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Proposal Arguement
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Name Tutor: Course: Date: Nutrition in Our Schools Nutritional classes should be stressed and carried out with much attention in the US.... This is starting with our location­­-Florida especially among teenagers.... This is because, through such an effort, many nutritional and certain diet based diseases will be avoided....
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A Business Proposal to Increase Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction
7 pages (2045 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This work called "A Business Proposal to Increase Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction" describes the teamwork of the healthcare sector.... The author outlines that it is essential in many sectors since in all the above sectors interdependency, mutual trust, and commitment are necessary traits.... ....
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Application to Use Human Subjects in Research
13 pages (3741 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Application to Use Human Subjects in Research" it is clear that various community stakeholders and parents will be contacted for inclusion on the panel, and their permission to participate in the qualitative study will be sought via email.... ... ... ... Each participant will have the email address of the researcher and will be encouraged at every step of the process that they can contact me with any questions that they may have....
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Multinational Firms: The Global-Local Dilemma
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Multinational Firms: The Global-Local Dilemma' looks at a number of challenges when organizations worldwide decide to go global.... This is a common problem that they face since they do not have any prior knowledge or understanding of the new territory that they will do their business from....
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Qualitative Research Design
12 pages (3042 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Qualitative Research Design" is a qualitative research proposal dealing with the topic of management of chronic conditions.... It illustrates various paradigms within the nursing concept.... It includes the methodological phenomena that will be used in the overall analysis or research process....
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Developing a Problem Statement and Research Questions
2 pages (500 words) , Download 8 , Research Proposal
Human sex trafficking is broadly defined as employing individuals through deception in order to earn revenues by their physical, emotional and moral exploitation.... A large number of recruited people constitute of women, young girls and children who are either kidnapped or caught.... ... ... They are then transferred to different parts of the world under the supervision of highly influential people (Cameron & Newman, 2008)....
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Research Methods - Managing Change in Organizations
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Research Methods - Managing Change in Organizations" focuses on the fact that there are unique attributes in every individual which affects the manners with which relations are formed between the individuals (especially within the context of formal organizations).... .... ... ... Diversity and flexibility are essential for an organization's survival and growth as it ensures that there is adequate space for blending and forming of working teams that are a strong-point both within the organization's structure as well as serving as an incubator for creativity and innovation within the organization....
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Impact of Media
4 pages (1352 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Impact of Media" tells us about instigating and progressing revolutions across the world.... Using 133 cross-sectional studies with 631 estimated coefficients, I examine the relationship between social Media use and engagement in civic and political life.... The effects of social Media use on participation are larger for political expression and smaller for informational uses, but the magnitude of these effects depends on the political context....
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Human resource management in Marine & Shipping Industry - Research Proposal
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The industry however, differs much from other global businesses in the sense that its physical capital is movable in a unique way.... This feature alone necessitates the institution of a human resource management.... ... ... Increasingly flexible tax regimes, the highly mobile workforce and advancing globalization are creating both challenges and opportunities for the industry....
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Studying Media Audiences
8 pages (2294 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper "Studying Media Audiences" discusses Media audiences which are witnessed as a sequence of oscillations between textual audiences and perspective.... According to the Morgan survey, the new Media exhibits greater age diversity and higher income than commercial television users.... This has become a challenge for the mass Media in the form of new Media and narrowcasting.... The study of Media audiences is connected with sociology, psychology and Media studies....
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Impact of Social Media on Student Learning
6 pages (1791 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This work called "Impact of Social Media on Student Learning" describes the use of social Media negatively impact international students' English scores.... Social Media describes a range of Internet or online services and practices that have increasingly encouraged virtual connection, collaboration, sharing, and participation.... Social Media acceptability and usage results from advancements made in the area of Internet technology....
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Research Proposal on the Influence of Gender and Age on Cyber Bulling
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
This paper seeks to propose a research to be conducted for ascertaining the influence of age and gender on cyber bullying, or cyber victimization.... The current problem understudy is cyber-bullying among or victimization among boys and girls in primary and secondary schools.... .... ... ... This will be a research work that will set out to among other things achieve a number of purposes....
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Research question
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
The research will assess how designers of employee workplaces use the global concepts of marketing and high tech products and services in the design of commercial workplaces (Viswanath 28 and Gacenga et al.... 93).... This will be done by conducting a research that is based on primary.... ... ... Such will entail the use of a focus group, face-to-face interviews, observation and surveys (Shouhong and Wang 548)....
