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Marketing Reflective Journal - Outline Example

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This work called "Marketing Reflective Journal" describes the six weeks of fashion research. The author outlines several inspiring objects or images, the educational analysis of several fashion advertisements. From this work, it is clear about the brim with getting all fashion trend marketing resources within the short one five day period…
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Part Summary Brief Summary of any ideas (from your reading, lectures, discussions) that have connected particularly well across your differentmodules. Week 1. We learned the importance of reading the weekend Fashion Trend. The reading includes top quality journalism reports, research and images. The fashion trend includes advertisements, emotions, and position. week2. The week focused on resolving challenges in the fashion media and marketing of Fashion products. We learned the basics of marketing our fashion products. The week’s topics included experimental marketing. Likewise, consumer focus was emphasized. week4. The week focused on forecasting for the future. Forecasting includes determining what inspires the fellow classmates in the fashion market. The inspiration factors include designs, designers, photographers, stylists, brands, visuals, and others. week6. The week focused on fashion brand ad hoc research. The topic focused on the nature and value of theory as applied to actual fashion market situations. The week included the preparation of the marketing research proposal. The research proposal included the summary, problem definition, research objectives, research design, and data collection. week8. The week focused on the refining the research proposal crafting process. The topic included determining relevant problem identification research and problem solving research. The proposal research must include Fashion, media, marketing, and related fashion marketing. week9. The week focused on planning the effective research proposal. The marketing research included problem solving which includes segmentation research, distributions research, product research, pricing research and promotion research. The research included the problem identification research that includes market potential research, image research, marketing characteristics research and sales projection analysis research. 2. Brief summary of a fashion topic from a social media source that has shocked or made an impact on you. Week 1. I learned that the New York fashion week and the London Fashion week are the top viral topics in the online social media discussions. The London fashion week is the most discussed United Kingdom social media outlet (Brandwatch 2012). week2. Many companies use Facebook and other social media sites to advertise their products during chosen sports events. The sports events include the FIFA World Cup. The social media websites allowed two- way communication between the customers and the social media advertisers (Millan, 2012). week4. Many companies use social media research to forecast the next month’s customer demands (Gupta, 2013). week6. Social media research includes gathering information from social media networks and selling the company’s products to the same social media websites to attract its members to buy (Kuiper, 2012). week8. The research must involve the use of theory, secondary data, and intelligence resources when coming up with the researchers’ fashion marketing findings and conclusions (Punch, 2006). week9. The online research involved persuading the social media networks to answer surveys or give opinions on certain survey topics as basis for coming up with a feasible research proposal (Poynter, 2010). 3. Briefl summary (and reference) a fashion design or business article that you have found particularly relevant to any of your Semester 2 modules. Week 1. The article shows that films often include fashion trends in the crafting of violent death scenes (Anne, 2012). week2. Fashion trends are increasingly changing. Technology plays an important role in fashion trend prediction (Gaimster, 2012). week4. Likewise, fashion trend predicting includes predicting the future fashion trend color preferences of the customers (Lin, 2010). week6. Companies must prioritize fashion forecasting in order to stay on top of the competitors (Artemis, 2004). week8. Fashion research proposals include determining the shopping experiences of female fashion trend setters (Michon, 2007). week9. The research proposal should include the consumer perception of the fashion marketing sellers (Birtwistle, 2001). 4. Describe (and reference) an inspiring object or image that you have viewed this week. Week 1. This week, Maddona correctly tries to create a trend by using an all blue outfit (White 2013). week2. The image of a male model wearing dark suits correctly adds respect and handsomeness to the picture’s environment (Fashion Pictures, 2013). week4. Likewise, the fashion trend correctly changes as time travels (People, 2013) week6 The proposal should correctly include a database of what fashion styles are in demand in order to focus on selling what is the most salable fashion product (Sole society, 2013). week8. The advertisement did not include the fashion model’s face (Imagine Fashion, 2013). week9. This week, I correctly saw a lovely fashion model smile as she happily and proudly displays her pink dress (J.M.Claughlin, 2013). 5. Describe (and reference) an inspiring piece of writing that you have read this week. Week 1. Fashion trends of current and future customers are correct powerful social indicators that help management plan its next fashion designs (Mulyanegara, 2009). week2. There are more female fashion innovators than male fashion innovators (Beaudoin, 2003). week4. The prospective fashion customer correctly influences the fashion trend. The customer’s age, gender, and materialism contribute to fashion style popularity (OCass, 2004). week6 Understanding the generational differences correctly contributes to a better understanding of the current and future customers’ fashion demands (Dias, 2003). week8. Different current and future customers correctly have different fashion preferences (Bailey, 2010). week9. Leaders correctly prefer a fashion style that brings them out of the average fashion group. An analysis of factors affecting fashion opinion leadership and fashion opinion was correctly done (Goldsmith, 2008). 