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Some of these include the ability to understand how it is difficult for the door of a closet to be opened or closed during periods when it is cold or how it is possible for plants to use chemical methods to convert light in the process of manufacturing their own food. These technical processes require a scientist to explain.
Galileo propounded the theory of inertia and the laws of falling bodies. He also contributed greatly in the area of Astronomy where he defended the work of Copernicus who had described the Sun as the stationary central body around which the other planets like earth move in a set pattern.
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With the advent of modern technology like DNA testing, protein sequencing, availability of records in electronic formats from cell phones and other recording data, the art may have become easier but it does not take away the proper use of an intuitive mind and correlation logic, which is possible only with human intelligence.
The results of the Mascot search using different parameters and the two databases came out with the same ID each time. Possibly, the difference in mass could be due to quirks in running the gel or some modification brought about by the denaturation and reducing processes. So apparently and statistically, the identified protein is correct.
This paper aims at understanding the importance of one of these steps, i.e. ‘Designing the research’. The paper will consist of a brief overview of the research cycle followed by a clear list of reasons for developing a research proposal. This will further be followed by the essential elements that form a complete and quality research proposal.
Global warming is the greatest environmental threat to human beings. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane have caused the Earth to heat up so much that scientists predict that all of the world’s glaciers and ice caps could melt by 2100 (“Stop the Destruction”).
Passive bloodstains are drops of blood created solely by the force of gravity and include drops, clots, flows, and pooling. They indicate a lack of struggle. Transfer bloodstain includes wipes, swipes, pattern transfers, and other contact stains indicating the contact of a surface free of blood with another that has blood.
The preceding sections have discussed the utility of the acoustic method in detecting partial discharges. Further studies are required to understand the very nature of the PD mechanism itself. (include author) says that studies so far have led to different conclusions over the nature of acoustic PD signals in terms of duration and frequency.
After vacuum was established, the current passage through the tungsten filament caused the copper to melt and uniformly distribute itself over the tungsten filament. This uniform distribution was then allowed to evaporate as the initiation/termination cover was removed to allow the deposition of copper on the glass slide.
One of the great scientists of Russia is the Dmitri Mendelev, survived from 1834 to 1907 and has contributed the precious Periodic Table of Elements. The story began when the atomic weights of elements were derived wrongly. As a result, incorrect compounds were found to be formed. So there resulted in a serious confusion in determining the characteristics of elements and their atomic weights
IInstruments connected to aircraft and space-based platforms of satellite devices perform remote sensing with the analysis of the electronic data recorded during the emission of such radiation for the establishment of forecast ideas. This is a process involving the transmission of radio waves of different frequencies through different atmosphere zones, some of whom are absorbents of the radiation with the presence of atmospheric gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone.
The essay tries to explore and appreciate the major achievements of Theodore Fujita in the field of meteorology and his immense and elaborate contribution to understanding and predicting the nature of severe and destructive storms. Tetsuya Theodore Fujita was born on October 23rd of the year 1920.
An aquifer's potentiality in a region can be determined based on the permeability (capacity to transfer water) and porosity (ability to hold water) of the geological material. The geology of a region and its soil properties play the most crucial role in determining an aquifer's location and characteristics (“Groundwater storage in aquifers”, n.d).
It is recommended that every household maintain good housekeeping habits that effectively minimize the hazards presented by radionuclides resulting from the internal radiations. Some of the basic elements of hygiene are eliminating food and drink in areas where materials with radioactive emit ions are used or stored.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
This research paper examines the role of women, which has evolved through time from being typecast into focusing on household chores and rearing children to slowly immersing as practitioners and professionals within societal sectors amidst diverse endeavors. It's important to highlight that the transition was reportedly not easy.
The year 1896 saw Guglielmo apply for a Patent for the invention he had made, in the year 1897 he established his own company by the name Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company. The company was established in Hall Street which is close to London and could easily be accessed by Rail and this was what Guglielmo wanted.
The results obtained showed there was a significant difference (p <0.05) between hyoid bone fractures in the two age groups (less than 40 years and greater than 40 years). Significantly a high incidence of hyoid bone fracture was observed in victims older than 40 years and substantially less was observed in victims below 40 years of age.
