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Pornography: A sexual pleasure or sexual exploitation of women
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The discussion seeks to answer the question: Is Pornography a Sexual Pleasure or Exploitation of Women?... Pornography refers to the materials that are designed and created for the purposes of stimulating the sexual excitements and satisfaction of people's erotic desires.... ... ... ... The purpose of this research is to investigate the following: the feminism perspective debate around pornography, feminism perspective of pornography in United Kingdom, pornography regulation in the UK, feminism perspective of pornography in the United States of America, the internet and pornography, evaluation of pornography....
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Nike and its Approach to Corporate Responsibility
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Nike and its Approach to Corporate Responsibility Your name ………………………….... ... College ……………………………… ……………….... ... Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 1- Introduction 3 1.... -Nike's Corporate Social Responsibility 3 1.... -Corporate Social Responsibility 4 2- Nike's Corporate Social Responsibility 4 2....
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European Parliament as an independent actor in EU affairs
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "European Parliament as an independent actor in EU affairs" concerns The enhanced role of the European Parliament.... From the review, it can be suggested that while the EP is institutionally an independent actor, functionally it is yet to become free.... ... ... ... The European Parliament or EP is one of the key institutions within the European Union (EU), which is a directly elected body and comprises of 766 members from 28 member states....
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Foreign Market Entry and Its Implication
10 pages (3015 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The paper "Foreign Market Entry and Its Implication" states that the entry mode strategy applied by Starbucks is an essential decision, particularly in its internalization endeavors.... These choices have long-term implications for the success of the company.... .... ... ... Starbucks should focus on providing its customers with incentives that foster customer loyalty and retention....
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Copyright - an Engine of Free Expression
9 pages (2835 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Copyright - an Engine of Free Expression" provides a viewpoint copyright and freedom of expression are entities that are mutually connected.... Copyright is the engine of freedom of expression.... In the absence of engine or copyright laws, the vehicle freedom of expression may not work....
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Working Capital Management: Strategies and Techniques
13 pages (3749 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This essay "Working Capital Management: Strategies and Techniques" presents the marketing mix in relation to Sam's Tailor, and the issues the company faces due to the external changes taking place in the market environment has revealed that the marketing function is not independent of other functions....
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Amazon Rainforest, Explanations for Erosion in Amazon
12 pages (3409 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Amazon Rainforest, Explanations for Erosion in Amazon" discusses that personalized reciprocity is envisioned as the basis for obligations to the "Earth Mother.... This customary reciprocity appears to form the basis of a peasant conservation ethic, according to indigenous anthropologists....
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Increase in Payments for Shareholders
12 pages (3132 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Increase in Payments for Shareholders" states that there have been backlashes by shareholders against the remuneration of executive directors.... This issue has stirred up anger on shareholders as the executive director's award themselves high remunerations while their performance is poor....
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Prestige of the UN in Its International Actions
9 pages (2798 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Prestige of the UN in Its International Actions'' tells us that the United Nation's entry into the 21st century raised many questions questioning its effectiveness, if not its relevance, in fulfilling its mandate to its member nations.... Recent years have seen the diminishing prestige of the UN in its international actions....
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Indeendent Nurse Prctitiners in ustrli frm Sci-Politicl Persective
9 pages (2783 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The aim of the paper 'Indeрendent Nurse Prаctitiоners in Аustrаliа frоm а Sоciо-Politicаl Persрective' is to discuss recent chаnges in nursing prаctice аnd its visiоn frоm sоciо-pоliticаl perspective.... The cоntributiоn оf nurse prаctitiоner services tо pоpulаtiоn is being highly recоgnized in а grоwing number оf cоuntries....
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Growth of Crime in the UK during 1970-1980
9 pages (2598 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Growth of Crime in the UK during 1970-1980 " it is clear that generally, the policy and acts that evolved during 1970 and 1980 have resulted in improved legislation and recommendations for the prevention of crime and community safety.... ... ... ... According to Lea (2007), the idea of crime prevention involves the belief that crime should be prevented from occurring in the first place rather than punishing the criminal after the crime occurs....
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Sexual Harassment Relating to Women under the 2010 Equality Act
11 pages (2936 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Sexual Harassment Relating to Women under the 2010 Equality Act" discusses that the equality Act 2010, promises to protect the people that are subject to harassment all the time for example women.... They are protected from unwarranted harassment in their places of work.... ... ... ... Sexual harassment nowadays is through sexual advances to women to be offered favours in the workplace or for things that are of interest to the women....
