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Deviant Act: Timing People in Public in Real Life - Essay Example

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An essay "Deviant Act: Timing People in Public in Real Life" reports that deviant act is such a delicate topic, which needs to be researched with great consideration and effort.  The sociological theories have now transited into the theoretical perspectives for a better understanding of the same…
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Deviant Act: Timing People in Public in Real Life
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Deviant Act (Timing People in Public in Real Life) Introduction The sudden action of an individual violating the norms of societies can be regarded as an act of deviance. It is also deemed to be an act performed against the normal course of actions. A deviant act can take the position of crime, once it crosses the limit and hinders the norms set by the criminal law of the respective communities. A deviant act being performed in one particular society may not prove to be unusual in other societies due to distinct underlying norms and principles. Thus, it can be inferred that a deviant acts differs from one society to other and within the age group of the individuals residing within the similar society (Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC., n.d.). The deviant act, which I have selected for discussion in this paper, is paying people for holding doors for me. In order to select my deviant act, I ensured that it does not involve any criminal offence and thus, committing the deviant act certainly turned out to be immensely successful and productive. I had decided to select a public place for my research and so, the mall was the best option. Intentionally, I followed numerous common people at the mall entrance and thanked them for holding the door for me as well as tried to pay them for their kindness and help. This enabled me to have better understanding about the reactions as well as the actions of such individuals. The above stated act is termed deviant, as it is quite normal for an individual to hold the doors when he/she find someone behind them entering the same place and it is not needed to pay them for performing the stated practice. When someone tries to pay for such kind of social deed, it is obviously something against the normal societal conditions. With this concern, the research question, which can be framed based on the deviant act in my experiment, is: “Does a deviant act impose any impact on the social integration of the society?” Literature Review Deviant act is such a delicate topic, which needs to be researched with great consideration and effort. The traditional sociological theories have now transited into the theoretical perspectives for better understanding of the same. The various terms related to deviant acts such as conflicts and social learning, and dissimilar theories used for social learning of problems eventually became a matter of concern in this present scenario. Accordingly, Akers, Krohn, Kaduce, & Radosevic (1979) stated that the social learning on deviant behaviors is analyzed through the consideration of varied approaches, theories and understanding, thereby generating wide assortment of results and thoughts on a single aspect, act or topic (Akers, Krohn, Kaduce & Radosevic, 1979). According to Clinard & Meier (2015), an act of deviance may be of different types as these are all concerned with the violation of social norms, revealing that such acts take place not only on the behavioral context, but also on the background of the environment wherein the same have been occurred. The history and the environmental aspects related to the deviant acts can also be duly considered as the origin of the same. The various acts of deviance, if analyzed keenly, can be interpreted as the result of certain historical causes or actions. Clinard & Meier (2015) inferred in this regard that the cause and the interpretation of a deviant act may be different for dissimilar people residing within distinct societies. It is the mentality of every individual, which plays a major role in determining the cause and the occurrence of the acts to be performed in any point of time (Clinard & Meier, 2015). The above stated was also supported by Erikson (2013) wherein utmost attention has been levied on the fact that the deviant acts, if overlooked at their initial stages, might lead towards the birth of severe and criminal offences in future. Therefore, the root causes of the deviant behaviors need to be properly analyzed for addressing and mitigating the same in an efficient way (Erikson, 2013). This can be referred to the Structural Strain Theory developed by Robert K. Merton, wherein it has been affirmed that a society and its norms are set based on the social structure and its cultural impact on the life of the people therein. The objectives with respect to the norms are set by the societies that are attained with the support of the existing social structure norms and regulations (Crossman, 2015; Erikson, 2013). Crossman (2015) stated that with respect to the Structural Strain Theory, individuals can be categorized into five heads. One of such heads, according to Crossman (2015), is the Conformists, who believe framing cultural goals and attaining the same by following appropriate designs of the existing social structure. The next category of people is the Innovators, who believe in accomplishing cultural goals without following the traditional social structure for attaining the same. In case of Ritualists category, people do not possess any belief on the goals of the society, but follows an effective community structure for attaining them. The people belonging to the category of the Retreatists are regarded as the ones who avoid attaining cultural goals by following relevant societal structure. Lastly, the Rebels are deemed to be the extensions of the Retreatists who consider the idea of substituting the old norms and structures with innovative and newer approaches (Crossman, 2015). Based on the viewpoints of Hechter & Kanazawa (1997), one of the most significantly followed theories of deviant act is the Rational Choice Theory. It was developed by Cornish & Clarke in order to analyze the actual reasoning behind the conduct of criminal offences and the necessity to examine the behavioral attitudes of the criminals. This model actually helped in understanding the psychological intent behind the conduct of deviant acts. Hechter & Kanazawa (1997) stated that the actions hindering the social and the cultural norms by an individual are the result of their own intentions, preferences and psychological states of mind. An example has also been cited by Hechter & Kanazawa (1997), which states