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'A Current Affair' and 'Today Tonight'
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Her career in journalism started in 1981 as a reporter at Melbourne- based National Nine News and she hosted and co-hosted several programs before starting to present ‘A Current Affair' in 2006 (Blundell).... News as It Happens: An Introduction to journalism.... The programs 'A Current Affair' and 'Today Tonight' are popular current affairs programs on Australian commercial television....
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Review of Mass Media and Communication Articles
7 pages (1967 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Review of Mass Media and communication Articles" talks of how Harry Potter has been fruitful and that the Pottermore webpage risks providing too many undesired and pointless facts.... Journals Journalism, Mass Media and communication Journal Article “JK Rowling should remember that less means more in the Potterverse: The Pottermore website tells fans far more than they need to know about Harry Potter” This article talks of how Harry potter has been fruitful and that the Pottermore webpage risks providing too much undesired and pointless facts....
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Interaction Due to Enhancement of IT Skills
6 pages (1724 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The importance of communication is crucial for any study and it was as important in law research.... The virtual learning programs of law schools and universities must increase the communication skills of the students.... The importnace of communication is crucial for any study and it was as important in law research.... In the case of virtual learning every student will be given opprotunity to exhibit his/her communication and interactive skills using specially designed tests for that purpose. ...
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Australian TV: A Current Affair and Today Tonight
8 pages (2271 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Her career in journalism started in 1981 as a reporter at Melbourne- based National Nine News and she hosted and co-hosted several programs before starting to present ‘A Current Affair' in 2006 (Blundell).... News as It Happens: An Introduction to journalism.... This case study "Australian TV: A Current Affair and Today Tonight" discusses the most popular current affairs programs on Australian commercial television....
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Information and Communication Technologies (Icts) In University
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
According to the report a wide number of technologies have been developed to enhance the process of information and communication assisted technologies across the globe.... Information and communication Technologies (Icts) In Information and communication technologies (ICTs) in university ... wide number of technologies have been developed to enhance the process of information and communication assisted technologies across the globe....
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The Distinctive Aspects of Informtion nd Communiction Technologies in Business Organization
15 pages (4281 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Introduction types of computer-relаted communicаtion technologies now allow pаrticipаnts to exchаnge informаtion in а mаnner thаt is not mаss communicаtion chаnnels Information and communication technologies and marketing communication 'bstr'ct The purpose of the present ess'y is to explore the distinctive 'spects of inform'tion 'nd communic'tion technologies (ICT) in business org'niz'tions.... In today's fast-paced business, the need for effective and fast communication methods is essential in influencing the market and at the same time gaining a competitive advantage....
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Social Media and the Arab Spring
8 pages (2237 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Tweeter and Facebook have been perceived to have been heavily and widely used by youth and other citizens in the communication of their agenda.... The fact that the social media are majorly unbiased medium of communication, it is believed to be a true democracy in itself.... t should be noted that the internet and the modern modes of communication have largely grown and have been widely used by a majority of the population in the 16 Arabic states....
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The Role of Crisis Management by the Public Relations Specialist
9 pages (2349 words) , Download 3 , Essay
?? The role of public relations is not just communication but much more.... Lukaszewski, has given seven dimensions to of crisis communication management.... he company did not make enough communication effort with the public it actually avoided interviews during the screening and the filming of the movie.... Lukaszewski, (1999) Seven Dimensions of Crisis communication Management: A Strategic Analysis and Planning Model, Published in Ragans Communications Journal, http://www....
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Self Appraisal
2 pages (553 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Meeting deadlines, reviewing and collecting feedback from the team before submission of content and communication was key in the project resulting in the website going live on target.... Did a communication to team weekly with updates concerning the taking over the CFR W9....
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Are Computers Good
1 pages (341 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Computers have enhanced efficiency in the information and communication sector, hence reducing time wastage due to immediate feedback.... The paper "Are Computers Good?... states that computers have continued to evolve in everyday life and have turned to be mandatory gadgets.... Almost all groups of people, including children, the aged, college students, and professors require computers to perform various tasks....
