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Performance Measurement in a Post Merger Integration Process
13 pages (3608 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper will concentrate on assessing the post merger effects on trust building performance and communication in the new enterprise.... Let us look at trust building measures and communication measure management in the new merger.... rust building measure and communication measure after a merger ... One of the issues that have attracted scholars has been performance measurement based on trust building measures and communication measure....
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Teaching phonics K-12. Pros & Cons
3 pages (750 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
This has produced a new form of quasi-illiteracy in actuality; creating problems for students with standardized assessments, as well as communication skills.... By giving students a balanced approach, they will be more successful in acquiring communication skills within their own language, as well as more motivated to work through the steps required for success in reading....
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Are the Worlds Best Managers and Leaders the Worlds Best Communicators
7 pages (2089 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Branson is a living proof that leadership and communication are two inseparable things.... In order to attain this, Trump utilized his persuasion and communication skills to obtain $45 million in loans (Howard 2005).... communication in organisations is extremely vital for success since it is the chief tool that organisations use to achieve coordination (Turne 2003).... Organisational communication is achieved by downward, upward and sideways....
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The Supreme Court and the People
13 pages (3368 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Along that line, a situation where the personal interpretation of the office holder might pose mis-understanding or cause mis-communication could not therefore be allowed.... His supposed next adventurism in that kind of journalism was the attempt to penetrate the Supreme Court....
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Managing Change for Green Telco to Implement Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Policy
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Green Telco, a major telecommunication company in UK which provides communication services in residences, commercial, industrial, and private institutions, is nurturing to develop a business climate which is adherent to ecological protection.... 17-18 Figure 1…………………………………………………………………………… 9 Executive Summary Green Telco, a major telecommunication company in UK which provides communication services in residences, commercial, industrial, and private institutions, is nurturing to develop a business climate which is adherent to ecological protection....
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Improving Workforce Performance in Organizations
12 pages (3848 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
On the leadership perspectives, the reports look at shared vision, clear communication channel motivation, employee's satisfaction and commitment.... Modern transformational leaders absolutely embrace an attitude which supports workforce, offer them with a vision, nurture hope, and persuade them to be innovative, widen the communication and personal consideration.... However, working under such circumstance needs frequent communication between the doctors and these students which have been lacking....
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Psychological Disorders
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Psychological disorder or abnormal behaviour is generally characterized by patterns of emotion, thought process and behaviour that are either maladaptive life functioning or serious personal discomfort or both of these two.... Psychologists, when dealing with or discussing on.... ... ... When it comes to social life, psychological disorder is an extremely dangerous situation as society may think of him ‘threatening' or ‘acting like criminal', This piece of research paper presents a brief outline in to various psychological disorders and its respective treatments can effectively cure the mental illness or reduce the dangers of it....
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Leach and Energy Usage in Wireless Networks
6 pages (1776 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
An efficient cluster-based communication protocol for ... The paper "Leach and Energy Usage in Wireless Networks" estimates to the hierarchical and clustering mechanism in wireless sensor networks aids in the reduction of the overhead created and the consumption of energy when all the nodes within the network are sending information to a focal point....
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Special Study Project Management Report
6 pages (1622 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Research Background The Apple iPhone was launched in 2007, taking the wireless communication industry into a revolution of their products through the introduction of Smartphone technologies.... The focus of the paper "Special Study Project Management Report" is on how iPhone maker apple competes across the smartphone market, study the marketing strategies of and the perceptions of consumers about the Apple iPhone, the marketing of the iPhone, iconic products in the world....
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City and State in Mass Media
6 pages (1573 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The article is saying that internet and social media site, most important the Face book and Twitter have resulted to the apparent chance to change the way of communication between the politicians and citizens12.... Their increase to prominence could have the latent to the old top down replica of the political communication, and help in close the democratic shortfall.... With the media as the new model of communication has the potential to aid the rise in dialogue between the political legislative body and the public and the chance to sculpt a more dialogue and connecting democracy, we have not reached....
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Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper concerns the knowledge management.... There are several kinds of decisions that every business has to consider at the time of working on a particular project.... The various types of decisions include strategic, tactical, and operational decisions.... ... ... ... The businesses have to consider certain important decisions that include short-term operational plans along with long-term strategic decisions....
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Perspectives on Management Styles
5 pages (1472 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Perspectives on Management Styles" identifies how business management styles in developed countries are different from one another, considering the various aspects of the business environment such as organizational culture, political factors, and socio-economic stability of the specific regions....
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Journalism and the Worsening Case of Privacy Invasion - A Call for Responsible Journalism
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper "journalism and the Worsening Case of Privacy Invasion - A Call for Responsible Journalism" focuses on the fact that journalists spend most of their time searching for information that they can use as a material for their responsibility of providing news to the people....
