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Modern Africa: Perspectives to be Understood Through Literature
11 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
An author of the essay "Modern Africa: Perspectives to be Understood Through Literature" outlines that for the world outside it is by and large a happy face to see with probably changing economic figures, good ratios of GDPs and balance of payments.... ... ... ... Whenever we think and talk about Africa, we think about beautiful wild landscapes, numerous tribes and their cultures and colorful people....
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The Origin of Conflict amongst the United States and Iraq
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "The Origin of Conflict amongst the United States and Iraq" discusses that The root of conflict amongst United States, UN and Iraq can be determined through a number of issues such as the old hostility that prevailed within Islam amongst the Sunni, as well as the Shiitesthe.... ... ... ...
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Onnect Events in Fitzgerald's life with situations and events in The Great Gatsby
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, the literary legend of America was a person who dreamt big and was facilitated by the progressive American society in climbing his ladder from rags to riches at a very early stage of his life.... ... ... ... Connect events in F.... Scott Fitzgerald's life with situations and events in The Great Gatsby....
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Japanese Culture Versus Australian Culture
6 pages (2983 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Japanese Culture Versus Australian Culture" discusses differences existing between the Japanese culture and the Australian culture that are a lot, the similarities existing between the two cultures are relatively less, as it has been described in this discussion.... ... ... ...
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Domestic Violence in the UK
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 8 , Research Paper
In the paper 'Domestic Violence in the UK' the author provides a brief history of domestic violence and domestic violence law and legislation in the United Kingdom.... Then a summary of the most current research into domestic violence, its prevention and interventions are outlined.... ... ... ... The author concludes that the Domestic Violence, Crime, and Victims Act, 2004 is wider-ranging than previous legislation but that the principal barriers to policing and preventing domestic violence are not legislative but social and related to enforcement and support and services for victims....
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The Asian Dust: Yellow Dust and Desert Storm
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author concludes that all the environmental problems are interlinked.... Global warming is due to air pollution, air pollution is due to deforestation and combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation leads to desertification and drought.... Desertification results in the wastage of soil and sand ....
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Should Tobacco Companies Be Held Responsible for Smoking-related Illnesses and Deaths
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The analysis provides a clear picture that tobacco companies are directly responsible for the many deaths that result from the use of tobacco products.... The situation has clearly gotten worse as evidenced by the growing numbers of deaths from tobacco-related illnesses .... ... ... The Legacy Tobacco Documents Library contains many archival documents that unearth the clandestine activities and strategies of the tobacco industry....
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Trends in Banking Regulations After the Crisis
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This paper highlights that the global financial crisis of 2007-2010 has had a severe impact on the international baking activities.... As a result of the crisis, many banks were forced to change their strategies and policies that were followed for long years.... .... ... ... As the discussion, Trends in Banking Regulations After the Crisis, outlines, there is no doubt that the banking sector is undergoing significant changes....
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The Overall Picture for Benefit-Cost Analysis for Illicit Drugs in General and for Cocaine and Heroin
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This work attempts to contribute to the use of benefit-cost analysis in its review whether the use of heroin and cocaine is worth legalising.... Is it really more appropriate for the United Kingdom to legalise heroin and cocaine based on benefit-cost analysis?... ... ... ... An interesting debate the emerged recently is whether we ought to legalise the use of certain drugs, particularly heroin and cocaine....
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Diet and Exercise in Diabetes Mellitus
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author of the paper states that diet and exercise have a major role to play in the treatment of diabetes-2.... In this research paper, the importance of diet and exercise in the management of diabetes are discussed with reference to suitable literature .... ... ... A group of clinical syndromes characterized by hyperglycemia secondary to the relative or absolute insulin deficiency is known as diabetes mellitus (DM)....
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The Comfort Women of Nanking
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper looks at the complaints of comfort women during WWII and their demands for compensations as payment for their sufferings when they were repeatedly raped and were exposed to non-human treatments.... .... ... ... At the same instance, the study uncovers the reasons whether the denial of the Japanese government to accept responsibility on the conditions of the comfort women is justified....
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Money Laundering
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
This paper 'Money Laundering' will examine money laundering in China, Hong Kong, and Macau and the anti-money laundering measures that have been instituted by these respective Governments.... It will then assess different models of crime and punishment.... ... ... ... The author states that China has been a fertile ground for money laundering and the primary cause of the high levels of activity lie in the corruption and degeneration of political and financial officials....
