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BOOK review The Struggle for Modern Tibet
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
As is often the case during an individual's life, points of view shift, understandings change, and approaches evolved as a function of reconciling the reality of the world around with respect to one's own points of view.... This particular dynamic is exhibited time and time.... ... ... As a function of seeking to Chronicle this particular occurrence and define the different approaches that were represented within each, the following analysis will be concentric upon discussing the different approaches and It is the hope of this author that such a level of discussion will be beneficial not only with respect to understanding the text to a further degree but also with regard to understanding human condition....
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Libyan English as aForeign LanguageLearners Difficulties in Acquiring and Using the Third Persons
11 pages (3403 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This section will provide a review of literature related to difficulties experienced by EFL in using the third person-s.... Articles/journals/books to date: In order to ensure that the literature review is relevant to the research topic, I will retrieve more that 20 academic research articles in my area of study.... Headings: the main headings that will appear from the literature review section will be: ... The literature review section will focus one particular aspect and critically discuss and relate it to the current study and at least two relevant sources included in the paragraph....
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Psychology book review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Frankl who is a psychiatrist who talks of his experiences in a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.... The purpose of the text is to aid individuals in finding out the meaning of their lives, and this is by.... ... ... Some of the examples provided in the book, coupled with the fact that his professional skills are in the psychology department, offer different methods through which individuals can Psychology Book Review The book in review is “Man's Search for Meaning” by Viktor E....
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Needs of Users From Mobile Location-Based Advertising Services
10 pages (3042 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
However, this study reviews numerous studies and models that focus on detailed variables influencing consumers' intention towards mobile location-based advertising services. ... eview of literature ... Regarding the results from the literature review a big percentage of purchase decisions are usually made in-store.... From the literature, concepts are found to vary amongst authors in the sense that similar drivers, variable and theoriesThe idea requires market strategies that target consumers at the point of shopping....
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What Factors Impact on School Social Workers Wellbeing
8 pages (2487 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
literature Review: What Factors Impact on School Social Workers Wellbeing ... The findings of this paper will be based on a critical review of various literature sources.... Foremost, it will depict the search strategy used to locate various relevant literature sources.... The findings depicted in this section are based on a critical review of different relevant literature sources.... Some of the literature sources used in this study include; books, journal articles and official research reports....
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The Importance of Nurses Training
12 pages (4043 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The major themes of discussions from the literature reviewed included: the relationship between substance abuse and individuals with mental illness such as psychosis – this could also be related to the relationship between dual diagnosis; the importance of nurse training as well as knowledge of screening and assessment of dual diagnosis in patients; the importance of understanding and working with service users experiences.... Lecturer: A critical evaluation of the literature exploring nursing management of patients with psychosis who engage with substance misuse ...
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Evaluative Review Assignment
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Assessments and reviews evidently show to the public that their school administration are authentically concerned about school security, answerable, and have paramount interests of the staff members, students, and community at heart in running their buildings.... Data allows administrators to evaluate the impact of systems that have been put into action to uphold school safety....
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The Role of a Geriatric Nurse Practitioners
13 pages (4039 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper reviews many recent researches in attitudes of nurses, both positive and negative, of nurses.... ainsford Catriana, “Counseling Elder adults”, reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 2002,12 ... literature review -341776 ... This literature review focuses on maintaining the dignity of patients Dignity is the ability to establish a sense of self worth and self worth and self respect and to appreciate the respect of others....
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Review of Women directors contribution to Board Decision-making
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Nielsen & Huse (2010) aimed to proffer pertinent issues which focus on the pivotal role of women in decision-making and involvement in strategical designs as members of the board of directors in organizations.... The study was conducted using survey questionnaires distributed to.... ... ... The study highlighted women's professional experiences, as well as values, preferences, and beliefs, as influencing factors in the decision-making and strategic involvement The elements of diversity, gender, and stereotypes were examined to determine their impact on women's perceived role as members of the board of directors....
