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Social Media Is a Momentous Part of Our Modern Lives - Essay Example

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The author of this essay "Social Media Is a Momentous Part of Our Modern Lives" demonstrates the role of social media, positive and negative impacts of social media, social media as a resource of promotion…
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Social Media Is a Momentous Part of Our Modern Lives
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Qussai Al-Nassir ENGL106 Essinger 25\7 Introduction In these days, social media is a momentous part of our modern lives. The credit of this success goes to the software experts, who are bringing different interesting programs to connect from all over the world. No doubt, the role of social media has played its role to make the world as a “global village” (smith, 2013). To create the new platforms of the social networking, there are many experts to write new content and introducing new software for the incidence of present professional world. I have observed different aspects of social media and found that it has become the part of everyone’s life who uses cell phones or computers. I am impressed by major five positive impacts of social media, which have influenced the world. First impact of the social media is the sharing of news very quickly; it can say that the social media is a source of video or audio news. Currently, all the news channels are using facebook, twitter, google+ to share the news headlines for the readers and the viewers. It is proved that now news is more accessible with the help of social networks to aware the whole world. Quickly sharing of news was not possible than before. The second impact of social media is to bring the interaction between every nation and country in all over the world. Mostly people use the social networks to keep in touch regularly saving time by quick clicks to send short sentences. New friendships with totally cross-cultural people are the result of social networks. The third impact is the establishment of political-landscape to influence the people’s perspectives. The sources of social media have generated an effective political awareness and its organization for the people, and the political parties also observe their people’s views for re-establishing the party manifestoes. During election campaigns, the views of the citizens can predict the election results very early; the example of President Obama is the proof of his re-selection on the basis of social networks’ results. The forth impact of social network is to expanding the circles of education by promoting different educational programs. Social networks are also useful for the children to advance the communicational skills to becoming more educated person, as the learning process starts from childhood goes on for whole life. Fifth impact of social network is the downfall of expensive advertising agencies through cheap and easy publicity of the brands. No doubt, the social media has become a source of efficient marketing. Now the consumers and the producers can talk directly to discuss about the products very easily. Through social media, people send their reviews openly by analyzing the use of brand of different companies. Another use of social media is to highlight the realities of fake companies or fake businesses by daily updates. Some people say that there are some negative impacts of social media to solve out by comparing to the benefits of social media. Now the cyber crimes have become easy for the criminals by capturing the people through social media. Business communities have seen decrease in their productions due to negative campaigns from their rivals in the market by using the sources of social media. There are several types of software in the markets to know the passwords and to steal the privacy settings of other person, which is a criminal act but cannot be controlled due to fast technologies (Jung). Many teens are using social media to hurt others by negative comments of wrong pictures. At this time, social media has brought many changes in every field of life in the whole world. Marketing and increasing the rate of literacy are the major achievements of Social Media. People can know each other very easily. Though, there are some negative impacts, but it is predicted that the social media will play its more efficient role in the future by introducing new ways and techniques to serve the business communities. Positive impacts of social media Although people argue against the users of social media, but it is very for the business persons, people interactions, students, researchers, consumers, producers, marketers, and hackers through a simple internet click. The use of Social media is time saving and cost saving for the business communities and the human resource communities. There are no boundaries for the people interaction geographically for sharing photos, updates, and the useful information. Students can share their favorite topics for discussions with the other students. Books reviews and research papers can be downloaded very easily through the expert readers and the publications. Social media is getting popularity due to promoting the democratic views all over the world. The role of social media has changed the way of life than before. Today, the customers find information for their required brands by using internet services and especially the websites of social media. The views of the customers have taken place the jobs of content writers in terms of publicity of the products and services. The application to facilitate the Twitter is called micro blogging application, and social sites of networking (such as Facebook, Flicker, and YouTube) are also used for photos, videos, and texts sharing. It has become the need of the business organizations and the marketers to use the sources of social media very efficiently to increase the revenues for their goods and services; otherwise they will face losses in terms of profit maximizations. Social media can introduce you as a celebrity without spending much cost on producers or photographers. It is an easiest way to become popular in the society, national or international level just by uploading photos, videos, or other talent items to share with the people. By building the personal-reputation through uploading photos and views helps in recognition in the circles of business communities for job or