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The Role of Power in Relation to the Human Condition
7 pages (1904 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Bilateral use of power involves two way communication and ways of convincing people, negotiating with them, listening to what they have to say and implementing things that seem right.... The paper "The Role of Power in Relation to the Human Condition" highlights that power is not a bad thing....
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Creating a Website for Autistic People
14 pages (3687 words) , Download 3 , Essay
However, to find the information needed, research had to be done published materials of writers and professionals dealing with the autistic disease communication as well as evaluate websites that are already up and running.... It should be noted that use of website, email, and other forms of communication that online can provide is useful for autistic individuals (Knight, 2009) as it reduces awkward moments of live or personal communication.... Furthermore the ability to Google phrases and look in the dictionary of idioms has been very helpful on a number of occasions,” (P 4), internet options allow one to polish communication processes....
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The United States in World War 2
20 pages (5781 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
S policy on communication intelligence during war period 8 ... This essay explains in detail the role of the United States during the war and also describes its different policies like war administration policies, economic policies, communication and intelligence polices and many others to create a clear understanding of the United States position in World War 2.... Moreover, many technical classes were given to operate communication system.... S policy on communication intelligence during war period ...
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Debate: Is Assuming the role of citizen journalist worth the risk
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name Tutor Course Date Citizen Benefits and Costs of journalism The development of technology and the increased occurrences of disasters have led to the evolution of journalism.... The invention of pocket cameras has led to the development of citizen journalism because the gadgets are mobile and affordable.... Citizen journalism is an act of a person reporting information about an occurrence such as a disaster in the media.... Citizen journalism has gained support from news makers such as Lily Yulianti because it provides evidence of the occurrence of disaster....
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Joint Commission Safety
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
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About Poletical Science
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
verall, the APSA website uses the Internet as a tool for communication and dissemination quite well.... The website of the American Political Science Association (APSA) offers a portal to several different dimensions of the discipline of political science, such that shall not only appeal to practitioners, scholars, and students of the subject, but also more casual visitors....
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International business
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
For example the management of successful international companies and businesses in China include communication and interpersonal relationships which are adherent to the Chinese cultural environment.... 187) demonstrates that during negotiations, the cultural behavior of the local partners must be adhered to in regards to communication, dressing and meeting etiquette....
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Education: Is that worth for people to go to college
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 5 , Essay
One can find various possible reasons behind the growing body of opposition to spending four years in college.... Firstly, the world saw some prominent figures who were college dropouts,.... ... ... Secondly, tuition charges in the U.... colleges have rose more than two times as compared to the previous generation....
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Multinational Companies in Dubai: Role and Challenges
36 pages (9831 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Liberal trade policies, incentives, growing foreign direct investment (FDI), advancement in information technology, and communication have all stimulated the process of globalization (Lee & Tai, 2006).... "Multinational Companies in Dubai: Role and Challenges" paper determines why MNCs have been choosing Dubai as the preferred destination, the role that MNCs have played in the growth of Dubai, the challenges that the MNCs face in Dubai, and the challenges that the MNCs pose for the region....
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The Three Basic Elements of a Contract
7 pages (2149 words) , Download 2 , Essay
More so, I have learnt more about the time factor and communication when it comes to contracts.... communication via post creates some practical difficulties considering that an offeror can withdraw an acceptance before it reaches the offeree.... In this regard, there is an exception to the mode of communication.... In Holwell Securities v Hughes (1974) the postal acceptance rule did not hold because the offeror did not specify as the sole means of communication....
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The influence of Offensive Air Support in modern warfare
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The modern version has destructive power that is beyond the imagination of those whom have not experienced it first hand, regardless of how one might tend to theorize.... In the ancient world, the.... ... ... By today's standards that utilise rifles, aircraft, and standoff munitions, war is civilised....
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Employee Privacy Rights in the Workplace
5 pages (1544 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Employee Privacy Rights in the Workplace" discusses whether employers have a widely agreed upon caveat to intrude on the privacy of American citizens?... Many employees feel that being surveillance by the telephone, and use of the internet is invading their privacy.... ... ...
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Gain an understanding of Marx and apply the work of the theorist to a contemporary issue
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Karl Marx: The Theory of Alienation and a Commentary on the Social Media Introduction Karl Marx was a social theorist who created influential theories on the way in which work existed within a cultural context.... His areas of theoretical examination include economics, sociology, philosophy, history and politics....