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Mystification in the Media from Ritual Murder to the War on Terrorism
7 pages (1852 words) , Download 0 , Article
communication, especially the media, has been the chief aspect that has facilitated the current globalization.... The communication commissions in all countries must put in place systems that relay informative news content, with regard to local and global issues.... Theobald's work is a timely contribution to the current argument on the role of the media in the fast changing modern communication landscape.... critical analysis of News communication for a New Global System by William A....
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Culture And Technology
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Effects are being felt in intellectual property, notions of authorship, patterns of communication and consumption, the experience of space and time, ethics and privacy.... Globalization and technological advancement have changed the entire scenario of communication.... Effects are being felt in, for example, intellectual property, notions of authorship, patterns of communication and consumption, the experience of space and time, ethics and privacy....
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Intercultural Communication in Phoenix Management Services
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Intercultural communication is known as the base for international business.... The paper "Intercultural communication in Phoenix Management Services" will analyze intercultural communication focusing on Phoenix Management Services which is an organization with multicultural people.... I will begin by examining the history of intercultural communication and examine some of the theories by researchers.... The study of intercultural communication was initiated by Edward Hall and others followed suit in the 1950's....
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The Development of Interpersonal Relationship among the Users of Mobile Communication Technology
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Factors such as communication effectiveness in such relationships, personal factors such as intimacy, trust, and maintenance.... This situation demands a faster and effective mode of communication ands MCT or Mobile communication Technology has become the answer to this question.... Factors such as communication effectiveness in such relationships, personal factors such as intimacy, trust and maintenance of such relationships will be discussed as well. ...
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The Changes That Have Taken Place in the British Media since the Second World War
5 pages (1454 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Changes That Have Taken Place in the British Media since the Second World War" states that as the world grows smaller and the thirst if acquiring more and more information faster, the world would definitely see a lot more advancement and truth in the way media is used and shared.... ....
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Skills Audit for a Future Career as Marketing Manager
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The author of the following paper claims that marketing consists of the wide range of activities undertaken to ensure that the needs of customers are met from which the organization or the business derives value.... The marketing function starts with the analysis of potential customers or markets....
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Relationship Development and Marketing Communication
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The aim of this paper 'Relationship Development and Marketing communication' which is to understand the dynamics of social marketing as a possible solution to social and health problems, the paper will be tackling the following questions: First, what is social marketing?... Relationship Development and Marketing communication ... However, despite the similarity, there are glaring differences between the two in terms of communication and social marketing's deconstruction of the marketing tools....
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Whether College Education is Important for Future Life
8 pages (2060 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The loss of touch and lack of communication intervenes with the basic purpose of education and it is quite clear that the future life of college education is certainly nebulous in form and substance.... This annotated bibliography "Whether College Education is Important for Future Life" is about higher education in the USA is undergoing a period of crisis while public funding is falling freely, tuition fees have increased drastically and hence colleges and universities are less inaccessible....
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Role of the Media in American Politics
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Industrialists and corporate heads made use of early modes of communication to advertise their products and services.... Industrialists and corporate heads made use of early modes of communication to advertise their products and services.... Such an objective is dangerous to owners of media empires, which is why they work to change communication and news laws and personalities permanently in their favor.... communication produces power....
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The Role of Internet-Enabled Platforms for Entrepreneurial Firms
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
ages, Silva and Styles (2009) mentioned that internet based services are mainly considered for information management activities of a firm as well as for performing their marketing and communication functions.... Multinational firms are operating in all over the world from a single point of contact, direct communication networks are being used for customer interaction, data collection and, sharing and analysis are being performed from a shared database accessible from any corner of the world....
