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Laws and Organisations on Human Trafficking Issue
8 pages (2794 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Human trafficking affects people on a global scale, the US, Afghanistan and the Philippines are examples of that, each country has its own legal ramifications, and organizations that aid victims.... The paper "Laws and Organisations on Human Trafficking Issue" describes that people should not just have their eyes opened after hearing some horror story, or reading some shocking statistic about the current state of the issue....
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Fundamental Relevance of Hierarchy in the Modern Day Organization
9 pages (2678 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In this context, it can be explained by a set of examples such as a campaign for advertising the products will attract customers into the store, the production process involved will yield quality products at a lower cost and the strategy involved within the business process shows profit margin (Gońda, 2011). ...
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Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestation and Interventional Management of Ketoacidosis
12 pages (3786 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
examples of these management strategies include appropriate training and education that incorporate continuous communication, education to ensure effective future prevention process and strategies are successful, and day care management programme that incorporate blood glucose targets and detection, ketones testing, and education of other family members....
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State and Society in 20th Century China
11 pages (2969 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "State and Society in 20th Century China" states that generally speaking, the political reform of China has been rather slow; the reform started almost immediately after the death of Mao; however, it took about three decades to be completed.... ... ... ... The efforts towards the restructuring of China's existing political system – referring to the political framework of China during the governance of the country by Mao – were made clearer after the delegation of the country's governance to Deng Xiaoping; Deng become the leader of China's Communist Party at the age of 71 – his age has been an issue highlighted by his rivals....
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Informed Consent in Medical Malpractice
10 pages (2838 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
examples of aspects of medical malpractice include not diagnosing or simply misdiagnosing a health condition, inability to accord a suitable treatment for a health condition and implausible delay in administering treatment after diagnosing a health situation (Larson, 2010, p.... "Informed Consent in Medical Malpractice" paper argues that elements of medical malpractice are not different from those of negligence....
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Research Advantages and Disadvantages to Bring World Cup to US
10 pages (2817 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Justifications of the statements are provided with examples and graphical analysis has been also adapted in order to have a clearer view.... "Research Advantages and Disadvantages to Bring World Cup to US" paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of bringing the World Cup to the United States with the subsequent impacts on the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of the country....
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Risk Management in Business Cycles
13 pages (3638 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Risk Management in Business Cycles" discusses that risk management requires that the leadership of an organization understands the nature of such occurrences and in cases where they could present a threat to the business environment, endeavors to alleviate them in a positive way.... ... ...
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Equity and Trusts - Constitution of Trusts
10 pages (2654 words) , Download 1 , Essay
There are different principles governing equity, examples will include; he who comes in equity must come with clean hands, equity looks at the intent rather than form etc.... There are different principles governing equity, examples will include; he who comes in equity must come with clean hands, equity looks at the intent rather than form etc....
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Difficulties of Japan in Overcoming Deflation in the Last Decades
10 pages (2955 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As Shown in the graph examples in figure 1, both the real estate market and the stock market have shown steady deflationary trends since 1990.... The paper "Difficulties of Japan in Overcoming Deflation in the Last Decades" outlines that Japan has been experiencing a period of deflation since the 1990s that has caused havoc within its economic system....
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Laws That Govern Corporate Governance in Australia
10 pages (2724 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Laws That Govern Corporate Governance in Australia" states that in the future Bellamy's Australian Limited needs to come up with security holders that have all the pertinent material in their possession to make decisions when reelecting or electing a director.... ... ... ... Generally, the term corporate governance can be defined as the framework of processes, systems, relationships, and rules within which the authority of the company is exercised and then controlled....
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The Doctrine of Separability in International Commercial Arbitration
12 pages (3391 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The next section presents separate examples showing how the doctrine of separability prevailed in two countries at different times. ... "The Doctrine of Separability in International Commercial Arbitration" paper discusses the doctrine of separability and how it applies in international commercial arbitration....
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Focus on Primary and Secondary Prevention in Depression
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper examines the literature on primary and secondary prevention of child depression, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of individual studies as well as the field of psychiatry as a whole.... Depression is a type of mood disorder characterized with symptoms inclusive of sadness.... ... ...
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SAS Enterprise Miner
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This Statistical Analysis report aims to analyze the data collected on behalf of a non-profit venture, in order to develop a subset of donors most likely to respond to fund raiser mailings.... This report assesses the data collected on the basis of statistical models such as.... ... ... n tree and linear regression models in order to derive the best model for analysis of the said data, evaluating the relative merits and demerits of each kind of model. ...