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The Transactions of Governmental Authorities
10 pages (3698 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The paper "The Transactions of Governmental Authorities" discusses that the increase of complexity in the transactions of governmental authorities worldwide has led governments in most countries to adopt e-government schemes, resulting in a series of benefits for both the states and the citizens....
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The Main Theoretical and Practical Issues
8 pages (2546 words) , Download 0 , Essay
 Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in journalism and Mass Communication, The Renaissance, Washington, DC, http://www.... Interactive and not just ‘Transactive' communication with Community principles helps to combat the issue of ability to define and articulate the communities and the interaction with the identified communities.... ndriof, J, Waddock, S, Husted B and R, Sutherland S (eds) (2003) Unfolding Stake holder Thinking 2- Relationships, communication, Reporting & Performance, Greenleaf ...
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Claus Spreckels in the Context of Business Entrepreneurship
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study had two phases, one relating to the investigation of the medium itself and how teenage girls use the medium to conduct communication among peers and friends.... The findings include that there are vital differences between blogs that are used to relate to others interpersonally, and mass communication media that are not as oriented towards relationships building (Bortree).... Education, communication & Information 5 (1).... The paper gives detailed information about Claus Spreckels business ventures focused on the destruction and creation of monopolistic concerns in various sectors of American business, from journalism via print papers to banking, brewery operations, power, transport, real estate, and sugar, among many others....
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Media Activism and Cyber Activism
8 pages (2523 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Cyberactivism is internet-based communication means.... Generally, media activism is an activism tool that offers a broad range of activism through the use of communication technologies and media for a political and social movement.... ACTIVISM McCaughey and Ayers define Cyberactivism also called internet activism is an internet based communication and socializing means (25).... Generally, media activism is an activism tool that offers a broad range activism through the use of communication technologies and media for political and the social movement....
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Marketing Reflective Journal
8 pages (2666 words) , Download 3 , Outline
The social media websites allowed two- way communication between the customers and the social media advertisers (Millan, 2012).... The reading includes top quality journalism reports, research and images.... This work called "Marketing Reflective Journal" describes the six weeks of fashion research....
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Ida B Wells, a Great Communicator
9 pages (2581 words) , Download 3 , Essay
communication is the instrument by which injustices are remedied.... This paper "Ida B Wells, a Great Communicator" focuses on the fact that many people throughout history have suffered or witnessed injustices and sought to improve the lives of others.... Few, however, have been in a position to radically change the life conditions for an entire group of people....
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The Actions of Acamprosate in Treating Alcohol Tolerance and Alcohol Dependency in Patients
14 pages (4030 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Glutamate receptors are membranes that are important for neural communication, memory formation, learning and regulation (Farooqui, 2010).... The author of the paper "The Actions of Acamprosate in Treating Alcohol Tolerance and Alcohol Dependency in Patients" will begin with the statement that alcohol addiction is a major psychological and social issue that impacts the help of a patient....
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Gen Y Needs for Advertisement
10 pages (2939 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The advantages of employing quantitative and qualitative methods in intercultural research: practical implications from the study of the perception of the intercultural communication competence by American and Russian managers.... Russian communication Association....
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Internet Censorship
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Rutgers School of communication, 1998.... This paper shall consider internet censorship as it is applied by the international community and by specific jurisdictions.... This paper is being undertaken in order to establish a clear and a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and all its related applications....
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Epic Adventures of Stanley And Livingstone
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
They had a good mode of transferring communication from one place to another through a relay swift runners[Mar03].... David Livingstone set up a journey to the east of Africa in the urge of exploration in search of the source of the River Nile.... The paper "Epic Adventures of Stanley And Livingstone" discusses the challenges he encountered and how he overcame them....
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Political Career of Huey Long
7 pages (1888 words) , Download 0 , Essay
His citations tend to acknowledge these sources where can be found, although there are meant to give understandable reasons that are replete with the reference to the “confidential communication” despite the fact that we are assured these transcripts will be available at the LSU library when there time seals expired....
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Analysis of President Bush's Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Speech or Presentation
Name: Course: Institution: Date: Analysis of President Bush's Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People  Setting, the People, the Task President George Bush's address to a joint session of Congress and the American people was held inside the United States Capitol in Washington, D....
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National Security Agency
6 pages (1614 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
he implementation of the board's recommendation would however help to alleviate Jeff's fears concerning how the government might end up using personal communication data, since it offers a safeguard to privacy and civil liberties.... This concerns the metadata of section 702 communication.... The recommendation concerning the review by NSA concerning communication acquired and that concerning avoidance of collection of purely domestic information ensures that only information that is useful for the purpose of foreign intelligence is collected thus irrelevant domestic information is not obtained (Recommendations 14)....
