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The paper operates mainly based on such research questions: What are the basic apology strategies used in English and Arabic, and how are they realized? Are there significant apology strategies, combination of strategies and modification strategies in English and Arabic? How is apology behavior affected by context of situation in English and Arabic? Are Apologies performed directly or indirectly?
his study primarily focused on comparing the attitudes and behavior of children of divorced parents, in joint and sole physical custody. Factors such as the level of conflict between the parents were studied in the process, in order to ascertain the impact of such conflicts on the children in joint or sole custody. The findings indicated that no significant difference was found in the behavior and development of children in physical custody.
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, Book Report/Review
I enjoyed this reading because it gave me a chance to learn, in a more realistic setting, how people made decisions. Many of the books I have read on the decision-making process always discussed the process in general terms and without showing any actual situations where people had to make decisions.
He did not tell me how long would the treatment continue. The drugs were also expensive and I was not informed about the cost. In short, there was lack of communication between the health professional and I and this led me to
Fight or flight is an instant reflex through which the brain detects an imminent danger or threat, which can either be imagined or real. This stress response makes it possible for an individual to confront a situation by facing it directly, which is fighting because he is capable of handling the situation.
Rather than concentrating on dysfunction, humanistic psychology strives to help people fulfill their potential and maximize their well-being. Humanistic psychology is a holistic approach to psychology that focuses on the whole person.
8 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
The author states that there is presently a newer version of the MSCEIT. The instrument was created and popularized in the year 2004 by the three psychologists who created it. The popularization of the instrument was done through the writing of personal articles on the instrument as well as reviewing other instruments for measuring leadership.
Gielen and Roopnarine (2004) indicate that, in Nigeria, the population increased by 52 percent between 1975 and 2000. The country has a low GDP per capita and poor health services resulting in a low life expectancy of no more than 52 years. In the United States of America, the population increased by 22% between 1975 and 2000. The nation has a high GDP per capita and due to excellent health services, there is high life expectancy.
Yes, I tried to quit doing drugs when my parents threaten to kick out me if I did not stop quit smoking. But after a few days I again started smoking and quickly fell back to my smoking and
The evil of Corruption ranges from negligence toward responsibilities to an active participation in illegal activities for personal gains. In February 2011, the head of anti-drug force was arrested by FBI against
These two scenarios of behaviours make one to respond in two different ways. Hence, in the case of prosocial, the move is positive as the aim is to help another person. On the other hand, aggression
The development of emotional regulation in children is highly attributed to skill acquisition both in skills and through social interactions. Emotional regulation from other people is relatively difficult especially because many children may hardly view the external regulation from a positive perspective.
Several studies provide evidence those individuals with dyslexia have thresholds of elevated detection or abnormal visual caused potential for stimuli in the temporal and spatial ranges of the system of the Magno-cells. But then again, it has been unclear as to whether some stimuli uniquely tap the system (Parker et al, 2002).
Progress in this dimension can be obtained through a sustained interdisciplinary effort in philosophy and informed by other disciplines such as mathematics, neuroscience, computer science and psychology. The role of philosophy in this effort is very critical especially in the art of argument and persuasion (Loftus and Palmer, 1974).
It is important to know whether young females with type 1 diabetes tend to have more eating disorders as compared to those with no signs of diabetes. Therefore, the purpose of the researchers in this particular study was to study whether the
A man reacts not only on the actual danger, but also on the threat or a reminder about it. Personally for me the most usual reason to experience stress is getting bad grades in my classes.
There are distinguished three stages in the stress development. The first stage
There is a difference in the training of the social worker and the clinical psychologist as one requires that they train and get the certification of the American psychologist association. In contrast, in the social worker, no thorough training is needed, just understanding how to relate to people and tolerance.
introduced three core affects: happiness, sadness, and stress, which are subsided respectively by three neuromodulators: dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Complex emotions are analogous to colors in the way that they are the result of a proportional mix of the three core affects.
This kind of optimism bias arises from the fact that the individual is very focused on the desired end result without looking into the process of getting there.
As Diamant (1991) says, most people
11 pages (2977 words)
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, Research Paper
One such dilemma is homosexuality. This is a sexual relationship of people of the same gender. Focusing on the traditional black church’s view, homosexuality is not allowed. In the same way, discrimination towards homosexuals is pervasive in the African-American community. This is attributable to the teachings of the black churches.
Substance-related disorders refer to disorders resulting from the dependence, intoxication, and withdrawal of using the abused substance (Gordon, 2013). Some of the substance-induced disorders include intoxication, withdrawal, and mental states such as dementia and psychosis. Manifestations often can be informed of include withdrawal symptoms such as shaking, irritability, and insomnia.
“Inherit the Wind” by Stanley Kramer is a brilliant example of a movie that speaks about a socially controversial issue that is interesting as a discussion topic. “Inherit the Wind” is based on a real historical event that is better known as “The Monkey Trial”. This confrontation between rational thought and blind bigotry, progressive thinking and conservative obsession had a great impact on the image of modern society.
This tragic even alongside with drama of Pearl Harbor in the period of World War II has served as a trigger for reconsideration of the US Intelligence service in order to tighten the security of the country and protection of its
Being beautiful comes with lots of benefits as a beautiful person would always attract the attention of other people and consequently find favor in their sight. The benefits of being beautiful are quite numerous. The benefits of being beautiful are that it boosts the ego and improves the self-confidence of the beautiful person.
