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Characteristic of Omega-3 Fatty Acid - Research Paper Example

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This research paper "Characteristic of Omega-3 Fatty Acid" describes important for the human body type of fat called Omega-3. The author outlines the types of omega-3 fatty acids, mental and health disorders connecting with it. From this work, it is clear that Omega-3 fatty acid is beneficial in the form of its natural form like in food and it develops resistance against several diseases…
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Characteristic of Omega-3 Fatty Acid
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Research Paper on Omega-3 Fatty Acid Introduction: First of all, omega3 is type of fat that is very important for human’s body. So the scientific name of omeg3 is omeg3 fatty acids or n-3 fatty acids or fish oil. It is an essential nutrients for health and most of health experts stress that it is necessary for human. In addition, our bodies need of this kinds of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega-3 has one importance of acids called alpha –linoleic acid or ALA that it is vitamins and it could not produce by our bodies but we can have this acid by omega-3. Experts proved that the omega-3 fatty acids have a beneficial effect in our health (Calviello and Serini, 2010). According to “Understanding the power of omega-3 (OP-ed)” by Tallmadge (2013) explains two most important of omega-3 fatty acids are known as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Theyre usually found in a 50:50 or 60:40 ratio in fish. Also, we can found this in seafood. On other words, omeha-3 fatty acids have many acids and the strong acids are DHA and EPA. According to “Benefits of Fish Oil and Marine-Derived Omega-3 Fatty Acids” written by Sigurdsson (2014) states that some fatty acids cannot be produced by human body like omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids and these fatty comes from food and called essential fatty acids. On other word, these fatty acids are very important and our meals must include these fatty. The brain has a lot of lipids are containing mostly complex polar phospholipids, sphingolipids, gangliosides and cholesterol and these lipids are intervention in the structure and function of cell membranes in the brain, so omega-3 fatty acids are containing most of these fats. Recently studies about omega-3 fatty acids are suggested human should has omega-3 in his meal. Types of omega-3 fatty acids: Each fatty acids are having of chains of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The differences between fatty acids is construction molecular. There are three types of omega fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. So, Omega-3 fatty acids have three type’s alpha-linoleic acidor ALA,eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA and DHA or docosahexaenoic according to “Omega-3, 6, and 9 and How They Add Up” by healthier oils from UCCS. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) consists of 18-carbon with three cis double bonds and it is considered a polyunsaturated n-3 (omega-3) fatty acids. The source ALAof Canola, Soybeans, Walnuts, and Flaxseed. Our bodies are taking ALA and use it to produce energy for our addition,ALA is the initial building slab for EPA and DHA. Its difficult to amplify the importance of ALA.Our immune, inflammatory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems are do not work without enough of EPA and DHA. ALA has two main roles the first is the breakdown of ALA to be used as an energy source. The second major role for ALA is to be elongated to the related omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, according to “omega-3 fatty acids” publish by the world’s healthiest foods. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is considered anomega-3 fatty acid. The source EPA of Oily fishes such as Cod Liver, Herring, Mackerel, Salmon, and Sardines. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a 22- carbon chain with six cis double bonds. The source DHA of Oily fishes such as Cod Liver, Herring, Mackerel, Salmon, and Sardines, and also are produced from algal fermentation (Shahidi and Finely, 2001). According to “The importance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids” published by EUFIC (2008) The human body has ability to produce all the fatty acids he needs, except for two, linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 fatty acid, and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid. These have to come from the diet and because of that it is called “essential fatty acids”. These fatty acids are very importance for growth and repair, also it can be used to create other fatty acids (e.g. arachidonic acid (AA) is formed from LA). However, as change to the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is limited, and most experts are recommended that sources are including in our diet. ALA and LA are found in plant and seed oils. EPA and DHA are found in oily fish (e.g., salmon, mackerel, and herring). AA can be obtained from animal sources, such as meat and egg yolk. Significance in History: In 19th century, due