaction in Australia
23 pages (6215 words) , Research Proposal
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The paper "Banking Customer Service Satisfaction in Australia" is a decent example of a Finance & Accounting research proposal.... The present business ecology has become very challenging and competitive.... As a result of various challenges and globalization's demand, organizations are compelled to remake the systems and products to enhance the service quality and maintain competitiveness....
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Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
11 pages (3331 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder" paper aims at analyzing the causes, medical interventions, and the effects of bipolar.... The author examines the theoretical approaches to DMDD, diagnosis, and treatment.... The author will also examine the case study of a DMDD patient and his medical history....
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An investment scheme to finance boot camps
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
n case of a failure to reach the primary sources, modern technology such as emails, telephone calls, and use of social Media to reach the young people who are beneficiaries of the boot camps will be used.... The paper 'An investment scheme to finance boot camps' will discuss the government intervention to improve the level of education in the country and an investment scheme that will finance boot camps....
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Human Organs as Commodities in the Global Capitalist System
10 pages (2756 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Human Organs as Commodities in the Global Capitalist System" focuses on the research that intends to study human organs and its commodification using the concept of the world capitalist system that has Marxist and postmodernist concepts.... ... ... ... The paper aims to describe the conversation that depicts organ transplantation as a process of commodification of human organs and its implications for the commodification of human life and to explore the conflicts within this conversation, especially in the context of oppositions between modernist and postmodernist views of the world system....
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Sports Event Sponsorship
11 pages (3360 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This is because it can overcome communication barriers that Media advertising cannot (Walliser, 2003).... According to Fan & Pfitzenmaier (2002), event sponsorship can provide the companies with ability to communicate with target mass as an alternate to mass Media....
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Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements
6 pages (1813 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Effectiveness of Public Service Announcements" highlights that Public Service Announcements are a very important source of communication available to organizations and governments.... It is generally used for making announcements that are non-commercial in nature.... ... ... ... Celebrity endorsements are one of the most famous methods of marketing used today....
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Association between Stress Levels and the Number of Cigarettes Smoked
12 pages (3380 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Association between Stress Levels and the Number of Cigarettes Smoked" discusses that the number of cigarettes that an individual smoke contributes to stress.... However, the number of cigarettes that one consumes in a particular week also helps to increase or drop in stress levels.... ...
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Interventional Strategies to Decrease Nursing Student Anxiety
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
In the study 'Interventional Strategies to Decrease Nursing Student Anxiety' the paper chosen for critique is a pilot study by van der Riet exploring the implications of seven-week stress management and mindfulness program that served as learning support and a method of reducing stress.... ... ... ...
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Bio Molecular Technique
13 pages (3275 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Bio Molecular Technique" states that the natural selection of food is associated with the quantity of iodine in the diet (13).... Moreover, in little iodine geographical regions, isothiocyanates over–ingestion has been associated with thyroid disease.... .... ... ... The ability to taste phenylthiocarbamide (PTC)-a bitter chemical known as an inherited feature and has also been commonly utilized for anthropological and genetics research....
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How Can a Foldable Container Cut Down Costs of Empty Transport
14 pages (3916 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The author of the paper titled "How Can a Foldable Container Cut Down Costs of Empty Transport" gives general information regarding empty container transport and will be tackled in detail to give the readers a background regarding the research topic.... ... ... ... Because of the availability of shipping containers, the transport of cargo from one destination to another became safer....
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Educational Achievement of Looked After Children
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper begins with the statement that looked after children, refers to the children under the age of 18 years that have been provided with care and accommodation by children's services.... This will foster carers but some of the looked after children may be in a children's home or boarding school....
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The Development of Motivated Burglars
12 pages (3110 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Development of Motivated Burglars" highlights that according to crime and place theory, how respective targets come to know of burglars influences the distribution of burglary crime events over time and space.... This occurs because burglars engage in custom activities.... .... ... ...
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Information Sharing and Consultation with Hard To Reach Groups
8 pages (2640 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
People can obtain and pass information passively through means such as telephone, e-mails and print Media.... The information can be distributed through television, Media and print.... When advertising, it is important to consider the form of Media that the hard to reach group may access for example people with physical disabilities can easily access information through television and radio more readily as opposed to print Media. ...