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Marketing Communication Case Study
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In this study the communication objective of this campaign, the purpose of this campaign will be analyzed along with the role of integrated marketing communication tools and their link to the response stages will be analyzed.... Dove brand of Unilever has tried to change the perception of unrealistic and unachievable view of beauty in women by launching its worldwide "Campaign for Real Beauty" in 2004....
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The Influence of Public Relations on Media
8 pages (2664 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Because public relation practice lags behind public relation theory in the implementation of two-way symmetrical communication, the term public relations is perceived negatively in the media ... The paper "The Influence of Public Relations on Media" discusses that as of the relationship between public relations and media, there is a significant controversy that leads to different results in accordance with the financial strength of participants....
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Language and Identity in Literature
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
However, cultural representations of language are vitally important in serving the conservative function of language and communication adaptation within the social and personal realms.... He describes his life experiences before and after the stroke through an augmentative communication technique called partner assisted scanning, since his entire body is paralyzed, with only exception to few movements in the head and eyes.... But for Bauby, communication was something beyond realness of socially accepted language as just speech language was not enough....
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Electronic Business and E- Marketing : Cond Nast to launch London fashion school
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Integrated e-communication plan 9 3.... Integrated e-communication plan Traditionally marketing communication involves advertising, personal selling, public relations and sales promotion.... In the case of the fashion school sales promotion is not essential and the most critical elements in e-communication are public relations, personal selling and other innovative tools.... Integrated e-communication does not merely refer to tools to communicate; it also refers to new ways in which people can communicate....
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The Difference between New Media Audiences and Mass Media Audience
12 pages (3481 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Difference between New Media Audiences and Mass Media Audience' presents the term 'audience' that has been synonymous with 'receivers' within the basic sequential model of the mass communication process, namely channel, source, message, receiver, effect.... The term “audience” has been synonymous with “receivers” within the basic sequential model of the mass communication process, namely channel, source, message, receiver, effect (Livingstone 2b)....
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Cultural Difference between Public and Private Organisations
5 pages (1500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Differences related to communication are caused by a number of factors that include but are not limited to the issues of transparency, focal audience, and legal constraints.... Differences in the cultures of the public and the private organizations are caused by differences of the work environment, and dynamics of the workplace that come into play as a result of mutual interaction and integration of a wide array of factors that include but are not limited to the goals, decision making processes, attitudes and behaviors of the organizational personnel, and the patterns of communication....
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The Role of Social Media as a Mode of Market Communication
11 pages (3253 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Role of Social Media as a Mode of Market communication" affirms that marketing communication in the United Kingdom has increasingly faced a number of challenges particularly as a result of the rapid technological changes that have been witnessed in the last few decades.... The role of Social Media as a mode of Market communication in the U.... Insert (s) The role of Social Media as a mode of Market communication in the U....
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Key Issues in the Development E-Business Strategies Relating To the Education Sector in UK
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Integrated e-communication plan 9 ... Integrated e-communication plan ... raditionally marketing communication involves advertising, personal selling, public relations and sales promotion.... In the case of the fashion school sales promotion is not essential and the most critical elements in e-communication are public relations, personal selling and other innovative tools.... Integrated e-communication does not merely refer to tools to communicate; it also refers to new ways in which people can communicate....
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Media, Fear and Terrorism: How terrorists Use the Media
8 pages (2276 words) , Download 0 , Thesis Proposal
"Media, Fear, and Terrorism: How terrorists Use the Media" paper based on how Qaida uses the internet to spread or send their ideology, and how they induce fear in the public using this technology.... The paper answers the question "How are 'terrorist' organizations using new media technologies?... ....
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Cognitive Framing Theory
6 pages (1779 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The changes need to be emotional and introduced through a communication system that must be sufficient, repetitive, and full of trust for the messengers.... Human behaviors are thus influenced and guided by the communication that feeds the brains.... akoff point out that communication itself is a metaphor and is comprised of the frame (Lakoff, Framing and Framing Theory, 2004).... Moreover, communication frames also include the messenger, the context and the moral authority and conceptual frames (Lakoff, Framing and Framing Theory, 2004)....
