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The Problems of Prostitution
14 pages (4049 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "The Problems of Prostitution" highlights that in England and Wales, the laws covering prostitution are far from clear and straightforward and, whereas the act of paying for sex is not illegal, some of the prostitution-related activities are considered offenses under the law.... ... ... ...
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Aboriginal Imprisonment in WA and Australia
12 pages (3979 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Aboriginal Imprisonment in WA and Australia" states that the Aboriginals are most likely to have preceding criminal sentences, and the lack of understanding of Aboriginal imprisonment in WA and Australia has significantly led to their over-representation in prisons.... ... ... ... Aboriginals were more likely to be condemned for crimes against persons, extortion/burglary, and to a reduced degree theft....
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Sexual Assualt in the US Prisons
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
In the paper 'Sexual Assualt in the US Prisons,' the author examines the problem of sexual assault in US prisons and critically analyzes the measures taken to reduce it.... The prevalence of abuse, violence torture and sexual assault in many US penal institutions, are usual subjects in movies and TV shows....
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Argentinas Foreign Debt Restructuring
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper “Argentina's Foreign Debt Restructuring” analyzes the causes and effects of the actions of the political leaders that left to the situation and the circumstances under which the various classes of creditors were forced to accept the proposals put forth by the Argentine president.... ...
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Journal ENtries on Ambassador Susan Rice
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Name Instructor Course December 13, 2011 Journal Entries on Ambassador Susan Rice http://www.... heatlantic.... om/international/archive/2011/09/susan-rice-palestinians-are-delaying-creation-of-their-state/245260/ September 19, 2011 Ambassador Rice and President Obama, if they are anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian, as charged in this article, are doing no international relations favor to the participants in this long-time conflict, by calling them to the negotiation table and offering opinions on their efforts....
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Improving Parent-Educator Relationships for Rural Special Education
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In an article published in a quarterly journal, Trussell, Hammond, and Ingalls (2008) argue that special education professionals have a responsibility to involve parents in formulating programs and strategies in educating exceptional children, especially in rural areas.... ... ... ... This essay analyzes that since both laws and professional codes of ethics require parental participation in intervention, teachers must take a step further in ensuring that this mandate is regularly put into practice....
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Hyperinflation in Germany after World War I
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This economic history paper looks at the causes and consequences of hyperinflation in post-World War I Germany.... It analyzes the events before, during, and after the War.... Hopefully, by learning the lessons taught by history, present and future economists and public policymakers would avoid the mistakes committed and make better decisions to come up with the right strategies and prescriptions. ...
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Residency Interview Answers
16 pages (4075 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''Residency Interview Answers'' tells us that medicine was an early inspiration in life.... There are no doctors in authors' family.... Even his village has no doctors.... Due to this extreme shortage of not only doctors but also facilities author always visualized the idea of changing the health scene in his village and for his family....
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The Lisbon Treaty in Replacing the Old EU with the New EU
16 pages (4080 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "The Lisbon Treaty in Replacing the Old EU with the New EU" focuses on the critical analysis of the statement 'The Lisbon Treaty has replaced the 'old' European Union with the 'new' European Union'.... The Treaty of Lisbon provides a way forward for the European Union (EU).... ... ... ... It illustrates to what extent the Lisbon Treaty presents a new direction in the institutional arrangement and decision-making process of the EU....
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Duty of Care for Negligent Acts
12 pages (4343 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Duty of Care for Negligent Acts" describes that the duty of care may arise in situations where one of the parties is negligent towards their duties, acts or advice and offers misinformation which is used and applied by the claimant resulting in financial loss or physical damage.... .... ...
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Role of Operations Management in Environmental Sustainability - Royal Garden Hotel
14 pages (4113 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
RGH is well-known for its luxury hospitality services that represent royal feeling for the customers across different regions of the world.... The.... ... ... The paper 'Role of Operations Management in Environmental Sustainability - Royal Garden Hotel " is a great example of a management case study....
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Liberation Theology and Marxism
15 pages (4070 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Liberation Theology and Marxism" highlights the fundamental principles of both Marxism and Christianity that have withstood the onslaught of corruption and perversion by followers.... Millennia of attacks on values and ethics have failed to undermine the overriding positive aspects.... ...