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Book review on Peggy Noonan's book On Speaking Well
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Book Report/Review
Her book critically presents the various components that make up a speech, and further provides a functional framework for effective speaking and communication while giving a speech (Noonan 14).... Noonan makes an intensive study into speeches, outlining the design and presentation of Book Review Means and modes of communication are critical in every aspect of passing and receiving information.... An effective speech takes into account and considers the diversity that the audience exhibits, thereby enhancing communication between all the involved parties....
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Autistic Spectrum Disorders
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Autism is a type of developmental disorder that appears during the first three years of life, and “affects the brains normal development of social and communication skills” (PubMedHealth, Autism, 2010).... Autism literature review “Autistic spectrum disorders are lifelong, complex, controversial, challenging to service providers, they can cause severeimpairments and they are not uncommon” PHIS Report (2001, p.... A disorder of the neural development, it is generally characterized by impaired communication skills and flawed social interactions, and is also noticed in the restricted and repetitive behaviour of a child....
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Program description (purpose, supporting literature, program targets, and operation)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
rocter & Gamble (P&G) is embarking on a new project that will see the communication department (COMM)incorporate the human resource Geili Broadcasting Project Geili Broadcasting Project Project serves an important role in ensuring effective achievement of organizational goals and set target.... rocter & Gamble (P&G) is embarking on a new project that will see the communication department (COMM)incorporate the human resource department as well as marketing department in ensuring contracting an evaluating the COMM team's work of the Geili(Wang, 2014)....
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The Movie Moneyball that Based on True Story of the Oakland Athletics
6 pages (1856 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
ntroduction & literature Review 2 ... ntroduction & literature Review 3 ... ntroduction & literature Review ... The paper "The Movie Moneyball that Based on True Story of the Oakland Athletics" states that one of the main lessons learnt from this story is the idea of good leadership whereby Billy has been depicted as a brilliant leader who understood the various leadership styles....
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Professional Practice Improvement Episode
8 pages (2668 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
2004, “The human factor: the critical importance of effective teamwork and communication in providing safe care”.... This paper critically reviews literature surrounding these areas and subsequently presents a personal plan on how I as an aspiring clinical leader would develop the qualities of effective clinical leadership discussed during the interview.... The paper 'Professional Practice Improvement Episode' is a worthy variant of literature review on nursing....
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Supermarkets in UK
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The literature review part is based on academic journals, articles, books and reports written on grocery supermarket retailers.... The literature review part is based on academic journals, articles, books and reports written on grocery supermarket retailers.... A literature review may form a one of the fundamental part of the research procedure or may constitute a research plan in itself.... In the circumstance of a research paper or proposal the literature review is a significant synthesis of earlier research....
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A Documentary Film Control Room: the Iraqi News Channel and the US News Organizations
1 pages (251 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The paper presents the film 'Control Room'.... It is a documentary film that talks about relations between the Iraqi news channel, Al-Jazeera, and U.... .... news organizations.... Covering the war that the U.... .... started in Iraq, this film shows the headquarters of Al-Jazeera, the greatest media channel in the Arab....
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Article Critical Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 6 , Literature review
The article that this paper will analyse is A Facebook ‘Friend' Request from the Boss: Too Close for Comfort?... by Katherine Karl, Joy Van Eck Peluchette and Jason Fertig.... This article seeks to explore ways how employees could react when they get Facebook friend requests from their superiors....
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The Growing Effectiveness of Email Marketing and Consumers Attitudes towards Email Marketing
11 pages (3332 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
s the customers of email marketing have started using numerous devices to access their emails, the information access and communication has started impacting increased aspects of their everyday lives.... The growing effectiveness of email Marketing & Consumers attitudes towards email marketing Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 literature Review 3 Introduction 3 ... ummary and Gap in literature 9 ... In summary, the chapter looks into the gap in literature which that paper seeks to address. ...
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Semiotics: Language and Culture
11 pages (3012 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The realms of linguistics and semiotics have been well researched and the literature is full of diverse view son the issue.... As Ryder(2004) explains using appropriate literature support, " Linguistic and Cultural Semiotics is a branch of communication theory that investigates sign systems and the modes of representation that humans use to convey feelings, thoughts, ideas, and ideologies.... Semiotic analysis is rarely considered a field of study in its own right, but is used in a broad range of disciplines, including art, literature, anthropology, sociology, and the mass media....
