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Compare-Contrast Paper on Ancient Egyptian Arts and Ancient Greek Arts Other Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Research Paper
When one sees an ancient Egyptian art, he or she could observe the stiff portrayal of the characters involved. The bodies and objects are in one position. It is as if they were fixed in an area when they were drawn by the Egyptian artist. One could think that the positioning of the characters was done for a strict reason.
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Sovereignty for the Protection of Internal Affairs Other Essay
2 pages (630 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Sovereignty is seen as an absolute authority exercised by a nation over its internal affairs with respect to its territory and citizens, able to keep external forces from other countries or states from influencing its affairs rather; the state is able to monopolize its power over her governance (Jackson 2003, p.782).
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Disadvantages of herbal remedies Other Speech or Presentation
1 pages (250 words) , Download 9 , Speech or Presentation
However, where there are so many advantages, we cannot ignore some disadvantages too. First of all, herbal remedies take ample time to take an effect. One needs to have a lot of patience using a herbal treatment. Then, many herb and plant extracts may cause allergies which appear much later after the treatment is complete.
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Debating Rococo's Role in the French Revolution Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Pastel colors and light and airy scenery characterized Rococo art. With regard to the French Revolution, Rococo art was the motivation, the precursor, and the decoration that characterized French society in the early 18th Century. II. Rococo Art: Motivation for a Revolution Rococo art was definitely one motivation for the French Revolution.
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Reflective narrative Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
I remember I would never eat anything that mom would cook at home. I would rather get money from her and go out. Once I was out of my house, the world would be mine. Anything from a petty tuck shop to a large restaurant in the midst of the town could be my destination.
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Industrial Other Research Paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
For instance, one internal control of security is that the files with important documents are locked inside of the file cabinet (“Understanding Internal Controls”, 2009). This is a strong control measure because it ensures that no one who does not have access to the key of the file cabinet will have access to the files inside.
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Excellence Customer Experience Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The heart of every organization depends largely on its ability to satisfy the needs of the customers. Without satisfied customers, there would not be sales, no service subscriptions, no life. At Mobily, the program to Excel in Customer Experience, aptly termed “HEARTBEAT” is envisioned to catapult Mobily to the top position in the telecommunications industry.
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Management Communication Quarterly Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Effective communication is really invaluable for managers while formulating and implementing a successful strategy. There are a lot that can be communicated through gestures, posture and the way a person maintains an eye contact. So, it is the duty of the manager to improve communication within the organization, which is vital for the functioning of the organization.
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Moral and learning development in children Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
While Piaget is the modern pioneer in the subject, his predecessor Kohlberg extended and modified the former’s theories to accommodate new evidences. Piaget’s views on moral development of children are not given under a tightly-knit theory, but are put together in his seminal work The Moral Judgment of the Child, published in 1932.
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Annotated Bibliography Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay will consider two studies on this topic :- Arnold-Reed, D., Hince, D., Bulsara, M., Ngo, H., Eaton, M., Wright, A. Jones, F., Kaczmarczyk,W., Marangou, A., and Brett,T. ( 2008) Knowledge and attitudes of men about prostate cancer, Medical Journal of Australia 189 (6): 312-314 This Australian study was of 503 men between the ages of 40 and 80 years, both with and without prostate cancer, who presented themselves for routine consultations during an 8th month period of 2006.
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Three Men in a Boat Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
For arriving at that decision, they have not consulted medical specialists, but made the detailed and profound self-study of the medical books in a library. Jerome K. Jerome (2010, p.5) writes about the observation of one of the friends thus: “I had walked into that reading-room a happy, healthy man.
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How Savannah Brought New Life to Its Aging Port byMachalaba Other Assignment
1 pages (321 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
One of the most important articles that discuss the important connection between the revival of old ports in the United States and the influx of Asian imports into the American Economy is “How Savannah Brought New Life to Its Aging Port.” It focuses on the old port of the American south, the Port of Savannah, Georgia, and how it was revived through the accommodation of Asian imported goods.