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Incresing Power of Advertising
6 pages (1640 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Increаsing Power of Advertising" criticаlly evаluаtes the opinion of severаl аuthors regаrding the influence of аdvertising on Аmericаn culture.... In the book, 'Mediа аnd Messаges' there аre few chаpters by Gloriа Steinem who provide а deep аnаlysis of Аmericаn аdvertisement....
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Construction of identity
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Views on motherhood nd mothering prctices hve chnged over the course of time.... s socilly defined nd constntly reconstructed phenomenon, reserch hs documented tht views on motherhood nd mternl prctices hve followed their own "nturl history.... These views hve been strongly shped by the circumstnces of time nd plce, scientific nd technologicl dvncement, nd socil nd economic developments (Hys, 1996:60). ...
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Global and local processing in memory recollection task: Associating face recognition withtrait attribution
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This study shall discuss how people process global or local information in their memory in relation to recognition of face with their occupation.... It shall focus on global processing and the neurological basis behind the processing and why it might be valuable to process in this way.... .... ...
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Hurricane Preparedness Planning for Law Enforcement Agencies
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This proposal discusses hurricane planning for a law enforcement agency and the law enforcement needs before, during, and after an event, including what special teams, equipment, and training the agency would require in such an event.... Research will be directed at employee needs, equipment, and specialized training....
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Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The numbers and the percentage of people that are over the age of sixty-five has increased greatly in recent years, due to increased longevity and declining birthrates.... Increasing numbers of elderly people are staying for long periods of time in nursing homes due to the effects of prolonged illnesses and other health complications common in elderly people. ...
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Analysis of the Case Involving Confidentiality Issues between Patient and Midwife
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author examines a case involving confidentiality issues between patient and midwife.... The issue is whether the midwife (Grace) violated her legal obligation of confidentiality which she owed to her patient (Justine) and whether she has breached the ethical standards of her profession.... .... ...
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Constructive Manslaughter
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
In this paper will demonstrate the two general forms of homicide fall – murder and manslaughter.... And will tell about major categories that fall within the scope of involuntary manslaughter.... These are: 'Constructive Manslaughter and Manslaughter by gross negligence.... ... ... ... Murder, in which there is intent to kill or inflict serious bodily harm is outside the scope of this discussion....
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Easement Law Issues
9 pages (6618 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study "Easement Law Issues" states that An easement may be said to be the right of one landowner to 'make use of another nearby piece of land for the benefit of his own land.... 1 In most cases, it is equivalent to the right of way to the dominant land.... .... ... ... One of the aspects that must be considered is the fact that according to Section 7 of the Vehicular Access across Common and other Land (Wales) regulations, Alison would have had to submit an application for the use of the easement and receive a signed note of no objection from the owners....
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An analysis of the financial situation of British Airways
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The latest balance sheets and other financial statement have been observed and the calculation with regard to the company's profitability position, liquidity position and asset management position has been calculated.... ... ... ... The latest balance sheets and other financial statement have been observed and the calculation with regard to the company's profitability position, liquidity position and asset management position has been calculated....
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Ethics and Politics of Asylum and Migration
22 pages (5314 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
This dissertation "Ethics and Politics of Asylum and Migration" shows that With increasing attention to the threat of international terrorism, border control has been likened to homeland security.... The fact that the terrorists responsible for the September 11 attacks on the US.... ... ... ... As a result, these vulnerabilities not only necessitate asylum and migration but makes stronger border controls unnecessary and entirely oppressive....
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The Role of Events in the Seaside Destination: A Case Study of Sport Events in Eastbourne
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This chapter will focus on primary data that have been collected though the research process as mentioned in Chapter 3 to meet Objectives Two and Three.... Most of the information from the respondents will be described in form of tables and charts.... A total of 150 responses were received but only 105 of them were fully completed....
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Holocaust - Dr. Mengele
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper envisages to prove is that Dr.... engele is a normal human being even as he routinely and persistently inflicted various cruelties upon other people, which is a proposition based on the 'banality of evil' theory proposed by Hannah Arendt.... ... ... ... This paper shows that moral indifference is a common attribute in certain abnormal social situations such as war and genocide....