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The Role of Accounting in Society, 2002 WorldCom Scandal
10 pages (2957 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "The Role of Accounting in Society, 2002 WorldCom Scandal" is a great example of a finance and accounting essay.... The price of the CEO, Mr.... Bernard Ebbers' holdings in the common stocks of the company increased and thus he became very wealthy (Pascoe et al 2011, pg.... 144).... In the year 2000, the decline of the telecommunications industry started to be felt....
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International and Comparative Human Resource Management
10 pages (2775 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper 'International and Comparative Human Resource Management' will categorically look at distinguishing cultural characteristics of Korea and the UK.... The two selected countries fall under the cultural Island 2 cluster and Anglo-Saxon cluster respectively.... ... ... ... The practices of human resource management within a given realm of operations are greatly affected by national culture....
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Did the Expatriate Nurses Training Program Enhance Staff Satisfaction and Reduce Burnout
12 pages (3712 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author of the following paper "Did the Expatriate Nurses Training Program Enhance Staff Satisfaction and Reduce Burnout?... discusses reasons that medical practitioners have decided to embark on using Evidence-Based Practice (Beyea & Slattery, 2006).... ... ... ... Many questions have been raised on the use of evidence-based practices in hospitals....
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Human Immunodeficiency Virus: A Brief Description about the Demographic Statistics of California
9 pages (2744 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Human Immunodeficiency Virus: A Brief Description about the Demographic Statistics of California" is about the state of California has the second-highest HIV prevalence rate after New York.... Close to 190 000 people had contracted HIV by April 2009.... ... ... ... The report also indicated that HIV prevalence in California is higher in males than in females....
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The Concept of Diversity as an Important Part of Social Work
11 pages (2943 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Concept of Diversity as an Important Part of Social Work" discusses that the application of social work is a case-to-case basis; no plan of action can be applied to two different scenarios.... Thus, to determine the plan of action in a specific case, assessing needs and risks.... ... ...
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How Staff Is Encouraging Parental Involvement
11 pages (2980 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "How Staff Is Encouraging Parental Involvement " it is clear that many children attending school in inner cities are living in average homes where the sole provider does one or more jobs to bring food on the table and keep a roof over the heads of the family.... .... ... ... Trust is a fundamental thing, which results in a successful relationship between parents and the school staff....
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Caterpillar in Emerging Markets
9 pages (2659 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Caterpillar in Emerging Markets" discusses Caterpillar has seen a lot of ups and downs.... But, the last few years have especially been tumultuous for the company.... This report starts with a brief history of Caterpillar and then concentrates on the last decade.... ... ... ... The main problem of Caterpillar was its overdependence on debt and expansion too rapidly during the boom period....
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Intellectual Property Right: The Case Rihanna v Topshop
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"Intellectual Property Right: The Case Rihanna v Topshop" paper explores how justice Birss approached the case and what led him to the conclusion that the plaintiff had a legal claim against Topshop, and examines the appeal process as well as the merits of the appeal.... ... ... ... The case involving Rihanna v Topshop was about the privacy of a particular image since there is no legal protection against unauthorized use of images in the UK....
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Models of Health Production
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The research, Models of Health Production, delves on the effects of the different healthcare economics factors.... Maximization of the healthcare economics factors contributes to the successful serving of needs of the users and suppliers of healthcare services.... ... ... ... According to the paper healthcare economics encompasses all factors that ensure viable implementation of healthcare services....
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Negotiations in Business
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper presents negotiations in business.... It is an important aspect because of its significant contribution to the success of most businesses in the corporate world.... It can be argued that poor negotiation in a business entity results in negative implications for overall business performance....
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Ethics and Communications in Organizations
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper 'Ethics and Communications in Organizations' seeks to evaluate ethical codes, which generally refer to basic philosophical notions and professional norms about the morality of human conduct.... Although social norms, values, mores, and ethics are not enforced and imposed in the same manner....
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The Handsomest Drowned Man In The World
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
THE FIRST CHILDREN who saw the dark and slinky bulge approaching through the sea let themselves think it was an enemy ship.... Then they saw it had no flags or masts and they thought it was a whale.... But when it washed up on the beach, they removed the clumps of seaweed, the jellyfish tentacles, and the remains of fish and flotsam, and only then did they see that it was a drowned man. ...
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Swimming as a Hobby
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Swimming has been a personal hobby since my elementary years.... I remember going to the school pool on weekends to do laps.... Sometimes, I would go with my friends and classmates but there are times when I would go alone if no one was available to accompany me.... ... ... ... I would stay at the pool for an hour or two and trek for home feeling energized, fresh and energetic....