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Response to an article od the new york time Other Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
providing new sounds and sound patterns, new vocabulary words in response to specific babbles, etc.) plays a vital role in enhancing the baby’s learning capabilities, suggesting that “a baby’s vocalizations signal a state of focused attention, a readiness to learn language.” Indeed, our parents are basically our first teachers.
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The Popularity of Illegal Drugs Other Essay
3 pages (846 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Blaise writes, “Cocaine abuse is widespread but rarely admitted. There is no cocaine consumer profile either for social class, age or sex” (pg. 1263). In truth, cocaine is not as insidious a drug as one might suppose.  While users can typically hide their use for a little while, extended use of cocaine shows obvious external signs of their drug habit.
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Supervision of Employees by Management Other Essay
2 pages (722 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“Monitoring should only be done as a check and balance measure to ensure high ethical standards. Respect to employee’s privacy, within reason, needs to be a consideration”. Management must also realize that monitoring might also be counterproductive because it causes resentment among employees since they will have the feeling.
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Why Did Socialism Fail in the United States Other Essay
2 pages (599 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The entire eastern European countries were once under socialist or communist administration whereas true socialism failed to prosper in America. In fact, no political party which argues for the rights of the working class failed to develop in the United States because of various reasons. This paper analyses a question; why did a powerful socialist party fail to prosper in America?
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Marcel Duchamp's readymade Fountain(1917) Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Essay
Marcel Duchamp’s readymade piece of art named Fountain was presented in 1917. He signed his art R. Mutt and submitted it to the Society of Independent Art. The Society of Independent Art made the claim to show every piece submitted.
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Cultural Influences on Communication in Groups Other Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
There are four houses, so the meeting comprised of the 4 representatives of the different houses, namely; Aset, Zarina, Ainura and Artem, along with the president of the Society Joe and me (as the vice-president of the society). The background of this discussion was such that all the representatives of the four houses would try to advance the interests of their house as much as possible.
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Standards as Reform Paper Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
2). The national commission on excellence in education had published a report A Nation at Risk in 1983 which initiated the first steps for education reforms and changes. This paper will focus on what was the field of education like before the implementation of standards; in what ways have standards changed curriculum, instruction, and assessment; the effectiveness of standards as a vehicle for education reform.
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Personal Environmental History Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
During these formative years of my life I believe that my relationships with the Earth was one as a stranger. While I understood the importance of not littering, as my parents had instructed me as much, I did not have the deeper emotional understanding of the importance of preserving and taking care of my natural surroundings.
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The Ideas of Rene Descartes Propounds in Meditations Other Dissertation
1 pages (320 words) , Download 5 , Dissertation
As opposed to the philosophers who preceded him, like the Greeks, Aristotle and Plato, and the later philosophers, he did not believe in the theory that observation of empirical phenomena would be useful in the understanding of the world and in the accumulation of the truths that he was searching for.
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Ethical Decision-Making and Responsibilities of an Administrator Other Term Paper
15 pages (3839 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Ethical decision-making refers to the process in which an administrator takes a decision based on some specific rules and regulations. Ethical decision-making makes administrators take ethical decisions regarding any specific issue. Ethics play a very considerable role in making a decision justified and acceptable for all parties involved in the conflict.
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Presence and absence artist statement Other Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
~ Emily Carr (1871-1945) Most things in this world exist in pairs – life and death, happiness and sadness, hope and fear, yin and yang, love and hate; it is this dichotomy, which fundamentally exists in the universe, that drives artists as me to blend presence and absence in our artworks.
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Governments and Private Investors Reason of Preference Other Assignment
10 pages (2890 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
After the downfall of the Agreement of the Bretton Woods during the 1970s, the financial system of the world had entered into a phase of financial instability. The system of the Agreement was aimed towards keeping the major currencies of the world at a fixed rate. With the collapse of the system, the world economies have been facing volatility which is continuing at present as well.
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Ideologies in the Society Other Essay
1 pages (257 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Political ideology, in particular, is an individual’s opinion about the policies formulated by the government An individual’s views about different matters are governed by the individual’s religious beliefs and cultural traits. Of the two, the latter is more influential since different people in a society may belong to different religions, yet they share the same culture.