that the mind and the characteristics of a man change soon after his marriage because of the hurdles that the person had to overcome in finding a prospective life-partner for him. Therefore, it can be inferred from the discussion that this Rational Choice Theory has been applied in various fields for proper analysis and interpretation of the aspects like criminology, politics, business concerns and families among others (Hechter & Kanazawa, 1997). Another important approach for the analysis of the deviant acts can be ascertained as the Labeling theory. As stated by Plummer (2015), the Labeling theory is that particular approach, which helps in determining an act as deviant or criminal offence. This theory interprets the thin line of gap, which exists between a deviant act and a crime. Plummer (2015) also stated that as per the Labeling theory, only after an individual gets labeled and defined as criminals, they are viewed as offenders in the real sense. This theory also comprises certain elements of conflict theory in order to conduct a proper analysis of the deviant acts. The identification of an individual as a deviant or a criminal is possible only after the person is labeled and this identification remains for the rest of the life (Plummer, 2015). In accordance with Sykes & Matza (1957), the neutralization theory possesses the potentiality of finding out the root causes of a deviant behavior even at the very initial stage of delinquency. This theory actually provides vital reasoning of their actions, explaining the actual reason behind their mental deviation. It has been arguably mentioned by Sykes & Matza (1957) that the deviant acts are the end results of the motives, attitudes, psychological needs, mental stabilities and the techniques being considered for deriving appropriate results. Such actions can also be performed by an individual in the state of following the path shown by their leaders or any other higher level of subordinates (Sykes & Matza, 1957). Structural-functionalism is the theory, which covers my deviant act of paying the people for holding doors for me. The reactions of the people involved in this process also give a clear hint of the presence of social and cultural attributes within the respective communities. According to Kingsbury & Scanzoni (1993), the deviation from the social norms thereby hampering the morality of the society falls under the concept or the theory of Structural-functionalism. This concept primarily comprises the norms that every individual living in a society needs to adhere to maintain decorum and moral stability within them. Durkheim’s theory of deviant act also has a great influence on ensuring wider social development. Based on this theory, the formulation of systematic approach of a social life is implicated in the structural-functionalism theory, concentrating on maintaining the integration of the society as per the desired level. The acts covered under this concept do not have any relation with the criminal offences but affects the society on morality grounds. Therefore, it needs to be avoided while adopting initiatives to promote greater level of societal development. Kingsbury & Scanzoni (1993) also added that the main concern evident in Durkheim’s concept of deviant act was “the integration of social systems, of what holds societies together.” (Kingsbury & Scanzoni, 1993) My act of deviance will be able to provide a clear understanding of the concept of Structural-functionalism. Methods I had designed the entire experiment with the help of one my siblings who assisted me in gauging the reactions of the people by secretly taking videos of the entire process. I decided to conduct my experiment in a nearby mall as a public place, considering the same as the most feasible option. The place of the performance of the created deviant act was Chandler Fashion Centre (Shopping Mall) at Chandler City in Arizona. I had placed my sibling with the video camera at a hidden place over-viewing the entrance of the mall, from where he could capture the entire performance without anyone noticing him. The local people visiting the mall that day were randomly selected to be the target audiences, whom I tried to pay for holding the door for me in order to trace their reactions. It was possible to receive their original reaction only if the act was performed without giving the audiences any time to think. Moreover, my reactions, words and expressions also needed an immense level of maturity to make the created act look real. The primary objective of the experiment was to check the reactions of the audiences once they are paid for what they are not liable to. It is the social duty of every individual to help and support each other in distinct domains of life without having any sort of expectation for getting in return. Rather, small thanks for appreciating the efforts and kindnesses of the helpers can be the utmost action to be taken into concern for such deeds. Money, becoming the priority for every work done, spoils the integration and the social structure of a community, which in turn, restricts in ensuring rapid progression of the same. In order to measure the reaction of the people, I decided to keep a check on the verbal as well as the non verbal cues of each one of them. Both the verbal and the non verbal attributes of the audiences were noticed keenly for determining their reactions in response to my deviant act being performed. The tracking down of the reactions played a significant role in completing the research accurately and confidently. This was done so with the help of the video, which was captured by my sibling with maintaining immense secrecy. The video played the most important role in the whole process of experimentation and its preparation, as analyzing the reactions of the audiences was the foremost and important criterion for determining the acceptability of deviant acts that perform by different individuals in a society. Since the video was captured without the consent of the target audiences therefore, it was ascertained that the video will be kept completely confidential and destroyed soon after the completion of the whole process. Analysis The reactions of the target audiences were measured based on their verbal as well as non verbal cues that were tracked down with great observation even of the minute details. The reactions of the target audiences were found to be different from one another. Notably, a few such audiences accepted the gift of the money with great happiness, while few of them strictly refused to accept the same. Also, certain target audiences had initially given a negative response but later on accepted with gratitude. The tracking of the verbal and the non verbal expressions of a certain group of audiences gave a specific conclusion of whether