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Forging the Special Relationship - the United States and Britain in Peace and War
21 pages (5529 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Forging the Special Relationship - the United States and Britain in Peace and War" highlights that the American Revolution is one of the eighteenth-century historical events that have left an indelible mark in historical and academic discourses.... ... ... ... The current media coverage of the Arab uprising does not overshadow the role that print media played in defining public opinion and identity during the American Revolution....
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Lost Paradise - Event Promotion
11 pages (2786 words) , Download 0 , Business Plan
Embedding videos and messages in media communication increases the awareness ... The paper 'Lost Paradise - Event Promotion' is an excellent variant of the business plan on marketing.... Lost Paradise festivals is an annual event that takes three days between 29th and 31st December....
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Making Use of Social Media Platforms Such as Facebook and Twitter
7 pages (2379 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Whereas the old regime of the mass media relied on time-worn media channels, such as TV, radio and print, which were passive in nature and with the communication being one-way from the media content generators to the general public.... The paper "Making Use of Social Media Platforms Such as Facebook and Twitter" states that with regard to current uses of Twitter and Facebook, there is little doubt that it has brought about a profound revolution in the way people stay connected and share information and vital things about their lives....
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A Comparison between the Traditional News Media and the Modern Day Blogging Culture
3 pages (888 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Research Background Blogging is a personal form of communication in which users maintain and market pages on the internet to their target audience.... The use of social media further introduces the concept of citizen journalism, which refers to the use of the public either as news sources or to communicate the news item to a particular audience group.... As a user of the different social media and a student of journalism, I foresee that the research will establish major discrepancies and conflict of interests in the manner in which the two news sources disseminate their news to their audiences....
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Marketing Communications Plan
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Innocent Drinks: Integrated Marketing Communications Plan Customer inserts his/her name Customer Inserts Table of Contents Introduction 3 Context Analysis 3 communication goals and positioning 7 3 P's of communication Strategy 8 Co-ordinated communication Mix 10 Implementation, control & evaluation 11 Introduction Innocent Drinks was founded in U....
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Defamation Law
10 pages (2713 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
1) Has Larry defamed Ella in his online article ‘Law of communication student thinks she knows travel because she's been to Bali' and are any defences available to him?... This paper ''Defamation Law'' tells that the key legal issue of concern is whether Larry's statement is defamatory, or whether he has defamed Ella....
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The Emergence and Evolution of Magazine
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
There is some theoretical suggestion that the printed word as a form of communication is in decline.... The Flow of Information: An Experiment in Mass communication.... Consumer magazine journalism is intended to be informative and reflective of the culture in which the magazine is primarily entrenched....
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Compare the travel journal to an online travel blog
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Compare the travel journal to an online travel blog Introduction Online communication has become a popular practice in countries where online technologies are highly developed.... On the other hand, it cannot be claimed that communication, as a vital social activity, is related only to Internet.... However, if they are carefully reviewed, travel journals and online travel blogs have common points, as related to their role as tools of communication....
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Whether the Code of Ethics is an Effective Way of Effective Media Practice
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Whether the Code of Ethics is an Effective Way of Effective Media Practice" determines to develop effective ways of changing ethical codes that can increase efficiency of the media and communication industry.... Code of Ethics in Australian Media and communication Industry 4 ... herefore, emphasising on the current debates around the media and communication regulations, the primary aim of this essay is to obtain an in-depth understanding whether or not the code of ethics/codes of practice are the set of effective way of an effective media practice....
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Chinese Public Relations Development
57 pages (10007 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
It is more formally defined as 'a communication concept which is systematically planned and optimized may not offer a guarantee for success, however, it minimizes the risk of failure' (Feitsch, 2009, p.... This paper ''Chinese Public Relations Development'' tells us that public relation is how an organization is accepted by the public and how the public's perspectives are adopted by the organization....