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Freedom: Choices, Critical Thinking, Responsibility Other Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Name Instructor Class 29 June 2011 Freedom: Choices, Critical Thinking, Responsibility Freedom, I believe, is now taken for granted, because like air, it seems to be so natural. What some people forget is that centuries ago, freedom was not a given and it was far from being natural, because it veered more toward being a privilege.
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Legislation/movements in the 20th century Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Whereas criminologists and others practitioners in the youth justice system have opposed this punitive approach, it is erroneous to view the juvenile court system as merely punitive in its tone and approaches. However, as this paper will reveal, the origins of this approach is founded in the idealistic effort to solve social problems by addressing the deprivations of youths so as to prevent them from getting involved in criminal activities and encourage them to take up constructive work.
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Nintendo: Reviving a Company, Transforming a Market Other Case Study
2 pages (500 words) , Download 15 , Case Study
The company has tried to incorporate a few innovative and up graded technology in Wii so that it remains quite different from its competitors. Therefore, the success of the company is due to its strategies of designing innovative products with affordable prices.
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Masking Poor Communication Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I was able to relate with the problems of miscommunication discussed in the article. I realize how sometimes I just assumed that he understood me because of the length of time we have been together, thinking, he knows me well enough. Often, due to this assumption, we end up misunderstanding each other.
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Jackson Pollocks Convergence Other Essay
1 pages (424 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Pollock ushered in a new era in the painter’s self-expression with his colorful Convergence series. He achieved his work in this series by dripping, splashing, and what might even be described as throwing or tossing paint at a canvas placed flat on the floor. His expression came through the velocity with which he delivered his oil to the canvas;
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Cultural health style Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Probably the disparities are essentially economic, yet, the racial/cultural differences also contribute to this social phenomenon. Doubtless to say, African Americans have greater health disparities in contrast to the Anglo-Saxon Americans. There are many areas of health disparities that African Americans encounter in the modern-day America.
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Socrates's wisdom Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In considering the ways it functions to do so, it’s clear there are a number of examples. This essay considers how Socrates’ story functions as a defense. There are a number of accusations that have been made against Socrates. In these regards, the main charges made against him are that he "inquires into things below the earth and in the sky" (19b).
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Pat Down Procedure and Standard Other Essay
1 pages (316 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Although the police Officer Trevizo, had reasonable cause to conduct a frisk on Lemon Johnson, the cause ceased to exist when it emerged that she questioned him on issues unrelated to the traffic violation. This decision was later overturned by the Supreme Court which ruled that Trevizo had done the right thing by seizing, questioning, and conducting a pat-down on Johnson.
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Compare Lyndon Johnson's Great Society with Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 21 , Essay
The Great Society programs of President Lyndon Johnson are similar to the New Deal programs of Franklin Roosevelt, because they both aimed to help the poorest Americans and elevate the quality of their living, through changing the role of national government versus state governments; nevertheless, the New Deal represented a response to the Depression,while the Great Society responded to the prosperity of the U.S.
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Childhood Obesity Other Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Obesity condenses eminence of life, enhances the probability of untimely death, augments the jeopardy for numerous persistent diseases, related to heart such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, other related disorders encompass high cholesterol levels, sleep apnea, overweight resulting in orthopaedic problems, early signs of puberty in obese kids, reduced life expectancy, stroke, enhances the possibilities of witnessing Type 2 diabetes, elevated BMI, cancer, arthritis, metabolic disorders and other related anomalies (US Department of Health and Human Services: The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Obesity).
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A Solution for Tom with Reference to the Directive as the Employment Rights Act 2011 Other Essay
4 pages (1263 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The European Union Law has introduced certain laws as Directives in order to protect the rights of employees working within the country. The UK has implemented the Directive as the Employment Rights Act 2011. According to the Directive, employees have a right to a minimum wage of 10 Euros or 8 pounds. 
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Strategic Marketing Other Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
These stages can be listed as below: (1) Sporadic export: This is the initial stage of internationalization in which, the organization selects an international markets to be explored. In this stage, the firm has no prior information related with the external business environment of the new market.