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The Financial Management Policies and Practices of J Sainsbury Plc
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper, The Financial Management Policies and Practices of J Sainsbury Plc, outlines that the company is an equal opportunity provider and enables employees to develop their abilities.... Good performances that contribute to the success of the business is rewarded at J Sainsbury Plc.... .... ...
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Changes in Taxation: Impact on Savers or Investors
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This paper tries to explain the relationship between an economic factor and a social factor.... Tax is a very important source of government revenue.... With the amount that has been collected as tax can be used in various sectors, i.... .... it can be used to bear the war expenditure.... ... ... ...
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International Law: UNCLOS Continental Shelf Regime
24 pages (5896 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
"International Law: UNCLOS Continental Shelf Regime" paper reviews Brazil's expanded Continental Shelf claims and evaluates what it teaches us about the following: whether there is legal certainty in the UNCLOS Continental Shelf Regime for outer (or extended) continental shelf.... ... ... ... International laws govern international relations....
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Global Business in Latin America
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This paper "Global Business in Latin America" investigates the condition of global business in Latin America.... It is stated that the relationship between the growth and openness has remained a matter of concern ever since the 19th Century.... ... ... ... Although mostly assumed by many economists, international trade can be an effective way through which a country can promote its economic growth....
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BP Global Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico & Its Affect on Local Businesses
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author of the paper states that the exhaustive coverage of BP's oil spill scenario points to the undeniable fact that BP acted with negligence or with dangerous optimism Its commercial considerations have obviously outweighed its concern for safety.... ... ... All that the BP is disputing is the quantum of oil spill arrived at by the Government....
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Pros of Prostitution
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper, Pros of Prostitution, will examine a brief historical evolution of this profession in the two different parts of the world America and India and will research on the notable solutions that might help in changing the outlook of prostitution, and the false notion of sinfulness affiliated with it....
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Creativity as a Conception in Which Novel Ideas are Considered Regarding Services
19 pages (5624 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The paper "Creativity as a Conception in Which Novel Ideas are Considered Regarding Services" discusses that creativity is the highest within an individual when intrinsically motivated.... People should achieve the highest levels of creativity when they are motivated by satisfaction, challenge.... ...
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Impact of Financial Aid on Educational Environment
20 pages (5418 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
This dissertation "Impact of Financial Aid on Educational Environment" gives a detailed review of how financial aid programs can affect student academics.... How financial aids vary from one another according to the needs of the students and depict a bitter reality of our society.... ... ... ... Quality education is accessible for students if they are determined and willing to opt for it....
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Foreign Language Anxiety and Its Effect on Female College Students
21 pages (6888 words) , Literature review
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This literature review "Foreign Language Anxiety and Its Effect on Female College Students" presents foreign language anxiety.... I have investigated the researches since 1970 to get a depth understanding of foreign language anxiety.... I have emphasized the motivation factor a lot.... ... ... ... I have also illustrated the relationship between foreign language anxiety, the level of proficiency in the foreign language classroom, self-confidence and achievement....
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Perspectives of Tilapia Lake in Al-Ain
19 pages (5704 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Perspectives of Tilapia Lake in Al-Ain" focuses on the critical analysis of the recreational perspectives of Tilapia Lake in Al-Ain, the UAE.... The Tilapia Lake in Al-Ain lies in the eastern region of Abu Dhabi Emirate in the southern part of Dubai and the eastern part of Abu Dhabi.... ...
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Industry Analysis on Food Lion
23 pages (6410 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Industry Analysis on Food Lion" states that the retail store should be known for its efficient queue management practices with the average time spent in line reduce by not less than 40% this can be achieved by having a few additional tills and extra training of cashiers.... ... ... ... It is axiomatic to squabble that Food Lion LLC is one of the largest supermarkets chains in the United States....
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Multicultural Family Law
19 pages (5492 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
From the paper "Multicultural Family Law" it is clear that people with mental illness have been socially excluded from society because of the perceptions held by the public.... I do not see this trend change soon and this means the cases associated with individuals experiencing mental disorders.... ...
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The Idea Behind NGOs in Haiti: Deterioration of Economy and Relevant Infrastructure
23 pages (6206 words) , Thesis
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The paper "The Idea Behind NGOs in Haiti: Deterioration of Economy and Relevant Infrastructure" concerns Haiti has lost its government and power to make principles or laws to govern themselves such that even participating in minor tasks has been a major problem.... ... ... ... NGOs have evolved to become organizations of political might and purpose....
