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Importance of Developing Nurse-Patient
21 pages (6486 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Importance of Developing Nurse-Patient" states that the author found one of the biggest barriers to creating therapeutic nurse-patient relationships was the lack of understanding on the part of the western nurses of the cultural needs of people from other cultures.... ... ... ... Culture forms the way in which social relations of a particular ethnic group are being structured and shaped....
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Basic Readings in US Democracy
4 pages (6464 words) , Download 8 , Essay
This essay "Basic Readings in US Democracy" discusses the nature and function of the American Judiciary system that is created with a basic aim to interpret analyze and resolve disputes in order to uphold the very essence of democracy.... ... ... ... The Federal Government is further broken down into substructure that includes: the Legislative Branch which takes care of promulgating statutes and policies; the Executive, which composes the President, cabinet agencies, and military service, and finally the Judiciary Branch more commonly known as the courts....
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Draftsmans Duty of Care in the Preparation of a Will
20 pages (5588 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Draftsmans Duty of Care in the Preparation of a Will" it is clear that generally, the draftsman is responsible for providing the legal framework within which his client would be able to document his wishes in a structured format of a will.... .... ... ... In this discussion, several cases of English law having implications for the draftsman's duties in the preparation of a will are highlighted and examined in detail....
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The Human Rights Regime
16 pages (5145 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "The Human Rights Regime" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the human rights regime.... Many different international treaties have been passed in an attempt to improve worldwide human rights.... The current regime is far from perfect.... ... ... ... The use of it as a foundation for improvement is seen as the most effective future technique in this process (Yasuaki, 1996)....
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How liberal ought a state to be
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In our modern world, we almost daily witness the ubiquitous mentioning of the importance of democracy, freedom, and observance of human rights.... Indeed, political leaders and mass media seem to be preoccupied with these ideas.... ... ... ... Liberalism as a world view and a branch of political philosophy also belongs to this heritage and has its deep historical roots....
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Draftsmans Duty of Care in the Preparation of a Will
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In this discussion 'Draftsman's Duty of Care in the Preparation of a Will' several cases of English law having implications for draftsman's duties in preparation of a will are highlighted in detail.... The draftsman's duties are categorized as errors in the documents.... ... ... ... The cases discussed relate to the draftsman's duties and responsibilities as in case of severing agreements in mutual wills or showing legal loopholes in a family succession of the business....
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Film reflections on WW2
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Teacher Date Recursive Use of Wealth and Schindler's List Schindler's List {SL} begins with a scene of peaceful Jews before the rounding up.... They're lighting candles, and having a Sabbath, singing in Hebrew.... This sequence is in color.... The smoke of the candle becomes the smoke of a train that is scheduled to take the Jews to the ghettoes....
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The Great Irish Famine and Recent Famines of Africa and Asia
20 pages (5807 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Great Irish Famine and Recent Famines of Africa and Asia" states that there are many similarities one can observe when discussing the surrounding circumstances in which the Great Irish Famine and other famines occurring in Africa took place.... ... ... ... Before delving into a discussion regarding the Great Irish famine and the recent famines of Africa and Asia, we must first acquaint ourselves with key aspects regarding famines....
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Continuity and Change of Scribal Education
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
During its history, it gradually transformed into the important medium for the transmission of knowledge and, in the latest period, for the preservation of cultural.... ... ... How and why did the process of change happen in Old and New Babylonian periods?... What features or phases of education, on the contrary, remained stable during the two millennia?...
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John Maynard Keynes Principal Contribution to Political Economy
19 pages (5600 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "John Maynard Keynes Principal Contribution to Political Economy" discusses that should Keynes's insights on the political economy be relied upon to re-conceptualize optimal relationships between the state and the market?... The answer would therefore be in the affirmative.... ... ... ... More and more people are attracted to the market and the cycle moves on....
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Successful Harmonization of International Commercial Law
24 pages (5773 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The essay "Successful Harmonization of International Commercial Law" focuses on the critical, thorough, and multifaceted analysis of the significant issues on the International organization and the successful harmonization of international commercial law.... ... ... ... Harmonization is making regulatory requirements or government policies of different jurisdictions identical or at least similar....