to extreme cold in England Cod liver oil became popular Omega-3 supplement, which was taken for the sake of Vitamin D. The sun deprived nation benefited from it and this growing trend of cod liver oil was further researched by Johanna Budwig in 1950, her researched produced this hypotheses that fatty acids containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 in a balanced ratio can produce immunity against several diseases especially cancer. This PHD German Scientist proclaimed that patients of cancer under her care after taking the supplement experienced decrease in tumor size within three months. Moreover, she proclaimed that some patients saw elevated incline in their health improvement. She is the first doctor who used Omega-3 supplement with other important nutrients to develop a balanced diet for patients with chronic diseases (Ubani, 2011). Thus, in the late twentieth century, AHA American Heart association also confirmed that intake of Omega-3 fatty acid in a balanced diet form is potentially helpful in decreasing the ratio of many health issues especially diseases related to heart. Similarly, AHA also stressed on the issue of balanced diet, which should contain at least 2 meals in a week containing ample amount of Omega-3 essentials like tuna, trout, herring, walnut, soybeans, flaxseed and others for the sake of reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases possibility. This is also linked to the fact that individuals with heart diseases are recommended to eat more Omega-3 fatty acid containing diet so to reduce the intensity of their disease (Oelze, 2006). Researches Throughout the years on Omega-3 Fatty Acid: Several Researches and European Food Safety Authority has signified that if Omega-3 is missing from a balanced diet it causes many diseases and deficiencies in humans and it also hinders their physical and cognitive development. Omega 3 fatty acid not only prevents from chronic diseases like cancer, arthritis, and heart issues, but it also develops immunity in human body and stabilizes blood pressure. Yet, other more less severe symptoms of Omega 3 deficiency can be poor blood circulation, dehydrated skin, depression, bad memory, weakness, and heart related issues (Nettleton, 2012). Chiefly, Omega 3 fatty acid decreases inflammation. Its essential intake is most important for the brain, which hugely contains Omega 3 fatty acid for cognitive functions. Therefore, if humans lack its intake they can suffer from loss or weak memory and low performance issues. Moreover, it is also observed if mothers during pregnancy do not take essential Omega 3 fatty acid in their diets, their inborn babies can suffer from never and shortage of sight issues (Herrmann and Obeid, 2011). Omgea-3 Fatty Acid and Health Disorders: Omega-3 fatty acid is also essential in the development and production of hormones like molecules in the body. However, individuals with blood disorders like thin blooding and excessive bleeding need to intake it only with physicians’ advice only as its continuous dose can result in ignite rapid bleeding. It is also observed that high dose of Omega-3 fatty acid can cause diarrhea, bloating, flatulence and blenching. Since Omega-3 fatty acid is found largely in membrane (nerve cells) of the brain, therefore it is important for humans to take it orally for the sake of nerve cell development. It reduces the risk of mental health disorders and increases the likelihood of cognitive development (Stoll, 2002). Specifically, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in Omega-3 fatty acid vitally supports 30% of many nerve cell procedures. It not only produces flexibility in the nerve cells but also develops permeability and which eventually improves neurotransmission through betterment in the rate of nerve communication. Likewise, it is also an essential component of the organization and function building block of the brain. Similarly, EPA (Eiosapentaenoic acid) of Omega-3 fatty acid affects the messenger fluids (dopamine and serotonin etc.) in the neurological system of the brain (Watson and Meester, 2014). Simultaneously, EPA and DHA secure nerve cells against provocative movement of cytokine. Patients of depression have been found with low amount of omega-3 fatty acid and their neurological health was observed changing when they added omega-3 supplements in their diets for three days a week and for a duration of 5 years. Another study shows that in bipolar disorder substantial levels of DHA and EPA can stabilize the disorder to an extent. However, complete reduction in the disorder is not yet investigated. Mental disorders like schizophrenia also come under the efficacy of Omega-3 fatty acid. As some studies suggest that it is effective during this illness, but few suggest that it is vague how Omega-3 is better than placebo in the betterment of the patient with Schizophrenia (Meester, Watson and Zibadi, 2013). Omega-3 Fatty Acid and ADHD: Simultaneously, mental disorders like ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) also show that their sufferers are in short of fatty acids like EPA and DHA so to increase the level of both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acid both is suggested by the clinicians. This suggestion is based on the results of improvement in their cognitive and intellectual health via observation of diverse therapy sessions. ADHD individuals were observed to become better in reading and writing skills and their comprehension also improved (Sonna, 2005). However, a concrete study with valid hypothesis for general treatment is required for its efficacy for diverse patients of ADHD. Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Mental Disorders: It is always prescribed by the physicians to take Omega-3 fatty acid diet not the supplements in the form of capsules as they combined ratio of nutrients present in a oily fish or flaxseeds will be more beneficial than taking a capsule of fish oil on daily bases. Depression is one of the most common and growing diseases in the world for which all the medicinal and natural treatments have been applied so to cure its intensity. Thus, from many years studies on it suggest that balanced diet containing essential nutrients entailing Omega-3 fatty acid is vital in fighting this disease. According to the NCBI Journal of Lipids Health 2004, Omega-3 fatty acid plays important role in the central nervous system and epidemiological hypothesis show that nutritional lipids and other food related substances does trigger depression and influences this disorder of mind. It also suggests that Omega-3 has a very close connection to depression and other disorders of nervous system (Logan, 2004). Epidemiological data suggest that people with continuous consumption of sea food report less of depression and have a stronger immunity against it. This also includes other mental disorders like bipolar disorder or postpartum depression. Studies suggest that fish or sea food in-taking nations have reduced risk of suicidal and depressive individuals. A sample study of New Zealand proclaimed that fish intake for the sake of Omega-3 fatty acid does improve mental health and boosts the level of harmony in individuals (Stonehouse, 2014). All the diseases related to brain are likely to be treated with measured ratio of Omega-3 fatty acid in diet or as a medicinal therapy. This also includes the most common and widespread troublesome disease of all times, depression. Anti depressant drugs contain chemicals, which can decrease the ratio of depression, but they do tend to introduce new threats to health. However, many studies show that just with the intake of Omega-3 fatty acid patients of depression saw evident decline in their illness. To show the efficacy of Omega-3 fatty acid richly present in fish cod liver oil, a Norwegian panel studied it on almost 22,00 individuals. Their study was based on the impact of daily intake of cod liver oil and its effect on mental health (Raeder et. al., 2007-8). The hypothesis showed that individuals who took cod liver oil persistently were 30% more powerful in fighting depression. They were more immune to the symptoms of high depression and could fight the disease if they continued the regular intake of Omega-3 fatty acid. Similarly, Omega-3 fatty acid is found best in diseases which are linked to depression like anxiety, mood swings, sleep deprivation, inclination for suicidal attempts and most significantly sexual dysfunctions. These diseases were observed to be reduced when a measured dose of Omega-3 fatty acid was included in the diet of the patient for a certain period of time. Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Fetal Development:  The postnatal time and infant life of a child is crucial for the development of visions and mind. Hence, the milk of his mother contains essential Omega-3 fatty acid so to increase his vision, cognitive and metabolic development that is why formula milk available for them also contains Omega-3 fatty acid for sure. According to several studies, intake of Omega-3 fatty acid containing diet develops improved health conditions of the inborn child (Ghisolfi et. at., 1992). Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Vision/ Retina Development: Even in adults, dry eye condition and macular degeneration are prevented and cured through the persistent intake of Omega-3 fatty acid as it helps in the eyes for essential flow out of intraocular substances and reduces the threat of glaucoma and high building eye pressure. To support the above stated claims in 2008, an investigated study of European Study was setup to assess the merits of fatty acids for vision. The hypothesis researches found were that if individuals take proper amount of Omega-3 fatty acid containing foods even per week they tend to reduce the risk of neovascular diseases comparatively from those who do not take it per weekly (Allen and Regillo, 2011). Likewise, in 2009 NEI (National Eye Institute) investigated the impacts of Omega-3 fatty acid on their eye diseases related to age and they found that patients who took increased doses of Omega- 3 fatty were 30% less inclined to receive macular degeneration for almost a year. Their immunity level and retina development was more efficient to resist such diseases and sufficient amount of Omega-3 also boosted their metabolism. Similarly, further study in this arena in 2013 shows that Age related eye diseases are reduced with the balanced