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The Role of the Counseling Relationship in Psychodynamic Therapy
20 pages (5459 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Question 1: "The role of the counseling relationship in psychodynamic therapy is very different from the role of the counseling relationship in Carl Rogers client-centered therapy.... Explain the different roles the basic client/counselor relationship plays in these therapies.... ... ... ... The paper "The Role of the Counseling Relationship in Psychodynamic Therapy " is a great example of an assignment on human resources....
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People From Minority Ethnic Communities Experiencing Mental Illness
22 pages (6624 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This essay "People From Minority Ethnic Communities Experiencing Mental Illness" makes a review of the literature and explores the issue of access for young people from Black and minority ethnic communities with mental illness living in the UK in order to develop a culturally sensitive framework....
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Draftsmans Duty of Care in the Preparation of a Will
20 pages (5588 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Draftsmans Duty of Care in the Preparation of a Will" it is clear that generally, the draftsman is responsible for providing the legal framework within which his client would be able to document his wishes in a structured format of a will.... .... ... ... In this discussion, several cases of English law having implications for the draftsman's duties in the preparation of a will are highlighted and examined in detail....
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Overview of the Companies Act 2006
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Overview of the Companies Act 2006" focuses on advising Ben and Holly on the ways in which Gaston and Poppy's potential investments can be accommodated in light of the wishes of Ben, Holly, Gaston, and Poppy.... The provisions of the Company Act 2006 are examined.... ... ... ... An unfair prejudice remedy petition is a wide-ranging petition that safeguards the interests of the minority shareholders....
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Consumer Credit Act 1974
21 pages (5404 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Consumer Credit Act 1974" states that the 2005 Regulations apply to all products used by consumers, whether intended for them or not.... Product-specific legislation will continue to take precedence in areas where this has provisions with similar objectives to those of the GPS Regulations....
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Carrying Out a Change Initiative
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Carrying Out a Change Initiative" focuses on organizations during the contemporary period that operate in a dynamic environment that is characterized by constant changes.... In order for them to keep pace with these changes, it is imperative for them to adopt change.... .... ... ... Change in an organization is an ongoing activity that requires a holistic approach by the leaders in order for them to be in a position to achieve the desired goals from a specific activity....
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Bullying In the Schools And How to Support Headteachers to Take a Strong Stand Against Bullying
31 pages (7750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper is an autoethnographical study of the problem of bullying in schools investigating the major risk factors for bullying and the major hurdles in dealing with bullying.... Finally it aims to devise strategies aiding headteachers in dealing with bullying in schools.... ... ... ... According to the report effective interventions are the primary objective of headteachers, but non reporting of bullying is the major hurdle in the implementation of anti bullying programs....
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Tyrosine kinase inhibitors as targeted agents for the treatment of cancer
45 pages (11250 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
Therapeutic advances have been made in the recent past whereby many patients who have had cancers have been able to lengthen the span of their lives through earlier detection and the support of combination therapies or targeted therapies which have evolved through research and clinical trials.... ...
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59 pages (14750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to World Health (2009), 5.... million deaths worldwide are occurring every year and these deaths are directly attributable to tobacco use.... Furthermore, it is projected that.... ... ... Moreover, it is estimated that over 80% of these deaths will be coming from low- and middle-income countries (WHO, 2008)....
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The Socrates' Philosophy
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Perpetua and Felicitas of Carthage who was executed in 203 were such examples.... Socrates is a true philosopher by definition.... The paper "The Socrates' Philosophy" focuses on different issues that Socrates considered like the reasons for the differences between Gods, the definition of pious and impious actions, good and just things and their converse things in life....
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Development of Jihad Groups Ideology in Afghanistan
40 pages (9867 words) , Download 1 , Capstone Project
The project "Development of Jihad Groups Ideology in Afghanistan" discusses the development of jihad groups and their ideology in Afghanistan from 1979 to 2013.... It investigates the impact of the initial unrest with the Soviet Union, the Arab volunteers, the rise of the Taliban, and the Al Qaeda....
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Cause and Prevention Diabetes in China
35 pages (8832 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This essay "Cause and Prevention Diabetes in China" discuss the global epidemic that diabetes has become.... To ultimately understand the impact of diabetes in China, it will be necessary to recognize some of the suspected causal contributors of the disease, along with associated experience.... ... ...
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