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Japanese culture and Hikikomori
33 pages (8250 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In a Japanese society, young people are pressured to do than what is expected from them in order to succeed.... The paper tells about the Hikkikomori in relation to family, education, media influence on them, cross-country comparison of Hikikomori, and general support towards Hikikomorians.... ... ...
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Management Consulting
17 pages (5085 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
aving understood all the models, namely, product identity, product brand image and communication, we can go ahead with our discussion of the dimensions of product, which is graphically represented hereunder for better understanding. ... romotion - communication ... ork with advertising and other related agencies (promotional and research) to develop advertising copy, communication strategies, and plans for execution of advertising and promotional campaigns. ...
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A Phase of New Media in the Peoples Republic of China
4 pages (1201 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
his research is an attempt to investigate the scope of new media (innovative mode of electronic communication) and the government's attempt to control the same in People's Republic of China.... Having compared and contrasted some of the literature in relation to the mass media in China, its scope, different methods adopted by authorities to impose control over new media, development of new media in Chinese context, the government's role as controller or preserver of new media, the government's ultimate control over mass media, increase in internet usage, and State controlled/owned modes of communication- the Press (e....
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Social Media Impacts on UK Consumer Behaviors
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
It also involves heartening contribution and communication.... ocial media in general means the communication podiums that are as an outcome of the relations between people by use of a specific scientific instrument.... hus, social media otherwise web can get merely described as set of connections or ‘the employment of the Internet's potential to increase resourcefulness with communication.... Therefore, Twitter gets discovered as the most dynamically utilized by the all three companies compared to the three examined means of communication....
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What are the common types of leadership that most organizations now use
21 pages (4750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper operates mainly based on research questions which can be stated as follows: What are the common types of leadership that most organizations now use?... Does multiculturalism in the workplace affect social competence and leadership skills?... ... ... ... The objective of the study is to find out if the autocratic style of leadership will prove to be effective for organizations considering the fast-paced time we are now into....
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Language as a Means of Communication in Every Culture
12 pages (3266 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''Language as a Means of communication in Every Culture'' tells that Language is preferred as a means of communication.... It is considered as a fuel that individuals use to empower their desires, and this explains why a language is a powerful tool of communication whose impact is dependent on the way it is wielded.... Language is preferred as a means of communication in every culture.... It is considered as a fuel that individuals use to empower their desires and this explains why language is a powerful tool of communication whose impact is dependent on the way it is wielded....
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Ethics in Media Industry
7 pages (1969 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
To conclude, media career entails much of human interactions and communication.... The issue of posting irrelevant sexual materials to the public should be completely burned by the commission of communications to be appointed by the minister of communication.... According to research findings of the paper 'Ethics in Media Industry', each country should ensure good ethical implications in the media sector by establishing a body that would always monitor the kind of media materials conveyed to the society....
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Media Representation of Hong Kong Protest in 2014
8 pages (2455 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
He said “"There are numerous social problems to be solved," Leung added, "but the proper way is through rational communication, finding commonalities and preserving differences -- not through resistance on (the) street that worsens the problem.... Power, money, and media: communication patterns and bureaucratic control in cultural China....
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Why Alcohol Is Good for You
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Writing not only just deals with words, arrangement and languages, but also about doubts and beliefs.... In order to develop writing, it needs to be planned effectively.... Effective writing requires adopting.... ... ... It can be stated that if an author worry much about the reaction of the readers while composing an article, the writing can be doomed....
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System Analysis and Design
4 pages (1132 words) , Download 2 , Essay
his Functional Requirements Report identifies the required system capabilities that would enhance OT customer booking and accommodation facilities to improve general performance of OT (Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and communication 2006, 264).... nterface with social marketing Medias to encourage efficient accommodation booking (Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and communication 2006, 264).... nstitute for Systems and Technologes of Information, Control and communication....
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Towards a Virtuous Surveillance Society
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
At the beginning of the 21st century, information becomes one of the most important factors affected all social processes and activities.... The society and business rely on information and its dissemination.... The Internet, information, needs audiences.... The government itself will have a view as the manager of the government machine....
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Marketing Management
8 pages (2165 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This work called "Marketing Management" focuses on the critical marketing mix strategies employed by Tata Motors.... From this work, it is clear how this marketing strategy was instrumental in promoting the company's control of the market share, as well as maintaining the brand image of the Jaguar Land Rover's brand....
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Global Education Workshop
7 pages (1939 words) , Download 10 , Assignment
0am communication session Cooperative-Based Learning Model is applied to converse with the audiences and enable them to participate actively 11.... From the paper "Global Education Workshop" it is clear that global education represents the movement of education policies which is often acknowledged as transitional borrowing as well as lending....