The Indian space agency does not seem to be a major competitor for the American’s NASA. This is because; some of the undertakings being launched at the moment have already been achieved by America. The agency has achieved major milestones and received government support. This may help in booting its economy, especially in Asian countries.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
Research serves as the source of raw material for theory, through building coffers of information. While knowledge is a wide concept which is interdisciplinary, it can be narrowed down to specializations, such that the knowledge for a particular discipline is generated, fine-tuned and then refined for the application.
The discovery of pulsars or neutron stars in 1967 was made possible by the discovery of the neutron, especially with regards to the discovery of a star’s lifecycle. Chadwick’s discovery was crucial in the development and construction of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, which is the largest particle accelerator in the world.
The rationale of distinguishing opinion from a fact is based on dominant thought-style of science. The thought styles are able to change and take diverse disciplines. The changes are of sociocognitive nature and they cannot be examined epistemically. The facts can also not be compared among themselves science the facts may become obsolete.
The technology has numerous advantages such as the issue of combating inheritance diseases that at times very difficult to control using the conventional medical approaches. The technology also gives room for the production of human beings or children of desirable preferences since parents have a say on the features they want in their children.
Data triangulation is basically making use of over one method in the collection of data usually on the same topic. Triangulation, therefore, assures the validity of given research through using different methods of data collection, mostly, on the same topic or subject, and comprises various kinds of samples and data collection methods.
The motivation for researchers and scientists in the contemporary world has made it increasingly more difficult to trust the findings of studies since they may not truly represent the workings of the scientific method. In the end, the job of scientists is to minimize the impact of human imperfection on science so that the results can be as accurate as humanly possible.
The author states that the organic crops must be grown in safe soils and the livestock be given organic feed. Farmers who grow organic crops must not use synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes, petroleum-based fertilizers, and sewage sludge-based fertilizers. Organic farming has been in existence for a long time.
The fluid power systems have been widely used in various parts of the world to perform various technical and mechanical tasks. Different forms of fluid systems have been in use in different sectors depending on various needs and applicability. Among the most commonly used fluid systems are pneumatic and hydraulic fluid power systems
A theory originates from a hypothesis. Scientists then perform numerous experiments to test and verify the assumption or reveal the correlation of the assumption with the particular hypothesis. If the hypothesis manages to hold up to the scrutiny and the various tests and experiments, then scientists all together start calling it a theory.
In conclusion, the rise of communism after world war two created a major threat to the capitalist ideas of the United States. As a result, the Truman Doctrine of confinement was developed with the sole aim of confining the spread and increase of communism ideas to Europe and the rest of the world. However, the paranoid Truman led to excesses.
Robots Will Replace On Field Workers Robots will be controlled by people living in foreign nations (Newscientist.com, 2014). Robots will perform household chores while being controlled by people located in foreign nations. Parcels can now be delivered to the doorstep with the use of robots being controlled by companies.
A successful research venture begins with the formulation of a research question, the selection of an appropriate research paradigm, identification of reliable data collection strategies, and then proceeds to a rigorous research process of obtaining the data and analyzing it.
13 pages (4745 words)
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, Research Proposal
The replicability of the study also contributes to the reliability of the study. Replicability refers to the possibility of the research results being transferrable to another study on the same or very similar research. In addition, if the study can be applied to or conducted on the same population or a different population and produce similar or the same results, the research study and its results are replicable.
The excellence and success of science can be traced back to the years between 1550 and 1789 when thinkers applied reason and logic to solve environmental problems. It is from this movement that the idea of scientific evolution evolved, which involved a different way of thinking about the world and replacing old ideas with new ones.
AWS is a nonprofit organization that helps in the advancement of technology as well as provides welding education. The organization has numerous certification programs out of which CWI is the most important one for maintaining the quality of the weld. AWS has made recommendations for improving the working conditions of confined spaces.
It is important to study earthquakes because people can be able to deal with their disastrous nature. This essay will review the literature on earthquakes, focusing particularly on Kuwait, with the aim of understanding the disastrous nature of earthquakes, their background, types, and how to deal with them.