6. Describe (and reference) an inspiring fashion advertisement that you have viewed this week. Week 1. The fashion advertisement correctly shows a woman comfortably wearing winter clothes ( week2. Another advertisement correctly shows a daring model seeking love. ( week4. The advertisement correctly shows several lady models displaying their fashion designs. ( week6. The advertisement correctly shows a women eager to be loved ( week8. The advertisement correctly shows the women in sporty fashion ( week9. The advertisement correctly shows a woman who is serious and busy. ( 7. Describe (and reference) an idea from any source that relates to gaining customer insight in a fashion context. Week 1. Conducting surveys correctly gain customer insights in a fashion context (Hartline, 2011). week2. Research online correctly contributes to gaining similar customer insights (Hartline, 2011). week4. Customer complainants correctly contribute to gaining customer insights (Hartline, 2011). week6. Increased customer demands correctly shows customer insights on the fashion product’s quality are favorable (Hartline, 2011). week8. Allowing online visitors to chat correctly contributes to customer insights on the quality of the product (Hartline, 2011). week9. Setting up the comforts of the online shopping choices correctly contributes to customer insights (Hartline, 2011). 8. Other reflections that may summarise the highs and lows of your week in Researching Fashion During Weeks 1 to 4, the research included several highs and lows. Most of the time, there were highs. There were only a few lows. The ease in searching for fashion trend references contributed to the constantly highs of the week. During week 6 to 9, the research also included both highs and lows. However, most of the time there were more lows than highs. The difficulty to find the research proposal references contributed to more lows than highs. Conclusion: Critical Analysis The six weeks of fashion research were very educational. The six weeks period generated several inspiring objects or images. Madonna inspired her blue outfit. The male model respectfully donned the costly dark suit. Another image proves fashion trends continually change. Another image shows fashion centers on what is the most salable product There were several inspiring pieces of writing scrutinized during the six weeks period. One paper shows that fashion trends are powerful social indicators of the community. Another paper shows there are more female fashion innovators than males. Another paper indicates the prospective fashion customer correctly influences the fashion trend. Another paper states that different customers have different fashion preferences. The six weeks included the educational analysis of several fashion advertisements. One advertisement aptly shows the model perfectly pose in winter clothes. Another model brings out a message that fashion helps her find her prince charming. Another advertisement displays several models donning different fashion styles. Another advertisement shows the model advertising sportswear. The six weeks period also offers relevant sources pertaining to gaining customer insight in a fashion context. One source shows convincing evidence that conducting surveys correctly gain customer insights in a fashion context. Another source shows that online fashion trend research correctly contributes to gaining similar customer insights. A different source proves that customer complainants correctly contribute to gaining customer insights. Lastly, online shopping increases customer orders. The six weeks period also include other reflections on the highs and lows of each week’s fashion research activity. During the week 1 to 4 period, there were many highs cropping up than lows. On the other hand, there were more lows than highs occurring during the remaining week 6 to week 9 period. The difficulty to find the research proposal references contributed to more lows than highs. The entire six weeks were very fruitful. Those weeks included studying biographies to get inspirations for excellence in fashion design, increasing craft skills, and retailing and entrepreneurship activities. The research includes forecasting the future fashion trend demands of different brands. Forecasting includes the use of statistical tools and trend watching. WGSN significantly contributes to forecasting methods. The entire six weeks included learning consumer insights by gathering data through exploratory and conclusive means, gathering data from internal and external sources. Transactional browsing behavior enhances the fashion trend customers’ insights. The entire six weeks were also filled with more favourable educational learning. The fashion trend research included the global economic, social as well as political factors contributing to fashion brand popularity. Research included focus on arts, companies and executives. We were immersed in the controllable marketing variables. The variables included the employees, shareholders, consumers, marketing managers, and suppliers. The entire six weeks included focus on the fashion marketing concept. The concept included the marketing mix, customer satisfaction, consumer experience, consumer insights as foundation for successful fashion marketing examples. Experiential marketing focuses on the beginnings and end of some fashion experiences, classifying customers as rational and emotional animals, and the electric methods and tools to increase demand for the fashion products. The entire six weeks focused on more serious fashion trend forecasting. Forecasting included differentiating experiential marketing and ‘life in blinkers’ fashion marketing. The consumer insight discussion analysed the effect of past marketing outcomes to future marketing projections. Future research includes customer analytics, business intelligence, social media research and marketing research. The entire six weeks focused on the importance of forecasting. Fashion marketing’s forecasting realm includes develop brand