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Fundamentals of Cryptology
8 pages (2544 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Fundamentals of Cryptology" presents the basic functioning of ciphers because mostly ciphers fail because of improper and rushed use.... In this regard, it is important to note that for a cipher to work properly it is important to invest in resources.... ... ... ... An adaptive chosen-plaintext attack is a specialized form of chosen plain text attack....
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Good Practices in Teaching and Learning English for Specific Purposes in Chinese Universities
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper is written as a research proposal on the" Good Practices in Teaching and Learning English for Specific Purposes in Chinese Universities' topic.... The main aim of this research is to find out suitable methods to teach and learn English at a Chinese university.... .... ... ... It is a fact that non-native speakers of English have a tendency to translate or attempt to translate first language words, phrases and organization into English (Connor, p....
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The Use of Communication Technologies
8 pages (2583 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
: Developing a communication ethics model to address potential sexual harassment from inappropriate social Media contacts between coworkers.... : Developing a communication ethics model to address potential sexual harassment from inappropriate social Media contacts between coworkers....
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Implementation of Thailand Social Investment Project
16 pages (4321 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
As the paper "Implementation of Thailand Social Investment Project" states, the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 adversely affected the Kingdom of Thailand.... The Royal Thai Government or RTG anticipated increasing unemployment as one of the major social repercussions of the crisis.... ... ... ... The estimated unemployment rate in February 1998 was 2....
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Threats Posed to the European Union by Al-Qaeda Militia Operating from Northern Africa
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Name Professor History and Political Science Date Project title: Threats Posed to the European Union by Al-Qaeda Militia Operating from Northern Africa 1.... SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project focuses on exploring terrorism operations by Al-Qaeda militia operating from Northern Africa and threat pose to the European union....
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Privacy-Enhancing Security Mechanisms
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
[Your full name] [Instructor's full name] October 02, 2011 Introduction Wireless networks have almost become an essential part of our daily life.... People send large amounts of sensitive data over the networks to their desired destinations.... ... ... ... The major concern of every person is that the data should reach the desired person properly....
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Better Outcomes in Terms of Hospital Cost Savings
4 pages (1060 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Better Outcomes in Terms of Hospital Cost Savings " discusses whether the use of universal procedures for the control of MRSA leads to better outcomes in terms of hospital cost savings and perceptions of well-being among the patients.... ... ... ... As the amount of money spent in this regard is huge, there is a hope to reduce this extra cost if it can be proved that universal measures are superior to other measures which are currently in practice....
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Use of Ultrasound in Cell and Effects of Concentration, Power and Temperature in the Breaking Algae
8 pages (2386 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Use of Ultrasound in Cell and Effects of Concentration, Power and Temperature in the Breaking Algae' is an affecting example of the biology research proposal.... The aim of this study is to establish the use of ultrasound in cells and the effects of concentration, power, and temperature in the breaking algae....
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Organizational Culture and Leadership
7 pages (1982 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Organizational Culture and Leadership" is a wonderful example of a research proposal on management.... It is important to study organizational behavior (OB) since it is a very interesting and challenging task for an organization.... ... ... ... The paper "Organizational Culture and Leadership" is a wonderful example of a research proposal on management....
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Economic Crisis and the Effect on Qatar's Bank Sector
10 pages (2991 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Economic Crisis and the Effect on Qatar's Bank Sector" studies the economic crisis that has been faced in Qatar and brings out the effect of the economic crisis on the Banking sector of the country.... ... ... ... With the entire world being faced with the intense and immense decline and economic crisis, it is important to study the crisis of a country and to work towards developing the possible measures to overcome the crisis....
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Life Styles and Food Habits
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Recent data deriving from across the world suggests that obesity, a major public health hazard, continues to be 'highly prevalent' among all populations and especially in those from ethnic minorities, lower income and lesser education groups (Jensen et al, 2013, p.... ).... ... ... ... The evidence further suggests that obesity has reached 'epidemic proportions' and its prevalence has increased in Canada in 'recent decades' both in the adult and child population (Lau et al, 2014, p....