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Donations from Alumni are an Important Source of Income for Universities
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The head of alumni and development communications is chiefly responsible for designing and delivering communication strategies with respect to alumni relations (Peridot Partners, 2014).... This review " Donations from Alumni are an Important Source of Income for Universities" discusses case analysis on Cambridge University: marketing techniques employed by the university to raise fund through an alumni donation....
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History of Conde Naste
7 pages (2169 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is also a renowned name in the industry of journalism and magazine of America along with other developed countries as well.... t maintains high quality contents in its publications focusing on the purity of journalism ... In this ever changing and dynamic world, the word ‘change' is perceived to be only constant word (Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, "What is Strategy?...
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Comic Book as History
10 pages (2638 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
n the long span of comic book art, little attention was given to the use of sequential art in narrating significant historical events, true to life stories, journalism and travelogues among others.... In the long span of comic book art, little attention was given to the use of sequential art in narrating significant historical events, true to life stories, journalism, and travelogues among others....
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Unnecessarity for English Learners Becoming Perfect Speakers of the Language
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
“Whether English is your first or second language, proper pronunciation ensures clear communication, and can be important in obtaining a job” (Mendes, 2011).... In case they migrate to some country where English is the national language, they constantly have to live and work with the first English speakers, so imperfect English creates hurdles in communication and integration into the new culture and society....
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E-commerce Memo
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
With the promulgation of applications and benefits that are provided by e-commerce, it has become extremely convenient to explore frontiers of communication that remained unexplored.... With the promulgation of applications and benefits that are provided by e-commerce it has become extremely convenient to explore frontiers of communication that remained unexplored.... For example the articles discuss the pervasive role e-commerce by collaborating with internet can play in redefining conventional corporate rules and conventions of business conduction such as with the help of amenities like connectivity whereby temporal and spatial barriers between communication are overcome easily....
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Information Technology: Learning Management System
17 pages (4809 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Information Technology: Learning Management System" spells out the key areas of concern associated with LMS.... The paper distinguished LMS from other related technologies described their significance in today's environment with an emphasis on the higher education sector.... ... ... ... The researcher discussed the possible frameworks for introducing LMS for the first time at an institution or for migrating from one LMS system to another....
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The Impact of Social Media in US Elections.6
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Social media have affected operations in business, journalism, communication and social relationships.... These concepts therefore offers the basis for understanding possible trends of the effect of social media on the elections that can be forecasted with knowledge of previous innovations and speculations of development of new applications for mass communication.... Existing data over internet use that indicates high percentages suggests that application of the social media for communication is in advanced stages of the diffusion theory model....
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Literature review of international teaching assistant issues in U.S. universities
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This leads to communication problems to the extent that State Representative Bette Grande from Fargo, North Dakota proposed a bill “…to prod public institutions of higher education…”.... in communication at North Dakota State.... The International Teaching Assistant (ITA) has been seen as a need to work with international students as well as U....
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Research he Effects of Social Media on Arab Revolutions especially in Egypt, Syria and Yemen
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The revolutionists and activists took support of social They employed various forms of communication and information networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Yahoo Messenger, cell phone technology and much more for making the world know about the violence and autocracy in their respective countries.... gypt Revolution that forced President Hosni Mubarak to leave his presidency was a continued effort of the social media activists who worked on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google Maps and many mediums of communication and information sharing were employed in bringing in a change in the Egypt....
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Latest IT Systems Must-Have for Every Modern Business
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
As such, modern information technology has been considered the result of a crucial connection between digital and communication technologies.... Conceptually, however, the base requirement is for the definition and communication of standard data.... It has been studied in the perspective of different disciplines such as social, political, legal management, communication, science, and business courses.... It is a group of computers and associated devices that are share a common communication line or wireless link and typically share the resources of a single processor or server within a small geographic area, for example, within an office building....
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What are the benefits to an advertiser of TV instead of print
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The three traditional media platforms — radio, print and television — in addition to the emerging powerhouse, the Internet, are all effective marketing and advertising tools.... This paper will examine some of the benefits in two-way comparisons.... ... ... ... Their respective unique benefits for advertisers are primarily anchored on their own publics - their audience, listeners and viewers....
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Rhetorical Appeals in Editorials
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Mary Jones is a respectable and reputable independent investigative journalism firm that offer authoritative and unbiased media coverage on current events.... The paper «Rhetorical Appeals in Editorials' discusses the use of such artistic receptions for greater expressiveness as pathos (the emotional appeal to the reader, e....