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Initial Response, with Training Requirements, and Resources Needed
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper, Initial Response, with Training Requirements, and Resources Needed, stresses that the initial response plan will identify the personnel who have the ability to supervise the initial response to the fire.... In addition, the supervisor will be responsible for overseeing the training of the personnel....
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Extended Schools in the UK: Relevance and Effectiveness
17 pages (5400 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Extended Schools in the UK: Relevance and Effectiveness" critically analyzes the aspects of the Extended School System in the UK and examines its primary role in imparting knowledge and further helping in an 'all-round development' of pupils as worthy citizens of the country.... ... ... ...
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Notion of Social Contract by J.J. Rousseau
22 pages (5726 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Notion of Social Contract by J.... .... Rousseau" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the notion of the social contract by J.... .... Rousseau.... Almost everything in Rousseau's writings is the subject of debate.... Rousseau set out to propound a theory of just political order....
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Gender Roles and the Womans Place in The Spoils of Poynton
22 pages (5739 words) , Essay
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The paper "Gender Roles and the Womans Place in The Spoils of Poynton" states that in the 1950s and 1960s, family scholars and the mass media alike presented the image of a typical or model family as the one with a father, mother, and two or three children.... ... ... ... It is essential to state that over the last several decades, there have been tremendous changes in gender roles with particular reference to education, the workplace, and the family....
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Question 1: A Comparative Examination of Feudalism. Question 2: Science and One God
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While it was to fall to conquering nations, it is possible that some of the reasons that it was not sustained was that technology had reached a point where continuing forward would fly in the face of all known traditional beliefs, the nation constricted by not being able to let go of supernatural belief systems that constrain progress....
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Rethinking Performance Management
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This assay discusses challenges barriers that the international entrepreneurs face and how they can be conducted to increase globalization of business.... The essay has also the international business plan for a travel agency whose location is in Los Angeles.... .... ... ... This essay discusses the international market in the scope of innovation and entrepreneurship....
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CCTV: A Tool for Security Management
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this regard, surveillance through CCTV, a product of modern technology, is implemented.... The object of analysis for the purpose of this assignment is CCTV as a tool for security management.... The researcher says that CCTV is a powerful tool of the state because of the fact that it serves as eyes of the government....
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Marketing Essentials For Kleenex
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Competitive responses, technology changes and the consumer preferences are also some of the factors which may not guarantee the expected sales.... The corporation has also extended into a worldwide Health and Hygiene market and provides a range of tissue and personal care products, and has also obtained a significantly profitable market share strongly attributed to their customer loyalty and strong trademark acknowledgment....
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Business Research: Qualitative And Quantitative Methods
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Information technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, Vol.... In order to understand the terms under which qualitative and quantitative methods could be used in business research, it would be necessary to identify the characteristics of these methods, as used in academic and business research worldwide....
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The French New Wave style of film
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The French New Wave producers exploited the novel technology, which was accessible to them during the late ‘50s that permitted them to operate on location instead of inside the workshop.... French New Wave (Nouvelle Vague) began in the late ‘50s.... It denotes to film created, generally, by a novel group of French film-makers more significantly, opposing the established trends in ‘50s movies of, costume dramas, literary adaptations, heavy co-productions and low budget....
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Intervention for People with Learning Disability
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 7 , Essay
The paper highlights theory, evidence in caring for individuals with learning disabilities, barriers and challenges that they encounter when accessing the full range of health services, and practical and effective interventions seeking to enhance access to healthcare.... ... ... ... According to the paper the environment for healthcare and support are constantly changing as the number of patients with multiple and complex needs increase, and clients increasingly have high expectations on what health, care, and support should deliver....
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Comparing and Contrasting Business Systems in Japan and China
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
With improvement in technology, managers can now operate from long distances with equal efficiency as when operating from the company's main premises.... This paper seeks to compare and contrast business systems in Japan and China.... In order to do this, the paper will compare and contrast the various aspects of business management in the two countries....