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Essentials of Marketing Research
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The following proposal "Essentials of Marketing Research" is focused on the business of Cheung Bei Computer Industrial Company Limited (abbreviated as CB) that is a Chinese based company that specializes in the production of computers and computer-related products.... .... ... ... CB has also been producing a particular notebook computer known as DIL....
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Proposal outline
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
From time to time, wide fluctuations have been recorded in national income.... Early economists viewed the issue of economic progress from the viewpoint that a.... ... ... During a depression, an economy recovers automatically to enter a period of boom.... Most believed that the economy was usually operating under the employment levels of a country....
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Government grants for alternative energy research
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Research Proposal Government Grants for Alternative Energy Research Name of of University Research Proposal Government Grants for Alternative Energy Research Scope and Nature of the Problem Fossil fuels have become problematic in the environment because they are not sustainable.... ... ... ... The challenge is that people are very dependent on fossil fuels for all that they do....
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Research proposal is feasible to delivering package with drone in the nearest future
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The information available on the use of drones whether in military or civil applications can aid in solving the problem of fatigue, and.... ... ... I propose a study that looks into the consequences and the possibility of adopting this technology in the delivery of parcels. ... ... nmanned aerial vehicles were introduced in the early twentieth century and commonly used in the Second World War....
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Treatment Proposals on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Treatment Proposals on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.... It is one of the global predominant diseases.... Vitamin D and its receptors are present in almost 30 types of tissues.... ... ... ... Vitamin D is found to regulate insulin secretion along with calcium ions....
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Vital Role of Soccer Academy in the Development of Young Talent
30 pages (8103 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "Vital Role of Soccer Academy in the Development of Young Talent" discusses that the value of developing a coach-athlete relationship philosophy is to allow both coach and athletes a base from which to build and learn according to a consistent and coherent way of thinking.... ... ... ... Quality verbal feedback is not as simple as a coach providing positive reinforcement, being encouraging and supplying technical instruction....
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Quanitative Research Method Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
They include those related to the ambiguity and limited scope of labor laws; the implied absence of the employment relationship; the uncertainty about who the employer is; lack of.... ... ... In other words the legally defined work place relationship between the employer and the employee has become rather individualistic to a greater extent g on a number of endogenous and exogenous variables such as employers' preferences, employees' willingness to accept such relationships and even time related economic pressures such as the current global economic recession....
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Proposal to Organise and Manage an Education Fair
5 pages (1344 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
"Proposal to Organise and Manage an Education Fair" paper describes the education fair, which will be held at Bran Tertiary College in January 2015.... The event is conducted over a period of three days in seeking to reach a large population of the target individuals who are parents, students.... ....
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Windows Server 2012 Proposal
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Windows Server 2012, that is also dubbed as “Windows Server 8” is the sixth publication of Windows Server.... Windows server 2012 is also recognized to be the server version of Windows 8 and again takes place of Windows Server 2008 R2.... ... ... ... Windows Server 2012 Proposal.... Windows Server 2012, that is also dubbed as “Windows Server 8” is the sixth publication of Windows Server....
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Social Media Analysis and Customer Behaviour
12 pages (3945 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Social Media Analysis and Customer Behaviour" examine the influence of social networks on the decision of a buyer.... Marketing was done mainly through the mass Media, advertisements would run on televisions and be announced on the radios.... Social Media Analysis and Behaviour Chapter Introduction Social Media is used to connect people to information as well as each other online, the use of social sites have influenced marketing trends in a major way....
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Dentist Office Proposal
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Name Instructor Course Date Dentist Office Proposal on the Medicaid Program Introduction The American Federal government spearheads the Medicaid program.... Individual states further administer the program in their dispensations.... The role of the Medicaid program is to aid the low-income American population and families with health expenses to meet their healthcare needs (Beik 120)....
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Mass Media, Violence and Hate
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This study discusses the thesis that violence and hate are both initiated and propagated by the mass Media and, they have affected the way the society conducts itself.... Technological advancement has made mass Media a tool that can be possessed by anybody.... This has made it easy to spread hate and violence among the members of the society; terrorism a form of social misconduct (violence) has been spread through the mass Media.... The mass Media broadcasts violence in the form of movies, mobile games, and video games....
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Chinese Media
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The present research proposal entitled "Chinese Media" is focused on the system of Chinese Media.... As the author puts it, China has one of the least degrees of Media freedom as compared to the rest of the world.... As such, this illustrates the extent to which the Chinese government has cuckolded its Media.... In an age whereby the Media and press are experiencing unprecedented freedom, the Chinese government has a long way to go before it is at par with the rest of the world....