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The Case of Seung-Hui Cho Other Essay
9 pages (2056 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper presents the case of Seung-Hui Cho, a student at Virginia Tech University who went on a killing spree at the campus in 2007 before taking his own life. The paper provides a brief background description of the Seung case in regard to his family and medical history, as well as the incidences that led to his shooting.
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Statement of Purpose Other Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
My father started farming business with just two cows. Today, our farm manages over three-hundred cows. During my early childhood, South Korea’s economy was favorable. The number of cows on the farm had increased, my father dealt with buyers and sellers more often, and he had hired two workers to help out with the increased workload.
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Emerging Technologies Other Case Study
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
For instance, installation of intelligent building capabilities is a promising technology, but there are various concerns about their suitability. The office of chief information security officer recognizes that this emerging technology has some influence on the working environment of the medical center and addressing these challenges forms a critical role in ensuring successful implementation of this technology in the medical center.
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Business Ethics Other Term Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
According to the present day context, it can be observed that the global organizations significantly implement various strategies with the intention to gain incessant developments in relation to its various functions with due consideration to its organizational norms, structures as well as principles in the global context.
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Human Resource Management Issues Other Term Paper
7 pages (1921 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
HRM covers a wide range of activities that include but are not limited to diversity and equal employment opportunity, job analysis and designing jobs, planning and recruiting of human resources, selection and testing of employees, training, and development of employees, assessing and managing employees' performance.
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Ethical behavior in an organization Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
These sets of self-imposed rules originate from corporate social responsibility of business corporations, but can be extended to any sort of organization. It provides all stakeholders with a clear understanding of the procedures and processes at various levels of the organization.
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Opinion Paper - Business Law Class Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This guarantee is a sign of personal freedom, and also ensures that our private lives are not open to public discussion and prejudice or judgment. It should also protect us from the government, so that it does not interfere with our personal decisions or choices.
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Tell us about 2 activities that is important to you, and why (1 page per activity) Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In line with this notion, the writer wishes to examine the reason behind the intellectual struggle of handling news articles and scrutinizing its contents for possible leads on how life must proceed. In order to be updated with what is going on in the surrounding, most people prefer to pore on a number of newspaper articles; this way, an important thing is being accomplished--be informed on the movement in society (Hartley 38).
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Coriolis Effect Issues Other Essay
2 pages (550 words) , Download 11 , Essay
Coriolis effect then can be considered as one of the driving forces in the weather systems due to its role in ocean circulation, atmospheric circulation, and the formation of different surface actions due to the interaction between the water and the atmosphere (Gabler and others, 2008, p 118). The first influence of the Coriolis effect is related to the ocean.
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Statement of propose to apply for MBA program Other Admission/Application Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Admission/Application Essay
The profession of business always has changing trends and patterns and I try to keep myself updated with the day to day changes in this field. I believe in creativity and this is the reason why I search for opportunities and investments in different forms of industry.
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The Advertising Campaign of Old Spice Other Essay
1 pages (270 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The advertising campaign is slick, well-executed, and avoids cumbersome, obnoxious, and gratuitous CGI. A company that had the good taste to realize that this was funny and well-executed is probably a company with a good product. Mustafa's charm, alongside some of their other spokespersons, seems to indicate that this is a brand that focuses on class and intelligence over infantile masculinity.
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Analysis of David Cole Interviews with Dr. Franciszek Piper Video by David Cole Other Essay
1 pages (391 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It cannot be dispelled that there had been more than one opposing claim that had been propagated and this had been caught on tape. This includes the difference in the claim of the guide, the supervisor, and the museum director Dr. Franciszek Piper himself regarding the ceiling holes and whether or not they have been kept in the original state.
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Is Multiculturalism consistent with liberalism Other Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Since 1945, liberalism has been the most fundamental and political ideology in the Western countries, especially in the English-speaking countries. Significantly, this political philosophy has faced several crucial challenges in the recent years and the most striking challenge among them has been created by what is called ‘multiculturalism’ in general.
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