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The Purpose of Students Using Mobile Phones in University
14 pages (3595 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Other university students spend too much time on their mobile phones engaging in non-academic activities such as playing games, interacting through social Media and watching movies (Park, Nam & Cha, 2012).... The videos, mobile phone games and the social Media can help the students to relax and hence reducing the levels of stress....
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Protecting Nurses from Tuberculosis
5 pages (1644 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Protecting Nurses from Tuberculosis" discusses tuberculosis as a contagious disease that easily spread through the air.... Once a person is infected with tuberculosis in their lungs, there is a huge possibility that they can infect another person when they cough, sneeze, talk or spit.... ...
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Bleeding Esophageal Varices in Patient With Liver Cirrhosis
10 pages (3409 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Bleeding Esophageal Varices in Patient With Liver Cirrhosis" analyzes whether ultrasonic measurement of portal vein diameter and hemodynamics can be used as predictive tool for bleeding esophageal varices in a patient with liver cirrhosis.... .... ... ... The aims and objectives of this research are to establish and develop a Doppler ultrasound-based investigative modality with defined parameters to quantitate the extent of portal hypertension, hence the severity of the disease in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, where associated measurements of flow dynamics through the portal vein and esophageal varices may provide a predictive assessment of changes of variceal bleeding....
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Subprime Lending, Its Adverse Effects on the UK Financial Market And Methods to Protect Consumers
7 pages (2231 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Subprime Lending, Its Adverse Effects on the UK Financial Market And Methods to Protect Consumers" paper identifies the level of use of subprime lending by consumers in the UK, and whether are there specific forms of subprime lending developed within the British financial market.... ... ... ... The increase in subprime lending globally is a phenomenon that presents a trend for continuous expansion....
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Increased Prevalence of Childhood Obesity in America
8 pages (2173 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
om/2005/12/06/business/Media/06cnd-kids.... ov/imo/Media/doc/Thompson2.... The paper "Increased Prevalence of Childhood Obesity in America" argues the pace with which obesity is increasing in children poses a serious threat to the futures of such poor children because obesity is a high potential of impacting the psychological thinking and behavior in myriad adverse ways....
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What Makes an Entrepreneur Different from a Businessperson, and How They Survive
4 pages (1373 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Boston, MA, Springer Science, + Business Media, Inc.... The paper "What Makes an Entrepreneur Different from a Businessperson, and How They Survive" is an outstanding example of a business research proposal.... In vocabulary, both businessperson and entrepreneur are synonymously alike....
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Contingency Leadership Theories
5 pages (1399 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The author of the paper "Contingency Leadership Theories" will begin with the statement that while the subject of leadership is very broad and a lot of literature is available on the four contingency leadership theories, Cognitive Resources theory has not been given much importance.... ... ... ... Cognitive Resources theory deals with the cognitive abilities of the leader and suggests that the leader is perceived to be a good leader because of his past experience and intelligence....
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The Effects of Western Art Education Programs
12 pages (3316 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Reforms in education have also become topical issues in the Media.... As such, references will also be made to other Media reports that address the issues on education.... This research proposal "The Effects of Western Art Education Programs" focuses on the leadership in the universities that seem to be fully contented with the Western style of teaching art at the university ignoring the drawbacks that this has on the overall educational outcomes....
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Exercises That Reduces Depression
8 pages (2276 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
The paper "Exercises That Reduces Depression" describes that the protection of individual information from any harm will be a high priority.... The safety procedures and protocols that are outlined for any scientific research will be followed to the latter.... ... ... ... Several assumptions will be made about the target population, the construction and administration of the fact sheet, and the data that will be collected for this study....
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Holiday Tours as a Stress Management Option in Male versus Female Nurses
4 pages (1083 words) , Download 7 , Research Proposal
The paper "Holiday Tours as a Stress Management Option in Male versus Female Nurses" indicates that male nurses are more likely to go on holiday tours to reduce stress levels associated with their nursing profession as compared to their female counterparts.... .... ... ... This project will study the number of male and female nurses in a local hospital that goes on holiday tours during annual vacations as a stress reduction method....
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