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Language diversity and global media
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
During the past two decades, ethnic-oriented and in-language Media outlets have also been slowly increasing, along with the frequency of ethnic representation in the general Media and in advertisements (Kang and Lee Advertising, 1999; Taylor and Stern, 1997; Wilkes and Valencia, 1989).... Similarly, as in-language Media continues to grow, some have come to question the usefulness of general market English language Media channels to reach consumers from ethnic minority groups (NCM....
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Current Attitudes Concerning Media Literacy
6 pages (2243 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Current Attitudes Concerning Media Literacy' aims to identify attitudes toward Media literacy, current methods of teaching this in the classroom, and the actual level of Media literacy of the participants.... Media literacy is a very important subject as Media exerts considerable influence upon our behavior.... We adopt attitudes, vote in elections and referendums, adopt lifestyles, and purchase products according to what we believe is true and good, but the Media changes these attitudes, often without our realizing it....
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Social Media in Crisis Communication
9 pages (2831 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Credibility Assessment for Social Media in Crisis Communication Credibility Assessment of Social Media in Crisis Communication Introduction ... However, social Media can offer information that may not pass verification tests (Duggan & Banwell, 2004).... The Media that espouse the flow of communication is crucial in facilitating the reception of and attitude towards the message.... Information from the Government Press may have a different level of credibility in comparison to government information conveyed by the use of social Media....
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Designing of Mobile Social Media
7 pages (2629 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Designing of Mobile Social Media" focuses on the critical analysis of how mobile social Media tackle Bangor University Chinese undergraduate students' career issues.... Consumer psychology The design for how mobile social Media tackle with Bangor Chinese undergraduate career issues.... The use of mobile phones coupled with the advent of social Media on the other hand has provided the Chinese students with several opportunities to facilitate both their learning and integration in the college....
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Social Media Use in Advertising
6 pages (1873 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The research question of this study "Social Media Use in Advertising" is; how effective is social Media advertising?... Today the conception of Social Media remains one of the top agenda for several business managers.... Forrester Research claims that 75 percent of Internet users joined and used some popular Social Media sites in 2008.... ocial Media use in advertising ... ocial Media use in advertising ...
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Research Methods
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Research Proposal
The accuracy of the discussion, conclusion and recommendation is based on the validity of results obtained and analysis performed.... The paper introduces research method for employee management and.... ... ... It presents coding methods and editing techniques in a vivid way using a sample of ten in the sample provided....
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Saudi Communication and Media Coverage
10 pages (2599 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
According to research findings of the paper 'Saudi Communication and Media Coverage', the Saudi has responded relatively well to the global covid-19 pandemic despite the country neighbouring one of the worldwide coronavirus disease epicentres.... It soon became a global issue receiving extensive coverage from the Media.... Governments in many countries through ministries of health have partnered with the Media to offer updates on the pandemic and run campaigns to fight off the disease....
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Exploring Relationship between Research Design and the Research Question
4 pages (1551 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
"Exploring Relationship between Research Design and the Research Question" paper proceeds to develop a research question for a quantitative study on the relationship between one dependent variable 'wage' and three independent variables - educational attainment, skill, and ability.... ... ... ... The study explores the linkage between the research design and the research question....
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Race and Place: Why Race Matters Proposal
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Running Head: RACE AND PLACE Race and Place: Why Race Matters?... Proposal Introduction Racial inequality is an important issue that has been dominating United States for many decades.... It is a fundamental right of every individual to enjoy the rights that are laid down by the constitution of that country....
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Why People Smoke - Qualitative:advocacy/participatory research study
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Research Proposal- Why people Smoke ... ntroduction ... ccording to global smoking statistics, smoking has killed 12 times more British people than World War II had.... Yet, smoking is one of the most prevalent habits.... According to another survey, 15 billion cigarettes are sold everyday which is approximately equal to 10 million cigarettes every minute (Siahpush et al, 2003)....
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Hand Hygiene Technique in a Medical Ward
22 pages (5542 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The object of analysis for the purpose of this paper is hand hygiene as a timesaving and cost-effective infection control method in a medical ward.... However, these lifesaving practices have faced less compliance in medical wards, particularly by medical practitioners.... ... ... ... The paper will find out whether the hospital has hand hygiene policies and whether they are effective, the kind of health hygiene measures the hospital uses, whether the health workers wash their hands before and after attending to the patients and whether the behaviors of the health workers at the hospital can be changed....