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Shattered Warrior: The Psychology of the Hero in Lawrence of Arabia
8 pages (4330 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This resarch paper "Shattered Warrior: The Psychology of the Hero in Lawrence of Arabia" discusses Lawrence of Arabia in 1962 presented an image of T.... .... Lawrence that resembled nothing of the legendary warrior image that admirers and biographers had burnished for decades.... ... ... ... Lawrence's reaction was to try and subsume his personality in an Arab pseudo-identity, a problematic situation that placed him in an impossible diplomatic and political situation....
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Internship experience at Arabian Building Chemicals factory
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The purpose of this report is to explore my internship experience at Arabian Building Chemicals factory.... My major task was to determine the satisfaction level of the employees within the organization through survey and data collection method.... .... ... ... ABC Company is one of the emerging Saudi Arab based paint products manufacturing organization....
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The Structure and Business of Blackstone
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Blackstone is a self-described “leading global alternative asset manager and provider of financial advisory services”; at root, the Company's business is to profitably invest other peoples' money.... ... ... ... The Blackstone Group is based in New York, but it is an investment company and the companies it owns are based all across the U....
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English Arbitration Act 1996
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The roots of the English arbitration acts have been in existence for centuries.... The first one was in 1698 followed by several acts that had organized and developed arbitration according to the requirements of each era.... ... ... ... The roots of the English arbitration acts have been in existence for centuries....
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Cultural Construction of Violence
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Cultural violence is considered as any aspect of culture that can be used directly or indirectly to legitimize structural or direct forms of violence.... Even though symbolic violence has little effect of the society as it does not usually harm people, direct violence often do.... ... ... ... Cultural Construction of Violence ...
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How One-Child Policy Would Affect the Chinese Economy
19 pages (5004 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "How One-Child Policy Would Affect the Chinese Economy?... expounds that due to youth unskilled labor shortage, China's economic growth may fall from 2016 to 2020 as low-cost manufacturers may be pushed out of business and the flow of investments may vanish.... ... ... ... China has formally declared 1979 its one-child policy....
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The study of John Stuart Mill
19 pages (4890 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper ''The study of John Stuart Mill'' tells us that the study of John Stuart Mill's life and career must begin with some necessary references to his father: according to Courtney (1888), in his book Life and Writings of John Stuart Mill, 'Without James Mill, the career of John Stuart Mill is inexplicable'....
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The Duplicity in Human Nature in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
16 pages (4102 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper "The Duplicity in Human Nature in The Strange Case of Dr.... Jekyll and Mr.... Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson" deals with the theme of the duplicity of human nature.... These can be shown in syntax, point of view, symbolism, and the element of mystery and fear of the unknown.... ... ... ...
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Concept of Fair and Equitable Treatment in Investment Treaties
16 pages (4510 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Concept of Fair and Equitable Treatment in Investment Treaties" asserts international investment agreements, the element fair and equity treatment includes requirements of non-arbitrary treatment, due processes, due diligence, non-discrimination, stability, etc.... ... ... ... The global legal framework of administering foreign investment contains a large network of international investment agreements, which are referred to as 'IIAs' appended by the common rules of international law....
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Psychological Theories Explaining Alcoholism among Adolescents
12 pages (4820 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Psychological Theories Explaining Alcoholism among Adolescents" discuss various psychological and sociological approaches explaining the said behavior of teenagers and generate a discussion about how the psychosocial approaches can be merged together and applied to address the issue....
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Racial Harmony throughout Hawaii
17 pages (4359 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Racial Harmony throughout Hawaii" it is pertinent to note that Hawaii is one of the best visiting places for people who need to go for air travel.... From the work conducted, it is obvious that Hawaii fits to be referred to as a harmonic statute of the United States.... ... ... ... Hawaii is a country among the many countries that form the USA....
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The Role of Non-Governmental Organization in the Formulation of Effective Maritime Policies
15 pages (4126 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "The Role of Non-Governmental Organization in the Formulation of Effective Maritime Policies" focuses on four NGOs.... First, we have the Greenspace NGO.... Secondly, the essay focuses on the World Wide Fund for Nature.... The International Union For The Conservation Of Nature is the third NGO....
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To What Extent Can Laws Adequately Combat Terrorism
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "To What Extent Can Laws Adequately Combat Terrorism" focuses on recent terrorism incidents in Western countries that led to these countries forming firm laws against terrorist activities.... Other countries including the Middle East countries have changed or reinvented their laws.... ...
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Safety Devices in Motor Vehicles Have Been Proven to Save Lives
16 pages (5018 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Safety Devices in Motor Vehicles Have Been Proven to Save Lives" states that the addiction to morphine cannot be refuted, but can be avoided if patients stick to prescriptions.... Summarily, morphine is the best analgesic in the management of traumatic pain.... ... ... ... My argument that morphine is the best analgesic for treating traumatic pain is supported by research as well as arguments against the other analgesics that are said to be better than morphine....