they were interested in accepting the offer. On the contrary, it was found that the rest of the audiences’ verbal reaction did not aligned in accordance with their expressions, which proved that they had an intention to accept the offer but was refusing it just for the sake of formality. It was also noticed that a few of the target audiences felt the deviant acts as an insulting one and thus reacted with immense negativity. The reactions of the target audiences also had to be connected with that of mine so as to adhere with real life situations. This would ensure my potential in convincing them that I was genuinely happy to award them with the money in exchange of their help. These reactions of the audiences, if noticed properly, will therefore help in determining the society’s response towards the deviant acts and in evaluating society’s integration and cultural impact (Kingsbury & Scanzoni, 1993). The result of my experimentation was that the reactions of the target audiences were of mixed nature. Initially, it was found that a majority of the people readily accepted the offer, but later on, the reactions started changing as some of the audiences’ hesitated to accept the offer. The last audience completely refused to accept the offer, as her expressions revealed a clear image of disregarding the act, which was unacceptable to her. This, therefore, provides a clear evidence of the fact that the society is a mixed group of people having different mentalities and approaches. Although there are people who do not accept such acts as deviant, certain another group also exists who from their heart feel these acts to be unacceptable, showing the signs of wider society’s integration and development. The social norms of the societies mainly denote the fact that any work or activity for helping one individual must be performed without having any sort of expectation of getting something in return. When actions of humanity and kindness get intermingled with such expectations, the social and the cultural integration of the societies, as a whole, are deemed to get hampered. More importantly, the involvement of money or other materialistic expectations in exchange for the acts of kindness being made to any individual tends to destroy the self-esteem, dignity and the respect of such person. Similarly, my experiment of paying money to every individual holding the door for me at the mall also cited the same type of act, which is deviating from the social norms and therefore can be regarded as a deviant act. This act was created by me for analyzing the reactions of the society towards such acts of deviancy. The act therefore was of great benefit, as this provided a deeper insight into the moral perspectives of the societies, which in turn will help in taking necessary measures for the upliftment of the same. Illustratively, as mentioned earlier, in the theory of structural-functionalism and the concept of Durkheim, small and specific acts of kindness show by the people in a society like lending a helping hand to one another with any kind of monetary or materialistic expectation might diminish the dignity and integrity of the societal structure by a certain level (Kingsbury & Scanzoni, 1993). The same aspect has been depicted in my experimentation. Another similar example of this theory can be given of the tips that are paid to the bell boys, house staff as well as the waiters employed in hotels and restaurants. This process of tipping is also regarded as an act of deviance, as they are already being paid for their jobs and an extra payment to them may go beyond the societal norms. Such acts not only increase the greed of the people, but also make an insult in the face of social customs and integration. The individuals lose their self esteem and so does the society. In these cases, it is better to offer them some pleasant words of appreciation and gratitude instead of giving extra amounts as tips. This may motivate them to work more in a better way without having any sort of feeling of greed or expectation within them. Conclusion The above analysis and discussion provides a clear response to the framed research question, deciphering the fact that the violation of social norms will hamper the integration of the societies at large. Such communal norms have been established to attain dissimilar cultural goals with the support of the social structure. It can be affirmed in this regard that the distinct acts of deviancy are sure to create a state of confusion in the process, slowing down the development of the same. My experimentation on the society’s reaction towards a deviant act of paying people for holding the doors for me was a great success. It enabled in obtaining a clear picture of the societies and the reactions of the people towards such unacceptable acts. In relation to my experimentation, the reactions of the target audiences clearly portrayed a picture of people with mixed mentalities. On one hand, it was found after the experiment that some people readily accepted the offer, whereas others refused to accept the offer, as they felt that it was their duty to help each other in a society, which does not require making any sort of payment. Therefore, it can be concluded that the acts of deviance have tremendous negative impact on smooth functioning of the societies in terms of affecting social integration, thereby leading the communities towards failure in long run. One of the decisive societal aspects is noted to be forming, developing and maintaining a cordial relationship with one another and helping each other uniformly. With this concern, performing any deviant act in terms of helping people with having any expectation may weaken the structure of a stable community development procedure at large. References Akers, R. L., Krohn, M. D., Kaduce, L. L. & Radosevich, M. (1979). Social Learning and Deviant Behavior: A Specific Test of a General Theory. American Sociological Review, 44(4), 636-655. Clinard, M. & Meier, R. (2015). Sociology of Deviant Behavior. Boston: Cengage Learning. Crossman, A. (2015). Sociological Explanations of Deviant Behavior. Retrieved from Erikson, K. T. (2013). Notes on the sociology of deviance. Social Problems, 9(4), 307-314. Hechter, M. & Kanazawa, S. (1997). Sociological rational choice theory. Annual Review Sociology. 23, 191–214. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. (n.d.). An Overview of Deviant Behavior. Retrieved from Kingsbury, N. & Scanzoni, J. (1993). Structural-functionalism. Radford University, ILL., 195-221. Plummer, K. (2015). Labeling theory. University of Essex, 1, 191-194. Sykes, G. M. & Matza, D. (1957). Techniques of neutralization: A theory of delinquency. American Sociological Review, 22(6), 664-670. Read More
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