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Illegal Immigration in the United States of America
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper 'Illegal Immigration in the United States of America' looks at the act of moving into a country or a specific region for a longer span of time than a routine traveler or visitor would stay.... Immigration brings with it a broad spectrum of problems.... ... ... ... The author states that illegal immigration points towards the access to the open entrance across the borders for all those who have been deported from other countries or have been into crimes or simply people who have always wished to get themselves a life they yearn for and are unable to make a livelihood in their own countries....
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Maintaining or Strengthening Amphibious Forces in the UK
10 pages (2796 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The "Maintaining or Strengthening Amphibious Forces in the UK" paper supports the need for the strong amphibious force of the UK that works for the UK's interests and that of NATO.... Britain's interests are best defended when it is flexible enough to threaten a nation that seeks to threaten itself....
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Curruption in Indonesia
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The report of the Transparency International (2010) compared to past years, can speak to this.... As to how the country has evolved from.... ... ... e of the most corrupt in the past is one of interesting question and which this paper attributes to the desire of the Indonesian people to get out from corruption as they considered that same to be evil....
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Tuesday with Morrie
11 pages (2776 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The paper 'Tuesday with Morrie' focuses on death which is inevitable.... It may occur due to old age or after a disease.... In this paper, you will learn more about death and learn about life at the same time by reflecting on Mitch Albom's hit bestseller entitled, 'Tuesdays with Morrie.... .... ... ...
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Balance of Power and Forms of Rulers in the 18th Century
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This paper under the title 'Balance of Power and Forms of Rulers in the 18th Century" focuses on the fact that the use of power in the 18th century was used through various governments to interchange different concepts and to rule over a specific region.... .... ... ... The power which was used was essential to the overall functions of society, specifically because it provided resources and insight to those that were in a given area....
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Ethical and Legal Health Care Issues
11 pages (2969 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Ethical and Legal Health Care Issues" deals with explaining key concepts such as ethical and legal issues in health care as well as the tort law and how they can impact on the implementation of procedures and protocols in the operations of the organization.... ... ... ... The first part of the report specifically deals with explaining key concepts such as ethical and legal issues in health care as well as the tort law....
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Importance of Educating Teens on Safe Sex and Preventing Pregnancy
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research "Importance of Educating Teens on Safe Sex and Preventing Pregnancy" will address the topic of sex education among youth.... The writer suggests that families should work out a reasonable decision in providing significant information on sexual education to their teens.... ... ... ... Sex education sometimes referred to as relationships education and sexuality education or sex is the method of acquiring information and forming mindsets and beliefs about sexual character, sex, relationships, and intimacy....
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The Impact of the Global Credit Crisis On Northern Rock of the UK
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "The Impact of the Global Credit Crisis On Northern Rock of UK" focuses on the fact that on Sept.... 14, 2007, Euroweek reported that Northern Rock, a major UK mortgage lender, had arranged for the use of the emergency lending facility of the Bank of England (BoE).... .... ... ... The BoE agreed, in cooperation with the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and the UK Treasury, to act as lender of last resort to Northern Rock; the bank's sources of funding in the capital markets have suffered from the tight liquidity squeeze, and private sector banks, as well as other lenders, are unwilling to extend it sufficient credit....
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The UNCITRAL Legislative Guide
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This paper demonstrates how Mexico while modernizing its insolvency laws takes account of its own social and economic values and realities and implemented its insolvency laws in a manner that takes note of the key objectives and structures of the Guide for an effective and efficient insolvency law....
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Properties as Required by the Property Act
10 pages (2720 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'Properties as Required by the Property Act' presented Bianca who does not have any interest and cannot claim any interest in the London flat or in the Essex property because there was no document evidencing her interest in said properties.... ... ... ... Under English law, the presumption of a community of ownership does not exist....
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Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Differences in Culture of America and Australia
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This paper shows the differences in culture of America as compared to Australia.... The different management styles will be a challenge for the new business operation.... The best technique is to hire local management.... This will ensure that the transition phase is smooth.... ... ... ... The different products and services that would be introduced into the American market should be taking into account the cultural differences....