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Mama Moca Soft Drink Company's Financial Position
12 pages (3157 words) , Download 0
The paper 'Mama Moca Soft Drink Company's Financial Position' is a forceful example finance & accounting report.... Mama Moca is a renowned beverage company that manufactures non-alcoholic soft drinks.... The main drinks sold by the company are Sports and Energy drinks.... These products are packed in bottles of different capacities to meet the preferences and tastes of different consumers....
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In what ways did US officials act to build a global order under US leadership
16 pages (5116 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "In what ways did US officials act to build a global order under US leadership?... is aimed to examine the evolution of US foreign policy, as manifested in the twin processes of formation and implementation, in order to demonstrate the role of the United States in the construction of the new global order....
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The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith Represent the One Jesus Christ
18 pages (4665 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith Represent the One Jesus Christ" focuses on the critical analysis of exploring the debate on whether Jesus in history and the Christ of faith represent Jesus Christ, and generates robust inferences on this often impassioned discourse.... ... ...
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Health for Community and People Across Lifespan
16 pages (4483 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The author of the paper "Health for Community and People Across Lifespan" is of the view that nurses should take every responsibility when having knowledge and creating the principle of conduct that maintains both the patient and support other professionals as a whole (NMC 2008).... ... ... ... The importance of an expert possessing both moral and professional obligation to meticulously carry out his/her duties is self-evident and should never be undermined....
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Significance of Absolute Returns to Relative Performance
15 pages (4023 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The absolute return measures the appreciation or depreciation in the stocks and the returns which are achieved over a specific period of time (McLaney, 2009).... Relative.... ... ... The paper "Significance of Absolute Returns to Relative Performance" is a perfect example of an essay on finance and accounting....
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The Involvement of Churchill the Invasion of Gallipoli
18 pages (4873 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "The Involvement of Churchill the Invasion of Gallipoli" discusses the failure of its execution nearly destroyed his political career, and tarnished his reputation in the eyes of many contemporaries.... The starting point for this discussion is the First World War.... ... ... ... Whilst the trenches were being dug in Europe, Winston Churchill had an idea: attack the weakest opponent, the Ottoman Empire, in order to separate it from Germany....
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Spain in Relation to Moriscos Culture and Islam
19 pages (4924 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The author of the paper titled "Spain in Relation to Moriscos Culture and Islam" describes and analizes the principal features of the underground Muslim conspiracy within Spain relating to the morisco culture in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.... ... ... ... Apologists of the expulsion then and later alleged religious or security motives, but the operation was undoubtedly racial....
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Life under slavery in the United States
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Some slaves were punished for disobedience and others were being rewarded for working as instructed.... Slavery existed in America from early years in the.... ... ... The 13th amendment in 1865 abolished slavery in USA and its border states like Kentucky that had over 50,000 slaves.... Among Indian tribes, some who were from the state of Oklahoma had black slaves that were treated similarly like in other slave states....
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The Main Millitary Power in the Gulf
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
"The Main Military Power in the Gulf" paper states that Iran is the main military power within the Gulf region as observed from the strong military it has had in the region.... Evidently, Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia have been the main military power in the Gulf region prior to the Iranian revolution....
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Financial Management and Analysis - Finance Guru Ltd
20 pages (5188 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It was founded in 2010 by an internet entrepreneur, John Karin.... The business is based in Liverpool, Britain.... John wants to expand his business to cover the Britain and.... ... ... The paper "Financial Management and Analysis - Finance Guru Ltd " is a perfect example of a finance and accounting case study....
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Huntingdons Disease and Ethical Issues Associated with It
16 pages (4661 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Huntingdon's Disease and Ethical Issues Associated with It" is about the diagnosis of disease and can be learned from the Huntington's disease experience in areas that include informed consent, prenatal testing, testing of children, confidentiality, and obligations.... ... ... ... Presymptomatic testing in Huntington's disease provides a model for genetic testing in other disorders, particularly those of late-onset....
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Dialysis Patients and Self-Care: Intervention Approaches that Work
14 pages (4949 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Dialysis Patients and Self-Care: Intervention Approaches that Work" discusses a dialysis patient that must comply with self-care if the patient is going to maintain a reasonable degree of health while he or she is waiting for a new kidney.... ... ... ... They're human, and, as such, they face temptations every day, and they also might be faced with the fact that they have no social support for their struggle....