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The Role of the Nurse as an Advocate: A Reflectionon Learning and Spirituality
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay is a reflection about a critical incident which involved a senior nurse who was charged to take care of a 37-year old, terminally ill cancer patient.... The researcher was asked to observe her interactions with the patient to be able to get more exposure with according care for the patient....
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Religion of the Incas
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper analyzes religion of Incas.... The Incas had a belief system that was polytheistic.... The most important god was their sun god who was also known as Inti.... The sun god was believed to an ancestor of the Supa Inca as a direct ancestor and he also was the hereditary ruler of the empire....
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Globalization in Ethics
12 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The following essay "Globalization in Ethics" deals with the issue of ethics trends change in terms of globalization.... It is stated that with the advance in the trend of economic globalization of the world it has now become all the more significant to expand a worldwide canon of rules.... ... ... ...
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The superior brand strength of Sainsburys
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The essay is about J Sainsbury Plc, superior brand strength of Sainsbury's, the third-largest supermarket chain in the United Kingdom, sustaining a current market share volume of 15.... percent over major competitors such as Tesco, Asda, and Morrison's (Thompson 2010).... .... ... ... Then the essay shows the corporate values of Sainsbury, combined with effective promotion, continue to bring this brand top performance in this dynamic industry....
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Team-build Compensation Policy
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author develops a complete Compensation Policy on Salary Structure, Benefits, and Recognition in order to create a rewarding, wholesome and motivating environment for all employees.... The author also establishes and reviews Compensation guidelines and procedures .... ... ... Only permanent employees who are active on the Company's payroll at the time of payout shall be eligible....
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The HR Director - about JAL
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the paper "The HR Director - about JAL" the author believes the business is going wrong because there is no set philosophy of the work as such.... The employees are uncertain about their jobs and some of them think of the other clan as the inferiority group, which is abysmal to state the least....
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The History of Film Style. Narrative Structure and Cinematic Style
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Narrative Structure and Cinematic Style.... ... lassical Hollywood and Art Film cinema are two most important aspects of Hollywood cinema that have developed over past few years leading Hollywood up to the ladder of success in diversified forms of films.... .... ... ... The word Hollywood has been famous since its creation to present status, as each year hundreds of successful and most entertaining films are produced there....
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Perception and attitude of British customers towards cruise travel
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay research the perceptions and attitudes of the British customers toward cruise travel in the tourism sector.... The recent trends in the industry have stated that the cruise line industry has grown a great deal as compared to it about ten years ago.... .... ... ... While the global trend is clearly focusing towards bigger and larger vessels, which offer the cruise line industry greater economic benefits, the opportunity balance for Britain is more inclined toward rather smaller vessels which are capable of entering the coastline that have shallow ports that cannot accommodate the larger vessels....
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Developed Economies Worldwide after the Great Financial Crisis
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The reporter casts light upon the process of restoring the balance sheet figures in public and private sector was needed.... The financial markets have played an important role in these uncertainties.... ... ... ... A financial market is referred to as one where private and public companies, as well as individuals, can trade securities and other financial commodities at a price that is determined by changes in economic forces like, demand and supply....
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The Phase of Student Age From Personal Experience
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay discusses all the aspects that young people go through in their lives when they are going through the phase of student age.... The author from his personal experience tells what he went through in his last year of being a student and what he learned from mistakes he made in the past year....
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Social Media Is a Momentous Part of Our Modern Lives
11 pages (3052 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The author of this essay "Social Media Is a Momentous Part of Our Modern Lives" demonstrates the role of social media, positive and negative impacts of social media, social media as a resource of promotion.... ... ... ... To create the new platforms of social networking, there are many experts to write new content and introducing new software for the incidence of the present professional world....
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Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunity
10 pages (2649 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunity'' tells that You work as an HR manager of an organization and have recently been made aware of a situation, which has made employees in your department very upset.... This is regarding the numerous complaints you have received about a staff member....
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Contrast the Behavioral Approach to Psychology with the Cognitive Approach
9 pages (2425 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper ''Contrast the Behavioral Approach to Psychology with the Cognitive Approach'' tells us that the behavioral and cognitive approaches are the basis of many psychological theories.... Behaviorism was the most popular psychological perspective during the beginning of the twentieth century, first, gaining popularity in 1918....