for new business contacts (Rutledge, 188). There is good news for the unemployed people, as it is an impressive source for getting job in the national and international markets by putting all experiences and qualifications in the form of resume or cover letters. An authentic source for job search and job finding is called LinkedIn, as there are only professionals and organizational structures to look for young and new talents. In these days, mostly private companies are uploading job opportunities through social media networks on every minute. If someone wants to share his personal views as an intellectual or wants to share his favorite hobbies then social media is very helpful in sharing and receiving the knowledge. Personal relationships such as classmates, school or college friends, colleagues etc. can be stronger by adding them in same community and sharing same interests and thoughts with them. Keeping contact with the same interest helps to build confidence and gains (Suto). Social media has become a great source of public interactions in term of trust and loyalty towards brands or way of communication. There are so many good impacts of social media to run a business effectively, as the people use these networks (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) more than one time daily. The business persons, who want to raise the awareness for brand establishing, can use social network for brand promotions. To promote the brand name or company image, social media is the best place to get identity amongst national and international markets. Through YouTube, upload the interesting videos for brand promotion or use the Facebook or Twitter accounts by inviting people to join the pages for specific communities of customers to promote something. When the target audience visits the pages, there is automatic promotion. Social network is also a source of analyzing the competitors’ behavior by spying them online; it helps to improve the brand quality and knowing more about the consumers’ views. The business communities should not the social network as a media agency to promote their brands. The promotion should be in traditional or cultural way rather than in the form of colorful ads or too much fashion pictures for brand promotion. Social media advertisement should be funny, interesting, or in the form of questioning to get more attraction of the consumers. The more the customers’ response or opinions, the more brand promotion to get revenues by selling. Convincing the friends to share the brand pages is also the way of brand promotion. Talk friendly to your customers online also promotes the concept of customers’ loyalty. Asking for opinions and recommendations to the customers by using social media helps so much for a successful organization. Marketing surveys can be done very easily through social media services, such as to ask for opinions from a district or national communities by asking questions directly. Now a day, many companies are selling their brands by uploading brands’ pictures and price tags, etc. and the deal is done very quickly. Social media service is a proper source for customer services provided by the company’s representatives to satisfy the customers’ needs (Suto). People can save time and money for using social network to sell goods or services. Social media is a helpful resource to decrease the marketing costs. In these days, majority of people are using one of the social networks on the daily basis to keep in touch with their loved ones and the friends. People add those people that have same interests in their friends’ lists or community pages, now it very easy to analyze the personalities of people just by visiting their profiles, uploaded contents, friends’ lists, favorite pages, photos, videos, etc. Some criminals and extremists caught by the law agencies just by reviewing their updates and provided information on their pages. It is easy for law enforcement agencies to investigate the desired offenders by knowing their nature through social media. Social media is also a source of denying the misconceptions of different religious, human rights, views of critical people, help for needy people, etc. Currently thousands of lecture by the religious and spiritual lectures are there on social media, which are educating the people in positive manners. The human rights organizations are raising the voices of needy people for moral and financial support through the platforms of social media. Some rumors can hurt the reputation of big companies or the celebrities; social media is a simple and easy way to express the realities by addressing the relevant or the target audience. Another financial advantage of social media is the most cheapest and direct calls (audio or video) to the loved ones who live for from their relatives. Parents’ children interactions to share small types of happiness are very easy by sharing whatever they would love to share. In the presence of internationally high inflation, the rates of postal services, international calls, and the other communication services are very high to pay, but the inventions of the social networks have made it about free of charges (only a few charges of internet). It is clear to say that social media has saves the money from expensive communicational charges, which is not only the beneficial for the CEO’s of the media but also for the poor and middle class all over the world. Negative impacts of Social Media To analyze the negative impacts of social media is actually to convert these into positive outcomes. Although, we can get several advantages by using social network as human interaction is very easy globally. Some parents complain that their children have become facebook, twitter, or youtube addicted by viewing it in every hour of their lives via mobile phones or computer technologies. Some people believe that social media has no reality for those people who use it to expand the circle of friends, as they are only alone just by seeing their posts in the cell phones or on their pages.Some families complaint that the social life has disrupted due to spending of enough time with unknown absent people, which needs for consideration to get rid of it. Medical researchers have proved that people, who spend more than three hours on social media, have more risks on health of extra hypertension, depression, drugs addictions, isolations, and the act of committing suicide. People, who share their every information or photos on the