During my first week at a new, I had a manager who called me into her office to discuss observations. She had an issue with the way I dealt with a specific issue and proceeded to discuss its faults. Her complaint concerned the means by which an area was to be organized and clean. At the time I was working with a number of other individuals and I was left to close at the end of the night.
I have been raised in a Christian family and the church has been one of my strong contributors to the beliefs I cling to. For instance, when it comes to parenting, I believe that it is the woman who has the
Personal experiences and family backgrounds play an appreciable role in the learner’s psychological wellbeing, and this implies that it will affect the learning
Provide your own answers to the following questions but do not transmit them to your mentor. Note: It will not be possible to check your answers in the Study Guide; the answers in that guide refer to the previous edition of the text. If you are stumped by a question, ask your mentor for help in figuring out the answer.
Hallucination comprises a perception error. In this case, a person hears and sees inexistent things. Negative symptoms are not prominent in paranoid schizophrenia. Things predisposing to this disorder include biological and genetic factors.
This type of memory is what one may call the “long-term memory”. It happened several decades ago and it is a specific event which happened to me in school. I remember this event vividly because it was my
ndication on how numerous people are simply applying various adverse judgments which have been formed without facts in place of another (Brainyquote, n.d.). This is all different from actual thinking as real thinking is based on the examination of facts, and coming to an
Like all specific phobias, arachnophobia is most commonly treated through therapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral techniques. Antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications may also be used. Some newer research has shown that virtual reality therapy, in which the
Personhood relates to self and identity because the totality of a person includes the aforementioned elements. Personhood is always tied to self since it pictures self-awareness and self-concept. Such awareness and concept, when molded together with a person’s familial, religious, and cultural backgrounds, make up the identity of the individual.
While conveying the message the writers utilize the three means of persuasion; ethos, pathos, and logos. The writers develop credibility and go for an ethical appeal by convincing the reader that they are a reliable source and worth listening to. The article quotes other studies conducted by the authors other than the one forming the basis.
He aimed at understanding the digestive system in dogs. He provided the dogs with food and monitored their salivary response and then he began ringing a bell just before presenting the food. He noticed that the dogs would begin to salivate on seeing his assistant carrying food pans even before he presented the food.
In the study, Anorexia nervosa (AN) is identified as a serious psychiatric disorder that has high rates of recurrence after one undergoes treatment. Little is known about factors which predict long-term outcome of the disorder but goes ahead to emphasize that perfectionism is largely mentioned by previous researchers as being a risk factor in the development of Anorexia Nervosa.
Free association in client work is used in aiding the client to identify issues that are hidden in their subconscious, whereby sessions with analysts could last up to 5 times in one week. Typically, the analyst adopts a mode of passivity, which enables the client to explore what is in their mind. Saying something over the course of the session, in Neo-Freudian, would break the transference.
The terms normal and abnormal human behaviors are used to distinguish different characters of the human beings, thus enhancing communication and interaction among humans (Butcher, Hooley & Mineka, 2014). This is because humans are able to understand each other with
There may be specific forms of abuse in cases of gay men or lesbians living with HIV. Although HIV can affect even people in heterosexual relationships, their partners could use it as a form of blackmail. Most will not want such information to be disclosed, which may negatively influence their places of work or social lives.
Teachers have, therefore, adopted two of the most popular theories of Piaget and Vygotsky, into their teaching activities. Through the practices and guidelines provided by these theories, they are better placed to help their students achieve more. Development refers to any process of change and stability that takes place throughout the period of human life.
The studies have specialized on the effects of video games use of empathy on players. Happ et al. indicated that players perception of the game characters can lead them to conceive if that character's actions are moral or not. Moreover, it can backfire depending on the interaction of game characters and the level of empathy players feel for them.
The study notes the application of these laws is mostly effective when it comes to remembering historical dates and recalling them chronologically (Carey 2014). The study uses four surveys conducted within the
This is even more important especially when a child has a disability because of the special assistance and resources needed to assist the child.
The paper is enlightening in terms of the help and
6 pages (1595 words)
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, Research Paper
Research has indicated that there is an increasing trend in the number of children being admitted into foster care suffering from developmental problems and mental health concerns. Efforts are being made to make foster care a more pleasant and healthy process for those admitted to ensure that their developmental process in later years is positive.
It occurs because of the enhanced perceptual organization that results in reduced informational load. The effects vary in the theoretical meaning of such an impact and its use in the design of visual elements and materials. When repetitions reduce the
According to McCue (2008), domestic violence is aggressive behavior at home and psychological mistreatment practices utilized by one individual towards the other partner in a relationship in order to control them. This can apply to individuals who are either wedded or un-wedded, those living together, divorced, or dating.
Taking down important points by way of notes was something that helped me during recapitulation. Though it was always tempting to discuss day – to day matters with my colleagues, I realized that this time could be spent usefully in a small after-class discussion. Initially, I used to jot down a few points in the margin to make me remember things.
In order to answer what this term is, some background information on memory, in general, should be provided, followed by a textbook definition which is “The process by which an individual groups items and information according to patterns or something that we are already familiar with.” The term should be reinforced by a real-world example.
There are certain innate characteristics which make an individual a leader but it was later stated in this regard that leadership was rather considered to be a collection of skills that needs to be developed by an individual with constant endeavors. The effectiveness of a leader is ascertained based on the individual’s potential to find solutions to multifaceted organizational issues.