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Analysis and Review of Lucy the Movie
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Movie Review
The film gained positive as well as polarized critical reviews with a lot of praise given to Johansson for her outstanding performance, entertaining or intriguing themes and visuals.... This review "Analysis and Review of Lucy the Movie" discusses the movie Lucy by Luc Besson.... The review focuses on the main character in the film demonstrates a woman who gains psychokinetic abilities from a nootropic drug being absorbed into her bloodstream....
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George Orwells Homage to Catalonia
9 pages (2310 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Orwell clearly despises this kind of journalism which distanced itself from the events.... The paper "George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia" describes that book serves as a reminder that twentieth-century European history is a matter of peasant involvement in politics; passion and belief in a cause is the motivation behind Orwell joining up, and the motivation of many others....
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The Effect of Information and Communication Technology on Knowledge Workers and Organizational Structures
6 pages (1777 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'The Effect of Information and communication Technology on Knowledge Workers and Organizational Structures' is a spectacular example of a literature review on information technology.... The paper 'The Effect of Information and communication Technology on Knowledge Workers and Organizational Structures' is a spectacular example of a literature review on information technology.... The Effect of ICT (Information and communication Technology) on Knowledge Workers and Organisational Structures ...
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Fight Club Book Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Fight club is an underground classic which was published in the 1996 and it depicts the issues of masculine identity which exist in the capitalist consumer society and it is recognized as being one of the most original along with being one of the most stimulating novels of its time.... .... ... ... Tyler Durden's brain child is fight club through which he thinks that a way out can be found and his friends as well who live beyond their stultifying and also confining lives....
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Movie Review: Antwan Fisher
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Abstract Antwan Fisher is a movie based on a real life incident and written by the original Antwan Fisher.... The protagonist of the movie was a troubled young man with a deep psychological wound that got him constantly into trouble.... He was abused in all forms (physical, mental, racial, and sexual) in his childhood and thought life to be one continuous battlefield....
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Review Paper Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
A hypothesis is a specific testable forecast on the expectations of the study.... The study had two hypothesis, but the researcher stated that the second one was the most important to the research.... Oberski, Weber and Révilla suggested that social desirability affects people differently.... It is strong to others while it is weak on other people....
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Article Review - Apple Watch
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
It's published on February17, 2015 by Parmy Olson at Forbes.... The article is about Apple Inc.... has announced to launch its new product the Apple Watch in April.... The Apple Watch not only.... ... ... The health feature of the Apple Watch is differentiated with other health tracking device.... It is more advance that it not only measure heart rate and steps, but blood Article Review (Apple Watch) Jacky Ying Ming Chan MKTG 470 04/12 11358788 The of the article is “Apple Watch Not Ready For Full Health Tracking Mode, Yet”....
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Sir Philip Sidneys Defence of Poesie as an Apology for Imagination rather than Literature
9 pages (2390 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This book review "Sir Philip Sidney's Defence of Poesie as an Apology for Imagination rather than literature" presents Sidney that stresses the value of imagination.... According to him, imagination is vital to literature.... Sidney points out that literature stands out as a masterpiece.... He advocates creativity in literature.... He states that literature without imagination does not serve any purpose.... SIR PHILIP SIDNEY'S "DEFENCE OF POESIE" IS AN APOLOGY FOR IMAGINATION RATHER THAN literature....
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Selfie Assemblages and the Aesthetics of Experience
8 pages (2461 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Selfie Assemblages and the Aesthetics of Experience" discusses selfies that are becoming ambiguous because the number of selfies that have been produced over the past five years is a lot, and they suggest that human beings are drawn to their images.... These new forms of communication provide a new way of creating connections with each other.... , communication matters: Materialist approaches to ... The urban communication infrastructure: Global connection and ...
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11 Movie Reviews in Different Genres
4 pages (1026 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The paper "11 Movie reviews in Different Genres" discusses that Shrek and Princess Fiona get married and travel off into the distance.... While Shrek was not a groundbreaking success, the plot is both original and funny and can be enjoyed by practically everyone.... .... ... ... Rush Hour 3 is the third movie of the Rush Hour franchise....