social media networks, have more risks of “identity theft” in case of their enemies or by the cyber criminals to convert the good reputation into bad repute (Kasperson, 177-187). Social media needs active and intelligent people, otherwise the secret and confidential information can leak out by chance in the field of social media marketing by the professional hackers, which can become a reason of great loss by the competitors. People should know the signs of authentic signs of the companies, because some unauthorized or fake companies are cheating the consumers and suppliers by providing false and attractive information to attract the consumers. There are some professional experts of social media, who are hired to promote every good or bad thing for the hiring persons. People should keep in mind that sometimes the social networks are very sensitive to use as these are not the risk free places to share personal information to everyone. Mostly celebrities make the community pages to get more popularity for their business promotion, and they add every type of followers and fans without knowing their realities. Sometimes, the fans and followers are from against parties to post negative comments to degrade the celebrities’ reputation. So, social media can be a cause of negative sign for famous people due to negative competitors in the community pages. Hackers on social media are also a dangerous sign for the well-known organizations. The hackers can steal the passwords of these pages and can post those kinds of posts, which are threats for the organizations. Another way of hacking is steal the original information and running on fake accounts to destabilize the products of the organizations. Many businesses have become the victim of these types of attacker and have faced the losses. Not only large businesses but also the small business communities have faced the negative activities of their competitors or by the hackers. The procedure of password protection and secret information should be authentic to handle saving from the hackers (McGonigle et al., 473). some people are using social media as an abusive act to hurt others. Conclusion By researching on the topic of “Impacts of social media”, it is concluded that there are many more advantages of the social media rather than a few negative impacts. People from every class can use this technical software very easily. To keeping contact with the loved ones is very easy and quick through social media. Political parties can run their election campaigns by using these sources by reviewing the people’s comments about the electoral winnings. An example of President Obama describes the power of Social Media, who won before the election by his followers or the voters. Positive impacts of social media are very impressing in the business communities, even the founders of social networks have become millionaire by introducing these types of platforms. Small and large scales of companies are promoting their brands through these types of sources. Large scales of Companies can afford high expenses of advertisements, but must use social media for latest updates and brand promotions. Small scales of companies are very relaxed by promoting their brands through social networks with the help of interesting posts and photos. Business communities can improve the quality of their products by knowing their consumers’ comments. New and innovative designs of the products can be seen just in one picture, rather than by visiting the shopping stores. So, the brand promotion through social media saves the time and costs for visiting the shopping malls. For brand promotions and latest updates, highly qualified people are hired to communicate with the customers and the suppliers. It is said that social networks are taking part in economic growth by employing manpower. For the promotion of new talents of any field of life, social media is a great source of promotion by spending a very financial cost. They can increase their target audience by working hard for their projects. Educated people and intellectuals are sharing their positive thoughts to educate the youth by using these networks. Students are free to interact with others for problem solving discussions. There are a numerous types of communities to share every type of knowledge of every field without spending tuition costs. As there are negative and criminal minded people in every country and society, same it is the social media is influenced by these types of cyber crimes. Hacking, bullying, verbal or pictorial hurting, rumors, etc. are common on these platforms to hurt others’ private life. There is the need of new and innovative technologies to tackle with the criminals. Users of social media should be very active to delete negative posts immediately, which are uploaded to destroy the business or personal repute. At last, I would like to see a positive impression of social media from the audience. I presented many more uses of social media, which can confuse the audience but my focus was totally on the impact of social media on business communities. Whoever uses the social media has become the source of income revenues directly or indirectly. New talent is getting new projects, people are getting jobs, marketers are doing successful marketing, educational communities are benefiting others by not spending costs on tutors, celebrities are getting popularity among international fans, organizations and companies are selling their products by cheap source of marketing, politicians are knowing the views of people for economic policies through social media. It is proved that social media is the name of business, which is the source of only profits and cost savings. Works Cited Jung, Brian. "The Negative Effect of Social Media on Society and Individuals |"Small Business - Demand Media, n.d. Web. 25 July 2014. <> Kasperson, Roger E., et al. "The social amplification of risk: A conceptual framework." Risk analysis 8.2 (1988): 177-187. McGonigle, Dee, and Kathleen G. Mastrian. Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2009. Print. Rutledge, Patrice-Anne. Profiting from Social Networking. Upper Saddle River, N.J: FT Press, 2008. Print. Smith, Kevin. "100 Best Apps For iPhone And Android." Business Insider. N.p., 9 Sept. 2013. Web. 25 July 2014. <> Suto, Wendy. "Top 14 Benefits of Social Media Marketing." sitepronews. Jayde online inc., 2011. Web. 25 July 2014. . Read More
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