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Prior Understanding of Veiling and Hijab
7 pages (2160 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For sensitive information, more private means of communication can be utilised.... The paper "Prior Understanding of Veiling and Hijab" discusses that since there are vast means of acquiring knowledge in the world today, a certain level of ignorance is vital.... The main reason being, knowledge of some issues triggers the urge of wrongdoing....
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Sport Diplomacy
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Sport Diplomacy and communication ... The first part of the paper discusses the role and scope of sport diplomacy, and communication and ethical dimensions of sport diplomacy.... port Diplomacy and communication: ... imensions: Predictors, effects, and communication channels.... nalyzing sport diplomacy as a manifestation of politics, one may notice that communication practices have important implications for diplomacy in terms of how political and informational messages are delivered and negotiation processes are conducted....
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Leadership issue in Healthcare
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
These new practices veer away from gender-based practices; instead they focus on the improvement of communication strategies within the health sector (Thyer, 2003).... Moreover, transformational leadership is also focused on communication and team building, with the end goal of ensuring the future of nursing practice....
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Recruitment process
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Essay
It involves advertisement from both within and outside the company premises through job boards, printed media, (Lee, 2012:19) the internet and communication agents.... (2006) Business communication, Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western.... The policies of MB-petroleum services Company ensure that the given job opportunities go to people who have the required knowledge, attitude, abilities, and skills....
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Insular Insurance Company
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Conflicts can also arise of improper communication within the organization.... An enhanced and efficient communication channel is recommended in this context which can be accessed by all employees in the organization.... The researcher of this essay describes and analyzes the Insular Insurance Company, that is used as an example to discuss the employee stresses in the company and recommendations for reducing such stresses and other issues that may appear during work....
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Effect of e-readers on the publishing industry
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Additionally, the internet based communication protocols have been known to assist millions of individuals in exchanging information (Kern & Willcocks 2000).... The internationalization of communication and socialization is identified as essence of the notion known as global village (Graham 1998)....
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Randomized Trial of Tailored Skin Cancer Prevention Messages for Adults
4 pages (1085 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Key Findings and conclusion Using tailored communication has an impact on the skin cancer prevention habits and practices.... The project credits proponents of tailored communication in a bid to enhance theory based treatment.... The paper "Randomized Trial of Tailored Skin Cancer Prevention Messages for Adults" discusses that the Project SCAPE study proves that the use of a systematic approach of theory can go a long way in alleviating some of the prevalent diseases that the world faces....
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Strategic Crisis Management in Enhancing Business Continuity and Stability
6 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
An organization's success is greatly associated with its formulation of crisis management programs which incorporate risk management, disaster recovery, communication and emergency response programs.... Karim (2011) considered the present business scenario characterized by development in globalization, data management technologies, as well as fast communication that not only provides organizations with exceptional possibilities for growth but also creates a number of vulnerabilities to disasters and threats....
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The Smartphone Technology
5 pages (1510 words) , Download 6 , Book Report/Review
The following paper under the title 'The Smartphone Technology' gives detailed information about one of the rapidly evolving technologies that greatly influence consumer behavior including marketing, daily lifestyle, and business and communication activities.... The smartphone technology is one of the rapidly evolving technologies that greatly influence the consumer behaviour including the marketing, the daily lifestyle, and business and communication activities....
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Visible Light, X-rays and UV Rays
6 pages (1713 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The light helps us in vision but its uses do not end here, it is utilized in communication as well.... communication with the help of visible light is known as VLC (Visible Light communication).... Since visible light has negligible effect on our eyes when compared to other rays it is the best option for such communication system....
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Communication Issues in Business
11 pages (3213 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "communication Issues in Business" highlights that each of the five cultural dimensions is able to address at least one form of discrimination in the workplace.... Furthermore, close-minded individuals would often avoid much communication and interaction with colleagues who are considered unusual or different (McSweeney, 2002)....
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Internet Censorship
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Rutgers School of communication, 1998.... The researcher of this essay aims to analyze the internet censorship.... The internet is currently one of the most pervasive and widely used technologies in the world.... It is at the very heart of information technology and it is now considered a crucial link to various businesses....
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Ethical Issues of British Petroleum Oil Spill
7 pages (2293 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The company also ensures that “soft skills” are continuously being developed, by giving coaching on things like presentation skills and communication.... This paper ''Ethical Issues of British Petroleum Oil Spill'' tells us that British Petroleum is an international oil and gas company....