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Suggestions of Crisis Communication for the Chinese Government
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
He further describes communication crises as threats that can cause harm or pose potential impediments to the success of an institution.... Suggestions of Crisis communication for the Chinese Government.... He further describes communication crises as threats that can cause harm or pose potential impediments to the success of an institution.... oombs (2012) argues that crisis management is aimed at reducing or warding off financial and reputational risks by espousing the development of policies to help in the handling communication crises....
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Top Innovations in Human History
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It was used as a communication means.... It is termed more important that the others because it formally set the foundations for the other sources of communication for the mankind in the future generations( Youtube, 2014).... It also helped introducing the printing press discipline along with that of journalism....
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Technology Evaluation Different Time, Same Place
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
witter allows you to Journalism, Mass Media and communication Technology Evaluation “Different Time, Same Place” Cultural Dimensions As a social media company Twitter allows for collaborating or working together between members of an organization.... It is not likely to enable a team to work faster unless they are a distance apart and communication among many members of an organization is necessary to complete a job.... Both individuals and teams can use real time communication ‘tweets' as a method of communication within a company....
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Research Job/career - mines is Public Relations
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
or the seat one must have the required to have the required level of education such as a degree in the communication or... Public relation as a career is a branch in management for an organization which deals with the kind of information given out from an organization and the public....
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Influence of Media on the Political System
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Media has transformed the dimensions of political system and with the emergence of this new communication tool approach of politicians towards public has drastically changed.... As per Baumgarten & Voltmer (2010), media effects or media influence are generally used in communication theory, sociology and media studies to refer to appropriate theories highlighting the impact of media culture and mass media on respective audience.... United States comprise of wide range of communication media like newspapers, magazines, radio, television and Internet....
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Media Representation of Germany in the US
8 pages (2229 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the paper under the title "Media Representation of Germany in the US" will begin with the statement that different experts in political communication always insist on the critical role the media plays in many modern democracies.... ifferent experts in political communication always insist on the critical role the media plays in many modern democracies.... Individuals from Germany find stereotyping and attitudes a new experience in the United States, and this attributes its causes from a misinterpretation of information, lack of knowledge, poor communication, cultural differences, rumors and also language barriers....
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The Death of TV and Newspaper Advertising
3 pages (840 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The advent of the Internet and contemporary forms of advertising has meant that TV and newspaper advertising has vanished as the main forms of communication.... The customer has become very choosy and thus he relies more on the communication messages that are put up on the web and other media forms, rather than relying on TV and newspaper advertising which are some aspects that are a thing of the past (Palser 2007)....
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Does Publicity Have a Role in Professional Public Relations
4 pages (2609 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
rofessionals undertaking public relation functions in organisation perform four important functions; they are involved in planning, developing implementing and evaluating different information and communication approaches which aim at enhancing an understanding and a favourable perspective about the organization.... (1992) Excellence in Public Relations and communication Management, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ.... Managing information and communication strategies is an important subset in all the huge management responsibilities of the organisation....
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Reflective Journal in Communication Management
33 pages (8346 words) , Thesis
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The paper "Reflective Journal in communication Management" is a great example of a Social science thesis.... The paper "Reflective Journal in communication Management" is a great example of a Social science thesis.... The paper "Reflective Journal in communication Management" is a great example of a Management assignment....
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A Position that Will Allow to Utilize, Enhance and Build upon Interpersonal Communication Skills
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Resume/CV
Excellent written, verbal communication and analytical skills.... l American University Of Science & Technology, Beirut, Lebanon 2001-2004 communication Arts (Radio& Tv).... With my strong language skills in both English as well as Arabic and the working knowledge that I have of conversing in French, I am confident that these skills, along with my background in; sales, journalism, and theater work, that I have amassed a solid level of experience that would be of great benefit to the workplace....
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