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Leadership Challenges in Virtual Teams
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 9 , Research Proposal
Using several mixed methods, they found that deep rhythm face to face communication and communication patterns were responsible for outcomes.... Virtual team leadership: the effects of leadership style and communication medium on team interaction styles and outcomes.... This essay Leadership Challenges in Virtual Teams talks that virtual teams may be defined as groups consisting of geographically dispersed individuals, which have been brought together to focus on a specific project and rely on communication technology to interact....
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Cultural diversity in the media
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This research aims to discuss, analyze and assess the various causes, trends, historical background, and consequences of cultural diversity in the mass media, examine and understand the role of history in media representations of cultural diversity.... ... ... ... This paper is being carried out to discuss various other key aspects such as the depiction of Afro-Caribbean people in the media, the issue of stereotypes, a brief overview of history of Britain and its association with the European Union and its impact on the cultural representation in the media etc....
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The Phenomenon Doctor Who
9 pages (2527 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The emerging practices of journalism, media, advertising, TV shows reflect on the changing environment featured by increased participation of the audiences.... Digital journalism (Google eBook).... The paper "The Phenomenon Doctor Who" describes that media has to be sincere about their communications and messages as audiences are now more concerned about involving their knowledge and understanding in associating with the media and the digital world....
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Childhood Autism: Unique Findings
2 pages (661 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Blanc and Volkers (2008) state, 'Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects social and communication skills' (p.... o examine this change, doctors can make use of screening tools that can help them evaluate the hearing and communication skills of the children....
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Impact of Technology on Learning
2 pages (677 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Additional developments in this technology and data processing have allowed for greater cooperation and communication in politics, research, education, and in many other areas as well.... reater communication technology and the development of technology, in general, have led to a more diverse educational experience....
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Link between Law, Democracy, and Governement
6 pages (1623 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Link between Law, Democracy, and Governement " researches the link between law, democracy, and governement using the example of the United States of American and how those three aspects reflect on the policies of the mentioned country.... ... ... ... The Government of United States has its own inclination....
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Gender and Language in Bride Wars
5 pages (1478 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
As Hailiang and colleagues note, women and men appear to be equal in the modern world, yet 'the harsh reality tells us that women are not provided with an equal opportunity even for discussion, due to the fact that the two sexes respectively command different communication styles' (Hailing et al.... As Hailiang and colleagues note, women and men appear to be equal in the modern world, yet “the harsh reality tells us that women are not provided with an equal opportunity even for discussion, due to the fact that the two sexes respectively command different communication styles” (Hailing et al....
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The Power of the Media Tycoon
9 pages (2546 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The days of impartial journalism have reverted to the previous eras of yellow journalism and FOX has made no apologies for taking that approach.... The author of "The Power of the Media Tycoon" paper states that media tycoons such as Rupert Murdoch exert more political influence than the president....
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Implementation of Social Marketing in Birmingham Library
13 pages (3734 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In order to realize the impact o social marketing, there intervention has to be borne on a strong social-psychological theories and communication, the use of the marketing techniques is to supplement the development of the message as well as implementation of the program.... In achieving the desired objectives, social marketing tend to adopt the use of incentives, consumer research, configuration of ideas, segmentation of the market, communication, and exchange theory for the purpose of maximizing response from the target group....
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The Investigative Journalists
7 pages (2112 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This paper ''The Investigative Journalists'' tells that The concept of protecting the privacy and the laws used for political agendas, as well as journalism, is one that is debated.... This is because of the contrast that is related to spreading information through the use of journalism.... By individuals not having the right to know about specific ideals through investigative journalism is the inability to know about the current events and what is happening....
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The Tests of Controls That the Auditor Would Perform in Meeting Audit Objectives
6 pages (1899 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Approach in improving the speed of the customer's service on the stated segments is achievable only by consideration of the database configuration and correct configuring of the desired communication facilities attached or peripheral to the central system.... The paper "The Tests of Controls That the Auditor Would Perform in Meeting Audit Objectives" highlights that according to (Hall & Hall, 2011), main data integrity, internal control and reporting concerns associated with XBRL include the use of documents in a sequential manner....
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8 pages (2396 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "E-Commerce" shall do research about how e-commerce is having an impact on UAE's residents, in return, this shall guide us in how the consumers behave accordingly.... We shall use different resources such as journals, reports, research papers.... ... ... ... The e-commerce market is expected to transform the nature of businesses in the region given the success potential of the UAE market....
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16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ELITES AND DEVELOPMENT IN CIS COUNTRIES Summary To comprehend the nature of the socio-political and economic changes that appeared in the ‘Soviet Successor States,' also known as the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), during the 1990's, it is necessary to examine the various political elites that came into prominence in these countries at this time....