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Curriculum Intervention in Preschool Children: Nutrition Matters
8 pages (2039 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
This means that basic health and safety education may not be communication within the family, so the teacher can play a huge role in seeing that children begin to understand, some perhaps for the first time, what they can do to eat properly and maintain their own physical and hygienic health....
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Middle-East and GCC Nations: Oil Producing Companies
6 pages (2092 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
It has developed my communication skills and as well as the analyzing skills to deal with complex data and derive conclusions.... It has developed my communication skills and as well as the analysing skills to deal with complex data and derive conclusion.... The paper "Middle-East and GCC Nations: Oil Producing Companies " says the companies have been performing well and there were gradually emerging as the developed nations through their participation in international trade....
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Reform on The English Libel Law
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It would be hard to comply with the required responsible journalism especially where the imputation was false, but was nevertheless supported by sufficient evidence that the statement was true at the time when such a statement was published by the responsible publisher (Young, 2011). ...
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Assessment of Conflicting Findings on Media Influence on Policy
11 pages (3234 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Advances in technology have really helped the industry especially since the reach of the internet has been tremendously increased and the opportunities it present was effectively taken advantage of by new products and services made possible through the major advancements of technology for the communication sector.... Cottle (2002) shows the shift in journalism after the terrorist attack.... References Barker, M 2005, “Manufacturing policies: the media's role in the policy making process”, journalism Education Conference, Griffith University, 29 November – 2 December 2005....
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How Storytelling Research Can Inform Your Understanding of Managerial Sense-Making
9 pages (2517 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The field also provides a cutting edge in conceptual discussion in order to develop good analytical, diagnostic and communication skills for effective decision-making (Argrys & Schon, 1996).... Mastering the art of delivering a story in an effective way together with the knowledge of the right story to narrate is a dominant tool that can impact the communication skills for proper management....
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Exploring Media Landscapes
8 pages (2098 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'Exploring Media Landscapes' is a wonderful example of a Media Essay.... Computers science disciplines and then the departments were first recorded in Australia in the course of the 1970s.... In mid- 1970s and during the ARPANET's initial periods, few Australia researches engaged in intense connection through the dial-up services....
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Social Media Marketing in the European Football Industry
93 pages (23250 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
The traditional boundaries are no longer hindrances in the frequent communication of people who live thousands of miles away from each other.... Contents Abstract 1 Contents 2 Football as an Industry 5 Marketing and Sports communication 6 Role of Branding and Brand Awareness in Marketing 9 Marketing through Social Media 13 Types of Social Media 16 Viral Marketing 19 Web 2....
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Economics of Crime Issues
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Economics of Crime Issues" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the economics of crime.... The subject s/he will select for their research study is about how the legalization of marijuana can impact crime.... This subject is of interest to the people.... ... ... ... It has raised controversy and mixed feelings among different people since some view the move as good while others have a negative view....
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Drafting Personal Development Portfolio
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 5 , Admission/Application Essay
eadership and communication Skills ... In line with this, developing one's own leadership and communication skills is important since business managers are responsible in developing and implementing strategic plans that could enable the company overcome new business challenges from time to time.... Aside from good leadership and communication techniques, developing a strong organizational culture that is open to organizational change could help increase the team performance (Vecchi and Brennan 2009)....
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Brand Management: Main factors, New Trends and Research Gaps
42 pages (10500 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The author of the paper dwells on the phenomenon of brand management.... Namely, this paper presents a critical review of the Brand Management research over a sixteen-year period ranging from 1990 to 2005, extracts the key factors in brand management.... ... ... ... The study reveals that six categories are most investigated and relevant for managers: Brand Management, Brand Equity, Brand Knowledge, Brand Awareness, Brand Recall, and Brand Image....
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How Does the Media Stereotype You
7 pages (2032 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Journal of Information and communication Technology (2011): P.... communication (2011):P.... This research paper "How Does the Media Stereotype You" is about еechnological improvements in the media that have caused it to become one of the greatest aspects influencing stereotypes....
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Teaching Hacking as a General Subject
9 pages (2466 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
According to Granger 1994; Revesz 2017; and Sinha 2017) the primary target of teaching the program was to help children have their computers work in a particular way as compared to other machines save companies considered to be in danger and have communication originate from a single server.... Once vital information is leaked to a competitor or an unauthorized source, the hackers tend to dictate the model of communication with the limited opportunity given to an arbitrator....