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Study Proposal for Lifespan Development. Child Abuse
3 pages (750 words) , Download 11 , Research Proposal
Introduction ... nstances and intensity of child molestation have seen a radical increase in the recent years, especially faced by girls during early ages, with statistics ranging from 7 to 45% of females (Siegal et al.... 1987).... ... ... ... ... Introduction ... nstances and intensity of child molestation have seen a radical increase in the recent years, especially faced by girls during early ages, with statistics ranging from 7 to 45% of females (Siegal et al....
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Media Representation of Gender
10 pages (2850 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research " Media Representation of Gender" details a literature review of Media and applies Dally, Foucault, and Lupton on the three Media on the Media representation of gender.... The research reveals the role of Media text in reinforcing stereotypes and creating resistance to health issues.... The internet has become a new vehicle for the delivery of Media text, which users can view using internet-enabled devices such as smartphones, computers, and other handheld devices....
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Research intressed
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Melcher Media.... And the power of brands to emotionally tie a consumer to itself is accelerating day by day.... Lexus is an automobile under the bigger brand name of Toyota, a Japan based company of automotives.... With time, Lexus has become a global name,.... ... ... (Potter, 2004) ...
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Health Impact Assessment
7 pages (2010 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "Health Impact Assessment" concerns the decrease the appetite for the younger generation to feed into alcohol consumption thereby endangering health, assesses the risks, including evaluations and monitoring, benefits, and disadvantages of HIA.... ... ... ... It also aims at educating the people regarding the proposed project....
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Research Methods on Economy
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper starts with explaining the basic concepts and a brief description of the various variables considered.... The objectives of the study are listed.... The sample and research design are stated.... Data is collected for all variables for all countries for ten financial years.... ... ... ... The paper provides an analytical comparison of 12 countries for ten financial years....
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Formal Proposal on Pensions for Public Employees
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This amount is important for people because it provides them financial support after they have completed their services.... This report presents a.... ... ... It is suggested in the proposal that the company should implement a pension plan with low administrative cost and high returns for the employees....
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Avoiding Losses in Reporting, Meeting Expectations of the Investors and Stakeholders
8 pages (2371 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
There are different ways of reporting items in the financial statement.... The procedure for presenting items is specified by different accounting standards.... ... ... ... The paper 'Avoiding Losses in Reporting, Meeting Expectations of the Investors and Stakeholders' is a bright example of a finance & accounting research proposal....
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Social Media and Video Game Addiction
4 pages (1301 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Social Media and Video Game Addiction" describes that survey design will be used since it is widely acknowledged as an appropriate strategy for capturing the opinion, perception and attitudes of people about events which in this case are social Media and video game addiction treatment.... This study is important because the findings will provide information for use in the future planning and improvement of social Media and video game addictions treatment....
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The Safe Guarding of the Child
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
For there is no hesitation that since its modern emergence as a social problem, child abuse has been subject to considerable Media, public and political interest and discussion.... This research 'The Safe Guarding of the Child' has detailed the various professionals that are obligated to safeguard children, as well as the agencies that step in to support families at times and at others, have to intervene and remove the children from the home....
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Applied Research Methods
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
The intention of this research proposal is to analyze the managerial effectiveness of 'the management', and the perception of leadership and culture within Pembroke Consulting and the impact on employees.... It will be argued that the human relations management concept has not been operative within PC....
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Intervention Proposal for Autistic Student
8 pages (2230 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The research proposal "Intervention Proposal for Autistic Students" describes the problem of autism.... This paper outlines client strength and abilities, mitigating Factors, or Stressors which can Contribute to the Problem, client's address of the problem.... ... ... ... Autistic patients cannot be distinguished by a single symptom, but with a ray of symptoms which vary from mild to severe....
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Apple Inc - the Use of Social Media
5 pages (1619 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Apple Inc - the Use of Social Media" discusses that the success of Apple Inc has been supported by the company's relentless efforts to reach the target market using social Media.... Apple Inc has been using social Media to reach its customers all over the world.... This paper discusses different benefits that are accrued by the use of social Media.... Social Media Apple Inc has been using social Media to reach its s all over the world....
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Create a proposal related to substance intervention and prevention
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The research paper is going to include a very important issue related to substance abuse, that is, implementation of substance intervention and prevention programs in schools.... I will use questionnaires and structured interviews for carrying out the research.... The whole process.... ... ... Substance abuse has become such big social problem that there is a dire need for the design and implementation of school-based intervention and Research Proposal Research paper topic: ‘Implementation of substance intervention and prevention programs in schools' The research paper isgoing to include a very important issue related to substance abuse, that is, implementation of substance intervention and prevention programs in schools....
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