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Comparison of William Faulkners and Theodor Roethkes Literature
7 pages (2018 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper "Comparison of William Faulkners and Theodor Roethkes literature" highlights that Robert Frost's poem 'The Road Not Taken' presents poet's inner conflicts concerned with the selection of a profession and his approach to the modern city life.... Conflicts in William Faulkner's, ‘A Rose of Emily,' Theodor Roethke's ‘My Papa's Waltz' and Robert Frost's, ‘The Road not Taken' literature in every language constitutes a number of aesthetic experiences to its readers through the effective use of various literary elements....
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Chicano Employment: Journal Review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Chicano Employment: Journal Review Name Institution Chicano Employment: Journal Review Methods of Data Collection in the Research Data This survey in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies used data from secondary data from the March demographic files of Current Population Survey (CPS).... ... ... ...
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Ineffectiveness of Poetry in ESL
13 pages (3757 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Ineffectiveness of Poetry in ESL" presents ESL writing classes that have been greeted with much debate and controversy.... A number of researchers argue that the use of literature in ESL classes can help ESL learners especially those in higher levels of education.... After reviewing different kinds of literature on the use of literature in ESL writing classes, I find that there is a gap in knowledge.... Many studies in this area have focused on presenting arguments against and for the use of literature but have failed to establish the ineffectiveness of using poetry in ESL writing classes....
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Television and Child Development by Van Evra
4 pages (1195 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
First section presents a comprehensive review of major theoretical perspectives in the domains of psychology and communication which are utilized to interpret research findings and to explain cultivation, uses and gratification theories from communication literature in addition to social learning and social cognitive theory from psychological literature.... n concluding section, Evra briefly but subtly reviews intervention strategies with a particular emphasis on media literacy, its types and programs....
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The Untold Battles of Afghanistan
8 pages (2118 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This book report/review "The Untold Battles of Afghanistan" is about the Afghan war that has been faced by the Canadian soldiers for years.... There are about 33,000 troops under the NATO command in Afghanistan, and out of those 12,000 are Americans and 2500 are Canadian troops.... ... ... ... The Canadian soldiers have had a lasting impact and involvement in the Afghan war....
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Nurse Facilitated Hospital Discharge Planning in an Elderly Unit
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Aligning with the findings of Selker and colleagues (1980 quoted by Minichiello et al, 2001) who found that delays in tests and procedures, lack of availability of post discharge facilities, and waits for attending or consultant input, Minichiello et al (2001) suggests that delay due to the physician's morning schedules and communication deficits between physicians and nursing and social work staff also act as barriers to discharge.... reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 11 (4), 373-378....
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Three Misconceptions about Age and L2 Learning
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
With advancement in technology and communication, global interrelationships necessitated learning foreign languages for a variety of reasons.... The authors were successful in proffering other critical literature which revealed other factors such as high degree of motivation to learn the language, exposure to the naturalistic environment, conscious attention to grammatical form, cognitive aptitude, and beliefs about oneself, among others.... This is indicative of the authors' commitment to proffer a comprehensive study based on the interplay of diverse secondary relevant literature. ...
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Effectiveness of Video Modeling and Social Stories for Children With Autism
5 pages (1954 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Literature on video instruction is reviewed to determine its effects on the acquisition and generalization of social and communication skills for students with ASD in order to determine whether practical findings support video instruction (Shkla-Mehta, Miller, & Callahan, 2010).... Evaluating the effectiveness of video instruction on social and communication skills training for children with autism.... Evaluating the Effectiveness of Video Instruction on Social and communication Skills Training for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder....
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Film Review: Juno by Jason Reitman
17 pages (4367 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
om/reviews/2011/03/limitless-review.... om/reviews/2001/memento/... "Film Review: Juno by Jason Reitman" paper focuses on an American feature film that was released in the year 2007, directed by Jason Reitman.... The film follows a young teenage girl on her journey to life as she encounters an obstacle in the form of an unplanned pregnancy....