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Effective Community Development
12 pages (3456 words) , Download 0 , Essay
This essay "Effective Community Development" discusses the population that directly involved with the particular needs being addressed are the ones who manage their environments and resources best.... It is necessary to have policies supporting the availability of resources within the local people....
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Financial Analysis of Apple Company
10 pages (2947 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Financial Analysis of Apple Company" discusses that Apple Inc.... Performance was better in 2012 as compared to 2011 and 2013.... Sales as shown by the income statement where there is an increase year after year is an indicator of positive performance.... ... ... ... The Altman Z-Score consists of five performance ratios combined into a single score....
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The Birth of a Nation and How It Affected Jazz and Blues for That Time Period
10 pages (2706 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Birth of a Nation and How It Affected Jazz and Blues for That Time Period" states that the movie proclaimed miscegenation.... The movie also has a strikingly pro-clan stand.... In fact, it revived the dormant Klan as depicted in the movie.... ... ... ... D.... W.... Griffith's The Birth of a Nation (1915), A domestic melodrama or epic was originally premiered under the title The Clansman, in February 1915, in Los Angeles, California....
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An Understanding of Being Muslim
10 pages (2783 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "An Understanding of Being Muslim" states that as the world moves toward a global community, it becomes more important than ever to accept the cultural and ethnic differences that exist between people, and to celebrate diversity instead of fear diversity.... .... ... ... It is quite essential to state that one of the first steps towards working through the problems that arise out of cultural and ethnic differences is to agree that people hold close to them their prejudices and while we may not always like one another, that doesn't mean we can't get along as human beings....
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Individual Behaviour Change - Alcohol Misuse
12 pages (3423 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Individual Behaviour Change - Alcohol Misuse" discusses that the strength of TTM details that the model avails sensitive measures of progress.... Moreover, the TTM eases the examination of mediation mechanisms owing to its stage-like structure.... ... ... ... The field of health promotion and education pursues to educate communities by equipping them with essential skills for sustaining health....
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British Employment Law
12 pages (3190 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "British Employment Law" it is clear that under the Equality Act 2010, an employer must not treat a disabled individual unfavorably due to his disability, and the employer cannot demonstrate that what he is doing is objectively reasonable.... ... ... ... An employer under employment law is to offer a concise warning of the type of demeanor that he regards to be gross misconduct....
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Blasts as Major Threat to Humanity
10 pages (3024 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Blasts as Major Threat to Humanity" focuses on the chemical conversion of a liquid or solid into a gas.... Explosives, which are usually thermobaric – commonly referred to as fuel-air explosives, are either finely divided particles mixed with gases/air, or droplets suspended in the air....
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Pros and Cons of Positioning and Expanding the Company's Strategy and Operational Direction
10 pages (2705 words) , Download 6 , Essay
"Pros and Cons of Positioning and Expanding the Company's Strategy and Operational Direction" paper explores the strategies that can be used in attaining the company's goal of expansion to a global market.... Creating equity is the step for a company to develop acceptability from foreign markets....
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Principles, Approaches, Benefits, and Challenges of Ecotourism
10 pages (2953 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Principles, Approaches, Benefits, and Challenges of Ecotourism" highlights that generally, the negative impacts of tourism will always crop up especially with increasing numbers of tourists because of the pressure they exert on the resources.... ... ... ... It is essential to state that with older forms of tourism posing multiple negative impacts on society, a more sustainable form of tourism is essential....
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Money Laundering and Abusive Tax Havens
11 pages (3022 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Money Laundering and Abusive Tax Havens" describes that maybe the day will come.... All the world will have one central bank and one police department.... All the people on this planet will have one security and exchange commission and one intelligence agency.... .... ... ... The high-profile perpetrators have all the resources scattered in the places of their operations....
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Classical Thai Dance, Rhamakayian and Todays Audience
13 pages (3464 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Classical Thai Dance, Rhamakayian and Todays Audience" it is clear that three principal dance forms evolved when King Rama I and King Rama II re-organized the Rakhayazien to be told in dance to include many of the national ancient customs and stories.... ... ... ... The National Epic of Thailand: Rhamakayian has been transformed from the original Ramayana several times over centuries as monarchies changed with history....
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Managing Workplace Relations
11 pages (2919 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Managing Workplace Relations" states that the Affirmative action policies that have been implemented in many Private Multi-Nationals and Organizations have allowed women who are still a minority in labor force to get equal opportunities as men.... ... ... ... There is no denying that men and women are different physiologically, they are different when it comes to speech, physical strength, and the way they can be around people....
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