thinking, strategic thinking, operational support and development of design and visual thinking. The entire six weeks were filled to the brim with getting all fashion trend marketing resources within the short one five day period. The research proposal included data analysis, reporting of the fashion marketing findings, research organization and researchers and cost and timetable topics. The fashion marketing proposal includes the background, management issues, research design, and research objectives. The formal fashion marketing research shows the importance of implementing relevant and valid data collection, implementing intelligent research, application of positive and normative theory. The entire six weeks were focused on the preparation of the fashion trend proposal. The research discussed veered towards the use of technique to come up with a viable fashion marketing research proposal. The technique includes the background, management issue, research objectives, and research design factors The entire six weeks were centered on the deeper intricacies of research proposal theories. The entire six weeks placed importance on gathering research proposal theories. The theories can be retrieved from textbooks, case studies, novels, plays, manuscripts, academic journals, theses, dissertations, and other related fashion marketing sources. The business intelligence aspect includes relevant and valid observation of actual fashion marketing environments in order to gather similarly relevant and valid data needed to implement an enhanced fashion trend decision. The entire six weeks included the time needed to gather the required data, why certain data are collected, determining the right independent variables and dependent variables. Finally, entire six weeks precipitated to some questions cropping up along the way. Consequently, the group had to tackle the significantly related questions. One of the urgent questions is 1. Should the selling price be considered in the fashion trend research proposal? The question delves on the effect of the fashion product’s price on the current and future customers’ demand for the fashion products. The research should determine whether increasing the fashion products’ selling price will reduce the current and future customers’ demands for the fashion products. The research should include comparing the competitors’ selling prices as basis for the decrease or increase in the demand for the fashion products. Second, the additional research question that cropped up is 2. Should the location of the store be considered in the fashion trend research proposal? The question focuses on the effect of the availability of the fashion product on the customers’ demands for the fashion products. The research delves on whether the customer will prefer to prefer buying the product from the next city or from within the neighborhood. Evidently, the six weeks of fashion marketing research increased my expertise in all fashion marketing areas. References: Anne, C. (2012). High Fashion Crime Scene: Recent Trends in Fashion Imagery. Film, Fashion & Consumption , 1 (3), 325-340. Artemis, Y. (2004). On Apes and Aping: Fashion, Modernity and Evolutionary Theories in 19th Century Greece. Fashion Theory , 13 (3), 325-344. Bailey, L. (2010). The Relationships of Fashion Leadership, Fashion Magazine Content and Loyalty. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management , 14 (1), 39-57. Brandwatch, 2012, Uncovering the Trends: Social Media and the Fashion Industry, viewed March 23, 2012 from Beaudoin, P. (2003). Fashion Innovativeness. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management , 7 (1), 23-30. Birtwistle, G. (2001). Consumer Perception of Five UK Fashion. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management , 5 (1), 9-18. Contemporary Business Report. (2012). New York: Cengage Learning. Dias, L. (2003). Generational Buying Motivations for Fashion. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management , 7 (1), 78-86. Fashion Advertising, 2012, Fashion Advertising, retrieved March 23, 2013 from < >. Fashionologie, How Much are Starts Paid to Appear, retrieved March 23, 2013 from < > Gaimster, J. (2012). The Changing Landscape of Fashion Forecasting. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education , 5 (3), 168-178. Goldsmith, R. (2008). An Analysis of Factors Affecting Fashion Opinion Leadership and Fashion Opinion Seeking. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management , 12 (3), 308-322. Gupta, R. (2013). Using Social Media forGlobal Security. New York: J. Wiley & Sons. Hartline, M. (2011). Marketing Strategy. New York: SouthWestern Press. Kuiper, S. 2012, Contemporary Business Report, Cengage Learning, New York Imagine fashion, 2013, Editors’ Picks, retrieved March 23, 2013 from < > Lin, J. (2010). Applying Gray Model to Predicting Trend of Textile Fashion Colors. Journal of the Textile Institute , 101 (4), 360-368. Michon, R. (2007). The Shopping Eperience of Female Fashion Leaders. International Journal of Retail Distribution Management , 35 (6), 488-501. Millan, A. (2012). The Use of Social Media as a Tool For Consumer Brands to Leverage Sponsorship of Sporting Events. International Journal of Sales, Retailing & Marketing , 1 (1), 27-39. Mulyanegara, C. (2009). Predicting Brand Preferences. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management , 13 (3), 358-371. OCass, A. (2004). Fashion Clothing Consumption. European Journal of Marketing , 38 (7), 869- 882. People, The Changing Tides of Fashion Image Gallery, retrieved March 23, 2013 < > Poynter, R. (2010). The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research. New York: J. Wiley & Sons. Punch, K. (2006). Developing Effective Research. New York: Sage . Solesociety, retrieved March23, 2013 from <> Tublr, 2012, Fashion Advertisement, , retrieved March 23, 2013 from < > White, B. 2013, Duchess of Cambridge and Madonna Scout a New Trend, retrieved March 23, 2013 from < > Haute fashion, 2012, Haute Fashion, retrieved March 23, 2013 from >. Fashioning, 2012, Fashion Advertising, retrieved March 23, 2013 from < >. InstitutoMarangoni, 2012, The Language of Fashion Advertising, retrieved March 23, 2013 from Read More
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