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The European Single Market Crisis
17 pages (4643 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The European Single Market Crisis" states that the European economy is gradually improving and pacing to an excellent economy through the harmonious economic policies that shaped demand, supply, incomes per head, and a higher balance of payment from the improved export trade.... ... ... ...
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The Global Financial Crisis - Lessons for the Australian Financial Institutions
16 pages (4420 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper 'The Global Financial Crisis - Lessons for the Australian Financial Institutions' is a cogent example of a macro & microeconomics research paper.... The Global Economic Crisis, commonly referred to as the Global Financial Crisis is arguably the greatest financial disaster in the history of the world ever since the Great Depression of the 1930s....
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Street Literature and the High Price of Ghetto Life
14 pages (4137 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Street Literature and the High Price of Ghetto Life" describes that people may have differing ideas on the emergence of street literature, and the ideas it could plant in the reader's mind.... However, Midnight showed us that circumstances do not dictate who we are.... ... ... ... The novels may be talking about the negative thing of ghetto life, but this serves as a means to make others understand what is going on in this culture and lifestyle....
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Virus of Tribalism and Nature of Modern Warfare
16 pages (4660 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Virus of Tribalism and Nature of Modern Warfare " tries to find out whether the proliferation of ethnic and sectarian conflict, together with the rise of intra-state war poses a challenge to the comprehensiveness of international relations theories.... ... ... ... There are certain clear emerging trends that have been observed, in regards to the various studies on international relationships, which focus on the period after World War II....
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The Basis for Balances of Payments
18 pages (4769 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "The Basis for Balances of Payments" aims to develop a model to enable the forecasting of GDP in addition to determining its response to changes in one or more of the variables, because GDP growth is influenced by many factors which include exports and imports.... ... ... ... Such a model will enable the forecasting of GDP if the other variables are known in addition to determining how GDP responds to changes in one or more of the variables....
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Corporate and Businesslevel Strategies
19 pages (5084 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
This paper ''Corporate and Businesslevel Strategies'' tells us that the guiding principle of Tim Horton is to deliver the best quality products and services to its customers and communities through innovation, partnership, and leadership.... The vision of the company is to acquire leadership in everything that they do....
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The Concept of Social Policy
17 pages (4905 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "The Concept of Social Policy" is a great example of an assignment on politics.... For a long time, society has faced various socio-economic disparities.... This state is mainly contributed to by the beliefs of a people and the existing leadership and governance of the people.... The state of socio-economic disparity and marginalization afflicts all nations and societies of the world....
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Women's Ambitions to Work in Nigerian Banking Sector
15 pages (4098 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Women's Ambitions to Work in Nigerian Banking Sector" presents Nigerian female managers showing well-educated women are able to resist career inequalities.... It's clear career development of women and promoting them into managerial positions will bring benefits to the banking industry....
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Evidence-Based Practice: Initiating an Acute Stroke Care Unit in a Hospital Emergency Department
15 pages (4863 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The paper "Evidence-Based Practice: Initiating an Acute Stroke Care Unit in a Hospital Emergency Department" states that generally, if there will be provisions for funding the salaries of the members of the care unit or if there will be no additional funds.... ... ... ... Among a hospital's various departments one of, if not the busiest would be the emergency department due to the numerous and varied situations that each admitted patient would have....
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Risk Management Handbook for Health Care Organizations
16 pages (4560 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Risk Management Handbook for Health Care Organizations" tells that the pre-hospital plan includes the designation of responsibilities of the whole team.... This must be done quickly and concisely, and entire team members must be aware of their designated duties once they arrive at the scene....
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Carriage of Goods by Sea
18 pages (4507 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
The paper "Carriage of Goods by Sea" concerns liability for Damages and Loss for the Carriage of Goods by Sea under the Hague/Visby Rules, particularly claims and liabilities arising out of the aborted voyage of the MV Costanza involving the charter party between Bushey Lines and Hadley Marine Ltd....
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Fourth Amendment: Searchers and Seizures
21 pages (5126 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "Fourth Amendment: Searchers and Seizures" states that experts knew that there are perfect Bayesian equilibria of the asymmetric-information game between the police and a court that seeks to reduce error costs in deciding whether to convict or acquit suspects.... ... ... ... The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the privacy interest of citizens from unlawful governmental intrusion or unreasonable search and seizure by the government....
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