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The Diversity of Leadership Styles: A Reflection of World's Leaders
10 pages (2684 words) , Download 4 , Essay
ompetition from technology rivals like Apple and other big companies (The Wall Street Journal, 2009). ... An author of the current essay seeks to briefly describe the fundamental principles of leadership theory.... Furthermore, the writer will critically analyze the instances of effective and ineffective leadership....
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Role of Economic Development in Reducing the Poverty Rate
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, private investment does not only revolve around financial support but it also incorporates capacity building, innovations and the use of better technology.... This paper elucidates the concept of economic development and evaluates its role in reducing the poverty rate in different regions of the world....
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Strategic Marketing Planning
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There is also a remarkable increase in the application of modern technology in the tourism sector.... The essay "Strategic Marketing Planning" describes as stated by the World Convention on Travel and Tourism, the most common industry in the business sector is tourism, hospitality, and event....
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Cultural Diversity And Subcultures In The United States
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the past, this might not have been so difficult, but we now lived in a fractured world that while being connected by technology is still sorely divided by traditions, customs, and language.... The writer of the essay "Cultural Diversity And Subcultures In The United States" suggests that It is more important to acknowledge the diversity in American Culture – such as Greek American, Italian American, Mexican Americans, and a host of others....
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Corporate social responsibility
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
CSR: Silent and Shadow Accounts for Procter and Gamble [ your name ] [ course name / number ] [Publish Date] Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) encompasses any methods or techniques utilised in order to self regulate a corporate entity so as to ensure compliance with norms and laws....
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Mankind Distanced From Nature And The Use Of Earth Simply As A Resource
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
technology as symptom and dream.... Mankind live in the world where technological achievement is unbelievable in past societies are within their grasp.... This is the era of genetic engineering, space travel, and the internet.... .... ... ... Mankind live in the world where technological achievement is unbelievable in past societies are within their grasp....
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The Role of the Hospitality Manager
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Role of the Hospitality Manager NAME: AFFILIATION: UNIVERSITY: The role of the hospitality manager Hospitality management refers to the duties a manager performs in a hotel or resort.... The role of a hospitality manager encompasses all the duties performed to maintain a healthy, safe and productive working environment....
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International entrepreneurship 2
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Governments and Small Businesses Name: Course: Instructor: Date: An entrepreneur is a person who takes on financial risk by operating a business or businesses in order to realize profit as they satisfy wants in the community or the world.... Entrepreneurship is important in an economy as it is responsible for the generation of wealth in a country especially if it possesses no mineral wealth....
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7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
technology trust: The next value creator in B2B electronic commerce.... Relationship marketing has become a critical part of business marketing for the last two decades.... Comprehensive definition of relationship marketing refers to exploiting long term positive impact on the business with optimum utilisation of resources....
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Tata Nano International market
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It is important to consider the fact that most of the issues that attend to the development of technology derive from the capacity to develop some close interest from the clientele from multiple perspectives.... The researcher of this paper affirms that Tata Nano's revolution of the global car industry began with the desire to solve India's inequalities as witnessed through the challenges that afflicted the middle-income and low-income commuters....
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Inclusive Education in UK
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Education in the United Kingdom has undergone various changes over the past few decades.... The government has passed laws that discourage less use of special schools; instead there is more focus on integration.... These changes have sparked a wide range of reactions and discussions about the topic....
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Domestic Violenc in Ethiopia
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The research team included members from the Department of Community Health and the Department of Psychiatry, Addis Ababa University; the Ethiopian Public Health Association; the Women's Lawyers Association, Addis Ababa; the Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, and the Department of Clinical Science, Ume University, Sweden; and the Program for Appropriate technology in Health (PATH), United States....
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Should Parents Send their Children to Private School If They Can Afford It
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Public have a large number of students and government funding that allows them, especially in higher levels, to offer an array of advanced classes in the arts, sciences and technology studies.... This essay talks about the general perception with regard to public schools and private schools whcih is that the former is meant for the common and/or average individuals in society while the latter is reserved for the elite, powerful and wealthy in society....