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Recyclable Drinking Water
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The study aims to highlight the use and importance of integrated marketing communication in developing a marketing plan based on recycle water usage for drinking.... ecyclable Drinking Water By [Presented to] of EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Integrated marketing communication is one of the highly preferred marketing tools within the competitive business environment.... It can be defined as the coordination and amalgamation of marketing communication tools and functions into a program or function that helps in impacting customers along with enhancing the feasibility and acceptance of the product (Adcock, Halborg, Ross 2001, p-15)....
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The Analysis of Various Dimensions of Cybercrimes and Possible Solutions to This Problem
5 pages (1456 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Analysis of Various Dimensions of Cybercrimes and Possible Solutions to This Problem" highlights the modern ways to commit cybercrime, global trends in cybercrime, ways to protect cyberspace from the likelihood of cyberattacks, legislation to prosecute cybercrimes.... ... ... ... The questionnaires would be distributed among the security professionals who deal with cybersecurity in various organizations and businesses....
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Science report in Media vs. Scholarly Sources
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The relationship between the distance from the sun to the earth and its effects on the occurrence of the earth's seasons has been a hotly contested and described phenomenon among various scientists.... Various academic journals and scientific reports have focused on the issue.... ... ... Scientific studies indicate that the distance from the sun to the earth affects the occurrence of the seasons....
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The Role of Information and Communication Technology in the Education Sector in Developing Countries
12 pages (3411 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
From the paper "The Role of Information and communication Technology in the Education Sector in Developing Countries", developing countries believe that ICT in the education sector will play a key role in narrowing the educational gap, promoting social equality, and improving quality of life.... Information and communication technology refers to technology that promotes communication and information through electronic capture, processing, and transmission.... nformation and communication technology refers to technology that promotes communication and information through electronic capture, processing and transmission....
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What are the limits and possibilities of critique in the context of postmodern thought and culture
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name Professor Institution Course Date What are the limits and possibilities of critique in the context of postmodern thought and culture?... With regards to visual arts, the limits and the possibilities of critique of the postmodern thought and culture; the excellent model for the eventual actualization of the right format of ideological thought resides in the ultimate realization of the systematic definition of the precise meaning of the post modern thought and culture....
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The Background of Nippon Hoso Kyokai
8 pages (2551 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ell views that the money for quality journalism is drying up (97).... edia companies are finding that serious journalism is in trouble.... The paper "The Background of Nippon Hoso Kyokai" discusses that NHK needs to think carefully about its place in the world and in the marketplace....
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Increased Importance of Learning Management Systems
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The research paper 'Increased Importance of Learning Management Systems' gives detailed data about key areas of concern associated with those technologies.... It's a guide on the criteria that organizations can use to evaluate the best LMS and possible frameworks for introducing LMS for their needs....
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The Sponsorship Issues at Manchester Giants Basketball Club
11 pages (3208 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Interestingly, the team members noticed that I have high levels of enthusiasm and good communication skills.... Apart from helping Manchester Giants by suggesting the probable list of sponsors, I was also benefitted to a large extent as I was able to develop my communication skills, learn how to schedule a project and monitor it till the end.... Organizational communication: Approaches and Processes....
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Marketing Strategies of Mercin Daviro
9 pages (2511 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Having a clear marketing communication strategy will enhance the company's brand equity among its consumers.... The paper "Marketing Strategies of Mercin Daviro" discusses that the automotive market experienced strong sales growth has continued in most segments in 2004, particularly for four-wheel drives, people-movers and light commercial vehicles, pointing to another record year for total vehicle sales....
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The Journalist Making the Story or the Story Making the Journalist
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Article
journalism is one of the most cherished professions across the world and as a result of the world becoming a global village the journalists play a vital role in reporting the various events across the world and in making the different parts of the world familiar to people in different regions.... From the point of view of journalism, there are three journalists who want to convince their audience about the views they hold.... Both the authors intend to defend their hero's and their actions through their reporting and journalism is a way to achieve their purpose....
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International Operational And Logistical Strategies
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
communication on the need and commitment to quality service delivery is also very relevant and demanding.... communication and motivations among all the involved team players is very essential.... According to the research direct contact between an organization and the customers is a very effective invention....
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Social Media Cultural Influence
6 pages (1628 words) , Download 5 , Essay
mong other positive influences of social media, one deserves to be given specific attention – the fact that due to it intercultural relationships are becoming stronger and communication – easy.... The following brought different kinds of interaction to a new level, leveling the influence of time and space on the process of communication.... The following brought different kinds of interaction to the new level, levelling the influence of time and space on the process of communication....
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