8 pages (2734 words)
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, Literature review
The choice of food among Italians is shaped by different cultures and regions of residents of the entire population. The highest percentage of the population in Italy is the Italian comprising about 95% with the remaining groups of people taking around 5% in composition compositions (Marwick, 2011).
8 pages (2391 words)
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, Research Proposal
It has been shown through several studies to have toxic effects such as adverse liver, brain, kidney, and brain effects. It produces tumors in different organs and it has been believed to be carcinogenic. It inhibits the expression of the proteins regulating the cell cycle, the synthesis of DNA, and cell numbers.
The research will also investigate the fire safety measures and impacts of fire and explosions on people, properties, and the environment. The research will be based on secondary data which are available in both books and online. The data findings will then be analyzed in order to come up with the best conclusion to be used in making future safety decisions.
The body temperature of animals can be achieved only if there is a balance between heat production and loss. The heat loss of an animal under extreme temperatures is affected by humidity and thus leading to the low performance of dairy cows in hot or humid summers. On the other hand, heat production is closely related to the level of feed intake, hence affecting the production level of cows.
8 pages (2543 words)
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, Literature review
The application of minimal tillage over convectional storage has questionable Carbon storage benefits especially in Australia where the dominant dry landscape will minimize the positive effect of the management practice on Carbon stocks. Despite this minimal tillage was found to have other benefits like reduced costs and higher crop productivity.
11 pages (3167 words)
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, Literature review
Fault Tree Analysis has widely been accepted in most installations that aim to determine the probability of some of the safety hazards that may be present in the installation itself. FTA starts from the top going downwards meaning that the first step that should be taken is to establish the top probable event that is likely to happen in any installation.
13 pages (3803 words)
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, Literature review
In his book, Bryan 2002, shows a changed focus in research relating to human behavior in incidents of fire ever since the first studies that were carried out in the early 1900s which eventually resulted in the current performance-based safety codes that tend to place a lot of emphasis on the evacuation methods.
The application of an effective fire- detection and warning system will provide assistance in the implementation of the strategy for the achievement of the desired results. The system will warn all the people at the accommodation center and the students will move towards the safer places in the building (Robert, 1993) (6).
The 2004 earthquake with a 9.0 magnitude in Indonesia that generated the biggest tsunami the world has ever witnessed is going to form the basis of this research due to its relevance. Additionally owing to high death toll numbers implies that there were measures that were overlooked thus lessons learned with respect to tsunami emergency preparedness.
10 pages (2677 words)
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, Literature review
Many of the fires reported have been found to involve migrant workers in the UK. Since these fires can lead to death, injuries, and loss of property it is important for them to be controlled. This happens under the watch of various organizations partnering to help the migrant workers who may be too vulnerable to these fires.
There can be dangers in life as well. Fire risk assessment in a workplace is essential to prevent any kind of health or life risk concerning the outbreak of fire. In a workplace, the life of more people is at risk in case of fire (Derek, 1986). Therefore, a full-fledged risk assessment should be done in order to highlight all the probable risks related to the outbreak of fire.
Some series of explosions occurred during the early hours of December 2005 Buncefield. These kinds of explosions were caused by a fire which ended up damaging widespread properties at those places and at the neighboring areas. This incident of the explosion damaged fuel tanks which most of which were of large storage capacity.
Renewable energy plays an important role in terms of replacing conventional fuels in areas like electricity generation, space heating, motor fuel, and rural grids. Renewable energy is always useful in areas that the communities cannot access electricity from the national grid. It can also be used effectively on a small scale basis to serve a small community.
Through computer modeling, a fire investigator may be able to understand how fire evolved. Computer fire modeling may be of assistance through assessment of the relationship between the rate of heat release of fuel involved in the fire and other variables like the amount of CO produced and the radiant ignition.
The oil depot used to receive aviation fuel, diesel, petrol and other different types of petroleum products through its network of pipeline, it used to store these products and eventually re-distributing them either through the pipeline network or by road tankers to places such as London & South East England or to important facilities such as the Luton, Heathrow or Gatwick airports.
Improperly and poorly managed and controlled construction sites can pose danger to not only aquatic life, but drainage and public roadways systems and networks. These problems generally stem out of the initial condition of the site prior to the construction efforts, for instance, excessive soil erosion and pollution.