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A Course on Substance Abuse
6 pages (1553 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Before involving in pursing course in substance abuse, my professional competencies regarding various skills such as written and oral communication, problem solving, and cooperation with the other members were moderate.... Notably, I had moderate communication skills both in written as well as oral forms.... Besides, the experience that I have complied while working in the health organization contributed towards the development of skills related with communication, problem solving, cooperation and reclamation of information and its utilization which I feel are extremely necessary for developing my career as substance abuse counselor....
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Is Europe an Optimum Currency Area
7 pages (1960 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
Owing to the disadvantages of the primary research, the paper adopts the secondary method of data assembling which is much more cost effective and not at all time consuming and in the era of Information and communication technology revolution getting access of the data or information on the internet is not at all difficult....
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Determinants of Internet Use in Iraq-Estimate multinomial probit of choices of Internet modes
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Examples of communication technologies that provide Internet access include the public switched telecommunications network include (PSTN), cable TV networks, and satellite systems, and so forth.... Since the advent of the introduction of the Internet about 40 years ago, the propagation of the Internet—its spread throughout foreign countries across the globe—has increased dramatically and shows no signs of slowing....
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Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis for Pho Phu Quoc Beef Noodle House
14 pages (3821 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This majorly resulted due to lack of marketing research alignment along with inadequate interaction with the higher authority and communication problem with the customers.... ervice Delivery versus External communication.... The lack of external communication further affected the business as it resulted in poor and insufficient communication with the customers and co-workers as well.... Local people were connected with this Noddle house and the popularity was spread majorly through the ‘word-of-mouth' communication, which was a positive sign for the restaurant (Kotler & Armstrong, 2009)....
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What Are the Ways of Controlling and Treating International Employees
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
To develop efficient work groups, managers need to provide effective communication channels at all levels of the organization.... communication ensures that each employee in the organization has the freedom to express themselves in the best way possible.... The efficiency of the communication channels determines the extent to which team members are able to come together and agree on issues (Fatima, 2013: Nica, 2013).... On this note, the language of communication should be chosen depending on employee characteristics; it should be one that every employee is able to understand and communicate efficiently....
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Comparison between traditional and online casses
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In these cases, online learning becomes distinct from traditional learning, as learners have to wait for some time to receive feedback, especially in cases where they use email for communication.... In these two types of rather forms of classes,there are certain differences and similarities that set them apart and bring them together respectively,and as a result,there is a need to look into these aspects of the two types of classes....
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Conceptual Framework of Super Dry Company
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It was noted that communication is an important factor to consider for a company's success.... Good communication should be encouraged between buyers and sellers, management and the workers and finally there should be good communication between the workers as a whole....
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Why Alcohol Is Good for You
4 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
here exists significant difference in written language and oral language (Ferraro and Palmer, “Differences Between Oral and Written communication”).... Since 19th century, there has been comprehensive change in language both in written as well as in verbal communication modes.... Differences between Oral and Written communication....
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Conclusion for the thesis
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
21 21CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONInternet has increasingly been becoming the most important ‘medium of communication' in our everyday lives.... The reason why the radiation pattern is important is because one needs to ensure that in the desired direction of communication, the null is not existent.... Polarization Polarization refers to the orientation of the communication system.... In case the whip is vertical, while the antenna has a horizontal polarization, the communication pattern would not be very effective....
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Effect of Fashion Blogs on Young Womens Buying Behaviour When Purchasing Fashion Items
11 pages (3260 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The use of internet technology in the fashion industry is rather regressive as social media is chiefly used as a channel of distribution, as opposed to a medium of communication.... According to the views of Hines and Bruce (2007), fashion marketers should use social media as a medium of communication by interacting directly with the customers.... Smith and Zook (2011) had pointed out that social media often leads to misinterpretation of information and misunderstanding in communication, which remains one of its potential drawbacks....
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Globalization and Canada. Globalization and free trade
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Like in personal relationships, communication is as important as understanding each other in an organization.... Change communication may be thoroughly misleading to employees when they hear bits and pieces from unofficial sources.... On the other hand, candid and honest communication from the top management enables the employees to adjust to the change effectively.... Canada is a multi-cultural society hence managers need to develop communication skills that address issues of such a society....
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The Growth in Internet Use Has Affected Cultures around the World Leading to Westernised Homogenous World Culture
8 pages (2361 words) , Download 1 , Essay
e have a large potentiality to self-development and communication with people.... Internet serves a “global data communication system” and links together a huge amount of academic and business, private and public, cultural and scientific spheres (A Brief Guide to the History of Internet, 2014).... nternet provides a helping hand in business sphere as it is a rapid and reliable way of information exchange and business communication.... And live communication is definitely better that through the monitor....