Omega-3 intake in the form of a food not in the form of single chemical intake of cod fish oil (Sangiovanni et. al., 2009). It shows more progressive results if the fish or flaxseeds are taken as they contain more nutritional benefits just instead of Omega-3 fatty acid pills, which only provides one supplement. Omega-3 fatty acid is also differential according to gender and it shows various results in respect to gender biochemical activities. A study on specifically female gender aged between 45 and 85 showed that increased intake of Omega-6 and low in-take of Omega- 3 fatty acid can increase the chances of dry eye syndrome in these women. Simultaneously, the study suggested that if these females changed their intake of Omega-6 (reducing it) and increasing Omega- 3 at least twice in a week they can develop resistance against dry eye syndrome and inflammation (Macular Degeneration, 2012) . Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Chronic Diseases: Chronic diseases like Asthma needed a thorough investigated study to find a preventative cure for it. Therefore, in 1987 the diet of Eskimos was studied to observe Asthma ratio and resistance against it. It was found out that due to their rich diet of oily fish they had high levels of DHA and APA in their bodies, which prevents from inflammatory procedure of Asthma. In chronic disease like Asthma series 2 PGE2, which agitate the provocative process in respiratory system but higher doses of Omega-3 fatty acid containing diet in Eskimos reduces this process and makes them immune to this disease(Reisman, 2006). However, Meta analysis does not support this stance and insist to study the effects Omega-3 fatty acid intake in diverse ways and on diverse type of participants. Rheumatoid Arthritis patients when given Omega-3 fatty acid, as an observational dose for the possible treatment, the substance improved the tenderness of their joints, but didn’t reduce swelling and or pain. However, it is effective in reducing softness of joints and also decreases corticosteroids (Grimsby and Rivard, 2008). Similarly, Omega-3 fatty acid is significantly suggested for the heart related diseases like frequent occurrences of Coronary heart risks and it also helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the body which is medically termed as triglycerides. Cardiovascular diseases of various types can also be treated with Omega-3 fatty acids present in fish and it also decreases the risk of myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest and sudden death scenarios. Increased triglyceride levels in human body can cause many diseases and disturbances in biological processes, but according to a research if Omega-3 fatty acids are taken in supple quantities this dose can reduce triglyceride levels gradually. This is observed more effective in the case of patients with higher levels of triglycerides. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements in the form of fish oil are also recommended to women with painful menstruation cycle. These women with dysmenorrheal have been prescribed to take it with B12, which can decrease the twinge in the due process. Omega-3 fatty acid, particularly EPA in it reduces the ratio of blood clotting, which lowers the risk of heart attack or impacts on the bleeding process as well (Swanson, Block, & Mousa , 2012). Conclusion: Conclusively, it is found significantly important that Omega-3 fatty acid is beneficial in the form of its natural form like in food (tuna, salmon, flaxseeds etc.) as it contains other beneficial nutrients along with the fatty acid to produce metabolic attributes in the human body properly. EPA and DHA have been found most significant portions of Omeg-3 and they have been crucial during the pregnancy and the fetal development for cognitive, vision and mental development of the child and mother. It is also found out that Omega-3 develops resistance against several diseases and develops resistance against like heart, skin, mental disorders, respiratory issues, skin allergies, cardiovascular, inflammatory issues of the body. It also improves triglycerides levels, reduces tenderness of the joints, improves menstrual cycle and reduces pain. Furthermore, Omega-3 fatty acid generates reduction in macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome with retina development and it provides ailment in mental disorders like depression and ADHD, schizophrenia. It is also suggested that increased ratio of diseases and less investigated dietary plans entailing Omega-3 fatty acids in supple doses per week would be beneficial in healthy life and ageing. However, it is suggested that clinical trials should be held for the adversities of Omega-3 fatty acid and also how it impacts the neurological system of humans with quality of life. References: Top of Form Logan, A. C. (December 01, 2004). Omega-3 fatty acids and major depression: A primer for the mental health professional. Lipids in Health and Disease, 3, 1, 1-8. Top of Form Swanson, D., Block, R., & Mousa, S. A. (January 13, 2012). Omega-3 Fatty Acids EPA and DHA: Health Benefits Throughout Life. Advances in Nutrition: an International Review Journal, 3, 1, 1-7. 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