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Social Media and Video Game Addiction - Research Proposal Example

The paper "Social Media and Video Game Addiction" describes that survey design will be used since it is widely acknowledged as an appropriate strategy for capturing the opinion, perception and attitudes of people about events which in this case are social media and video game addiction treatment…
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Social Media and Video Game Addiction
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Social Media and Video Game addiction Background information Social media addiction has been diagnosed as the major influence in children around the world. It is estimated that eighty percent of children get addicted to social media and video games every year. Brand (2009, pp. 67) argues that the most affected group of children is the teenagers. Research has been conducted to determine what makes some games more addictive than others and to determine if video games has a correlation with the children attention. These studies have revealed that there are other video games that are more addictive than others, and that video games addiction has a correlation with the children attention span. A survey conducted in 2009 revealed that young people spend more of their time watching TV, sending text massages, playing video games or making social media interactions. Social video games are addictive just like gambling or alcoholism. The main aim is to look at how the game is disrupting the child works, life family relations among others. A study conducted by Swing in 2009 found that there is a link between watching television or video game playing and concentration problems in less than 1,300 brood aged eight to eleven years old, based on evaluation by teachers. The research revealed that children who watched TV for more than two hour had problems in their attention span. Evidence from the research conducted on social media and video game addiction indicates that not all video games are equal and that some TV is not associated with increased concentration problems. Research question  The study was guided by the following research questions; a) What are the effects of role playing among individuals addicted to video games and social media? b) What is the difference between addictive and social disorders in social media and video game addiction? c) How do the social media and video game addictions get treatment? d) What are the jeopardy factors for video game addiction and social media addiction? e) Are certain video games addictive than others? Literature review The literature presents research studies that have been conducted on social media and video game addiction so as to generate the knowledge gap.  Effects of role playing games The majority populace that engages in recreation of nearly all games become obsessed. Persons who are addicted to playing games end up indulging in drinking alcohol to avoid becoming addicted or avoid a situation that they may losing their savings to playing games (Block, 2008, pp. 99). Nearly all play surrounded by good physical shape limits achievements in an individual; thus, becoming a main concern that prevents victory and expansion in the actual person, except for the a smaller amount- less than 10 per cent- of who build up unnecessary bet habits (Chappell, 2006, pp.106). A study conducted by Charlton (2007, pp.78) states that practical sports event cannot be devoid of unification a team. Once a portion of a squad or company is likely to be accessible for significant intentions or raids, they are likely to acquire unhealthy play. Psychologists have revealed a habit of constant checking of mails after work leads to social media addiction. Addictive and social disorders in Social Media and Video Game addiction Research indicates that social gaming usually results to neurotic act as compared to introverted gaming. These studies integrated that 8.5 per cent of video game group actors indicate a sequential pattern of video games, distinct as exhibit at the slightest six symptoms out of eleven symptoms of impairment to relatives, societal, discipline, or emotional implementation. Green (2003, pp. 43) indicates that this is a description comparable to that used for pathological gambling. The Social Media and Video Game addictions treatment According to Karaiskos (2010, pp.88) the term internet addiction entails a disgrace and internet technology is used by many individuals within the community today. When one gets addicted, it becomes a problem preventing the individual from getting involved in life experiences. In the treatment of social media and video game addiction, parents should be involved since they are nearer to the children and keep on using internet services at home. Bet and video game addiction are grave issues that are heartbreaking families all over the world. For most of the children, video games are mainly meant to make the children feel entertained; therefore, it is important to ensure that the time children take playing video games is not long enough to cause addiction. There are quite a lot of ways to control video game dependence. However, research conducted by various analysts indicates that there exist numerous gaps in this research. There is a need conduct research on epidemiological studies to find out rate of occurrence and pervasiveness of clinically momentous problems linked with video game play among the teenagers. Research has been conducted on this issue, but none has been conducted to investigate on the rate of pervasiveness of predicament of video game playing in the world (Herrera, 2010, pp.77). There are also few research studies that portray the sole skin texture and outcomes of video game dependence. Some studies have evaluated the task of structural distinctiveness of video games in controlling predicament playing behavior, except there is little experimental research that investigates why a few persons may be confined from increasing unnecessary playing behavior, or merely get rid of their challenging playing behavior. Research rationale This study is important because the findings will provide information for use in the future planning and improvement of social media and video game addictions treatment. The findings will provide information that can be used by parents and educationist to curb social media and video game addiction. The findings of this research will fill the knowledge gap on social media and video addiction. Methodology statement  Survey design will be used since it is widely acknowledged as an appropriate strategy for capturing the opinion, perception and attitudes of people about events which in this case is social media and video game addiction treatment. Target Population The target populations are all individual addicted to video games and social media channels. Description of Sample and Sampling The study will use stratified random sampling to select academic, administrative staff in schools and students. Purposive sampling will be used to select senior management staff such as heads of counseling, deans, and heads of academic departments, directors and parents. Description of Data Collection Instrument Three instruments will be used for this study. These are questionnaire for staff and students, interview guide for senior academic, administrative children or students. A document analysis guide will be used to analyze documents related social media and video game addiction. Description of Data Collection Procedures Questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents who will be required to fill and return to the department for research. Interviews will be conducted by the researcher who will also analyze the relevant documents. Generally, data collection will be conducted by the researcher himself. Description of Data Analysis Procedures The quantitative data will be analyzed using frequencies, and percentages. Data from interviews will be organized into themes and narratives. Statistical data will be coded in the statistical software for analysis into quantities data. References Block, J. (2008). Internet Dependence . American Journal of Psychiatry, 165 (3), 306-307. Brand, W. (2009). Internet addiction among the youths in Australia. Gold Coast: Bond University Press. Chappell, E. (2006). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of internet addiction. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 4, 205-16. Charlton, M. (2007). Characteristic dependence and high engagement in the circumstance of internet dependence game playing. Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 1531-1548. Green, W. (2003). Action video game modifies visual selective attention. Nature, 423, 534-537. Herrera, Y. (2010) Compulsion Related to Low Self-Esteem, Gloominess and Need of Social Skills. Psicología Iberoamericana, 2010; Vol. 18 No.1. Karaiskos, W. (2010). Social system confidence: a new clinical disorder? European Psychiatry, 25, 855-855. Read More

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