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Effects Of Opium Using On The Victorian Literature
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Effects Of Opium Using On The Victorian Literature" provides a brief review of the origins of opium and its use in Western Europe and looks at the Romantic poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, comparing and contrasting their views on the subject of opium.... ... ... ... The poppies grow in Europe and across Asia, and during the middle ages the drug was traded all around the Mediterranean and brought increasingly to Western Europe for medical purposes....
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Exchange Risk
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The current paper highlights that the exchange rate risk is the most important among these various forms of risk.... In earlier times trading occurred by exchanging goods for precious metals.... The reason for these different payment methods for trading was the lack of an international currency evaluating....
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The Importance of Government Policies in Promoting the Economic Growth
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The paper 'The Importance of Government Policies in Promoting the Economic Growth' concludes that government should review the market regulating, receiving feedback from business and the public: remove the rules where they are not needed, and add or adjust where they are vital and justified.... ....
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Principles of International Law
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper 'Principles of International Law' discusses the meaning, scope and significance of international law, the laws related to human rights and humanitarian law, and the general consequences of the breach of international law.... Law has invariably emerged as a matter of prime significance....
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Attitudes of Learning and Place of Women during the Renaissance
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The paper 'Attitudes of Learning and Place of Women during the Renaissance' notes the role of the Renaissance in changing the paradigm of human values - from scholastic religious dogmas to enlightenment, science, and art, but unfortunately, the women still remained powerless.... ... ... ... Francesco Barbaro's essay One Wifely Duty is not just a personal piece of written advice to Lorenzo de Medici and his wife on the occasion of their wedding....
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Life Course Development in Social Work
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
The paper 'Life Course Development in Social Work' suggests that a social worker should remember that patronized person with disability most likely had difficulties with learning and socialization, and therefore requires a special approach.... Such a view will help develop special disability programs....
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The Role of Baptism in Union with Christ
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper "The Role of Baptism in Union with Christ" addresses the underlying issues of baptism and its central roles in the Christian faith and way of life with Jesus.... The writer of the present paper suggests that Baptism is a manifestation of one's total conversion of life with Christ.... ....
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How the Bible Became a Book
13 pages (3269 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The paper "How the Bible Became a Book" discusses that generally speaking, how the Bible became a book has been quite a mystery to a lot of people even to many scholars who attempted in many ways to connect all available materials linked to its making.... ... ... ... The influence of the Royal family to the writing of the Bible still continues with the presence of Haggai, a prophet who was a descendant of Jehoiachin....
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The Global Distribution System and Marketing Strategy of Coca-Cola
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper describes the ethics behind the globalization of a company that lies in the fact that how much that company contributes to the society and the economy of the country in which it enters.... Coca-Cola, during its global expansion, has always tried to contribute to the local community.... ...
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Social Work Theory & Practice
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This encompasses all aspects of civil life.... This is the rationale as to the role and responsibility of government in the realm of public health.... A key dimension in.... ... ... A provocative and controversial part of this area is that of those with a mental condition has the complexion of criminality....
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Separation of Ownership and Control
9 pages (2795 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The paper "Separation of Ownership and Control" states that diffusion and partition of managing decisions contribute to the survival of complex organizations since relevant particular knowledge is applied in the process and they aid in the control of agency problems of dispersed residual claims.... ...
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Aarhus Convention Compliance by the UK
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper 'Aarhus Convention Compliance by the UK' demonstrates the lack of a conducive environment for a judicial procedure in the UK, a governments' reluctance to adhere to the convention.... Exceptional application of favorable judicial procedures in the UK appears to be discriminative and limiting....
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Integrated Marketing Communication
13 pages (3315 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
This report 'Integrated Marketing Communication' presents the marketing communication plan about a new drink FIZ.... FIZ would be proclaimed as the next generation cold drink has all the goods of a carbonated drink that is loved by individuals such as PEPSI, COKE.... ... ... ... The report presents an in-depth analysis of the marketing plan of this drink i....
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In Paradise Lost, How Does Milton Justify The Ways of God to Women
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Assignment
This assignment describes how Milton justifies the ways of God to women in "Paradise Lost".... This paper analyses Milton's God, relation to people, the drama of obedience and disobedience in society and institutional or patriarchal nature.... ... ... ... C.... Bowra, in his definition of epic, has suggested, 'An epic poem is ....