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Managing Human Resouces
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
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12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Kill Bill, Volumes I (2003) and II (2004)1 is a tale of remorseless, bloody revenge.... At one level it is a simple linear plot disguised cleverly using the story telling device of a non-chronological sequence, blended with technical finesse and a highly stylised form.... ... ... ... The central character, Uma Thurman, is a pregnant Beatrix Kiddo (simply known as "The Bride" in Volume 1) shot at her wedding by her ex-colleagues, a band of highly skilled assassins collectively known as the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad....
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War on terror as a media war
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The US media tested this warfare tactics by deploying information and technology as core weapons.... In the past,the role of Media was defined and static as media was decisively used as a source to portray knowledge and information.... n the contemporary period,media's roles and functions are diverse,as now media has been used to create propagandas....
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Employment law and labour markets
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
By embracing the goal, all parties will be at par with the ever shifting career patterns, advances in technology and improved ways of working on a global level.... Headquartered in London,the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development is an association of professionals in the management of human resources....
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Regulating Corporate Power and Company Law in United Kingdom
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Public Interest" pertains to any work that is initiated for the benefit of the public of the state.... If the State issues certain directives or order that stands to benefit its citizens, the move is said to be in favour of the public interest.... The concept of public interest is an important element in many areas of law, a fact that more than one area of the law impinges on issues subject to litigation....
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Nursing Shortage in the United States
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The shortage of nurses in the United States is a historical trend that emerged in 1998, peaked in 2002, and is predicted to continue past 2020 (Allen, 2008).... The shortage results from joint causes, such as "rising demand, little growth in registered nurses (RN) wages, demographic changes in the RN workforce that decreased the supply of working RNs, and a stressful hospital workplace environment" (Beurhaus et al....
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Rise of Civilizations
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The research for the origin and consequent rise of civilization is a topic widely explored.... Thousand years ago, even beyond the reach of human memory human beings, wandered in small groups.... The changes that occurred took place slowly through millenniums to have the modern age.... ... ... ... As the people moved and settled down in groups and began confining themselves in limited spaces changes began to be seen. ...
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Impact of World War II on the United States
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper aims to explore the impacts of the World War II on the United States particularly on its political, economic, and social perspective.... It is apparent that the World War II has influenced the outcome of world events on several occasions.... The United States adopted considerable changes in responding to these events such as those that deal with facing aggression, economic turmoil, and domestic upheaval....
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The strategic marketing approaches that could be adopted by the hotel industry in Songdo in South Korea
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Marketing is an important ingredient for any organization to achieve its goals, mission and its objectives set by it at the commencement of the business or at every annual review meeting of the board of directors.... Proctor (2000) states that marketing is all about satisfying customer wants and needs and simultaneously facilitating the achievement of organizations objectives....
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Knowledge of Models of Stress for Nurses
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Performing duties outside of their specialty due to lack of staff, and having to train other stuff to use newly introduced technology, were identified as particularly demanding The next general source of nursing stress comes from relationships at work.... This paper is intended to focus the stress among nurses, its root causes and impacts on the patient's health....
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Storytelling Marketing Approach
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Hannah Arendt said in the German Political Theorist that "Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.... Working along the same thoughts, one can say that story telling helps you to communicate an idea to the customers without strictly taking the responsibility of defining a concept....
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The Hannover Messe
16 pages (3913 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The commitment of the Hannover Messe to sustainability issues in the energy field will blend well with the sulfite-free technology of Frey Vineyards, and the concepts of organic and bio-dynamic wines from California.... This paper "The Hannover Messe" presents is a premier business event for major corporations of the world....
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Employee Motivational Strategies
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Work is a very essential part of everyday existence.... Without work there can be no income to support daily activities and amenities such as use of electricity, water, food and many more.... Modern jobs today somehow are much more stressful than before even though little physical activity is required....
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International Marketing: The Furniture Production
10 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
An essay "International Marketing: The Furniture Production" outlines that the purpose is to distinguish the outside markets, which can be captured by our firm in the sphere of the furniture production.... As this kind of production does not imply the use of the modern technologies.... ... ... ... This paper is presented in the form of the report, which has been virtually requested by my boss from the new international marketing manager hired by our enterprise....
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