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The Americanisation of Globalisation: Taking Credit, Placing Blame
10 pages (2733 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Today, as the world is brought closer by technology and communication, there is the fear that globalisation is Americanisation.... According to the Internet Governance Project described as, " an interdisciplinary consortium of academics with scholarly and practical expertise in international governance, Internet policy, and information and communication technology" the United States has a strong position and has demonstrated a reluctance to relinquish any control (Internet governance project 2006)....
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My Learning Style and the Relevance to My Studies
8 pages (2651 words) , Download 0 , Essay
After assessing myself, I found out that I posses such skills as: am open minded, am practical, am productive, am innovative, I posses leadership skills and communication skills.... posses good communication skills which assist me to communicate well with my team and clients, ... ompetition from other individuals, who are much stronger than me in terms of communication skills, ... ection 2: communication Skills ... am a self-driven person, believes in my natural creativity, flexibility, good leadership skills, good communication skills, teamwork spirit, and works and under minimal supervision....
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The Role of Leadership in Implementing Strategies
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 6 , Term Paper
Action research involved communication between the researchers and the participants.... Strategic Management communication for Leaders.... Strategic Management communication for Leaders.... This term paper "The Role of Leadership in Implementing Strategies" explains in the context the leaderships in the current world, especially the business world....
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Impact of Television on Mass Media Content
9 pages (2542 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Media as a form of communication was introduced about 550 years ago.... The introduction of television brought a form of media communication whereby individuals could see and hear what was being reported.... The essay "Impact of Television on Mass Media Content" focuses on the critical analysis of the impact of television on the mass media content and origins of television advertising....
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US foreign policy during Cold War
21 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Thesis
The paper explores blowback of US foreign policy during Cold War.... It has such sections: tenets of the American policy; local propaganda; infringement of press freedom; poisoned patriotic policies; tension due to nuclear programs; individual brinkmanship; tainted government image etc.... ... ... ...
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Training Simulation for Doctors: An Evaluation
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
This research is being carried out to evaluate and present the issue of training simulation for doctors.... This research will begin with the attitudes towards health care management and medical leadership within the NHS context and importance of teamwork, collaboration, and inter-professionalism....
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Change through Social Media
10 pages (2687 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
According to Hefler ” Each and every platform usually has rules on how one can post information, guidelines for the form of communication and the standards for interactions within the group members” (222).... In line with this, there is evidence to show that an increase in communication among young people can be linked to the various changes in the society.... The evolution of communication can be looked at from different angles.... Different categories people based on the ages as the key differentiating factor: “Marginalized people such as youth and women have embraced new forms of communication while the older generations are yet to fully implement this change” (Hande,865)....
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Requirements for the Front-Desk Services in JW Marriott Hotel
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
To be noted in this regard, the reason for using qualitative method is to gain complex understanding about service element required for JW Marriott when integrating the electronic pad system to enhance error-free and time efficient communication system of its various departments with the front-desk service providers.... n JW Marriott, front-desk services typically involve direct communication with the customers.... Front-desk employees thus need to have individual interaction with the employees through face-to-face or through telephone communication....
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Use of social networks for financial and performance reporting
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
ocial media's ability to reach a huge audience makes it the best communication channels for businesses compared to the conventional methods that are inaccessible to some people.... According to Bullas (2013), “751 million mobile users access Facebook every month.... ?? On the other hand, there is a dire need to enhance....
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Compression in Media
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This implies that the responsibility of media under this theory is considered to be the communication or presentation of the negative as well as the positive viewpoints.... Mass communication in Canada.... In the modern day phenomenon, media is believed to play an imperative part in our life and the overall society....
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Why are informants necessary to effectively combat organized crime
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
echnological and physical surveillance is often unable to capture the entirety of the organization, as the members use coded communication.... ire and Oral intercepts require strictest scrutinyVideo and data intercepts require less strict scrutinyConsensual surveillanceRequires only the consent of one of the parties to the communication being intercepted....
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Improving Brand Loyalty through Brand Image Starbucks Company
62 pages (15500 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
The dissertation "Improving Brand Loyalty through Brand Image Starbucks Company" aims to examine the world of global business, advertising, sales, Internet and technology, innovation, brand and brand strategy, and brand loyalty in order to understand how can Starbucks improve its brand.... ... ... ...
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Financial Analysis of Home Retail Group
9 pages (2695 words) , Download 4 , Essay
ood News, Bad News - Journalism Ethics and the Public Interest Critical Studies in communication and in the Cultural Industries .... The Invention of journalism Ethics: The Path to Objectivity and Beyond.... To Tell You the TRUTH-the Ethical journalism Initiative....
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