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Current Trends and Future of Public Relations
9 pages (2406 words) , Download 2 , Essay
journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 86 Dougherty, D.... With the recent upsurge in the communication platforms between the celebrities and their fans through Twitter and Facebook, this phenomenon has been beefed up nonetheless, and there is reason enough to believe such a premise in the first place.... Western Journal of communication, 70 Franklin, B....
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The Modern Surveillance Tactic
6 pages (1835 words) , Download 5 , Essay
They are web-founded podiums that incorporate diverse media, communication and information technologies, which permit at least the creation of profiles that show information defines the clients, the indication of connections list, the formation of relations amongst users that are shown on their contact lists and the chats between end-users (Fuchs 2009). ... igital communication tools are fundamental to modern surveillance practices, like wiretapping telephone dialogs, trailing individuals using biometric data, using infrared cameras to locate people in hiding, producing databanks to process and cumulate this data, and so forth (Nelson and Garey 12)....
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Strategic Role of Technology in Instagram
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
hailand], The Faculty of journalism and Mass Communication, Thammasat University. ... Technology and information system saves the time and cost for Instagram as it provides various communication channels such as instant messages, mail and SMS servers to employees of Instagram at the same time in any part of the world.... Instagram can use the office automation systems, which comprise of facsimile, electronic mail, internet, and image processing to facilitate the communication from one end to the other hence ensuring effective flow of information....
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Internship Policies on Recruitment in the United Kingdom
9 pages (2681 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Journalism & Mass communication Educator, Vol 53 No.... According to the paper 'Internship Policies on Recruitment in the United Kingdom', firms that offer internship opportunities to graduates are in a position to enjoy a pool of skilled labor from committed employees who look forward to joining the workforce....
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The Impacts of Networked Media on Traditional Media
12 pages (3401 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
(2001), journalism and New Media.... The record sheet was detailed and the student had to record the type, when, where they used the service or device, the duration and purpose: relaxation, communication, pleasure, study and the content and relationships they engaged with.... Mobility has created a sense of fluid and it has shifted spatiality and temporality, because the student can re-structure and re-shape the time boundaries and re-conceptualize time and space boundaries, which are important to her communication without space and time being important....
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Fantasy vs Neo-Aristotelian Approach to First Inauguration of B.Obama
12 pages (3261 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The speaker may have a lot in mind and the heart, but if he is incapable of expressing it in a manner that the audiences understand, communication fails.... It is mostly applied in, future journalism, poem and certain type of speech like those in inaugural addresses.... Middle and low style are less formal and are seen in commercial and journalism....
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Preventing Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly
12 pages (3545 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Talking with her involved an interactive process based on certain fundamental principles in counseling and communication.... This essay "Preventing Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly" presents communication as a very important skill used in relating with people.... There is, however, the more common categorization of communication.... There is, however, the more common categorization of communication.... I have chosen verbal communication as my main way of connecting to her....
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How has the Internet Influenced Terrorism
12 pages (2876 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Other than communication, it is Alsop possible to share a lot of resources over the internet.... errorists make the use of the internet as a means of communication to pass their ideologies and justifications to promote their terrorist activities.... Some of the benefits that terrorists can enjoy when using the online platforms are the anonymity in communication, fast means of data transfer, few or no regulations, easy to use, and no forgetting that it can provide a multimedia environment....
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The privacy of your medical records
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Technology is methodically and increasingly stripping away the privacy of citizens which has led many to ask if corporate interests outweigh the autonomy of employees.... Employers argue that because they own the internet connection and computer system, they have not only the.... ... ... Americans cherish their privacy and generally detest government intrusion into their private matters such as tapping their telephone However, many have come to accept that their employer has the right to essentially do the same thing by monitoring emails....
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Managing Diversity in the Workplace
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The growing demand for globalization requires more of communication among the people.... Managing Diversity in the Workplace Introduction Managing diversity at workplace is very much important as the world has already entered into a globalization phase.... The interaction can take place between people belonging to different culture, beliefs and background....
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Do native peoples today invent their traditions
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Although it may be argued that it may not have been handed down in its purest form, allowing for some changes as a result of verbal communication, to say that these traditions have been invented by native people in the recent past cannot be accepted.... It must also be accepted that documentation of these traditions were mostly carried out by the western invaders, as the local people relied on verbal communication and not on the written word that was alien to their culture....
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