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A Psychological Perspective
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study discussed in this paper shows that if the prevalence of obesity is to be reduced successfully, then understanding the real cause of obesity is very important.... The case study has revealed an important fact that obesity is mostly a result of unfulfilled emotional and psychological needs than a physical problem....
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Managing Organisational Change and Development
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This paper seeks to analyze the implications of change on the organizational structure, major operational processes and culture by analyzing a case study of an organization called General Motors and describes implementing a new order in an organization is concerned with the change of the current operating system....
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Trauma Model of Care
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
This paper demonstrates how PTSD can affect the future of children and individual, not only the loss of consciousness, dissociative identity crisis, lack of interpersonal skills but also the loss in productivity of a person in his working career can be addressed.... ... ... ... Traumatic incidents in schools or in some other situation can impair the pupil's learning ability....
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Perceptual Factors that Affect Consumer Decision Making
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of this paper will attempt at providing research on issues like growth in the sales of electronic books, product branding and consumer perceptions, semiotics and consumer perception, perceptions, and changes in consumer decision making process.... ... ... ... This paper will begin with the statement that the different companies spread along a global scale are endeavoring to tap newer markets and gain a large number of customers through the marketing of products and services on the online sphere....
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The Effect Workplace on the Sport Psychology of the Workers
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay explores the case of Client A, a 29-year old male junior project manager in a multinational software developing company for almost two years.... This case revealed that workplace has a considerable effect on the sports psychology of the workers.... ... ... The conclusion from this study states that in Client A's case the leadership role of the psychologist possesses a significant influence on his psychological behavior and wellness....
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Company Law Problems
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper describes main company law problems.... It analyses the value of shares for public and private companies and the importance of the floating charge.... ... ... ... True to the extent that public companies, and the price of shares they issue or will issue in the future, are dictated by the prices reflected on stock market exchanges where trading of their shares take place....
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Welfare and Community Care Theories
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
This paper 'Welfare and Community Care Theories' summarizes the ideas how governments, societies, and individuals could make the world a better place by overcoming gender and social inequalities, eradicating poverty, and showing more humanism towards the disabled and old.... .... ... ... Social policies involve supporting the well-being of citizens; hence, a study of social policy refers to how the concept of citizens' well being is interpreted by societies and government....
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The Problems of the Welfare Policies in Relation to People with Disabilities
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The author of the paper discusses the proposition that welfare policies in relation to people with disabilities tend to focus on what people with disabilities are unable to do rather than what they can do.... The author also examines the overview, forms, scope, barriers to welfare policies.... .... ...
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The Effectiveness of the UGG Brand Management
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper studies the effectiveness of the brand ' UGG' with special reference to the three major criteria brand value, brand image, and brand positioning.... This paper analyzes the effectiveness of the brand from the perspective of both.... The strengths and weaknesses of the brand are also analyzed....
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Crime in England during 1660-1800
12 pages (3198 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The aim of this essay "Crime in England during 1660-1800" is to try to analyze the crime statistics in England in 1660-1800 to compare it with the modern crime rates.... Studies carried out by historians have revealed that the period of the early eighteenth century was relatively a low crime period....
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Element of International Business
13 pages (3639 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study entitled "Element of International Business" states that before 1930, Argentina enjoyed a 70-year period of political stability that fostered impressive economic development, causing the country to be ranked as one of the richest in the world.... .... ... ... A lesson for them from Argentina's unsuccessful currency board is that an unsuitable exchange rate peg is destined to fail no matter how strictly conditions are enforced to create trustworthiness....
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Burn's Land Law Cases
10 pages (3856 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In the paper 'Burn's Land Law Cases' the author discusses property legislation, which is predicated on a system that is based on three principles.... These principles are known as the mirror principle, the curtain principle, and the insurance principle.... ... ... ... The author states that the mirror principle implies that the registry of records should accurately reflect all the relevant particulars of title, although overriding interests are exceptions to the mirror principle....
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Organizational Effectiveness in Entrepreneurial Firms
10 pages (2694 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
In the paper 'Organizational Effectiveness in Entrepreneurial Firms' the author discuss 4 key factors that Operations Managers have to be aware of to be able to anticipate changes in products & services.... Different organizations operate differently.... ... ... ... The author states that the working methodologies might not be the same but then again there are a lot of similarities in their work ethics, styles, and ways and means....
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