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Art work review
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The theme exhibited in the artwork is hard work especially with regard to the organization of the room shown in the image.... This theme manifests itself in my life in that I have dedicated.... ... ... The interest that I have developed with artwork is also visible as there are various objects indicating the same....
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Inception (2010) - A Review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The essay "Inception (2010) - A Review" focuses on a movie that exploits the existing technical expertise in the realm of cinematography to come out as being something interestingly stunning and bold.... Inception comes out as a movie that gives something to think about rather than analyze.... ... ...
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Movie review--photography
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
In most incidences, he is at strategic points on streets or ramp way watching on anything new to photo.... The generation of his time realizes his.... ... ... for his photographing career thereby they are always alert by ensuring they wear something for Bill to capture when they run on each other on the streets....
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Book Review Petrostate
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The state monopolization and related nationalization of oil/gas production helps most of oil/gas producing world nations to be influential in the global context.... To be specific, the evolution of oil/gas production under USSR, in 1990s, and during Vladimir Putin's rule.... ... ... Thesis statement: In the work named as Petrostate: Putin, Power, and the New Russia, the author (Marshall I....
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How Social Media Has Changed Us
13 pages (3787 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "How Social Media Has Changed Us" is a great example of a literature review on media.... he literature review allows the reader to have a background knowledge regarding the topic of discussion which facilitates in better understanding of the research work and what the research work is based on.... This literature review is based on the previous studies made on the impact of social media on general public and how the education system and the learning process has evolved over the time....
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Movie Review: The General
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The General Name Institution The General Introduction The General, released on 5th February, 1927 is a splendid and captivating movie to watch.... Directed and written by Buster Keaton and Clyde Bruckman, the movie became a success after it got released.... In the movie, Buster Keaton featured as the main character, Johnnie, a conductor of the train, The General....
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Analysis of Sport and Community Organization in the 21st century
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The paper "Analysis of Sport and Community Organization in the 21st century" states that sport is an activity that makes an individual feel good.... To observe children engaged in sports and other recreational activities itself offers delight to human minds.... ... ... ... Sports Psychology research has developed and expanded considerably over the last decade or two....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The letters entails communication from the days of tough times, they showcase the story of the despair in a way that is more influential and affecting than... Down and Out in the Great Depression is a moving and enlightening collection of characters by the forgotten men, women, and children who passed through one of the worst periods of adversity in the American account....
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Impact of Technology of Phonemic Awareness on Kindergarten Students
9 pages (2566 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
What is the significance of information and communication technology (ICT) in teacher education? ... In terms of the literature review, present children are among the first members of the digital age.... This paper "Impact of Technology of Phonemic Awareness on Kindergarten Students" explores some articles as regards the use of technology in learning institutions, especially at the kindergarten level....
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Continuing Professional Development of Physiotherapists
10 pages (3246 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This literature review "Continuing Professional Development of Physiotherapists" presents New Medicine Service as a free service offered by the community pharmacists to individuals who are taking medications for specific health conditions related to asthma, COPD, and type II diabetes.... To learn more about how the community pharmacists can take advantage of the New Medicine Service self-assessment tool when offering the New Medicine Service to the public, this study conducted a literature review to explore new ways on how the New Medicines Service self-assessment tool can be utilized for the continuing professional development (CPD) of the community pharmacists....
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The Nature of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
18 pages (5268 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
he researchers also state that despite their efforts the meta-analytical study has some limitations like the “file drawer” problem where most unpublished reports are not taken into account and also it has been suggested that statistical analysis holds advantage over judgments made in qualitative literature reviews (Bradley et al.... The studies in computerized databases were searched first; the databases included were PsychINFO, MEDLINE, ERIC, Google Scholar, Cochrane database of systematic reviews and PILOTS....
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The Great Gatsby: Review
7 pages (1818 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
“The Great Gatsby” retains the lofty position of pre -eminence in American literature, for its deep insights into the hankering after the great American dream and the ultimate futility of this disillusioned pursuit.... This review "The Great Gatsby: Review" will provide the analysis of F....
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